Puppy and adult dog metric: what is it and how to fill it in?

When buying a thoroughbred puppy, every owner wants to be sure of his purebredity. Even if the baby looks according to the outward appearance of the declared breed, this cannot be a reliable guarantor, because after a while the features of a hybrid or developmental defects can appear.
The complete well-being of the puppy in terms of breed and health is guaranteed by the metric or puppy. This is the official document confirming the dog's breed.

A puppy's metric is the equivalent of a person's birth certificate. But you can get it only if the dog is purchased in a dog club or in a kennel, that is, in an official organization.
When a pet is taken, as they say, from the hands, of course, no one will provide you with such a document.
The puppy card is a document consisting of 2 parts: main sheet and tear-off coupon. The information is the same there and there, that is, it is duplicated. This is necessary in order to exchange the tear-off coupon in the future - to obtain other documents for the dog.

Mandatory data that is indicated in the puppy:
- information about the kennel or club where the dog is purchased: address, contact details;
- the breed of the puppy, its color and brand;
- gender, puppy name;
- nicknames and brands of parents;
- information about the breeder and owner of the dog;
- whether the puppy was rejected, the reason must be indicated;
- information about the revision: it is possible that the issuance of the metric to this puppy was postponed due to temporary developmental defects that can be corrected over time (such as, for example, bite), the card indicates the date of revision, on the basis of which the document can be issued in the future.
The metric must be certified by the signatures of the breeder and the head of the cynological club, as well as the seal of the RKF - Russian Cynological Federation.
Completed in 2 languages: Russian and English. Data is entered not manually, but typed on a computer.

This format is universal for all breeds. The metric does not indicate the cost of the dog, the price of mating, do not attach a photo. The breeder is obliged to issue such a card for all puppies from the litter. It is not issued to babies who have obvious deformities. The breeder receives an already completed form in his hands. The organization has no right to give him a blank form. If for any reason the card has been lost, it will not be difficult to renew it. To do this, you need to contact the breeder or directly to the organization that issued the document.
It is worth noting that there are times when buying a dog for its metric requires an additional payment. This is fundamentally wrong and even illegal, since its price is included in the cost of your future pet.

Terms of issue
All the trouble of getting a puppy card falls on the shoulders of the breeder, but not the owner. He buys a puppy with a ready-made, correctly filled metric. Making it out, you must comply with the mandatory points. Even before the mating of dogs, as a result of which puppies are born, requiring a metric, the breeder submits an application to the club for mating. The club provides written consent. The parents-to-be undergo a tribal examination, documented. And only after this procedure is it allowed to knit dogs.
If this formality has not been observed, no metrics will be issued to the puppies.
After mating, the owner of the male informs the club that it has taken place.

What is needed to get the metric:
- written permission for mating;
- pedigree cards of the father and mother of puppies;
- maternal litter record card;
- application for registration of a puppy;
- litter activation: examination of puppies and establishment of their compliance for registration (activation is carried out in the club).
If all formalities have been met, then a metric is drawn up for each baby in the litter. After that, the club issues a stigma to everyone. Then the breeder is obliged to fix it on the ear or belly of the dog. Upon completion of all procedures, he pays a fee at the club and receives documents for each approved puppy.
The owner is recommended to check the correctness of filling out the cards immediately upon receipt.

There are 2 organizations that have the right to give permission for the issuance of metrics: these are RKF and SCOR (Union of Cynological Associations of Russia).
- RKF Is an internationally recognized organization, its documents are valid anywhere in the world. But the selection here is very careful and scrupulous. However, this metric is most appreciated among dog breeders.
- SCOR Is the Russian community. And its influence extends exclusively to the CIS countries. The procedure for obtaining documents in this organization is much easier than in the RKF.

Registration of the metric is a troublesome business, but if all the requirements are met, the application will be satisfied. But there are also dog breeders who want to make the procedure easier for themselves. To do this, they simply forge a document.
To avoid becoming a victim of fraudsters, you can easily check the authenticity of the card. For example, contact the kennel indicated in the metric and find out if they have such a puppy registered. Or check a puppy's brand against the database to determine its parents.

Further fate
The metric is the first document of an animal confirming its belonging to the breed. It allows the dog to participate in exhibitions and shows, but does not give the right to breeding. To obtain a mating permit, the metric must be exchanged for a pedigree without fail.
The puppy card is a true mark of a puppy's quality. Dogs with such a document will not raise doubts about their purebredity.
Such paper gives a 100% guarantee of the breed, not only of the baby, but also of his parents. And if this document is drawn up by the breeder himself, then the owner of the pet is already exchanging it for a pedigree. But if the owner does not want to bother himself with such formalities, then he can do it through the breeder, paying for his services.

You can change a puppy's birth certificate for a passport from 6 months. But this must be done before 1 year and 3 months. Otherwise, you will either have to provide a valid explanation for the delay or pay a fine.
After 15 months, the pedigree is the main document of your pet. Only on its basis, he now has the right to participate in competitions and breeding.
To change the metric to pedigree, you need to contact to the Federation Kennel Club. It is located at: Moscow, st. Hotel, house 9. Naturally, it is not convenient for every resident of Russia to come personally to their destination. That's why the option of sending the required document by mail is possible. A tear-off coupon of the card is sent to the RKF, and the main sheet remains with the owner.

A metric is an official document of a dog, confirming its origin and providing an opportunity to transfer its quality mark to its offspring. Its issuance strictly regulated and subject to record. She happens to be a necessary companion for dogs who are destined for a "modeling career", as well as those who need a pedigree.

In the next video, you will learn about what types of pedigrees exist, what should be indicated in the puppy's metric, and how the metric is replaced with a pedigree.