All About Little Fluffy Dogs

Small decorative dogs, undoubtedly, belong to the most demanded category of doggies. Their size makes it possible to keep such pets in rather modest conditions in terms of area. And both children and the elderly can cope with them. The peculiarities of the character of such babies allow them to raise the best and loyal friends from them, burning with immense love for their master.

Small fluffy dogs belong to the class of indoor and decorative breeds. They are often also called companion dogs.
The history of their origin goes back to ancient times. Little fuzzies were often present in paintings depicting duchesses and other noble persons. Often they were depicted sitting on the knees of their owners, for which they received the nickname "knee". They were taken out for a specific purpose - for the entertainment of their owners.
In ancient times, only wealthy, noble persons could afford such a "toy".
The presence of a decorative dog testified to the high status of a person. Fluffy babies everywhere accompanied their owners, inseparably following them. There is an opinion that dogs "lured away" fleas that overpowered their owners.

The most ancient decorative dog breed is recognized Pekingese. The Chinese emperors had just such dogs and no one else was allowed to have a similar breed. However, not only for the sake of entertainment such small dogs were bred. There was also a concrete practical sense in this. So, hunting breeds were reduced for catching small rodents. And miniature copies of guard dogs were taken out to facilitate their maintenance.

Currently, decorative pussies are selected according to 2 characteristics:
- attractive exterior, that is, appearance;
- kind, affectionate character;
In such dogs, hunting instincts, aggressiveness, and harshness of character are deliberately suppressed. They are required to have affection for their owner and emotional openness. And also the availability of upbringing, because their behavior must comply with certain social norms. They should easily get along with humans and behave adequately in relation to other dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages
Long-haired decorative pets definitely bring a lot of emotions and impressions into the life of their owners. But it is worth noting that along with the indisputable positive aspects, such breeds also have their drawbacks.

- The indisputable advantage of small fluffies is their miniature size. Such a kid has a place to roam even in a small apartment. In addition, the dogs are easy to transport to their destination in a bag or even in hand. On the street or in a store, you can often find, for example, a lady with a dog under her arm.
- A small long-haired miracle always looks touching. Its long coat makes it look even more beautiful. Indeed, with such a luxurious head of hair, any haircuts and various decor in the form of elastic bands, hairpins, etc. are subject to.
- Such babies are especially cold in the cold season, even wool does not save them. Therefore, when going outside, and sometimes even at home, they are dressed in special clothes designed for dogs. This is a wide field of activity for housewives who love to sew and generate ideas. They are free to come up with a wide variety of outfits for their pet, making their fantasies come true.
- If you take into account the practical side of the issue, then these dogs are easier to care for. Even low-powered people, children and the elderly can cope with them, because their weight reaches a maximum of 10 kg, but most often they weigh up to 3 kg. Agree, it is much easier to cope with such a crumb (to redeem it, feed it, take it for a walk) than with a dog under 30-50 kg.
- Small dog breeds are distinguished by longevity. On average, they live up to 15 years.
- But the main plus of small fluffy dogs is their character. Of course, there are specimens with a bad temper, aggressive and arrogant. But most of them are cute, playful creatures, very smart and quick-witted. And most importantly, dogs are devoted to their master and adore him immensely.

- On the downside, small fluffy breeds of dogs are credited with their coat, which requires special care. It should be brushed every day. This is to prevent tangling. To do this, the owners must have special brushes in the arsenal so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the pet.
- Long hair is an excellent shelter for parasites. Fleas, ticks and other abominations attack dogs. The problem isn't just the discomfort they cause. Also, these insects are carriers of pathogens of some diseases. Therefore, you should periodically inspect the coat of your pet, especially when returning from the street, at the time of the presence of parasites.
- To care for the fur of fluffy babies, you need special products: oils, shampoos, conditioners. Owners of such pets should be prepared for a systematic visit to dog salons in order to model their pet's hairstyle.
- Another concern is the incompatibility of a high-spirited and agile character with small dimensions. Nimble kids manage to crawl everywhere, which is fraught with injuries, especially for their delicate musculoskeletal system.
- Artificially bred little fluffy creatures lack natural immunity. Therefore, with errors in care, they are exposed to the development of various diseases. Urolithiasis, epilepsy, allergic conditions, dermatitis, indigestion - this is the minimum list of ailments that often kill fluffy babies.

Despite certain disadvantages of small long-haired dogs, with proper care, they are easily smoothed out. And numerous advantages make these breeds the most popular and attractive for breeders.

The small fluffy dog group includes many breeds, each of which is unique. Let's consider some of the most popular types.
Yorkshire Terrier
The undisputed leader on our list. Recently, these dogs have gained particular popularity. Perhaps this is due to their nature.
These hairy babies are distinguished by a lively mind, curiosity and fearlessness. They, without hesitation, rush to protect their beloved master.
The coat of these dogs is shiny, with a silky sheen. There is a gradation of the breed in terms of size. Among the representatives, there are super-mini, mini and standard individuals. Their weight ranges from 1 to 3 kg. Yorkies are very fond of children.

Who doesn't know these shaggy pussies? They are given out by a flattened muzzle and long hair. The breed is peculiar, requiring attention and a special approach. With the right upbringing, you can raise smart, loyal, benevolent dogs.

It is called Pomeranian by the name of the area in Germany - Pomerania. This predominantly ginger breed of dog with an upright coat resembles a plush ball, which causes incredible delight, especially among children.
Spitz are very artistic natures. They are easy to train.
Often they perform in the circus, as they are easily given acrobatic numbers. Spitz are recognized as one of the smartest breeds in the world.

Lyon Bichon
A dog with very long hair, cut in a special way. It is left only on the neck and head in the form of a mane, as well as on the tip of the tail and the lower part of the legs. The doggie becomes like the king of beasts.

The name of the dog is associated with the word of French origin papillon, which means "butterfly". Her ears with long flowing hair really resemble the wings of this insect. Very smart, active, cheerful dog.
Its white coat with colored spots requires the use of specialized bathing products that do not leave a yellow coating on it.

Shih tzu
Another long-haired dog breed bred in Tibet. In ancient times, it was owned by the family of the emperor of China. Ordinary people were forbidden to have such a breed.
Now it is one of the most expensive miniature dogs.
Her features are possible arrogance and pride in character. These furry creatures are hard to endure loneliness. They are loyal to their master. Dogs are brave and affectionate.

How to choose?
- Before you get a long-haired small dog, adequately assess your capabilities. It must be understood that breeds of this class cannot be without people for a long time. They are very attached to their master and follow on his heels.
- If you finally decide to get a shaggy friend, you should decide on the breed. Study carefully the characteristics of your chosen species. You will not believe how the breeds differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in character, behavior, and preferences.
- Next, you need to decide who you need: a pet or a show dog, shining in the future at all exhibitions. The price of the animal depends on this. If an ordinary puppy costs an average of 20-25 thousand rubles, then a purebred show dog will cost about 1000 euros.
- If you decide to purchase a show puppy, you need to be very responsible about this choice. This category implies the absolute absence of developmental defects in the baby. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy a dog at a tiny age, because in this case it is very difficult to determine if it has any physical disabilities. Having taken a puppy from a breeder for several weeks, no one will give a guarantee that in an older age he will not show defects.

Better to get an older puppy. However, the older the dog, the higher the price. Before buying a purebred puppy, thoroughly study its features. You should understand what this breed looks like ideally. For this purpose, you can visit exhibitions or work with the Internet.

Basic rules of content
Long-haired little dogs are very gentle creatures. They need to be surrounded with warmth and care, attention and love. And then it will be very comfortable for them to exist side by side with you.

The first thing that requires attention in caring for such a pet is his food. Human food is not suitable for long-haired babies. The exceptions are some fruits, low-fat cottage cheese and dried bread.
It is strictly forbidden to give fatty, salty, smoked food and sweets to dogs.
Their menu should consist of specialized meals. As a rule, dry food is most suitable for them. But for each breed, its own type of feed is suitable. Be sure to add vitamin and mineral complexes to the main food of your pet. They will compensate for the deficiency of nutritional components, which will immediately affect the animal's coat. It will become silky smooth.

Your pet must have its own corner in the house. But remember that even despite their long coat, they do not tolerate low temperatures and hypothermia. Equip your dog with a comfortable place, small, cozy, protected from drafts, where he can retire, relax and rest.

Get used to controlling your movements. You may not even notice how the nimble creature will be under your feet. It is important not to injure the baby.

A very important point is the education of your dog. You can make her an intelligent and quick-witted new family member if you practice diligently with her. Everything here is like with a small child: you need to explain to the baby what is good and what is bad. The dog should perceive you as a master and leader, not a soft-bodied individual from which to twist ropes.
Raising dogs must be done from a very young age. It is very difficult to wean an adult animal from an ingrained habit.

Do not deny the kid in games and affection. Dogs are very fond of attention and need it constantly. By the way, toys for these kids play a significant role. They just adore different tweeters, tarahtels, balls and are always waiting for something new.
In general, raising small dogs requires a harmonious fusion of rigor and tenderness. Then you will get a great friend, cheerful, lively, amusing, giving you a whole range of positive emotions.

Little fluffy dogs are perfect for the role of pets. Preferring to be among people, distinguished by liveliness and cheerfulness, they bring a lot of joyful vanity and positive energy into the lives of their owners. But their miniature size does not mean that they require a minimum of care. Companion dogs cannot live without human attention and require a special, delicate approach.

In the next video you can watch a tiny Pomeranian puppy.