Moody: characteristics of the breed of dogs, features of caring for them

Mudi dogs are herding dogs that appeared in the 17th century in Hungary. They are considered excellent shepherds and watchmen, and today they often act as rescuers. Pets of this breed have considerable advantages, which will be discussed in this article.

Origin story
Moodies have been used as shepherds for several centuries. The breed has rather ancient roots, which, according to various sources, date back to the 15th or 17th century - it is not possible to determine the time of its appearance more precisely. In information sources, dogs with curly hair and pointed ears have been mentioned since ancient times - then they were called "bullets". According to some estimates, similar animals lived in Croatia as early as the XIV century.
The mudi got their name only in the 30s of the last century, but up to the present moment these animals are increasingly called "dog-driver". Scientists believe that Spitz-like dogs, as well as German sheep poodles and Croatian shepherd dogs, took an active part in the formation of the breed. The final description of the breed was drawn up only in the 90s of the XIX century, and the official standard was approved in 1936.

However, during the Second World War, the dogs were on the verge of extinction - at that time there were almost no purebred individuals left, therefore, in order to expand the gene pool, it was decided to reduce the remaining mudi to the Border Collie and the Belgian Shepherd Dog. Thus, by 1966, the standard for dogs was changed, and, in accordance with the new rules, animals could have a very different color: ash, brown, as well as chocolate, black or honey.
Nowadays, dogs remain working, this is a favorite breed of hunters, you can even go out with wild boars with them. In addition, like their distant ancestors, modern mudis superbly graze herds of goats, cows and sheep in the countryside. It is known that some representatives of these animals even serve in the police - they have a truly unique sense of smell, therefore they are often used to detect drugs, some mudis are specially trained to participate in search and rescue operations.
In short, the mudi is a very versatile and multifaceted breed.

In accordance with accepted standards, a dog of this breed must have the following physical characteristics.
- The growth of males at the withers is 45-47 cm, females are smaller in comparison with males.
- The sternum is voluminous, deep, reaching to the elbows. The back is straight, rather short. In the direction from the tail to the withers, it begins to rise.
- The muzzle is straight, while the skull is slightly elongated.
- The eyes are dark brown in color, oval in shape, the look is meaningful and very expressive.
- The nose is slightly pointed, the ears are triangular and stand like a German shepherd.
- The tail of the mudi is small, drooping. At the request of the breeder, it can be docked by one and a half to two fingers.
- Paws are compact, rounded. Claws are usually black or dark gray in color, some individuals have dewclaws - such animals are not allowed to breed.

The coat is soft, rather thick, the undercoat is also thick. The peculiarity of the breed is that the hairs are folded into curls. Thus, the skin appears wavy. Several types of colors are allowed:
- black;
- ashen;
- Brown.
Blue-merle colors are possible - in this case, the main background is bluish-gray, and dark stripes, specks and marks are scattered over the entire surface.
But whitish spots with a diameter of more than 5 cm on the chest, as well as white marks on the limbs are undesirable, although they are not considered a serious defect. There is no pure white color.

Disqualifying features include:
- a spotted, fleshly or brown nose in animals of yellow or black color;
- missing one or more teeth;
- protrusion of the lower jaw beyond the upper and vice versa;
- the iris is light brown in black individuals;
- not sharp, but drooping ears;
- total white coat color, as well as black and tan color with brown and yellow inclusions;
- inconsistency with the growth standards of the dog.

Moodies are cute, decisive and desperate dogs, they really do not like strangers: in most cases they bark violently at them, and may even bite if an outsider provokes them, teases or abruptly runs away. At the same time, the animal is quite hardworking and energetic, these are impetuous and nimble dogs.
It is noteworthy that they choose only one person, treat him with sincere devotion and affection., for everyone else, they have only polite respect. In this regard, it is important for the owner to convey to the pet how to behave with their household members. The dog loves movement, so if you do not educate it from early childhood, then it is quite capable of spoiling things in the house. Most often, small puppies are prone to such hooliganism, but constant supervision is also required for an adult dog.

Mudi can have different relationships with other pets. With shepherds and some other dogs, this animal is likely to find a common language, but it will be more difficult to achieve mutual understanding with cats, while rodents can even become an object of hunting for a dog, although the education of the mudi and the peculiarities of his temperament play a great role here.
In general, dogs are quite peaceful and do not show aggression for no reason.

Conditions of detention
To prevent your pet from encroaching on furniture and other household utensils, he needs to be given the opportunity to move a lot.Best of all, such a dog lives in a private house with a large garden plot, where it can run freely all day. But if this is not possible, then you should walk the dog at least twice a day, and the walk should last at least two hours. If a person is a homebody or a workaholic who disappears at work all day long, then such a dog will not suit him. It is best to acquire a similar breed as a companion to a hunter or sportsman., then the four-legged friend will be able to accompany its owner on morning runs and workouts.
These pets, like no others, especially need games and active activities.

What to feed?
As for feeding, the mudi is a rather unpretentious animal. However, there are basic rules that must be followed. If you want your dog to fully grow and develop, remain active, be cheerful and cheerful, then you should adhere to certain recommendations.
Even if the dog is in excellent health, you should not give it food from your table. The fact is that in humans and animals, organisms are arranged differently, and homemade dishes often cause digestive disorders and indigestion in a pet. It is not allowed to include fatty, salty, pickled and fried foods, as well as sweets and pastries in the diet. It is necessary to feed an adult dog 1-2 times a day, at a strictly defined time.
To calculate the volume of the portion, an experiment is carried out: they put food to the dog in a bowl, wait 20-30 minutes, and then discard what the dog has not eaten. The next day, you can give a portion of a smaller volume.

When feeding mudi puppies, initially you need to adhere to the breeder's diet, gradually transferring the baby to the type of animal feeding accepted in your home. It is best to use dry food: it has a balanced composition, contains all the necessary micro and macro elements, enriched with vitamins, amino acids and proteins.
When choosing dry food, give preference to premium and super-premium products - such food is made only from high quality meat and does not contain any dyes or preservatives.
Eating cheap, widely advertised feed is unsafe for animals: it often includes waste from the meat processing industry, contains many plant-based protein sources, and includes flavors and other artificial additives.

If your dog is eating dry food, it is very important that he has constant access to a drinking bowl with water. The fact is that wet food consists of 60-70% moisture, while dry food does not contain it, so the animal must receive it from the outside. If you limit the use of water, this will invariably lead to the development of pathological processes in the body.
If you are a supporter of natural feeding, then keep in mind that the dog's diet should consist of 70% meat, and of high quality: beef, veal, rabbit, chicken or turkey meat, occasional use of offal - liver and heart is allowed. The remaining 30% are cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat and rice are best absorbed by the body, and corn and wheat are very poorly digested, creating heaviness in the digestive organs of the animal. Vegetables, as well as chopped juicy herbs and sprouted grains, should be introduced into the mash.

How to care?
Moody dogs belong to that rare category of dogs that almost do not require special care. Despite the fact that the coat of these dogs is long and curly, nevertheless, it does not form tangles and is quite easy to comb - you need to do this at least twice a week. The dog should be bathed 3-4 times a year, preferably without the use of detergents, but in the summer it is advisable to provide your pet with the opportunity to splash freely in any body of water.
Once a week, you should treat the ears of the animal with veterinary lotion or boric alcohol - for this, cotton wool moistened with a disinfectant is carried out along the inner surface of the auricles. Wipe your pet's eyes with chamomile infusion or a weak furacilin solution a couple of times a week.
If the dog walks in the city, on hard ground, its claws grind off by themselves, but if the animal mainly runs in a forest belt or in a private yard with soft ground, it is necessary to cut the growing claws with a special claw cutter as necessary.

Most mudi dogs have good health and strong immunity. They run all day and remain active until old age. But taking into account the fact that this breed was restored from a small group of animals, it was still not possible to avoid the appearance of some hereditary diseases. So, representatives of this species of animals can suffer:
- diseases of an ophthalmic nature;
- dysplasia of the hip joint;
- allergies;
- autoimmune thyroiditis;
- hypersensitivity to certain drugs.
When kept in comfortable conditions, animals live up to 13-14 years, although, as research data show, this is far from their canine limit.

Education and training
Mudi puppies should be brought up and trained from a very young age, taking into account the vigor and activity of this breed. From the very first days of life, babies should be taught to recognize their own place, as well as to deal with their natural needs on the street. Regardless of whether you have a working dog or just a pet, it must know some of the commands of its owner, otherwise a dog jumping down the street, sticking to passers-by and ignoring the owner's orders, can cause a lot of problems.
It should be noted that the upbringing of Hungarian mudis is not an easy task, and the point here is not at all in the weak mind of the dog. It's just that they are so active creatures that it is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. Therefore, it will be right before starting training to take a walk with your pet, let him throw out his energy and look around the area.
Make sure that the animal does not overwork - you will definitely not achieve obedience from a tired dog.

It is important that the training takes place in the form of a game, this will bring much more results than monotonous repetition of the same command. Do not forget to encourage the dog, and for this it is not at all necessary to stock up on treats in large quantities - the dog is ready to serve the owner even for praise, although any gift in the form of a new toy will make the dog the happiest in the world. These dogs have proven themselves well in sports: flyball and agility are suitable for them.
The owners of these intelligent animals should certainly develop in them endurance and endurance, as well as ingenuity and intelligence. Such dogs are naturally intelligent, but they need frequent intellectual exertion. It is best to purchase special dog puzzles for this - they are a wooden stand and figures with notches for teeth. A treat is hidden under one of them, and the mudi must rearrange the figures in a certain order in order to get to the cherished sweetness as quickly as possible.

For more information on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.