How to transport dogs on the train?

A pet should in no case be an obstacle to travel, because both the owner and the dog himself would be pleased to walk in an unusual place. Not everyone has a personal car, and some distances on it can be problematic.
Fortunately, you can take your pet with you on the train, but everything is not so simple here - there are special rules for transporting tetrapods in passenger cars.

Basic rules of transportation
According to the rules of Russian Railways, dogs can also be transported in Russia on trains, but there is a special document with clearly defined conditions that must be observed during transportation. Here are its main points in a nutshell:
- small dogs of decorative breeds, in general, do not require a ticket, unless we are talking about a long-distance route, but large dogs need a ticket;
- to determine whether your dog is small or large, you can use the method of measuring the carrier in which it is placed - if three dimensions together do not exceed 180 cm, then the dog is small;
- on long-distance trains, Russian Railways has the right to demand a fare for a four-legged, even modest size;
- the owner of the animal is responsible for compliance with sanitary standards during transportation;
- there are special carriages that are designed for travel with animals - buy tickets there, otherwise the conductor has the right to refuse travel;
- a large dog can be transported only if all seats in the compartment are completely redeemed, they simply will not be allowed into a reserved seat carriage with it, the animal itself must have a muzzle and a leash;
- a large dog, for which a ticket is bought, occupies a "human" place, which means that five of us cannot fit into one compartment, no matter what the proportion of people and dogs is;
- a guide dog rides free of charge in a carriage of any type, it has the right and must be at the owner's feet at all times, but a leash and a muzzle are required;
- transportation of four-legged travelers is not possible in a carriage of any type, and in high-speed trains, special seats are usually allocated for them, for which you will have to pay;
- the railway, unlike airlines, does not require the dog breeder to demonstrate a veterinary passport.

Small dogs
How to determine that a pet belongs to small ones has already been said above. In this case, the breed does not matter - if you are carrying a Labrador puppy, and it fits in the described dimensions of the carrier, then everything happens in the same way as when transporting its relatives of small breeds. This is done correctly as follows:
- carrying is required - it is the permanent place of the beast while you are on the way, and you cannot release it from there;
- the container with the animal is stored on the carry-on luggage rack;
- think over how the pet will go to the toilet - the neighbors are unlikely to like that the dog-hawker in the carrier will normally walk right under him, so be prepared to walk the four-legged one at all major stops;
- regardless of the size of the dogs and carrying, the simultaneous presence of more than two individuals in the box is not allowed;
- all responsibilities for caring for an animal during a trip fall directly on the owner, including cleaning if the dog has caused a sanitary "accident";
- payment for transporting a pet of modest size is carried out at the station on the day of departure.

The cost of transporting a dog on a train depends on the type of carriage:
- class 1 of most letters, except for U and E, does not imply any additional payment for the baby's travel;
- 3G and 2B require additional payment, but this is not a ransom of a separate seat;
- 2U, 2K and 2L allow not to redeem all compartments, as well as 3U, 3D and 3O, however, it is still necessary to pay for the animal;
- As for carriages of type 2B, 2E, 1U and 1E, the dog can be transported in them without paying for it, but only on condition that the owner has forked out to buy out the entire compartment.

Large dogs
Representatives of large breeds ride the train less often, but this task looks more difficult from all sides. The presence of a collar and muzzle, which cannot be removed throughout the entire journey, is essential. In most carriages, except for 1B, additional payment for such a trip is required, while 1B itself allows a free tour for a dog, provided that the owner has only one dog.
In carriages 2B and 2E, for the sake of a single dog, you will have to redeem a whole compartment, the same applies to 1L, 1U and 1B - however, in the last three cases, there will be no additional costs.
Only in carriages of type 2U, 2K and 2L does the administration of the railway allow the passage of several large four-legged in one compartment, but strictly on the condition that it has been bought out in its entirety.

Required documents
The fact that a pet does not need a veterinary passport for a train trip greatly relaxes a significant part of the accompanying people, which is not entirely true. In fact, a veterinary certificate confirming that everything is in order with the dog, and he is not sick with anything contagious, is mandatory - without it, the handler has the right not to let the four-legged into the carriage.
At the same time, experts advise shortly before the trip, once again clarify the rules for transporting dogs on trains of a certain direction, since Russian Railways periodically changes the rules, and you hardly need an unpleasant surprise in the form of an unforeseen denial of travel.
If you have decided that the animal will also need a ticket to travel, then this is another obligatory document that should be.It is not possible to give any intelligible answer to the question of how much it may cost, since it all depends on the type of carriage, the dimensions of the animal-traveler and the duration of the trip.
It is noted that even for a small dog, with which they nevertheless demanded a fare, the amount will start from about 200 rubles, and for large dogs and for long distances it can grow many times over.

Carrying requirements
There are no fundamental requirements for carrying, except that there is no point in boxing, whose three dimensions exceed 180 centimeters, otherwise you will have to redeem the entire compartment. And you should also pay attention to the fact that you cannot carry more than two individuals in one box, and if there are suddenly more dogs, you will have to buy baskets.
In this case, the cell must meet certain logical criteria... For example, during a short trip, it is still permissible not to feed the dog on the road, however, any dog owner will confirm that the animal must have constant and free access to drinking water, because there must be a drinking bowl inside.
A disciplined and hardy pet, perhaps, will hold out like this, but it is better not to risk the animal's health once again.

Carrying should be elementary convenient, because you will have to carry it in your hands for some part of the way. It is included in the list of mandatory requirements in order to protect the surrounding passengers from possible aggression from the dog, so you must be sure that neither with the teeth nor the paw, a man's friend can show hostility to any of the neighbors. At the same time, the vessel cannot be airtight - you need to make sure that the ventilation inside is normal, and the animal will not suffer from suffocation.
The most difficult moment is connected with the toilet. Since you are traveling by public transport, the bottom of the carrier definitely should not be permeable - if the dog considered it possible to go under him, let the negative for those around him be limited only by the smell, but not by the scandal and the sight of how you clean. It is desirable that the box has a fairly high impenetrable side, which will protect the interior of the car from the dog's waste.
At the same time, for absorption, you can put some kind of soft rag on the bottom if you are sure that the dog's trip to the toilet is inevitable. Combined with disposable hygiene bags, similar to those used by parents of babies on travel, this may be the only solution for long-distance hygiene.

How to prepare an animal for transportation?
Do not think that all these preparations for the trip and the trip itself are a difficulty only for you - the dog will also be nervous in an unfamiliar environment. This is all not very good, because from this he can become more noisy and capricious, go to the toilet more often and just be sad - any of these phenomena can complicate the task of delivering the animal from point A to point B even more.
To minimize the number of possible problems, Before leaving, give your pet some kind of special sedative that will help calm down and more easily adapt to the new conditions of stay.
Experienced dog lovers argue that, on average, the situation is easier to control in the morning and afternoon, therefore, if the road is not too far, and there is a choice of trains, give preference to those routes that move during daylight hours.

On a long journey, the easiest way is to feed the dog with dry food. - it is the most convenient and hygienic for field conditions. At the same time, some dogs that are fed with natural food at home require a certain period of preparation in order to switch to dry food, therefore you should prepare for the trip in advance, accustoming the four-legged to the new menu.Don't even think about feeding your pet something unusual before leaving - digestive problems along the way can be the worst thing you can imagine.
Regardless of what time you usually walk the animal, be sure to walk with it immediately before sending it - if a smart dog understands everything correctly, he will try to do all his business while there is such an opportunity. Don't count on your friend to endure forever. - at each long stop, do not be lazy to go out and walk the dog. For the rest, use special absorbent mats and hygiene bags.

Distinctive features of transportation
We have already talked about how dogs are transported on long-distance passenger trains, including high-speed trains like the Sapsan, but rail transportation does not end there.
For example, there are special rules on electric trains - here you may have to pay even for a small dog, and although a collar and muzzle are vital during transportation, there is no mandatory requirement for carrying. With a large dog, you theoretically cannot take a seat directly in the carriage, but the conductor is obliged to let you into the vestibule, where you must be next to the transported pet all the time. At the same time, the vestibule has certain dimensions, because more than two dogs cannot be in it at the same time.
Many dog breeders are interested in how to transport dogs in the metro, but it should be noted that the metro is an organization that has absolutely nothing to do with Russian Railways. Moreover, the metro of each city has its own management organization, therefore, from metropolis to metropolis, the rules for traveling in the subway and carrying various types of luggage, including live ones, can differ significantly.
For this reason, the relevant question should be asked to the metro information service of a particular city in which you are located, especially since the rules there also change quite often.

Tips & Tricks
If with the rules for moving dogs by rail inside Russia, the situation is even more or less clear, then the particular difficulty will be to travel with the animal abroad. It will simply not work to send an animal unaccompanied - this rule also applies in our country, and a living organism simply cannot cross the border without a person's consent.
Going with your pet abroad by train, you should take into account many nuances. So, the above transportation rules apply only to Russia, and in other countries, even those that are very close in legal terms, the principles may turn out to be different. For example, in neighboring Belarus, a dog is considered small if it fits into a carrier with dimensions not 180, but 200 cm. However it is not permitted to carry the animal in any carriage other than the compartment. Ukrainian guides will demand more insistently veterinary documentationthan Russian, and have the right to do so in accordance with the laws of their state.

An even more important point is to correctly cross the border with the animal.
Here, the countries of the north-western part of Europe are especially strict - for example, Great Britain and Norway do not at all allow the import of pets into the country on a private basis.
For the rules for transporting animals on the train, see the following video.