Description of dog breeds that don't smell like dog

Every living creature has its own smell, pleasant or unpleasant. This also applies to dogs. For those who are considering purchasing a pet, there are several selection criteria. And one of them is the lack of a dog smell. Are there such breeds or is it just another myth? The answer to this question is of fundamental importance for the owners of apartment dogs, because they will have to sniff the pet's smell around the clock.

Causes of an unpleasant odor
Anyone who thinks that the smell of doggy is related to the work of the sweat glands is wrong. In dogs, skin glands produce unpleasant odors, which produce grease to lubricate the coat. In some breeds of hunting dogs, as well as those living in cold temperatures, these glands work much more actively. This means that the smell will be much stronger. But this fat protects the animal from frost and getting wet.
But the sweat glands located between the toes can both stink of dirty socks and emit a pleasant aroma. To get rid of the smell, the pet's paws need to be processed regularly, including after a walk.

Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor is pheromones, the smell of which increases during heat and decreases after sterilization. Males always give off a stronger unpleasant odor.
Improper care or its complete absence for the ears and mouth of an animal is a very common cause of stench. If the owner is caring, but an unpleasant smell has appeared, then we can talk about a disease. And in this case, you should contact your veterinarian.
The next reason is age. Puppies have a pleasant smell, but the older the dog, the more pronounced the dog's amber.This is especially felt if the animal's fur is wet.
After all, fat also gets wet with a dog - a lubricant that gives off a smell.

So it turns out that almost all of the named reasons for dog smell are associated with caring for the animal. You can be convinced of this if you observe the living conditions of the dogs before buying a puppy from a breeder: if everything is clean around, and the dog smells like a dog, then it will be the same with the puppy. If unsanitary conditions prevail in the house, you should not contact such breeders. If you take a mongrel dog or an undocumented breed into your house, then no one will give you a guarantee of how your pet will develop.

Could the dog smell at all?
Through our sense of smell, we can recognize familiar people even with our eyes closed. The same thing happens in dogs, but they have a much finer sense of smell. The smell of a stranger will generate aggression or interest. Consequently, animals cannot not emit a smell at all, like people. Therefore, if you are promised an absolutely odorless breed, this is a divorce for big or small money. Even if all hygiene procedures are followed, the pet will have an odor.
But whether it will be the smell of dog or flowers is a big question. Because, nevertheless, there are types of dogs with a certain set of characteristics that practically do not emit an unpleasant amber. These breeds include the following.
- Hairless or hairless dogs. For those who decide to choose just such a pet, you need to know that his skin will require additional care: protection from ultraviolet rays and frost with creams and clothes, regular washing, as sebum will shine on the body.
- Long-haired dogs without undercoat... It is the undercoat that is saturated with grease, and if there is no undercoat, there is no dog smell. But this does not mean that the dog will smell of roses. After all, long wool absorbs all the surrounding odors: kitchens and streets, tobacco and river mud. Only good care will save your pet and all family members from the stench.
- Semi-long-haired and short-haired species without undercoat acquire the smell of dogs when wet. In this case, try to quickly dry the coat with a cool air stream.
- Coarse breeds without undercoat, in the presence of small sizes, individuals give a minimal dog smell.
- Poodle - the breed is long-haired, with undercoat, thick hair, but practically without an unpleasant odor.
- In theory, shedding dogs are odorless and hypoallergenic. In practice, it all depends on the conditions and health of the pet.

And again the thought that a lot depends on leaving is a common thread.
How often can you read 99 great reviews about the odorless Chinese Crested, and the hundredth author will argue that this is impossible, just everyone has gotten off their scent. Which one to believe is your business. We will introduce you to dog breeds recognized by most owners as odorless dogs.
Odorless breeds
The list of such breeds is rather big. You can choose an animal by size, coat length and other criteria. But do not forget that the pet may have other problems in the content.
- For example, dalmatian - a handsome man known to many. The short-haired breed without undercoat does not initially smell like a dog (with age, amber may appear). But breeders note that this dog sheds very much. Another problem is hyperactivity: the dog needs movement and physical activity all the time. Such an intelligent animal must be brought up, try to become his friend, otherwise he will become your master.

- Several terrier breeds are odorless. For example, Yorkshire Terrier, which gradually evolved from a hunting dog to a decorative one. Friendly animals get along well with children and animals, ready to protect their master. A long-haired breed with no undercoat needs regular grooming, visits to a groomer or home haircuts.To keep the dog clean, it is often dressed up in overalls for outdoor walks, and some owners cut them short.

- Another popular terra pet is West Highland White Terrier... The burrow hunter still remains so, but many use this mischievous restless dog as a companion. The white Scottish beauty not only has a doggy odorless coat, but is also hypoallergenic. West is a very loyal pet, it lends itself well to training, although it has a stubborn character. The Cairn Terrier has similar characteristics.

- American hairless terrier can be miniature or large. It is easy to recognize the breed by its soft, bare skin with contrasting spots of almost any color and sideburns. The American is friendly and sociable. He is comfortable with other animals, and he considers cats to be his friends. Families with children adore such a dog, as it is an excellent nanny and guard.
She, like all bald breeds, needs special skin care: frequent bathing or wiping with wet wipes, the use of a cream for burns and frostbite before going outside, care for watery eyes.

- Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier) - a muscular and sturdy hunter in need of physical activity and long walks. In the absence of training, mood swings can be observed: fun games can instantly be replaced by aggression. But this beautiful defender of its owner with long silky fur has a determined and persistent character.

- Tibetan terrier does not belong to this group, it got its name by accident, because it looks like terriers. The decorative dog has a medium size, thick and shaggy coat that does not shed. The main quality of the Tibetan is friendliness. He is hardy, reliable, loyal, suitable for families with an active lifestyle, as well as for quiet walks at a leisurely pace.

- Another Tibetan is a Shih Tzu or Buddha's dog. Among odorless dogs, this breed occupies one of the leading positions. But if you do not care for long hair, then the Shih Tzu can absorb other unpleasant odors. The friendly and stately dog is a good companion for a calm owner and a playful child. Representatives of this breed are often chosen as a symbol of happiness and well-being.

- Maltese lapdog (maltese) will delight you not only with the absence of a dog smell, but also with the absence of molting, which is important for allergy sufferers. Today the thoroughbred Maltese has only a white color, long silky coat. A decorative dog is a wonderful companion for all family members.

- Bichon Frize Is another breed of white lapdogs from France. It is distinguished from maltese by its curly long silky coat, which requires additional care. Another distinctive sign is bichon, which is translated from French as beard. Miniature dogs do not have an unpleasant smell, which is perfect for home keeping. Bichon, as an adult dog, will play with children, but can keep an adult company in watching TV.
The beast is very friendly with both people and animals.

- Everyone compares the Brussels Griffon to the Star Wars hero Chubaka. But its size is very different, because the griffin was bred for catching rodents. It is a pet with a high level of intelligence, thanks to which it lends itself well to training. Reddish pets become friends for children, adults, and animals (not rodents). But griffins are quite calm animals, therefore they do not like noisy games and children's squealing. To avoid unwanted behavior, the dog must be trained. Regular grooming includes combing, trimming, bathing, preventing eye diseases and obesity.

- Chinese Crested may be bald, but with hair on the head, tail and legs, or long-haired without undercoat.The perky crest gave not only the name, but also the charming appearance of this dog. The breed does not smell like a dog, and proper care and nutrition will ensure that it does not have any other unpleasant odors. According to the owners of these pets, the crested occupies a leading position among odorless dogs. The breed is very smart, friendly, active, does not like loneliness at all. Due to the lack of hair on her body, she needs clothes for walking.

- Italian greyhound Is a small greyhound from Italy. It is a breed of dog with a muscular body, short and smooth coat and no unpleasant odors. It is called a smaller copy of a Greyhound. The greyhound, of course, needs physical activity, since the breed is very active. With proper education and training, the dog will be an excellent companion for adults and children. But she does not always get along with animals.

- Central African Basenji can be called one of the cleanest dogs. The short, smooth coat, the absence of unpleasant odors and the almost complete absence of shedding make the dog comfortable for home keeping. She, like a cat, licks herself. But Basenji is very active, agile, cheerful, with a perky tail-ball. Breeders say the dog has a sense of humor. And in combination with her sad look due to the folds on the face, we can say that the Basenji is a wise dog.
Another feature of the breed is the absence of barking, which it compensates for with other sounds: snorting, squealing, and howling. Experts say that due to the high level of concentration of attention, an African woman on the street gives herself up to the surrounding smells and can run away at a sprint speed after an object or creature of interest.
Therefore, it is important to pay great attention to the education of the pet.

This is not a complete list of breeds. Breeders and dog lovers are classified as odorless dogs poodles, spaniels, Pekingese, Chihuahua, pygmy pinscher, Prague ratter, different types of schnauzers, Spitz, Xoloitzcuintle, Groenendael, Siba Inu and other breeds.

Care features
All these breeds will really delight you not only with their appearance, character, but also with a pleasant smell, if you take care of them regularly. But many breeds have a stubborn, capricious character, so some effort will have to be made to achieve the result.
- If the body emits an unpleasant odor, then the dog may be sick. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor.
- Bad smell from the ears and eyes can be due to otitis media or conjunctivitis. This also happens with improper nutrition or inappropriate feed. Many breed standards allow trimming or plucking excess hair from the ears. Cleaning of the auricles is a must. As for the eyes, here you need to be especially careful with breeds in which the lower eyelid is lowered or the eyes are constantly watering. You need to regularly wipe them with cotton pads, if necessary, treat with a tea brew solution or eye drops.
- A putrid spirit from the mouth is caused by several reasons: unclean teeth, rotten teeth, sore gums, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Brush your pet's teeth at least 2 times a week. For self-cleaning, they use chewing toothpicks - bones that dogs really like. For other problems, it is worth contacting a veterinary clinic.
- Smelly paws are the result of sweat glands and outdoor walks. In both cases, regular washing of the paws, as well as cutting hair and nails, will help.
- Even short-haired or hairless dogs can have a foul odor from the groin and rear. What can we say about long-haired pets. This is why the hair around the anus and genitals is cut. This can be done by the groomer or the owner himself. And don't forget to wash your dog's private parts as needed.
- With hormonal changes during estrus, the amber increases. The dog is washed immediately after estrus.
- After the street, the dog is also washed as needed: only paws, paws and stomach, or completely. You should use a dog shampoo for washing, as the hp (acidity level) is different for dogs and humans.
- After eating, the chin of long-haired dogs is wiped with a damp cloth or washed.
- Dry the dog first with a towel and then with a non-hot hairdryer. This will avoid the smell of wet fur and will also preserve the structure of the coat. Hairless dogs can simply be wiped thoroughly.
- Dogs should be brushed and trimmed regularly, and wire-haired dogs should be trimmed regularly. If this is not done, tangles will form in the wool, food debris, dust, and street dirt will get stuck.
- An unpleasant odor can occur when changing feed. It is not recommended to give the dog 2 unfamiliar products on the same day, otherwise it will be unclear what exactly caused the reaction. Ambergris can appear in case of metabolic disorders, an excess of carbohydrates.
- When the climate changes within a couple of weeks, the dog's smell may change.
After acclimatization, it should disappear.

For scent and odorless dog breeds, see the next video.