Dogs that look like bears

To date, more than 400 dog breeds are known to exist. There are purebred individuals and crossbreeds of different species. Often, when choosing a pet, future owners are guided not by characteristics of a certain type, but to a greater extent by the appearance of the animal. Dogs that look like bears, which come in different sizes, look very attractive.

Large and medium-sized breeds are of ancient origin and are intended to be kept only in private houses with a plot. In childhood, they undoubtedly resemble teddy bears, but as they grow up, their appearance changes. Dimensions, the need for a large space and a thick coat make it difficult to live in an apartment. But it is the warm wool, reminiscent of a bear's skin, that provides comfort when the dog is outside on frosty days or in an unheated room.
Big dogs show a desire for leadership, and therefore they need more strict education and constant training. Miniature breeds resemble clumsy fluffy bears, evoking emotions of affection and admiration. Perfectly adapt to living in an apartment... They are excellent companions and pets.

Popular breeds
All types that look like clubfoot fellows have a certain charm and charm, but they have peculiar habits and need different conditions of detention. Several breeds deserve special attention.
The breed is so named after the province of the same name in Canada, where a harsh maritime climate and cold winds prevail. The local population held in high esteem large dogs with abundant hair that could repel water.
Despite their massive physique, Newfoundlands are distinguished by a kind disposition. They are very intelligent, calm, patient and obedient. In case of danger, they will always come to the rescue not only to the owner, but even to a stranger in trouble. Get along well with people and other animals.
Are prone to passivity and laziness, which can lead to obesity, therefore with them it is necessary to conduct at least short training sessions, giving clear commands. Newfoundlands are very fond of water, you should, if possible, give them a swim and frolic in the water. They love to play with children on the banks of reservoirs.

In nutrition, it is important to adhere to a strict diet. Food should be high in calories, enriched with minerals and vitamins.
They reach a height of 66-71 cm, gain weight up to 70 kg. Wool requires careful maintenance, as it is prone to year-round shedding. To prevent the formation of tangles, it must be combed daily with a brush with stiff bristles, and thoroughly combed out once a week.
The resemblance to a bear is given by its huge size, a square body, thick fur, a round muzzle and small ears that fit tightly to the head. Newfoundlands are black or brown in color. The average life span is 10 years.

Alaskan Malamute
The breed was bred by the Eskimos. In physique, especially in adulthood, they are more like wolves. They have a well-developed musculoskeletal system, therefore they are very strong and enduring, which allows them to be used as sled dogs. Animals have an energetic temperament, developed intellect, but they are very stubborn and headstrong.
They need increased physical activity and constant training sessions. When living in a family, they try to take a leadership position, therefore, strict upbringing is required.
Growth ranges from 59-63 cm, and body weight 35-38 kg. There are different colors from pure white to gray with an admixture of black, red and brown shades. Wool sheds 2 times a year, during these periods it is important to comb it out thoroughly. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
The fur and the structure of the paws give the similarity to a bear. Malamute puppies are very charming and resemble cute teddy bears.

Samoyed or Arctic Spitz
For the first time the breed appeared in the northern regions of Russia, belongs to the group of sled dogs. Samoyeds are very hardy, have a strong muscular body and strong, well-developed limbs. The head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle is small and flattened, the coat is thick and fluffy.
They are very sociable, friendly and brave in demeanor. Easily adapt to any conditions. Get along well with owners and other pets. Aggression is unusual for them, but they will fight back when attacked. They are very fond of attention to their person, therefore, it is more suitable for people with a sufficient amount of free time. Difficulty enduring separation.
In the absence of manifestations of affection and care, they begin to get bored and attract attention with loud barking. They like to spend a lot of time outdoors and need physical activity. It is inappropriate to have a dog of this breed as a guard, more suitable for the role of a family companion.

Samoyeds are of medium size, height reaches 46-56 cm, weight - up to 30 kg. They live on average 12-15 years. The color of the fur is most often white, but sometimes there are representatives with a light cream color. Despite the fluffy coat, caring for it is not particularly difficult, it sheds infrequently - once or twice a year. Requires brushing 1-2 times a week.
At the age of puppies very much resemble polar bears.

Tibetan mastiff
A very rare and expensive breed, it is one of the largest in the world. It was bred many centuries ago, but has still retained its clean line. In ancient times, its main purpose was to protect nomadic tribes and monks in the mountains of Tibet.
Representatives of this type have impressive size, long and shaggy hair, a large head with a wide forehead and a shortened muzzle. If they show alertness, then the appearance of folds becomes noticeable on the forehead. Very hardy, in need of intensive training and long walks.

Mastiffs are calm, peaceful, trusting with their owners, but very vigilant of strangers. They often demonstrate stubbornness, strictness is required in upbringing.
At the withers, they reach a height of 75 cm, weigh about 60 kg. The color can be different: black, golden, coffee, gray, for example, and tan. The coat should be brushed once a week, and daily during the spring shedding period. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.
With age, funny puppies that resemble bear cubs turn into large individuals and retain their resemblance to bears.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog
The most famous and widespread guard breed, bred 20 centuries ago. The physique is very massive and muscular.
They have a complex character: overly capricious, demanding, persistent and brave... The desire to dominate people and the feeling of being in the lead role are characteristic. Strangers are extremely hostile and suspicious. In conditions of danger, they make the right decisions, fight back, and when they threaten the owners, they attack first. Usually their actions are correct and unmistakable. We need constant training.

They grow up to 75 cm in height, and weights up to 70, there are also too large animals - with a mass of about 110 kg. The shade of the coat is most often gray, fawn, brown and variegated. The coat is thick, tangles often appear, it should be combed out 2 times a week. They live for 10-12 years.
The gigantic dimensions of the body, hard fur, large round paws and great physical strength give the resemblance to a bear.

Akita Inu
Japanese breed, has a strong and muscular physique. A fluffy, thick, two-layer coat with a soft undercoat gives particular attractiveness. The disposition of dogs is very calm and friendly, they are wary of strangers, but they behave with restraint, without showing aggression.
The growth of adults reaches 70 cm, weight - 35-54 kg. Various colors are possible - white, red, brindle, piebald. Fur care is simple, it is enough to comb it once every 7-10 days, during the molting period you can 2 times a week. The life span is 10-14 years.
At the age of puppies they are very similar to cubs, but over the years, similarities with a wolf or a fox appear.

Chow Chow
This cute medium-sized breed belongs to the Spitz group. Is of Chinese origin. The physique is strong, the chest is wide, the limbs are strongly developed. An interesting feature is the purple tongue. There is an ancient Chinese legend about this. When God created the sky, a piece of it accidentally fell to the ground, which was immediately licked by an inquisitive dog, and since then its tongue has acquired a blue-violet color.
Chow Chows are very energetic, they like active and long walks. A stubborn and power-hungry character hides behind a pleasant appearance. They show loyalty and love to the owners, but when meeting a new person they can show aggression. Sentry skills developed.

They grow up to 46-56 cm, weigh 20-32 kg. The color can be red, brown, black, blue. Life expectancy is 9-15 years. Despite the fluffiness, the coat is easy to care for - 1 time a week requires thorough combing, you can walk along it for 1 minute with a massage comb before walking to give it tidiness.
Thanks to the fluffy fur coat, round head and small ears, Chow Chow is more often compared to other breeds with cubs.

This breed of miniature pets is very popular. They are excellent companions, they love to be among people. Very kind, obedient, mobile and playful. They like to bark loudly, which complicates the upbringing somewhat.
The coat is not prone to shedding and the formation of tangles, but due to its density, it needs to be combed 2-3 times a week. In feeding, preference should be given to meat, cereals, eggs and milk.
Small growth - about 22 cm, gaining weight up to 3.5 kg. The colors are different: red, cream, blue, sable, chocolate, black and white are less common. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.
A short muzzle, small round paws, thick fur make it look like a teddy bear.

It is a mixture of Golden Retriever and Poodle species. Very kind, patient, sociable and playful nature. He loves to be in the center of attention of household members, and especially children, to whom he forgives all the pranks in relation to himself.
The coat is soft, fluffy, curly, pleasant to the touch, does not fade. The main care is to comb it out 2 times a week to prevent mats. The color can be brown, copper, cream, golden, red, white, brown, black.
They come in small and medium sizes. Growth in the range - 35-65 cm, weight - from 10 to 30 kg. The life span is 10-15 years.
Curly hair, round head and always kind look give the external resemblance to a teddy bear.

How to choose?
The choice of a pet is always very responsible; the desire to have a dog that looks like a bear is not enough. The following points should be carefully considered:
- willingness to show sufficient attention and compliance with the rules of caring for the animal;
- the purpose of acquiring a four-legged friend is to be a companion or guardian of the family;
- the behavior and character of which breed is more attractive;
- when keeping a puppy in an apartment, make sure that family members are not allergic to dog hair;
- whether the dog is supposed to live with other animals in the house.

For adults and responsible people, in whose house there are rarely guests, there are no small children and other animals, you can choose any puppy you like, regardless of the type and size. The main thing is to create optimal conditions and appropriate care for them.
For families living in an apartment with small children, it is better to purchase a Goldenoodle dog. For families where children have already crossed the threshold of school and realize that the animal needs not only play, but also care, you can get a Chow-Chow, Pomeranian or Samoyed. Akita Inu will become a true and devoted friend of a teenage child.
Lonely elderly people who see a dog as a companion can be advised to have a Samoyed or Goldendull, however, you should not purchase a Pomeranian or Chow Chow due to their excessive activity and noise.

Large-sized pets are better for people living in a private house. But even if there is a local area with them, you must definitely make regular walks.
A Newfoundland dog is a great option that pretends to be a family pet. In her presence, you can quite calmly leave preschool children for a walk in the courtyard. But alone with a Malamute, Tibetan Mastiff or Caucasian Shepherd Dog, it is better not to leave small children, because, despite their love and affection for household members, behavior often depends on mood. These breeds have good watchdog skills, they need to be kept on a leash, but periodically giving the opportunity to run around the yard.
When purchasing, be sure to make sure of the presence of vaccinations, study the documents related to the pedigree.

Basic rules of content
The greatest similarity between dogs and bears is given by fluffy fur, and therefore caring for it becomes an important concern of the owners. To maintain an attractive appearance, the pet's coat needs to be combed. More demanding in her care: Newfoundland, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Pomeranian and Goldendoodle. It is necessary to accustom to constant combing from the age of puppies in a playful way, then it will become a habit and in an adult state will give the dog a pleasant reason to communicate with the owner. If the animals will take part in exhibitions, then the services of a professional groomer will be needed.
Dog food should be balanced. When composing a diet, you need to take into account their weight, age and health status. Puppies are fed more often, but less often than adults. Large breeds need high-calorie food, more vitamins and minerals.
If pets eat natural food, then it is imperative to use special vitamin supplements, since the lack of trace elements immediately affects the condition of the coat and the work of internal organs. Sweets should not be given, but sometimes fruits and vegetables can be fed.

Care Tips:
- in order to avoid periodontal disease, it is better to brush your pet's teeth every day;
- wipe your eyes daily with a damp cotton pad;
- you need to bathe as needed, optimally - no more than 1 time in 3 months;
- it is important to carry out routine vaccinations and timely deworming;
- to carry out training from an early age - from 1-2 months;
- for walking active puppies, in particular, Chow Chow or Pomeranian, you should purchase a special jumpsuit, as they often get dirty.
With the manifestation of the necessary care and love, these beautiful breeds of dogs will certainly delight their owners and give pleasant moments of communication.

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