All about the West Siberian Laika

Many people dream of having a pet. However, today there are a huge number of dog breeds. In such a variety, it is quite difficult to navigate and choose exactly the variety that will suit your needs and preferences. A popular breed of dog is the West Siberian Laika. This animal is chosen by many hunters, since in the process of hunting the husky can play the role of an active assistant. However, you need to know how to choose the right puppy and how to care for him, and what features can be distinguished in this breed of dog.

Description of the breed
The West Siberian Laika is considered a rather highly specialized breed. Initially, its direct purpose was hunting. Modern representatives of the West Siberian breed descended from Laikas, which once lived in Siberia and the Urals. Accordingly, the dogs lived in rather unfavorable environmental conditions, and therefore they had to adapt to the harsh taiga climate.
but puppies of the West Siberian breed, as we know it today, were not born naturally: they were specially bred thanks to the long and painstaking work of breeders. This selection eliminated all weak individuals and those animals that had any (even the most insignificant) shortcomings. Today there are 2 varieties of the West Siberian Laika breed: Khanty and Mansi. These subspecies have both common features and some differences. So, for example, the Khantian Laika has a more massive body, and the Mantle animal has a completely different structure: a thinner physique and an elongated muzzle.
In general, the most striking differences between subspecies of the West Siberian Laika can be found precisely in the appearance of animals.

If we talk about the process of breeding the breed on the territory of our country, then it should be said that selection originates in the XX century. It was during this period that the development of official standards for this breed also began. Such standards were already adopted in 1925. It is also important to note that over time, public interest in this breed is only growing, so the West Siberian Laika is becoming an increasingly popular and widespread breed.
The anatomical structure of representatives of the West Siberian Laika breed has undergone standardization. For example, it is believed that a dog belonging to a given variety should have a triangular head. The skull is rather broad and the muzzle is elongated. Scissor bite. There are 2 types of eye shape: almond-shaped and oval, the most common eye color is brown. The ears of the animal, like the head, have a triangular outline and are erect. The belly is quite firm and the chest is wide. The paws of the animal differ in strength and power, and the tail of the dog resembles a sickle in its shape. According to officially accepted standards, the height of the animal at the withers is in the range from 50 to 80 cm. The hair is rather short, but there is a thick undercoat.

In total, there are several possible colors of the West Siberian Laika in nature, namely:
- white and gray;
- gray with red;
- piebald;
- pale yellow.
Life expectancy is up to 17 years.

Character traits
If you decide to buy and keep in a private house a dog that belongs to the West Siberian Laika breed, then you should take into account the nature and behavioral characteristics of the animal. So, many inexperienced dog breeders, as well as those who are going to have their first pet, often immediately refuse to purchase a husky, because it has a frightening appearance and resembles a wolf. But the resemblance to a predatory animal is only superficial.
West Siberian huskies are animals that are distinguished by a balanced and calm character. In relation to a person, huskies behave quite friendly, do not express aggression and anger, are loyal and reliable helpers. In essence, the animal is active and energetic, it quickly finds a common language with people (including children) and other animals. That is why you should not be afraid even if pets already live in your house, but you are planning to have a husky too.

Many owners of dogs of this breed note another outstanding character trait of huskies - this is courage. This trait is genetically inherited from ancestors. The thing is that in ancient times, the ancestors of this breed were engaged in hunting large animals. Hence, in the behavior of dogs, such traits as courage and fearlessness appeared.
It is also important to note that dogs are intelligent and developed animals, their intellectual capabilities are expressed quite clearly.
That is why individuals lend themselves well to training and education.

The process of training huskies can take place both under the guidance of a professional dog handler and at home. In addition, such traits as intelligence, loyalty and devotion, confidence are distinguished in the character of West Siberian huskies.
Many owners of West Siberian huskies note that the animal of this breed is quite hardy. It can withstand adverse environmental conditions and even go without food and water for a long time. Such traits are inherent in the dog by nature, and that is why the animal is actively used in hunting. The West Siberian Laika can be attracted for individual and pair hunting, as well as for round-ups.

Learning and training the West Siberian husky is a process that should start from the very first days after you bring the animal into your home.Moreover, at first, classes and training should take place regularly so that the pet quickly learns all the necessary commands. After learning the basic commands, you can move on to more complex and complex tricks. If you plan to hunt with your dog, then when the animal reaches the age of 10 months, you need to send it to specialized courses.
Important. Remember not to show aggression or hit the animal during training. Otherwise, it may become angry with you.

Maintenance and care
Laika of the West Siberian breed is the choice of people who are fond of hunting. However, some urban dog breeders also select dogs of the described species as their pets. But if you belong to the second group, then you should carefully consider your choice in advance and weigh the pros and cons. With regard to the maintenance and care of animals, you need to familiarize yourself with some simple, but binding rules.
It must be remembered that for the dog to live, it is necessary to create such conditions in which it can lead an active lifestyle, constantly move around and throw out your energy. In this sense, the animal also needs to devote quite a lot of time, organize training and outdoor games for it.

As with any other living creature, hygiene rules must be followed with respect to the husky. Animals need to be bathed and cleaned. Depending on the color, as well as the lifestyle, the frequency of water treatments may vary. So, for example, if an animal spends a lot of time in nature and has a light color, then bathing should be fairly regular. If the animal leads a calm lifestyle, and its coat is dark, then water procedures can be carried out less regularly. In any case, bathing the West Siberian husky is possible only in warm water and using detergents specially designed for dogs. Do not wash your dog with soap and shampoos that are made for humans.
And also in terms of hygiene, it is necessary to regularly trim your pet's nails, clean ears and eyes with cotton swabs and discs soaked in water, inspect (and, if necessary, clean) the oral cavity. Another necessary procedure is combing. It is especially relevant during moulting periods.
In order for brushing to take place with the proper degree of efficiency, special brushes and combs should be used.

As for feeding and making up the diet, in this sense, the West Siberian Laika is a rather unpretentious animal. The food of your four-legged pet should include all the beneficial vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of the dog. Remember that the dog should never be fed stale and expired food, as well as food leftovers from the master's table.
For feeding huskies, you can choose a diet of dry or wet prepared food, or natural foods. In the first case, you should buy only those foods that are suitable for your dog (take into account the breed, age and individual physiological characteristics). In the second case, it is important to remember that the diet of the West Siberian husky should include foods such as meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Porridge, mineral and vitamin supplements will not be superfluous. And also there is a list of products that must be excluded from the animal's diet. These include sweets, pickles, grilled meats, and baked goods. Don't forget to keep your husky hydrated as well.
If you adhere to all the described rules and recommendations, then your dog will live a long, happy and healthy life. In addition, for preventive purposes, show your four-legged pet to the veterinarian at least once every 6 months.

Choosing a puppy
It is very easy to choose a husky puppy of the West Siberian breed if you follow a few rules and follow the instructions. First you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing a dog: for hunting or as a pet. If you have chosen the first option, then you should contact an experienced hunter or a specialized nursery to purchase.
Before buying, "get to know" the animal: take it in your arms, carefully examine it, observe the behavior of the animal from the side. Make sure the puppy is well-groomed and tidy and is fairly active in his behavior.
If possible, it is necessary to get acquainted with the parental pair of dogs. This is necessary in order for you to make sure that your puppy is descended from purebred healthy individuals, and not from genetically defective animals. In addition, it is important to ask the seller to demonstrate all the documents he has: certificates, passports, licenses.
Thus, you will be sure that you are purchasing a quality animal and do not deal with scammers.

Nicknames for girls and boys
Once you've decided on your choice of dog, it's important to give your puppy a name. It should reflect his character, be sonorous, easy to remember. The first thing to consider is the gender of your animal. The most popular names for males of West Siberian huskies are:
- Archie;
- Alex;
- Alf;
- Ars;
- Azor;
- Euricus;
- Joy;
- Gray;
- Jean;
- Eli;
- Michael;
- Marseilles;
- Newton;
- Teddy;
- Theodore;
- Stan;
- Charlie;
- Chico;
- Iago.

If you are the owner of a female, then one of these names may suit your pet:
- Alma;
- Alice;
- Anfisa;
- Vega;
- Sharing;
- Wanda;
- Yesya;
- Gretta;
- Judy;
- Cookies;
- Zeta;
- Indie;
- Laura;
- Lily;
- Paw;
- Miranda;
- Maxi;
- Maggie;
- Patricia;
- Puma;
- Puffy;
- Scarlett;
- Tasty;
- Ultra;
- Una;
- Chloe;
- Hayley;
- Chilit;
- Charlize;
- Yumi;
- Yadwiga.
You can choose your favorite nickname from the proposed list or choose any other one you like.

A story about the breed in the next video.