A cross between a lapdog with other breeds

The breed of lapdogs has many subspecies, but they are all small domestic dogs with an adorable appearance and good character. If you cross them with pets of other breeds, you can get the most unexpected result. Puppies of such unions are called mestizo. What are mestizos and what they are, we will tell in this article.
General about mestizo
Mestizos and mongrels are mongrel dogs, but these animals differ significantly from each other. The ancestral line of mongrels cannot be traced, and mestizos have thoroughbred parents. In their appearance, the features of their titled ancestors are guessed. Unfortunately, heredity does not give them the right to have documents, maintain a pedigree. And although some mestizos are admitted to exhibitions, they almost never win awards.
Researchers believe that in most cases, hybrids inherit from their parents all the best in physiology and character. They have strong immunity, they rarely transmit genetic diseases inherent in any breed. The psyche in such animals is more stable than, for example, in aggressive breeds, they more easily adapt to the new environment, have an agreeable, sociable character.

Today you can hear the term "designer breed", which refers to hybrids, but in most cases such unions are obtained from random mating, when the owner is unable to keep track of the pet.
Produced mestizos do not have to be paid, they are handed over to "good hands."
Important! Hybrids are produced on purpose, for example, the owner wants to have a small cute dog in the form of a lapdog, but with the watchdog qualities of a Doberman.The danger of such a union lies in the fact that genes can develop unpredictably and the owner will receive a large shaggy dog with a kind character who will not even bark when a thief appears in the apartment.

General about lapdogs
Before proceeding with the description of a cross between animals of different breeds, we will find out who the lapdogs are. Having ideas about them, one can expect the manifestation of similar genes from a hybrid. The lapdog is a cute fluffy little dog. But the breed is made up of many varieties, which differ in their appearance and character. For a general presentation, we list some of them.
- Maltese (maltese) - beautiful, picky creatures with white fur. The character is sensitive, gentle and affectionate. Such a dog may cry if offended.

- Russian colored - endowed with gray, beige or brown color. The disposition is soft, compliant, but has protective qualities, which is not typical for lapdogs. She is able to show character and protect the owner.

- French (Bichon Frize) - the coat color of the breed is white, the character is good-natured and inquisitive.

- Italian (bolognese) - aristocratic proud and wayward dog. It looks like a white ball. In fact, it has a slender body, which is rounded due to the large amount of wool.

- Havanese (Havanese) - a glamorous dwarf dog with delicate silky fur. Pets of this breed are kind, gentle, love attention, get along well with children.

- Coton de Tulear - lapdog with floor-length hair, strong build and good health.

- Little lion (levhen) - two-colored individuals with a characteristic haircut like a lion. But they look completely innocent, endowed with a kind character.

From the description of different types of lapdogs, we can conclude that they are good-natured, accommodating, affectionate.
Pets are not hunters, watchmen, or guards. To give them additional properties, the lapdog is crossed with other types of dogs.
Having figured out the breed of lapdogs and finding out who the mestizos are, you can consider the results of a cross between these beautiful animals with other dogs. In crossing, different types of animals can be used: dachshund, pinscher, pomeranian, spaniel, scotch terrier. Ideally, if the builds of the dogs are approximately the same. Here are examples of some species of mestizo obtained with the participation of lapdogs.
- A cross between a miniature schnauzer and a lapdog. It turns out very cute animals the size of a schnauzer and with the hair of a lapdog. The owners often cut their pet under the schnauzer. From the lapdog, the puppy gets a friendly and accommodating disposition, and loyalty to the owner and a strong character from the second parent. If the dog feels a threat to any member of the family, he will instantly turn from a kind-hearted into a protector. The dog needs training. The owner must have a strong character in order to become an authority for the pet.

- Papillon mixed with a lapdog. Not so long ago, breeders bred the half-breed Mi-ki quite deliberately. It was the result of a cross between the Maltese lapdog, the Papillon, the Shih Tzu and the Japanese Chin. This is the rare occasion that the mestizo has lived up to its name as a designer breed. Such babies cost from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. They have a straight, long, floor-length coat and magnificent butterfly ears. Dogs are very cute and companionable.

- Chihuahua crossed with a lapdog. Chihuahuas are crossed with different types of lapdogs. A cross with the Havana Bichon is called Cheenese, and with the French (Frize) it is called Chi-Chon. Such mestizos have a beautiful fur coat with a lot of fur, they have adorable shaggy ears (they are lowered in the frieze, and raised in the Havanese).

- Yorkshire Terrier mixed with a lapdog. Metis of a Yorkie with a Maltese (Maltese) are called carrots or Yorktiz. They are hardy, have good health, friendly, affectionate disposition, loyal and loyal to their master. Hybrids can get stubbornness from Yorkies.If you show patience and engage in training from childhood, you can get a calm and well-mannered pet.

- A cross between a toy terrier and a lapdog. Puppies of such a union have long hair and look more like a Yorkie than a toy terrier. Metis turns out to be kind, compliant, trusting and affectionate. He loves the company of children, but at the same time he is very touchy, he can hide for a long time and not answer the calls of the offender.

- A mixture of Pekingese and lapdog. Mestizos are delicious, in the form of fluffy little tender lumps. They are obedient and calm, easy to learn. They have enough energy and optimism to play frequently. The attitude towards children in such a hybrid will depend on how the genes are formed. If he takes more from the lapdog, he will gladly play with the children. Genes from the Pekingese will allow the pet to love only itself and the owner.

- A cross between a poodle and a lapdog. Maltipu is a mixture of a Maltese lapdog with a poodle. Mestizos look like plush toys with beady eyes. Any kind of wool can be obtained - straight, wavy or actively curly. The hybrid looks more like a lapdog. The dog is intelligent, playful, cheerful and curious, loves the company of children.

- Crossbreed with a cocker spaniel. The mixture of lapdogs and spaniels is called the Silky Cocker. It looks like a silky cocker, which is what the name implies. Mestizos have docile, cheerful and trusting characters.

For what features the Maltese lapdog has, see the next video.