List of dog breeds similar to fox

Of the more than 400 varieties of dogs, there are those who are very similar in appearance to other animals. Dogs that look like foxes look especially cute. Their appearance is so reminiscent of forest beauties that sometimes they can be confused from afar.

The appearance of fox-like dogs meets the following criteria:
- predominantly red color (although there are animals with wool of other colors);
- erect ears;
- the coat is fluffy, the collar and tail are more pubescent;
- the muzzle is elongated;
- slanted eyes.

Fox-like dogs come in a variety of sizes: large, medium, and small. All of them have both common characteristics and purely individual ones.
Rough collies reach a height of 60 cm, and in weight - 30 kg. With such parameters, they are distinguished by grace and harmonious physique. In the past, animals were used as shepherds or service dogs, but now they are considered decorative.
The resemblance to a fox is enhanced by the elongated head, almond-shaped eyes, and a lush collar and tail. Due to the dense undercoat, the collie's coat is distinguished by its density, the color is mainly sable, with shades of yellow, red and light golden tones.
They also resemble a cunning fox with their quick wits. Scottish Shepherd Dogs are unpretentious in grooming, but they are distinguished by their endurance and calm character.
They treat children with special attention and affection, being amazing nannies.

One of the most ancient breeds that lives in the north. Representatives of the breed served as sled dogs, as well as hunting and watchdogs. In weight, they can reach 25 kg, and the height of an adult dog is up to 57 cm. Samoyed is characterized by a great similarity with a white fox, and not only by a strong, somewhat elongated constitution and coat color. They have a similar head shape - a wedge-shaped, slightly elongated muzzle, triangular erect ears of small size and slightly slanted eyes.
In addition, they have a similarity in the structure of the coat, in both animals it is two-layered, with a dense white or cream collar. Although the Samoyed's character is rather stubborn and independent, it is easy to correct it with the correct upbringing and attention of the owner.
The breed is not at all inherent in aggression, with children they are extremely friendly and patient.

Norwegian Elkhound
Belongs to an old hunting breed and is characterized by a similarity to the silver fox. The ears of the dog are triangular, straight, the coat shimmers with shiny black and gray shades. Despite its hardiness and northern temper, the Elkhound has a gentle character. He is distinguished by his friendliness, quick-wittedness and a good attitude towards children.... The negative aspects of the breed include excessive independence and the desire to dominate, as well as aggression towards other animals.
Representatives of this breed need training and socialization, otherwise they will become uncontrollable.

Shiba inu
Japanese hunting breed, which was used when fishing for small game. Today the dog has become a friendly companion and family pet, having lost its original purpose. Shiba Inu belong to medium breeds, in height they can reach 41 cm, and weigh up to 12 kg. Dogs are playful and energetic, but unpretentious in keeping. By its nature, the animal is quite self-confident, and this feature can be a problem for an inexperienced or too soft owner.
To achieve obedience and respect from a dog, it needs to devote a lot of time and attention.

The dog belongs to the Spitz species. Previously, she was kept as a guard, and now she is acquired as a companion. The maximum growth of the animal reaches 45 cm. According to external data, the Keeshond resembles a silver fox. The head is wedge-shaped with a slightly elongated, rectangular muzzle.
Dogs are quite independent, but very peaceful. They get along well with other animals, in particular cats, and adore children. In education, the breed is easy, because it possesses high intelligence and curiosity.

American Eskimo
Its appearance is very similar to the white fox. A fluffy coat, a pointed muzzle and a sly look give a great similarity. Dogs come in three varieties, depending on their height: standard, miniature and toy. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their well-developed intellect, attentiveness and an active disposition. They are also very loyal and excellent guards.
Physical activity is desirable for the dog, and also needs to be devoted to it quite a lot of time.

Sheltie or Shetland Sheepdog
Differs in average size, Sheltie height is on average 35-40 cm, and weight is about 10-12 kg. In addition to the characteristic similarity with a fox, it also has a thick down, the color of which can vary from sable to a combination of brownish with red and white.
Gives the dog a fox-like look and a sly look with slanting eyes. Sheltie is distinguished by excellent health, well-developed intellect and high working capacity. In the past, shepherds, but now it is exclusively decorative dogs, are friendly and sociable.
Their character is calm and peaceful, graceful posture gives the Sheltie a certain aristocracy.

A small shepherd dog resembling a black fox. The breed combines the characteristics of a spitz and a fox. The average height of the dog is about 30 cm, and the weight reaches 7 kg. The animals are very active and inquisitive, with a calm disposition. With children, dogs can spend a lot of time, love to play and indulge.

Finnish spitz
Very much like a fox, even has a similar look.In addition to golden-red wool, it can be dark gray, black or brown, as well as fawn with black. The breed belongs to hunting and was used for baiting both birds and much larger animals, such as a wild boar or a bear. It can reach a height of 50 cm.
Due to his independent and too independent character, he needs a strict master, as well as intense physical activity.

A representative of this breed acquires the features of a fox only with age. The color of dogs is different: from red and golden-red to blue and black. They weigh on average up to 3 kg with a height of about 20 cm. Dogs are distinguished by intelligence and activity. Overconfidence and courage often lead to fights with other dogs, even if they are significantly larger in size.
The Spitz needs daily active walks and regular training.

Welsh corgi
A breed of small dogs with short legs and large ears. In height, adults can reach 25-30 cm, and weigh up to 12 kg. Corgi are characterized by a kind disposition and reverent attitude towards the owner.
Despite their squat paws, dogs adore vigorous play and long walks. Their balanced nature makes them wonderful companions.

A hybrid of the Pomeranian and Husky, the breed is quite young, not yet very popular and poorly studied. Depending on the characteristics of the parents, they can have different colors and parameters. Dogs are distinguished by their energy and curiosity. They love active games and walks. They have a non-aggressive character, but they love to bark. Of all the household members, the Pomsk will choose a favorite for herself and will only obey him.

Care rules
Keeping fox-like dogs does not require much effort and expense. Their dense "fur coat" repels water and dirt. And also animals are characterized by cleanliness, they themselves are able to maintain the cleanliness of the coat, and besides this, they try not to get dirty. Hair care consists of when brushing with a stiff brush, the frequency depends on the length of the coat. For breeds with shorter coats, once a week is enough, but for dogs with long coats it is worth combing about once every 2-3 days.
If tangles have formed in the wool, they must be carefully combed out. During shedding, the procedure should be carried out more often, since the densely pubescent undercoat sheds quite a lot, ideally once a week. Dogs are rarely bathed or if they are heavily soiled, with the use of special shampoos. It is better to entrust the grooming of the dog to a professional. In terms of hygiene, the hair should be trimmed between the pads of the fingers and in the lower area of the tail.
Dogs' ears, eyes and teeth should be checked regularly: the ears are cleaned with a damp swab as they become dirty, and special toothbrushes and toothpastes are used to brush your teeth about 3-4 times a week. The paws of the animal should be examined after each walk to avoid injury. The nails are trimmed about once a month.

The thick coat is a good habitat for parasites, especially mites. After each return from a walk, the coat is inspected for their presence. It is necessary to undergo regular examinations by a veterinarian, to carry out vaccinations and anthelmintic prophylaxis.
In the past, almost all fox-like dogs were shepherds or hunters, so they love active pastime, long walks and physical activity. Due to the willfulness and too independent character, the animals simply need training and socialization. The lessons will not be too difficult because dogs are very smart and have a fairly developed intellect, but their stubbornness can become an obstacle.
Here you need to find the right approach to your pet. Such dogs need a confident owner with a strong character who can show their leadership. Otherwise, the animal will take on this role, and it will be impossible to control it.

What to feed?
The main requirement for the diet of fox-like dogs is that it must be balanced and of high quality. Animals do not put forward special requirements, but you should not mix different types of food, and also give food from the table. The diet should be dominated by:
- lean meat (beef, turkey, chicken):
- porridge;
- dairy products;
- liver;
- sea fish (fillet).

You should not feed your pet with bones, river fish, pork, flour products and sweets. From time to time, you can give raw vegetables to nibble, they perfectly clean tartar. Meat is served scalded or slightly boiled, and porridge is boiled in broth or water. When choosing dog food, you need to focus on premium food. It is recommended to give food 15-20 minutes after the walk.
Puppies need to organize 4-5 meals a day, and from 6 months they need to be fed 3 times a day, indicators may vary depending on the breed. Adult dogs should be fed twice a day.
It is recommended to feed the animal at certain times. Drinking water should be kept fresh and clean at all times.

For a dog that looks like a fox, see the next video.