Dog training

How to teach a dog to give a paw?

How to teach a dog to give a paw?
  1. Do you need to train your dog?
  2. Learning age
  3. Training rules
  4. Effective ways

The command "Give a paw" is one of the most common. But the paradox is that she is not taught in any of the courses. Many owners of four-legged friends consider it absolutely unnecessary. Let's see if it is worth spending time and effort teaching this command how to do it easily and quickly.

Do you need to train your dog?

The team we are considering really does not carry much significance. If the execution of other orders is due to certain needs or even security considerations, then a simple "Give a paw" seems insignificant against their background. But not everything is so simple. The point is, dogs are not robots or soulless insects. In addition to simple physiological needs, they have other more complex psychologically. Therefore, this simple command will help you establish closer contact with your pet. Several important aspects will help you to believe in the need for team training.

  • Everyone understands perfectly well that different breeds were bred at one time for one purpose or another. Some were excellent hunters, others were guards, while others were kept for beauty. But every four-legged friend needs to feel his "need". Learning to give paw to dogs of small breeds is as important as huskies or huskies to drive a sled. The fact is that they cannot play the role of a protector or a hunter, but they also need to understand that they are important and necessary for the owner. Praise for completing a command is a kind of confirmation that the owner loves and appreciates her. Therefore, the significance of this team from this point of view is very great.The dog understands that it correctly performs the tasks of its owner, which means that it can do something.
  • A moment of trust. If the pet unconditionally gives you a paw and is in no hurry to remove it, this can only mean one thing - he completely trusts you. The paradox also lies in the fact that emotional rapprochement occurs precisely at the training stage. It is impossible to teach the team in one lesson, and it will take more than one day to consolidate the skill, which can mean only one thing, you will spend more time with the dog. And the positive effect of such a rapprochement will not be long in coming.
  • Helper function. With the help of this simple manipulation, the owner can easily examine the dog's paws and pads, trim the claws, and so on. But professionals advise to train separate teams for these purposes. At the very first stages, you can use this universal command. Various commands are needed so that the dog understands exactly what is required of him and what will follow after execution. For example, if after a simple command "Give a paw", you immediately give a treat, then the command "Let me see" will mean that the treat will follow only after you carefully examine this very paw.
  • Sometimes, even in untrained dogs, you can observe the habit of raising their paws to the owner. It can be of a different nature. This may be a requirement to draw attention to yourself, a request for a treat. But in some cases, this is an attempt to raise one's status, to show leadership inclinations. In this case, the process should be completely under your control. The gimme command is very disciplined. The dog understands that it is possible to raise a paw on a person only when he asks for it. This is especially true for large breed dogs.
  • Having mastered this simple command, both the owner and the dog will be able to understand that training is not so difficult. It is only important to devote enough time to this, organize the process and be persistent and patient. Dogs love to learn new things. But it will be useful for their owners as well. Therefore, the command "give a paw" can be the first step in a long and consistent training.

Learning age

Often novice dog breeders ask themselves at what age to start training. Experts say that pets of absolutely any age group lend themselves to training. But each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account.

Age 1.5-3 months

Many make the critical mistake of thinking that the puppy is too young to train. All attempts to learn at least one simple command are reduced to zero. The little fidget wants to play and have fun, but not to carry out boring incomprehensible commands. However, if you start training during this period, you will achieve better results in the future. It is worth noting that the entire learning process should be reduced to play, as is the case with children.

Do not force your puppy to do the same exercise against his wishes. Just remember to repeat the lesson every day. It will be enough to repeat the exercises 3-5 times for the dog to begin to understand what they want from it.

If you can turn training at this age into an exciting game, then by the age of three months your pet will perceive and execute the simplest commands - "sit", "lie down" and so on.

Older than 4 months

It is at this age that serious work begins. While the activities should still be calm or moderately playful, they should be repeated daily. If you started training earlier, now it will be much easier for you, since the puppy is already familiar with what commands are.

Do not worry if you cannot quickly develop a particular skill from your pet. The most important thing is frequency and a positive attitude.

Adult dogs

If at a young age training was not given due attention, then it will be much more difficult to teach commands to an adult. But it is possible.There are situations when a dog enters the house as an adult. At the same time, she does not know any of the usual commands. There is no need to despair. Even in adulthood, it is possible and necessary to train a dog. It just might take a little more time and effort. But you shouldn't give up or consider it an empty undertaking.

Training rules

In addition to the very desire to teach the dog any command, it is necessary to understand and apply in practice the general rules of training. It is the person who is the owner of the dog, and not vice versa. Therefore, it is important to gain authority and achieve strict obedience (within reasonable limits, of course). Much depends on what attitude and how you conduct your workouts. Do not shift all the blame on the dog and assume that it is not capable of understanding an elementary task. First of all, pay attention to the methods and the attitude with which you conduct training.

Here are some more important tips from professionals to help you learn.

Calm and patience

There are several recommendations worth considering.

  • The dog does not understand words, but clearly distinguishes between sounds and intonation. The command must be given in the same mode every time. The pet should get used to one clear phrase.
  • Be strict, but don't be angry. It often happens that training does not bring the desired results. Then the owners begin to get annoyed and take their anger out on the dogs. This should not be allowed. The effect will be exactly the opposite. Therefore, do not yell at the dog, much less physically punish.
  • Be demanding of yourself and your dog. Skipping the next training is not allowed. This applies to both you and your pet. Don't let him shirk and walk away from classes. But you shouldn't allow yourself to be slack either.
  • Another common mistake is repeating a command many times. You must say it no more than two times. If you start to endlessly say "Give a paw", "Give a paw", "Give a paw", then this will lead to exactly the opposite effect. From the very beginning, train the dog to be the commander here, so the execution of the order is not discussed.
  • If the puppy starts to play around and play instead of following the command, stop it with a stop word. It should be the same for different situations. This can be the command "bad", "no", "fu" and so on.


Remember the immutable truth that a kind word is pleasant to a cat. So dogs are also waiting for your approval and praise. Do not forget about this, otherwise the dog will lose interest in the execution of commands and training in general.

  • Praise should be sincere and to the point. The intonation should be appropriate. The dog must understand that he did everything right, the owner is truly satisfied with his work. It is better if you come up with a few standard words (clever, well done, handsome).
  • The caress should not be rude. You can pet the top of the dog's head, but do not rudely pat or ruffle the ears. This can be perceived as violence.
  • If you are working out a new command that has not yet been given to the dog, then you still need to end on a positive note. Challenge him to follow a familiar and well-developed command. Don't spare the treats.

Many are afraid that the dog will get used to it, and in the future will follow commands just for the sake of getting a tasty bite. Don't worry, your praise and approval is just as important and valuable to her. Over time, the need for such feeding will disappear.


This criterion is manifested in the following:

  • do not miss classes;
  • master everything in stages - first, work out one command to automatism, only then proceed to the next;
  • it is best to train 6-7 hours after eating, the pet will be more willing to fulfill the requirements for the treat;
  • you yourself must be positively charged, do not start training in a bad mood, this will affect the dog too.

Effective ways

There are three effective ways to teach your dog the Paw command.Which one to choose depends on your preferences and the temperament of the pet.

Aiming method

Without physical contact, you show the dog (by gestures) what is required of it. To do this, you need to sit the puppy in front of you, hold the treat in your hand and bring it to the nose so that she understands that it is meant for her. The beloved will try to reach her with his nose, do not let him carry out his plan. Say the command out loud. After an unsuccessful attempt to get a treat with their nose, many dogs reflexively raise their paws to get the cherished piece. Place your free hand under it, while uttering the command. When the paw is in hand, give praise and treat.

Do not forcefully hold the paw. In the first stages, it will be enough that the dog will voluntarily lay it in your palm.

Remember to compliment your pet after a successful attempt. It doesn't matter if you yourself brought your hand under his paw (at first) or the dog is already consciously doing it. Praise will help make sure everything is done correctly.

Repetition of master action

It's a little easier to get what you want here. You give the command and take the paw yourself, and then praise. But each time it is necessary to complicate things and ensure that the dog itself lifts and gives you a paw.

Selection of behavior

      You know well the habits of your pet and are able to predict its action. For example, he may ask for a treat or demand to play by touching you with his paw. Use this moment and issue the command before the dog does it himself. Do not forget to praise.

      For more information on how to train your dog to paw, see the video below.

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