German dog breeds

Dog breeds are distributed according to different characteristics: size (large, medium, small), use (service, hunting, decorative), type of coat (long-haired and short-haired). Separate groups can be distinguished according to the place of origin. It so happened historically that the homeland of a significant part of the breeds is Germany.

Many owners prefer these dogs for their intelligence, dedication, endurance, restraint. The characteristics of these breeds were formed under the influence of living conditions, mentality, culture and rich history. Various landscapes are found on the territory of the country - mountains, valleys with agricultural land, pastures, orchards, vineyards, villages, as well as cities with industrial enterprises. In ancient times, the population was engaged in hunting animals and birds.
In all these areas, the dog was a loyal and reliable helper of man.

The dog "German" was accustomed from an early age to unquestioning obedience and obedience in one specific type of activity of its master... The puppies, looking at the elders, took over the skills, gradually learned. There was no special training system then, everyone taught the dog what was necessary for the job.

Different working conditions required animals of various shapes and sizes. For example, a shepherd needs a large and strong, at the same time calm dog to help.
And a small nimble doggie will be able to protect the garden and vineyard from birds. Thus, separate varieties gradually formed. At the genetic level, they contain a desire for the activity for which they were originally created.

Small breeds overview
Small dogs were used for hunting birds and animals digging holes.May serve in some organizations.

Several types are described below.
- Spitz... It belongs to the ancient variety. Intended for the protection of vineyards and orchards, drove away small birds with a ringing bark. Later, due to its very attractive appearance, it became a pet among the upper class. Currently, there are five varieties of this breed. The largest is the Wolfspitz, the smallest is the Orange Spitz. Sizes of dogs: height from 17 to 56 centimeters, weight from five to sixteen kg. The wool is fluffy, thick, on the legs "pants", the neck is decorated with a "frill". Color - black, brown, beige, white. Spitz are very intelligent, well trained, and have a friendly character. Strongly attached to the owner, they do not like loneliness.

- Dachshund. The history of the origin of the breed is lost in the depths of millennia. On fragments of ancient Egyptian wall paintings, images of dogs with short legs and a long body were found. It becomes especially popular in the Middle Ages in Germany, where the first mention of it appears in the 16th century. During the 17th-18th centuries, the breed improved. The purpose of the dachshund is to hunt animals that dig holes, as well as to fight rats. Sizes: height varies from 13 to 25 cm, weight can be 4-16 kilograms. Coat color - black, brownish, reddish. Animals have high intelligence, cheerful disposition, very active, love outdoor games in the company with the owner.

- Levhen (small lion dog)... Decorative. It resembles a lapdog in body shape and parameters. Long fluffy hair used to be sheared "like a lion". Beautiful, kind, sociable. Good companion.

- Miniature Schnauzer. The smallest of the service breeds. The height at the withers does not exceed 35 cm, the weight is from 6 to 8 kg. The coat is short, dense, silky. Coloring silver, black, white. Despite their small size, they are strong and brave animals capable of protecting their master. They are very smart and trainable. They are happy to play with children. They can feel the mood of a loved one, sympathize, cheer or rejoice together. To keep your dog in good shape, you need to walk a lot with it.

List of medium sized dogs
The main field of application of these dogs is hunting. They can also be good companions.
Here are some of the medium breeds.
- Drathaar, another name is wire-haired cop. Bred in the late 19th - early 20th centuries for hunting and security functions. The height of the dog does not exceed 65 cm, body weight is within 40 kg. The coat is short, hard, brush-like in texture, with a soft, dense undercoat that does not get wet in water. The color is black, brown, gray, gray. Drathaars are distinguished by their quick-wittedness, are able to independently make decisions during the hunt, and are easily trained. They are non-aggressive, friendly, balanced, love children. Strongly attached to the owner, they do not tolerate loneliness.

- Kurzhaar. Another cop hunting dog. The history of its creation begins in the second half of the 19th century. Short-haired, dark and light brown with white specks. Height approx. 60 cm, weight approx. 30 kg. They are very smart, calm, and unquestioningly carry out commands. They feel love and respect for the owner, but without excessive affection. They play with children, they are loyal to pets.

- Mittelschnauzer. It belongs to the ancient breeds, is the ancestor of two other varieties - the Giant Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer. In the Middle Ages, they killed rats on farms, helped herd cattle. The growth of a dog is in the range of 45-50 centimeters, body weight can be from 14 to 20 kilograms. Coarse wool with a thick undercoat has various colors - gray, brownish, black. Lighter, white feet, ears, eyebrows, mustache and beard are acceptable. Calm, benevolent, at the same time vigilant watchman and bodyguard.Has a high intelligence, learns easily, loves the owners, communicates well with children.
But he can be stubborn and try to take the lead if he feels that the owner's character is not strong enough.

- Jagd terrier... The breed was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century specifically for hunting foxes and other burrowing animals. They are also used for hunting waterfowl. Dogs are very hardy, not afraid of cold water. The ancestors are the rejected fox terriers. Dimensions - height 28-42 cm, weight 8-13 kg, muscular body, strong. The color of the coat is black with reddish spots. The peculiarity and disadvantage of the jagdterrier is its tough, quarrelsome disposition. The dog recognizes and obeys only one owner, does not contact children, does not tolerate the presence of other pets. Such a dog is suitable only for an avid hunter, a person with a strong, strong-willed character.

- Poodle... In the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world, it takes an honorable third place. The breed was developed in the 15th century and was intended for hunting water birds. The coat is fluffy, thick, of the most different colors, a haircut is recommended. The character is cheerful, perky, energetic. A devoted friend, an excellent companion, he feels and understands the mood of the owner. It can be used in the rescue service (on the beaches) and for the protection of property.

- Pinscher. Initially, dogs were used as rodent hunters. Later, they began to protect the grain barns from the invasion of rats. Parameters - height from 40 to 50 cm, weight no more than 20 kg. Refers to short-haired, the color can be brownish or black with tan. Infinitely loyal to his master and family, he will rebuff any enemy, even significantly superior in size. Smart, cheerful, agile, well trained.
However, one should take into account the strong character of this dog. The owner should immediately show who is in charge and be loving but strict.

Major representatives
Among the large dogs, there are service, hunting, guard, and shepherd dogs. For the content of this category, a country house is more suitable.
The following representatives belong to large breeds.
- German Shepherd. The most famous and widespread of all the varieties that German breeding has created. It was bred at the end of the 19th century, it was intended to help shepherds and carry out security services. Sizes are larger than average, height at the withers is up to 65 cm, weight is up to 40 kg. The color is black-brown, the paws are of a lighter shade. Differs in high intelligence and excellent learning ability, ranks second in the ranking of the smartest dogs. The character is calm, balanced. She is affectionate and friendly with her family and knows how to improve relationships with children.
She is wary of strangers and unfamiliar, ready to instantly neutralize the enemy. A universal dog - can be a companion, guide, serve in the protection, police, army.

- Doberman. The breed received its name on behalf of its creator Karl Friedrich Dobermann. The dog has a graceful, sophisticated appearance and a strong muscular body. Height - up to 70-72 cm, weight up to 45 kg. Short-haired, black, brown, with reddish-red tan markings. The main character traits are equanimity, calmness, moderation. Easy to learn, obey the owner, loyal and loyal friends. Representatives of the breed serve as bloodhounds, guides, rescuers.

- Great Dane. Officially, dogs were recognized in 1878, very large - from 80 cm in height, and the weight can be 90 kg. Smooth-haired, various colors - marble, black, fawn, brindle. The character is absolutely non-aggressive, calm. They are distinguished by nobility and aristocracy. They love children and take care of them. They are friendly, affectionate and obedient in their family. Strangers are mistrusted. They can serve as bodyguards, watchmen, just companions.

- Bavarian mountain hound. It was used for hunting back in the Middle Ages.The dog is strongly attached to the owner and family members, absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Sizes are more than average, the height at the withers is from 50 cm. The coat is short, dense, reddish. Calm, non-aggressive, not used for security.

- Rottweiler. The breed is attributed to the ancients. Presumably, these dogs came to Germany with the Roman legions. Then they guarded livestock, property, helped to carry carts loaded with meat. Now they serve as rescuers, in the police, in the Armed Forces. They have high intelligence and are easy to learn. The Rottweiler has a strong and tough character, he strives for leadership. Submits to only one person. In the process of education, the owner must take this into account.

This is just a small part of the German breeds. They differ in appearance, character, skills. But they also have something in common - this is the solidity inherent in the mentality and culture of Germany.
Among such a variety, everyone will be able to choose their own dog, which will become a faithful friend and helper.

For the features of the German Shepherd, see the video below.