Bald dogs: features, best breeds and rules of care

Bald dogs appeared at the dawn of civilization. Even in ancient times, they were found on all continents with a tropical climate, with the exception of Australia. From the material of this article, you will learn what the features of these animals are and what are the nuances of their content. We bring to your attention a brief overview of the representatives of each breed.

According to one of the well-known hypotheses, these dogs lost their fur due to their uselessness, since they lived in a hot tropical climate. The evidence for the hypothesis is the location of the sweat glands throughout the body, which is not the case with their fur-covered counterparts. Their skin is delicate and sensitive and therefore needs special care. She has to be protected from the cold and the sun, she is the weak point of any bald dog.
Often the skin of these animals dries up, weathered and can crack. They cannot walk in the sun for a long time, they have to buy special clothes and shoes for the winter season. Excessive sun can cause burns on the skin of hairless dogs, which is why pets have to purchase special sunscreens. The need to purchase shoes is due to slight injury to the pads of the paws.
A wardrobe for hairless dogs must be completed from natural materials. They may develop an allergic reaction to artificial fibers in clothing and footwear textiles. Allergies in them can appear on literally everything: from the cream with which the master's hands are lubricated to the specks of dust hovering in the room of the dwelling.
Even detergents will have to be selected especially carefully, since the skin can be extremely picky about them.

Representatives of certain breeds of dogs without hair do not have several molars. This complicates oral care and feeding, because they have to not only grind food, but also divide it into small portions. In addition, special attention must be paid to strengthening the jaw apparatus. It is pleasant to pet these animals, they always look neat, although somewhat unusual.
The skin of naked pets is an indicator of health. The better care the owner provides to his pet, the better and more elastic it is. Despite the tendency to allergies, most of these animals have excellent immunity. With timely vaccination and preventive examinations, these pets are not afraid of diseases.

Breed overview
Today, several breeds of dogs are known without hair. Each breed is unique in its own way, differs from others in appearance and character traits.
Chinese Crested
There are various legends about the origin of these dogs. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a graceful appearance... They are graceful, despite their small size, very active and are characterized by light bones. Their body is smooth, hairless, but there is long hair on the head, legs and tail.
Looking at such a dog, it seems that it is skillfully trimmed by a professional groomer. In this case, the type of wool, depending on the variety within the breed, can be veiled. The constitution of these animals is different: deer-like and stocky. The first type is characterized by greater grace, individuals of the second are less mobile.

In general, miniature dogs with a tufted head kind and unobtrusive. They willingly communicate with all family members, are unforgiving, obedient, but cannot stand loneliness. It is curious that the color of the coat in puppies can change as they grow up. The height at the withers of the average breed is 32-33 cm, the weight usually does not exceed 5 kg.
From time to time, dogs with bangs participating in shows need to shave off their muzzle hair. They cut their claws, grind food, buy special clothes. Despite the fact that dogs are considered apartment, they do not waste away without daily walks. Of the minuses of the breed, it can be noted a tendency to hereditary diseases and dislocations of the knee joints.
The disadvantage of ill-mannered Chinese people is excessive curiosity. Due to the fact that dogs can afford to feast on the master's lipstick and lick the perfume bottles, the cosmetics will have to be hidden. The bed for these beauties must be soft.
Otherwise, they will look at the comfortable master's bed, trying by hook or by crook to get into it.

Peruvian bald
These pets are distinguished by a lean physique, they are slim and elegant, but at the same time playful and strong. They are divided into 2 types: completely bald and with fur on their forehead, end of tail and limbs. The Peruvians, who are called the Inca Orchid, kind but stubborn... Their dental formula is incomplete: some representatives of the breed lack from one to all premolars.
The dimensions of naked Peruvians can be small, medium and moderately large, the bones of these dogs are strong. Small individuals of the breed weigh no more than 8 kg with growth at the withers up to 40 cm. Medium-sized brethren are slightly larger: their weight reaches 12 kg with an increase of up to half a meter. A large dog can reach 60 cm in height, it weighs an average of 22-23 kg.
Animals are distinguished by their devotion to their owners, they are affectionate, express their emotions with loud and loud barking. Despite the seeming caution and suspicion, they are devoid of aggression. The color of the representatives of the breed can be black, black-blue, dark chestnut, black-slate, gray and light.
Dogs with a dark color do not suffer from sunbathing as much as their counterparts with a light color.

The Peruvian will demonstrate his affection for a person in all possible ways. Possessing a lightning-fast reaction, if necessary, he will rush to the defense without a shadow of a doubt. In caring for a dog, you need to consider: he sweats, so his skin will have to be constantly wiped with a damp cloth to avoid clogging of pores... Peruvians' skin is especially sensitive; not only acne, but even acne can appear on it.
Dogs of this breed are moderately active, and therefore walks with them should be of average duration. Their skin is smooth and does not have deep folds. When it comes to nutrition, Peruvians are extremely sensitive to modified additives. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of their diet extremely carefully. They should definitely include boiled meat and vegetables in their food.

American hairless terrier
These dogs appeared in the environment of bald fellows relatively recently - in 1972 as a result of a genetic mutation. Their dimensions are on average 40 cm and weigh up to 7 kg. Dogs are considered centenarians: their life resource often reaches 15-16 years. They have a developed chest and a powerful shoulder girdle, as well as a graceful posture.
The skin of Americans is often white with a black muzzle and spots located on the body, it is soft in comparison with other dogs. In this case, the color of animals can be varied. In nurseries, you can buy such animals with a single-color and contrasting color in the form of spots.
In our country, these dogs are quite in demand, and therefore the price for them is high.

By nature, these dogs are cheerful, they are extremely inquisitive and sociable, although outwardly they do not show it. Unlike the Peruvians, who prefer to be nocturnal and sleep in during the day, these creatures are able to adapt to the rhythm of their owners. They prefer masters with a strong core, to whom they are ready to obey unquestioningly. American hairless dogs have a sense of their own dignity, they have a developed intellect, and therefore they do not growl unnecessarily and do not rush into the attack.
According to the degree of activity, they are often compared with children: these pets have more than enough energy, and some owners consider their dogs to be real bullies. Someone considers them tame, because they get along well with all the household and love to tinker with children. Despite the seeming carelessness, dogs are very responsible, and therefore do an excellent job of babysitting... However, the representatives of the breed also have disadvantages.
For example, in addition to the often tormenting gastritis, these dogs know firsthand what frostbite and sunburn are. Their skin is very delicate, it sweats a lot, which leads to irritation and itching of the skin. The nails of these dogs grow slowly: they need to be cut no more than once every 3-4 months. The eyes, on the other hand, are distinguished by a large release of moisture, which is why they are regularly wiped with a cotton swab.

Mexican (Xoloitzcuintle)
A feature of this type is the fact that it includes two types of dogs: completely naked and covered with hair. Moreover, they do not have any physiological differences. Dogs have a fairly proportional and harmonious physique, a developed chest, high-set large ears, long limbs and a tail. The homeland of these dogs is Mexico, which is why they are called Mexicans.
The skin of these animals has its own peculiarity: dogs sweat through the paw pads and interdigital membranes, they do not suffocate. At one time, these animals were eaten, they were bred as an alternative to meat. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the colonialists, these times are in the past: today the Xolo are among the most popular dog species among breeders. They are stocky, somewhat plump, have a balanced disposition and a strong psyche.
Despite the fact that they get along well with other pets, only the owner is the authority for them in the family. The energy of the Mexicans can only be envied: they manage not only to throw out excess energy on their own, but also involve all household members in the games. The guards are bad among them, due to their excessive friendliness.
Even while cautiously watching strangers, they do not allow themselves to bite their teeth and throw themselves at people.

Conventionally, the representatives of the breed can be divided into 3 groups: large, small and moderate in size. The growth of large dogs is from 45 to 60 cm, the average does not exceed 40-45 cm at the withers. Small dogs grow up to 35 cm in height. The smallest manual dogs weigh only 2 kg, the larger ones weigh about 7 kg.
Remarkable is the fact that Mexicans do not smell like dog at all. In addition, they rarely provoke allergies in owners, which makes them suitable even for allergy sufferers. The skin of Mexican hairless dogs is elastic and dense in comparison with other brethren. The basis of the nutritional diet of these animals is protein food.
Pets get along well with everyone, can live in apartments and private houses... However, without soft, warm bedding, they can hurt. In addition, they are afraid of drafts. Another disadvantage of the breed is its weak teeth.
Besides the fact that dogs have an incomplete dental formula, their teeth begin to fall out earlier than representatives of other breeds.

Other species
Besides common breeds, there are several varieties of dogs without hair, which have not yet earned the recognition of dog handlers.
- Manchu nude very similar to its Chinese counterpart. In Manchuria it is called "tai tai", its character and habits are practically the same as that of the Chinese bald dog. She does not smell and is anti-allergenic, is not afraid of fleas.

- Ecuadorian considered one of the rarest hairless dogs. You can meet such an animal in villages located in the African tropics. Its average lifespan is 12 years, while the dog remains energetic and agile for most of its life span.

- African bald today it is considered an endangered species and the progenitor of the Chinese hairless dogs. This animal has a similar skin coloration, but it does not have such long hair on its head and limbs. In addition, his ears are not hanging, but erect, the skin is quite strong, and the physique is not as graceful as that of the Chinese.

In addition to these types, some consider Egyptian and Scottish to be hairless dogs. However, both the pharaohs and the Scots have short hair. In the animal of the Egyptian breed, it is smooth, while the Scotsman is distinguished by the presence of a baldness gene, which can appear after the puppy is 1 month old. Dog handlers do not consider these dogs naked, although balding pets have the same sensitive and weak skin.

How to choose a puppy?
Sometimes choosing a hairless puppy is made difficult by the fact that there are both hairless and coated puppies in the same litter. This fact should not scare a potential buyer, because each breed has its own nuances. For example, Americans are born with short hair, but after a few months they become completely bald.
When choosing a Mexican, you need to consider that the best puppy is the one with short legs, a blunt muzzle and wrinkled skin. Over time, the baby will turn into an elegant dog with a graceful posture and a confident look. A purebred puppy of this breed costs about 60,000 rubles. At the same time, he has a package of necessary documents, which includes a veterinary passport and pedigree.
A colleague without documents will cost about 25,000 rubles. However, you should not count on the fact that he will be purebred, everything will depend on the decency of the seller... You need to choose a baby in the nursery who is active, moderately curious and sociable.
The lethargy of an individual may indicate her poor health or illness.

It is not worth buying a weak puppy, as it may develop diseases, including hereditary ones. A Peruvian purchased for breeding costs around $ 2,000-2,300. The one without documents will cost approximately $ 1000-1200. You need to buy a puppy in a kennel with a proven reputation. Wherein it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the litter: the puppies and mother must be clean and well-groomed, as well as the place where they are kept.
It is necessary to take the baby away from the mother only after he has acquired the skills of primary socialization and the necessary vaccination... Usually a baby is bought when he is about 3 months old. At the time of purchase, you need to carefully examine the baby: he must have the correct bite, but albinism or other defects indicate the inadmissibility of the acquisition.
These dogs are subject to disqualification, they are not allowed to breed and participate in shows.

How to care?
With a philistine look at naked dogs, it sometimes seems that keeping them is much easier than shaggy brethren. It would seem that the absence of wool saves many problems: here the wool will not roll, fall out during shedding, settling all over the house, on furniture and clothes. However, there are still some nuances in caring for them.
Not any oil or cream is suitable for treating their skin. For example, do not try to lubricate the skin with sunflower or olive oil. This can lead to severe sunburn. The cream for them must be nutritious and hypoallergenic.... For example, it can be a baby cream, which is purchased for babies.

Despite the lack of wool, washing too many hairless dogs is not recommended. Frequent washing leads to dryness of the skin. In view of this, the skin begins not only to peel off, but also itch, giving the dog tremendous discomfort. You need to bathe the animal no more than once a month, since with more frequent water procedures, the pores will begin to work more actively.
However, if the pet has returned from a walk after the rain, having skated fairly on the wet and dirty grass, then bathing is indispensable. The paws will have to be washed after each walk, examining them for microcracks or scratches. If they are found, they must be processed so as not to infect. After a walk, the skin must be examined: hairless dogs are a space for ticks.
For bathing, hypoallergenic detergents are used. The ones that people use are not good for them. Using a lot of shampoo or gel is undesirable as it dries out the dog's skin. The cream should be applied to it with gentle massage movements, and in moderation and not daily, as this clogs the pores.

You need to take the dog for a walk at least twice a day. In this case, it is better to walk the animal at the same hours in the morning and in the evening. In hot weather, this is especially true, since the midday sun is especially detrimental to the skin of hairless dogs. In the winter season, the duration of walks must be shortened so as not to freeze the pet.
Clothing should be of high quality and natural also because synthetics do not warm the body.

As for the diet, its type will depend on the preferences of the owner. It can be both ready-made industrial feed and natural food. However, no matter what is chosen as the basis, these dogs should not be given rough food. In this case, the size of the portion is of great importance. For example, if it is meat, it must be chopped in a meat grinder. It is better to soak the granules so that the dog's teeth do not fall out prematurely.
If you choose to feed the dog with granulated food, it is important to choose the correct size of the granules, as the larger ones are harder for canine teeth. You need to buy one type or another taking into account the age of the pet, its degree of activity and size, because products for dogs are not universal. In addition, you need food for dogs without hair. premium or holistic.
However, in order for the load on the jaws to be, some dogs of the considered breeds it is necessary to give veins. Also in their nutritious diet should certainly be cereals and vegetables. If dogs are fed "natural", vitamin complexes must be added to it.
It is important to consider that food should not be monotonous: it is harmful to the digestive system.

Regarding vegetables, it is worth noting that hairless dogs often love them more than meat, which seems surprising. You need to feed pets more often than regular counterparts, but in reduced portions. They eat longer, chewing food with their teeth. There should be no bones in their diet.
The dosage of dry food can be viewed on the package. For the convenience of feeding, you can purchase a special electronic-type bowl with several compartments that open at a given time. These bowls are especially convenient for puppies and dogs who don't know when to eat. In order not to get lost in time, after eating, the bowl with the leftovers must be removed. The puppy is fed more often, and in small portions, an adult dog is fed no more than twice a day.
The amount of feed is calculated based on the age and weight of the pet. If it is "drying", it is concentrated, which means that its volume should be less than "natural". Regardless of the number of feedings, the dog should always have a bowl of fresh water in the open. This is especially important when she is fed pelleted food.
You cannot mix dry food and natural food: you need to choose one thing.

Any hairless dog should have its own bedding. Moreover, taking into account the absence of wool, it can be soft and thick, with or without sides. It can also be an option in the form of a house. Cannot be used instead of bedding oilcloths, because lying on them, an animal without wool can catch a cold. The bedding helps the dogs to understand their place and get rid of attempts to reclaim the master's furniture.

You need to walk the dog every day. Clothes for the animal must be bought according to the season, so that it is not too hot or, on the contrary, cold. These can be overalls and sweaters. Shoes are an obligatory element of equipment, they also differ in the degree of density and are designed for walks at different times of the year.
It is also necessary as protection of paws from reagents that are sprinkled on sidewalks to get rid of snow. If, after walking on the paws, cracks or damage are noticed, the paws are wiped, and then treated with an antiseptic. No cosmetics can be applied to the wounds; if necessary, the dogs are taken to the veterinarian for an appointment.
Active walks contribute to strengthening canine immunity. Without them, the dog weakens noticeably. As for protecting the skin from the cold, then you need to apply the cream on it long before you plan to walk.
On a walk, it is necessary to allow the pet not only to walk alongside, but also to run, splashing out unspent energy. You can run with your pet, play with it, train it in a playful way.

You will learn more about the Xoloitzcuintle dog breed in the following video.