Dog trays: what are there, how to choose and care?

Many people wonder if a dog tray is needed in a private house or apartment if the dog regularly walks on the street. However, it is not always possible to pay due attention to your pet. In addition, a beloved animal can also become ill. And in this case, the tray will definitely come in handy.
Purpose of a dog tray
If we talk about litter boxes for puppies, then they represent a dog's home toilet, which is located in the apartment. This is a container that can be large or small, besides, it can have bumpers or be without them. Some trays need to be filled with specially purchased fillers, in other cases this is completely unnecessary., since there is a special grate at the bottom. If we talk about the second, then they are also economical - such containers allow you to spend less money on fillers and less time on cleaning.

Those animals that are at home go to the tray on their own. But in order to achieve this, you need to accustom them from a very early age. The tray is needed so that the dog can do his business when he cannot do it on the street for some reason.
- The animal is sick or is just undergoing rehabilitation.
- The owner is ill or is late at work and cannot walk his pet at the proper time.
- The puppy must be vaccinated. He should not be taken outside a few days before, as well as a few days after vaccination.
- The weather is pretty cool outside and the animal can simply freeze and get sick. This is especially true for puppies with short hair.
- The old dog cannot hold back until the walk begins.

Advantages and disadvantages
Of course, puppy trays have both positive and negative sides.
First you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of such devices. First of all, your beloved pet will not be able to get lost in the yard or just fall into a snowdrift. In addition, the dog will not catch a cold, will not cut its legs and will not be able to poison itself with some kind of find. The animal will always look clean and well-groomed.
In any case, the owner will be able to take tests from his ward. In addition, on holidays, you will not need to walk your pet in the early morning, but you can just lie in bed. If the owners want to go to the theater or on a date, the dog will simply wait for their return.

Those animals that are constantly in the house will not be able to enjoy nature and everything that is connected with it. Also, not all family members or guests will like the smell coming from the tray. A dog that is barely walked outside will not be able to properly strengthen its immune system.

There are several varieties of puppy trays that can be designed for both small breeds and large breeds. The manufacturers involved in their manufacture made sure that the trays were quite diverse. Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in more detail with the most common of them.
Post tray
This structure consists of a large or small pallet. Above it there is a lattice, as well as a pillar. With its help, the dog will be able to cope with its need in the usual form for the animal, that is, it can simply lift up its leg and urinate.
Almost all trays are made from non-toxic materials. Therefore, it will be absolutely harmless to both animals and people. But like any device, such a tray needs to be looked after. Once a day, the toilet must be washed and all contents removed.
You should not use detergents when the dog is just beginning to train to the litter box.
This can remove the excrement odor and the puppy will not know where to go.

Collector tray
This construction is quite simple. Its kit includes a container with sides, and a sufficiently strong net that can be easily cleaned. In addition, you can put a rug in the container and fill it with specially purchased filler.
And so that there is no odor in the room that is unpleasant for a person, a special disposable or reusable diaper must be placed under the net, which can be simply thrown away after use.

Tray with absorbent filling
There is a container in such a tray, however, there is no mesh. The selected filler is simply placed in it. Almost all of them perfectly absorb not only liquid, but also unpleasant odors. Changing the litter is easy, just flip the tray and discard it, then rinse it with clean water.
However, these trays have one drawback. Some animals can ingest some inedible items, and litter is no exception. This is especially true for small puppies.
To prevent them from getting poisoned, you need to buy fillers only from natural materials. It is best if they are woody.

Toilet with diaper
Such a tray is most often bought, since dogs very quickly become accustomed to feces on a diaper. However, if earlier the diapers were placed in an ordinary container, today there are special pallets that have special fasteners for such diapers.
This option allows puppies to quickly get used to such a toilet and does not pollute the floor. In addition, there are reusable diapers that you can simply wash. For those who do not have time to wash, disposable diapers can be used. Plus, the trays are easy to clean and odorless.

Grass toilet
This tray is considered multilevel. At the very bottom there is a fairly roomy pallet. It can be either plastic or silicone. In the middle there is a place that does not allow contact between the deck and the pallet. At the very top there is a layer that imitates lawn grass.
The liquid will flow through the grass layer and remain in the container. The tray is large enough. Therefore, cleaning can be done once a week. There is no need to be afraid that the smell will seep into the room, because it is made in such a way that the smell cannot get outside. You can use the tray both outside the room and in the room itself. In addition, such a toilet is not afraid of temperature changes and is very easy to clean.

Closed toilet
Most often they are intended for small dogs. In them, animals will be able to feel calm. These trays come with a wall, and the dog can freely enter and exit them.
When choosing trays for your pet, you need to focus not only on the size of the animal, but also on where they will be placed. In addition, there are dry closets among them. In them, you just need to change a special fluid. In addition, they can be automatic.

Economy trays
Not everyone can buy a special tray for their pet. Therefore, they use simple tools at hand. For example, you can fill a regular bowl or large bowl with sand. Of course, for a puppy, such a "tray" will not be very convenient, because it has too large sides... However, this will keep the sand from spilling out of the pelvis. But this dog's toilet is unpleasant in that it does not absorb odors.
Instead of sand, you can always try to fill in sawdust, which will be able not only to better absorb moisture, but also unpleasant odors.

How to choose?
If we talk about dogs, then for them it does not matter what the tray will be, nor the filler in it. However, this is very important for a person. First you need to take care of the size of the tray. It should not only correspond to the size of the animal, but also be suitable for the room. In addition, many owners choose trays to match the color of the wallpaper or furniture in the room.
If the puppy is very small, then you can purchase a tray that will have low sides. It is also not necessary to buy it with a pillar. Among other things, it is even possible to buy a cat litter box. If the owner is absent at home for a long time, then the toilet must be equipped with a special diaper.
For larger breeds, the litter box should be larger and higher. This way the animal will not feel embarrassed. Particular attention should be paid to the materials from which the tray will be made. Do not take trays made of ordinary plastic. They will not be able to absorb all unpleasant odors well.

If we talk about the choice of filler, then, first of all, your beloved pet should like it. You can choose both mineral and woody. Both have their pros and cons. The first one will perfectly absorb odors, the second one will be pleasant for the dog. It is worth considering in more detail all their advantages and disadvantages.
From wood
Such fillers are specially processed sawdust. After such treatment, they will be able to absorb moisture well enough. They can be made from very different materials, it all depends on the selected wood. But the best among them are sawdust made from coniferous treesas they absorb certain odors better than others. It is best to choose flake sawdust. They will be more convenient and practical.

Such a filler consists of the same sawdust mixed with special chemical elements. Such a filler absorbs odors quite well. However, if only cheap materials are used in it, then it will need to be changed quite often.
Mineral fillers
Many breeders choose such options, because they perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also unpleasant odors, and fight various bacteria. In appearance, they resemble small granules that are soaked through with chemicals.

This is a rather expensive filler, because it contains a special substance, that is, an indicator solution. With its help, it will be possible not only to find out what health problems your beloved pet has, but also to completely solve them. The indicator will completely change color, depending on what kind of urine the animal has.
You can buy it in a special pet store, and in a veterinary pharmacy, as well as order it on the Internet. Its price can be different, depending on the preferences of customers.

How to care for the tray?
But there is one more important rule that must always be followed - this is the care of the tray. There are two ways to do this. The first is to wash the tray completely, the second is to change the filler in it.
As for the first option, this is a rather difficult and not very pleasant way. It should be washed regularly, preferably after each puppy's bowel movement. Not every person will be able to do this, since the smell comes from him is very specific. Only natural, not chemical, products can be used for washing. Baby or laundry soap, which is practically odorless, is perfect. After all, any smell of chemistry can discourage a dog from visiting a purchased tray. Then the dog will do its business somewhere else. And people won't like it at all.

To make life a little easier for themselves, people use fillers or special disposable diapers, which not only neutralize all bacteria, but also absorb all unpleasant odors.
But in addition to changing fillers or diapers, you will also need to wash the pallet itself several times a month.
In addition, the entire tray should be disinfected at least once every 2-3 months to kill any bacteria that may appear.

Tips & Tricks
To quickly train an adult animal to the tray, you need not only endurance, but also patience. This will only work if you follow some of the recommendations of experts. Although dogs are very intelligent animals, it is completely unusual for them to walk out of need in a home. To make the dog understand what the owner requires of him, you need to do the following.
- You can train the puppy by placing a small piece of cloth or a diaper, previously soaked in the puppy's urine, in the place in which the future tray will be located.
- When a small pet relieves its need in a completely different place, it must be gradually weaned from it. This can be done using special means that are used to scare away. In this case, it is necessary to process all the places, avoiding where the tray is located. You can use a vinegar solution or any other agent that is unpleasant for the dog. In this case, the dog will no longer want to go there.
- If the puppy is caught “at the scene of the crime”, he must be immediately taken to the toilet, while raising his voice a little.
- You can use a reward and punish system for your pets. Any wrong behavior of the dog must be censured and in every possible way to show the animal your displeasure. And, conversely, all the puppy's luck must be encouraged. You can use his favorite delicacies for this.
- If all these options and means do not help, and the dog continues to mark the territory, it is necessary to restrict all its movements. It is best to place the dog indoors and put a tray there. When the puppy realizes what is required of him, he must be praised and also given a treat.

Almost all experts recommend walking their pets at least a couple of times a day. This is especially true for fairly large dogs. They usually go to the tray only if they get sick. Otherwise, you will need to clean up mountains of unpleasant feces every day.
In addition, animals quickly get used to the amenities and again it will not be so easy to teach them to walk outside. For disinfection, you should also not use chlorine, otherwise the dog will completely stop walking in the tray.
To summarize, we can say that no matter which tray is chosen, the animal will still need to be accustomed to any of them. Besides, do not neglect the care of the tray, because in the case of severe contamination of the container, the animal may even become infected with some kind of disease... Particular attention should be paid to the size of the litter box, which will depend entirely on the size of the dog.
How to choose a litter box for dogs, see the video below.