Clothes for dogs: varieties and features of choice

Clothes for dogs are quite an important part of the walk. It is just as important as the collar and leash, because some dog breeds simply cannot do without it. Of course, the clothes are only suitable for certain breeds. The question of choosing clothes for your pet becomes relevant especially in autumn and winter, when weather conditions worsen significantly. In the article, we will consider what types exist, how to choose the right clothes, choose the size, and also train the dog.

Is clothing required?
If you are not sure if your dog needs clothes for a walk, then you should answer yourself - yes. Today there are a large number of breeds that feel uncomfortable during the cold season for a walk. Having clothing is just as important as getting vaccinated because it can help protect your dog from various diseases. Moreover, most dogs spend mostly time at home, while their immunity is no longer so resistant to external factors when compared with the resistance of their wolf ancestors.
During ice conditions, roads are sprinkled with salt, which negatively affects the paws of a domestic dog, they begin to bleed. Many problems can be avoided by using special footwear. But the outfit of the dog does not end with the shoes.... Today, a wide selection of clothing is on sale. It allows pets to be outdoors for a long time in the cold, knitted overalls are ideal for this purpose. They are crocheted or knitted. You can even find clothes designed for puppies as they need special care.

Clothing is necessary primarily for those breeds that freeze on the street while walking in the cold season, namely:
- dachshund;
- Toy Terrier;
- york;
- chihuahua.
It is important to consider that not only warm clothes are on sale. For dogs, it is worth purchasing lightweight suits, since they are able to protect the pet from both rain and various insects, which are especially active in the spring-summer period. Nursing dogs also need grooming. They should be insulated for a walk to prevent possible hypothermia.

What happens?
Today in specialized stores you can find a wide selection of clothing for both small and large dogs. The assortment includes not only winter clothes, but also summer ones. Popular dog clothing options are worth considering.
- Autumn jumpsuit. This piece of clothing is designed primarily to protect your pet from dirt and rain. They are made from water-repellent materials without using a warm lining. Many well-known companies offer models with a special impregnation, which makes the fabric moisture-repellent. These clothes are ideal for short and long-haired dogs. There is no need to wash the dog completely after a walk, because its coat remains dry and clean. The dog will not bring a bucket of sand on it. It is enough to wipe the paws.
- Winter clothes. She is represented by insulated overalls with fleece lining. This option is great for short-haired dogs that can get cold during a long walk in winter, for example, Bull Terrier, Dalmatian. If you are the owner of a smooth-haired dog, then a warm overalls will also not be superfluous. Of course, while driving, the dog will not freeze, but a walk in the forest will not bring pleasure to the animal. To protect the pet from freezing, which will further result in long-term treatment, it is better to purchase and dress the pet in insulated overalls.
- Sweater... These clothes are very beautiful and fashionable. It is usually purchased for the off-season. Usually it is worn at a time when it is still dry, but the air temperature is already starting to drop. Sweaters are purchased for small breeds, although they can also be purchased for medium-sized dogs. This garment has many benefits: warm, beautiful, and nothing to hinder your pet's movements.
- Blanket. The optimal solution for dogs that prefer an active lifestyle, as it provides freedom of movement, while serving as a reliable protection from rain and cold. This option is suitable even for pets with thick hair, while the animal will not feel discomfort. Such clothes are comfortable to put on, they can be put on and off rather quickly.
- Anti-mite suits. This is a special clothing that an animal simply needs when walking through the forest, where there are always a large number of ticks. The peculiarity of such a jumpsuit is that it has barrier folds, the collar and cuffs are multilayer, and they also fit quite tightly to the body of the animal. This provides reliable protection from insects, since the latter will not be able to crawl under it. It is impossible to completely trust the drops from ticks, it is better to play it safe and wear such a suit as well.
- Veterinary blanket. This garment is used after surgery because it helps protect the fresh stitches from both the dog and the dirt. Usually, this type of clothing is made from breathable fabric. The blanket is put on from below, and the strings or Velcro are already at the top so that the dog cannot pull it off on its own.
- Decorative outfits... This option has no specific purpose. Such clothes are bought for beauty. Today, suits for every taste are available for sale. You can choose both funny and elegant outfits for your pet.It should be borne in mind that such clothes are usually sewn on small dogs, so it will be rather difficult to find an interesting option for a representative of a large breed. When choosing a funny costume, it is worth remembering that the main thing is the convenience of the pet.

How to determine size?
If you make the correct measurements of the dog, then you can easily determine the size of your pet and purchase clothes without it. Only three canine parameters need to be correctly measured.
- The length of the withers. To find out the length of the withers, the dog must stand on all four legs. Measurement should be taken along the spine using a measuring tape. The distance from where the collar is worn to the base of the tail is the length of the back. If in the table the length of the back is in the interval between two values, then it is necessary to choose the size in the larger direction. If your pet is rather dense, then you can purchase a product one size larger, but for puny pets, you should take smaller clothes.
- Chest circumference. It is necessary to measure the chest behind the front legs, it is worth choosing the widest point. And also an important role is played by the model of clothing - loose or tight-fitting.
- Neck circumference. It is enough to measure the length of the collar. The size of the neck girth will be identical.

Important! To correctly measure a pet for buying clothes, he must be in a standing position.
To correctly measure an animal, you need to use soft centimeter tape. The ruler will not work in this case. If you wish, you can purchase a special tool for measuring dogs - a stadiometer.

When all measurements have been made, you can proceed to the selection of the size. To do this, you should use the help of the table below. The size chart includes mainly small and medium sized dog breeds.

How to choose?
If possible, it is better to take the dog with you to try on clothes before buying. This will allow you to quickly find a convenient option in size and appearance. It should be understood that the first fitting always takes a long time, and it can tire both you and the pet. It can be difficult to get a dog to wear an outfit, especially several times in a row.
You should pay attention to the clothes, how they "sit" on the pet, because she should not pinch her paws, neck or lower back... If we consider a jumpsuit, then it should provide freedom of movement not only when walking, but also when jumping or running. It is necessary to dress the animal and give it the opportunity to walk around the pavilion. It is better to purchase models without jewelry, laces and additional details, for example, in long-haired dogs, hair can become tangled in decorative elements. But for short-haired pets or with delicate skin, it is worth buying clothes. exclusively from soft tissues.
It is worth choosing clothes by size, since a large item will get dirty and fall off your pet faster.

If it is impossible to take the dog with you to the store, then you should take all measurements and write them down on a piece of paper, you should not rely on your memory. The following dimensions must be recorded:
- distance from neck to tail;
- height at the withers;
- girth of the neck;
- chest girth;
- waist circumference;
- the length of the legs.

With the help of the above measurements, the consultant will be able to quickly find the right clothes. Moreover, it is worth buying clothes depending on the sex of the dog. Do not buy unisex models, as males usually get dirty quickly, and females can catch cold in cold weather.
It is very important to pay attention to the material from which the clothes are sewn. It is worth giving preference natural fabrics. This information must be indicated on the label. You can also consider a synthetic winterizer, but it should be smooth and pleasant to the touch. But it is better to refrain from bright things, since they usually fade at the first rain. It is necessary to buy things that do not have a chemical smell.

When buying warm clothes, you should pay attention to insulation.It must breathe and be evenly distributed under the fabric.
The absence of voids and lumps is an indicator of high quality. But the fabric should be light and durable, because it will have to be washed after each contamination. It should be remembered that button-down models should only be purchased for smooth-haired breeds. Velcro clothing is suitable for long-haired dogs. Things with zippers are prohibited for long-haired dogs, since the fur will constantly fall into the zipper when fastening, which will bring discomfort to the pet. Rivets are a great alternative.

The presence of holes and seams deserves special attention. If the garment has many holes, seams and seams, then it will allow both wind and moisture to pass through. All lines must be of high quality and even. The threads should not stick out. Poor stitching means that the product is of poor quality, and after a few washes the garment will be unusable.
A jumpsuit with a hood is perfect for a windy day. Such clothes are simply necessary for elderly pets, as well as for those animals that are prone to ear diseases. A hood or cap can impair hearing and should not be let off the leash.
When the tracks are sprinkled with special reagents from ice, it is worth putting on your pet special shoes. Usually dogs refuse it, the training process is long and difficult.

How to train an animal?
Usually dogs don't like to wear something. It is better to train your pet to wear clothes from puppyhood. Over time, your pet will get used to it, while it will feel comfortable and natural. There is no single recipe for how to train an animal to wear clothes, since every dog is an individual, but it is worth paying attention to a few recommendations from experts.
- New things, after lying at home for some time, acquire a homey smell, after which they will not seem strangers to the pet. To begin with, you should give the dog a sniff of the thing.
- To accustom your pet to clothes, it is worth purchasing models from elastic fabrics. They should allow freedom of movement and be sleeveless.
- When trying on for the first time, you should be calm, even if the dog is behaving very badly, for example, resisting or using teeth. It is strictly forbidden to shout at her or use physical force. You should stick to your goal, take your time and perform all actions smoothly and gently.
- It is better to teach puppies to wear clothes, because at this age the process is quick and easy. To begin with, you should put on the thing for 15 minutes. The wearing time should be increased each time. It is worth bringing your pet into the game so that he does not pull the product off himself. You can praise the puppy and give him a treat.
- Dogs in adulthood are very fond of walking. It is worth putting on light clothes before walking. When the dog is out for a walk, he will simply forget about the clothes. Over time, she will associate clothes only with pleasant moments, as a result, she will already agree to wear a jumpsuit.
- If a dog starts to freeze in clothes, try to pull it off, do not immediately feel sorry for it or give treats. This behavior will show that you are encouraging that behavior. It is worth distracting her from her clothes, suggesting to play with her favorite toy. Alternatively, you can get away from the dog so that it rushes to look for you.
Important! Only a sequence of actions, determination and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goal - to train your dog to wear clothes.

You will learn how easy it is to train your dog to wear clothes in the following video.