Accessories for dogs

Bowls for dogs: how to choose and where to place?

Bowls for dogs: how to choose and where to place?
  1. Primary requirements
  3. Manufacturing materials
  4. How to choose?
  5. Where is it better to place?
  6. Additional attributes

Any dog ​​breeder tries to make sure that his pet has all the best. This applies not only to the sunbed and walking equipment, but also to tableware. Despite the fact that choosing a bowl seems like a simple matter, it has a number of its own characteristics. Let's take a look at what dog bowls should be, and what are the key criteria for their selection and placement.

Primary requirements

The opinion that the only important selection criterion is size is wrong. Despite the fact that dimensions are important, there are other nuances that a dog owner needs to know before buying dishes for his pet. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to such points as the type, the height of the sides, the material of manufacture, the shape of the product, the type of operation, the degree of convenience and reliability. And in each case, you have to select a product taking into account the characteristics of a particular dog.

For example, options for large dogs will be suitable to accommodate the required amount of food in portions... If the pet is being fed pellets, the bowl may be smaller because pellets are concentrated foods. In comparison with natural food, its volume is less, although the saturation is the same. As for the container for water, it has its own requirements.

These bowls should not be too shallow as liquid should not spill out. You cannot make a dog feeder from an ordinary plate or saucer, as well as buy ordinary dishes for a dog. Much also depends on the age of the animal. For example, feeding puppies requires fewer dishes because it is physically difficult for babies to eat from bowls for adult dogs. For individuals of large breeds, container sizes will be separate. They have higher sides, they are large and are designed for pets of specific breeds. Given the fact that a dog can easily not calculate his strength and turn the plate over, these dogs should not take double versions, in which containers for food and liquid are connected on the same platform.

Regardless of the size of the dog, the product must be stable, and therefore the breeder needs to pay attention to the material of manufacture. If this is a marching option for a decorative dog, the container for feeding or drinking should be closed, or even completely automated, which is most appreciated on the road.

Dogs that take part in exhibitions try to buy options of a modern type that emphasize the status of the animal and add many advantages to the piggy bank of its owner's bonuses.

Their owners often pay special attention to colors and packaging design. Someone is trying to pick up a bowl so that it fits into the interior of the room where the pet is fed. So the dishes do not stand out against the general background of the interior, and therefore do not create visual clutter. But when choosing a color scheme, the breeder always pays attention to the degree of convenience of the dishes for the dog.

Also when buying a dog feeder it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the number of containers, because the dishes can be used not only at home... Often, dog breeders have to purchase travel bowls, which are great for feeding pets in unusual situations. For example, such situations include exhibitions, hiking, travel, trips to the sea or somewhere else. At the same time, they have their own requirements for such products. For example, the travel-type options should be comfortable on the road, compact and mobile. They must exclude spillage of liquid or spillage of granulated feed. In fact, they are somewhat comparable to baby pacifiers, which are comfortable on the road, modern, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.


Today, dog dishes can be classified according to the type of design. Based on this, a feeding container can mean standard products and automatic feeders, without and with stands, interactive, conventional and hanging, wall-mounted, with a structural link and a wide bottom, with a dispenser (limiter), timer and folding, portable. Many options have been invented today, which significantly increases the opportunities for buyers to purchase the best product for their pet.

For example, some breeders like the regular wide-bottomed products that do not roll over, and the slow-eating options. Others prefer to purchase counterparts on a stand, which often include two bowls. Depending on the design features, it can be adjustable in height, which is important for large dogs.

These products are durable, although, depending on the material of manufacture, they are not always convenient for washing.

A double bowl is found in any pet store, but products of this type are suitable only for small dogs due to their size. The analogs from the holders are specially designed for cages. These dishes are bought by the owners of the exhibition animals, they fasten them to the wall of the cage, and therefore the bowls do not turn over or overturn, no matter how the dog handles them. The sippy is used for water, they buy it for sloppy pets in food. In addition, this product is well suited for travel where the pet needs to be fed on the move. Interactive models with a timer are good for puppies, each compartment closes after a set time.Foldable options are good on the road, they instantly allow a flat plate to give high sides.

The sombrero is suitable for puppies who step on or sleep in food. This is a feeding option for large litters, allowing all puppies to be fed at once. Automatic products run on time and are good for dieting dogs. They are used when you need to train your puppy to eat at certain times of the day.

Manufacturing materials

Today, different raw materials are used in the production of bowls for dogs, which affects the performance of the finished product, its quality and cost. For example, on the counters of pet stores today you can see bowls:

  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • silicone;
  • plastic.

Worst of all is the plastic container for animal feeding. In addition to its low cost, it has no other advantages. It is short-lived, quickly loses its aesthetic appeal, and is not resistant to teeth and mechanical damage. In addition, it not only absorbs odors, but also releases harmful toxins if there is hot food inside and waiting to cool down.

Ceramic dishes are safe and stable, and therefore no weighting materials need to be selected for such a bowl. It does not slip on the floor, is easy to clean and does not absorb foreign odors. However, this material is fragile, which, coupled with the high cost of the finished product, is its significant drawback. As for wooden products, they cannot be called convenient for daily use. Wood is more often used as supports and mounts for the bowls themselves.

Silicone or nylon options are great for feeding the animal when moving or when visiting. However, these bowls can only be used for dry food, and therefore it is pointless to take them for everyday use. In contrast, metal cookware, which includes iron, aluminum and steel options, is gaining popularity among dog owners.

These products do not break, they are easy to clean and do not retain odors.

How to choose?

Having gone to a specialized store for a dog's bowl, the breeder will be faced with the fact that the seller will offer him to take not one, but several products. This is not an attempt to impose as many goods as possible, but a necessity. For example, few people thought about the fact that one bowl is simply not enough for an animal. Ideally, the dog should have three containers: for dry food, liquid food, dairy products. In addition, it is preferable to take care of purchasing a spare bowl.

If the owners often leave the dog alone, he should buy a drinker. So the animal will have constant access to water. At the same time, the product should not slide on the floor, which is why it is better to buy a weighted container. So the dog will not be able to turn it over, and therefore all the contents will not crumble or spill on the floor. It is impossible not to take into account the degree of convenience of dishwashing. It is important that it is smooth both inside and out. In addition to the ease of washing, it is also convenient for the pet, because he does not have to lick food in hard-to-reach places.

In addition, the sharp edges of the bowl or other protrusions will not injure your dog.

The shape can be different: round, oval, rectangular, square. You need to choose a product with rounded edges so that the animal does not cling to them either with its body, muzzle or tongue. Experienced breeders note that the trapezoidal shape is considered the best: it is both more stable and more convenient for the dog itself. As for the double options, which seem convenient to inexperienced breeders in everyday life, it is impractical to take them. Although they are easier to wash, they are inconvenient for the dog. During a meal, the contents of one compartment may fall into another. If this is dry food, then not every pet gets it out of the water when it is swollen.In addition, food in such a container deteriorates faster, because in order to wash the container, it must be empty in two compartments.

The puppy will have to buy several bowls, but it is better to do this gradually, focusing on the type of specific breed. The fact is that all dogs grow in different ways, and therefore for one pet the difference between the sizes of the plates will be small, but for another it may seem huge (for example, when comparing a mini-spitz and a Tibetan mastiff). It is difficult for a huge dog to eat from a flat plate, while a small dog cannot get to a large dog trough.

When buying, you can focus on the volume of feed: as a rule, the volume of a portion should not exceed half of the total volume of the bowl. So the owner will be able to prevent the pet from scattering food while eating, which is typical for many impatient animals. Also, the water container is selected with a margin so that the dog is comfortable to drink it.

As for the material of manufacture, there are also some nuances here. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, and therefore smells are of particular importance to them. Among the canine family, there are often animals that refuse food because of the unpleasant smell of the bowl itself.

In addition to the fact that the pet may not like the smell of container dyes, the material of manufacture must be resistant to dog teeth, because some individuals often allow themselves to chew on the bowl.

When buying, you can take into account the following nuances:

  • flat bowls are not suitable for everyday use;
  • short-faced pets need shallow bowls (options with low sides);
  • representatives of breeds with elongated muzzles need dishes with high edges;
  • bearded animals with drooping ears need tall but narrow bowls shaped like a cut cone.

Round dishes are more convenient to wash than others, in addition, they are more practical due to the lack of corners. These products are great for dogs who like to scrub the corners of their bowls of leftover food. When it comes to electronics, large dogs often disagree with the dosage of food, and therefore can chew on such products.

Where is it better to place?

The placement of the bowl matters to the animal itself. It should be placed in a clean place where it will be easy to remove the effects of feeding. It is impossible for the owner's clothing or shoes to be located nearby. Ideally, the room should be well lit. Therefore, the best place to place dog dishes will be the kitchen.

If the kitchenette is small and there is simply not enough space for the dog's dishes, it is worth choosing another place. Depending on the characteristics of a particular dwelling, this can be a hall or another room where the owner can easily clean up the leftovers of food or splashed liquid behind the dog. However, under no circumstances is it allowed to put food in the nursery, bathroom, toilet or hallway.

In addition, if there is no room in the kitchen for a bowl, you should take care of buying a model on a lift, which differs from other analogues in the pet's lesser ability to litter.

Additional attributes

Few thought that a feeding bowl could be supplemented with a rug or diaper. These accessories are essential for small puppies and sloppy dogs. They help to keep the feeding area clean. Besides, separate rugs prevent the dog from carrying the bowl around the room... And this allows you to protect the flooring from premature abrasion. Another accessory can be a tripod under the bowl. Such adaptations are needed when feeding large breed dogs. You can buy edible toys for dogs. They will act as a catalyst for attracting the dog to a specific bowl.

When buying them, you need to pay attention to the size so that the toy fits completely inside the container. Animals can tinker with such objects for a long time. Moreover, the taste, texture and shape of an object can be very different. If the pet is given such toys, the correct bite is formed, and the teeth become strong and healthy.

For information on how to choose the right bowl for your dog, see the next video.

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