Popular dog breeds

Dogs are considered one of the most popular animals around humans. Unlike other pets, they are able to be not only entertainment for their owners, but also, if necessary, to protect them from any danger. Many people have dogs to guard their home, livestock, or as a friend and companion.
Top popular breeds in Russia with photos
Now dogs are used both for breeding and as ordinary pets. However, their popularity in no way depends on where people live. It is worth considering the names of dog breeds that are among the ten most popular in Russia.
Yorkshire Terrier
The first place in the top ten is taken by this small animal. This is the only dog that does not cause allergies. Today Yorkies are the most expensive and decorative dogs. In the past, they hunted animals living in burrows, so these dogs are really smart and dexterous.
In addition, terriers are distinguished by their intelligence and good manners.

Labrador Retriever
On the second step are Labradors. First of all, it is a great helper for its owner, who can save him in any situation. They were originally bred for fishing or hunting trips. But over time passed into the category friends and companions.
Almost all dogs of this breed are non-aggressive, therefore they play with small children with great pleasure. In addition, thanks to their excellent scent, Labradors are used to search for drugs or explosives. They can live both in an apartment and in a country house.

The third position is rightfully taken by the Eskimo sled dogs.They are distinguished not only by their kind character, but also by their devotion to their master. They can get along with children and some pets. Sometimes huskies are stubborn. They require regular walks or jogging.

Jack Russell Terrier
The fourth place is taken by this restless little dog. It was originally bred to hunt burrowing animals. You can keep such dogs in any conditions, but all the animals that live in apartments require frequent walking.

Toy Terrier
In fifth place are dogs that were bred to hunt rats. Their sizes are very small, they grow only up to 26 cm. But at the same time they are quite aggressive.

The sixth step in this list is occupied by small dogs, which used to be a real decoration for palace chambers. At that time, not everyone could buy them, since the cost of pets was extremely high.
Today Pekingese live not only in apartments, but also in many private houses in Russia.

German Shepherd
In seventh place are dogs, who are not only house guards, but also rescuers or guides. Sheepdogs are easy to train, as they have a sharp mind.

French Bulldog
The eighth position rightfully belongs to this decorative dog. She is a great companion for any person. Dogs are distinguished by loyalty, as well as friendliness. French Bulldogs by nature very affectionate and funny. For them no special conditions of detention are needed.
Many find them too annoying due to their immense affection for their master. In addition, dogs of this breed snore in their sleep.

The ninth place is occupied by the descendants of the Chow Chow, who were named Sharpei. They have a pretty funny look and look a bit like teddy bears. Such dogs have fighting instincts, as well as a fiery temperament.

Chow Chow
In last place are dogs that were bred in China. They are wonderful companions they can accompany their owners even on jogging. Chow Chows are not very fond of small children, but at the same time they can tolerate them.

Dogs in demand in other countries
If we talk about other countries, then the most popular breeds in Europe, for example, will not be in the same demand in Asia or America. Therefore, it is necessary to divide the entire list into several categories.
European countries
In Portugal, the most popular are water dogs. They are not only calm but also intelligent. Initially, this breed was bred in order to help herd fish in fishermen's nets.
In Italy, they treat dogs very well, so both large dogs and small ones are in demand here. Among them it is worth noting the following.
- Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the largest animals in Italy. Such a dog weighs up to 70 kilograms. She will be a great friend, as well as a protector for any owner.
- Bolognese Is a decorative dog and weighs about 6 kilograms. It was bred in the province of Bologna, which is why it got its name.
- Maremma belong to the most ancient breeds of dogs. These are very proud animals that are difficult to train. At the same time, they are fearless and careful.
- Talking about Italian dogs, it is impossible to ignore and Cane Corso... They are excellent protectors as well as watchmen. Weigh up to 50 kilograms.
- Bergamskaya shepherd was originally used as a working dog. Subsequently, she became a wonderful friend and also a companion for her master.

In Japan, the most popular breeds are:
- Akita Inu, often used for hunting large animals;
- Japanese Spitz, which is considered an excellent companion and friend for its owner.
In Korea, the favorite animals are the Korean jindo. They are considered the property of a given country.
The following dogs are quite common in China:
- the Pekingese, which was bred more than two thousand years ago and for a long time was the sacred dog of all Chinese emperors;
- Shar Pei.

The most popular American dogs are the Labrador Retriever. Love for dogs is also confirmed by the fact that in Miami you can find many hotels where you are allowed to stay with your animals. Besides, it is worth noting the Bulldog, Rottweiler, and Yorkshire Terrier.

The most popular dogs in the world
For every owner, the dog always remains a favorite pet, regardless of its breed. And since there are a lot of people, one answer to the question, which dog is the most popular, will simply not be enough. In addition, in each country, certain breeds of dogs are considered favorite. But there are also favorites, the merits of which are officially recognized all over the world.
Such dogs are no more than 30 cm tall, and their weight is about 5 kilograms. At the same time, the popularity of animals is quite high, because they can be kept even in the smallest apartment or just taken with you on trips. Many of them resemble soft toys in their appearance, they are just as fluffy and beautiful.
- Yorkshire Terrier has an unusual and quirky hairstyle. Its wool grows all the time, and its structure is a bit like human hair. For this reason, he is constantly being cut.
- Orange spitz very reminiscent of a teddy bear, it is often chosen by families with small children.
- Pekingese cannot be called a very fragile animal. After all, he practically does not know what fear is.
These dogs love to be petted and cuddled at all times.

Dogs of this subspecies can grow up to 40 cm in height, with a weight of up to 10 kilograms.
- Pug is distinguished by tremendous energy and curiosity. Looks like a little bear cub. Such dogs love to play with small children, easily find a common language with strangers, as well as with other pets that live in the same house with them.
- Dachshund very funny, her elongated body with short legs will not leave anyone indifferent. Such dogs are very loyal to their owners, so they will protect them in any situation.
- Jack Russell Terrier can accompany a person on jogging or hiking. His energy almost never ends.

Animals that fall into this category can weigh up to 20 kilograms, with a height of 55 cm. The following individuals are considered the most popular in the world.
- English bulldog, which is distinguished not only by its ingenuity, but also by its great devotion to the owner.
- Chow Chow became famous for the unusual purple color of the tongue.
- Shar Pei pretty calm and level-headed. It differs from other dogs in its appearance. His whole body is covered with folds.

Such dogs are very rarely kept in apartments, because they can grow up to 70 cm, with an average weight of 50 kilograms. Private property is more suitable for them.
- German Shepherd is one of the most famous all over the world. She lends itself well to training, besides, she is distinguished by her devotion.
- Husky won the hearts of many people not only with their appearance, but also with their cheerful character.
- Newfoundlands are inherently kind and friendly despite their enormous size.

Fashion trends
Fashion for dog breeds changes quite often. First of all, it depends on the person's desire for something new and unusual. Recently, the following dogs are considered the most fashionable:
- Yorkshire Terrier - these dogs hold high positions for several years in a row;
- chihuahua - is the smallest dog in the world, moreover, it does not require special conditions for keeping;
- Toy Terrier - by nature is considered a true warrior;
- papillon - a small dog, which in some cases can show aggression;
- Pekingese - he always requires special attention to himself.
- Chinese Crested - afraid of cold weather, so in winter you will need warm clothes for walks;
- orange spitz - by nature, very kind and calm;
- Maltese - snow-white, fluffy and kind dog;
- chow-chow - recognizes only his master, and tries to keep his distance with other people;
- husky - a sled dog with a cheerful disposition, not suitable for guarding the house;
- Shar Pei - although it looks like a little bear cub, it is still considered an excellent watchman;
- amstaff - excellent fighter with high intelligence;
- Cocker Spaniel - excellent hunter;
- doberman - is an excellent security guard.

Types of dogs by appointment
All dogs differ from each other not only in their appearance, but also in the purpose for which they were bred.
These animals are specially trained. As a result, dogs can help blind people, deaf people with other disabilities. Wilhelm Klein is considered the first person to start training dogs. So, in 2001, during a fire in a shopping center, a dog trained to be a guide was able to save its owner and took him from the 70th floor straight to the street.

Such animals have a good sense of smell, as well as great intelligence. They are able to catch the smell of a person, even if he is under two meters of snow. Most often, these dogs work in pairs.
This is necessary so that one dog stays with the rescued person, and the second can bring help.

Search and sentry
Such dogs are trained to recognize a person by the smell of things, to detain criminals, as well as to guard and escort. In addition, such dogs must be able to guard the territory or the necessary object. Most often used for this German shepherds.

These dogs are taught to hunt from an early age. In addition, they are all divided into several subspecies.
- Hounds intended for corral animals. They pursue them to the point of exhaustion, until they come into the sight of the hunters. Such dogs have loyalty, the ability to find any game, as well as excellent vocal cords.
- Greyhounds more used for unarmed hunting. Most often this is baiting foxes or hares, which they can grab right on the go. These animals have the ability to quickly find their prey, endurance, and also have excellent eyesight.
- Burrowing dogs more used for hunting foxes or badgers. Most often these are dachshunds or terriers.
- Cops hunt birds. They have great instincts and quick reactions. They are trained to freeze in a certain stance, and only at the command of their master, they rush forward to scare away the game.

Most often, such dogs are used in peasant yards for transportation. There should always be a leader in the sleds, who not only organizes the work of all dogs, but also sets the pace for the animals.

This group of dogs includes both service and search animals. Most often, they have certain qualities: the manifestation of anger towards any outsiders, the ability to protect, to always be on the alert. Herding dogs are Belgian, Scottish, Picardy shepherd dogs, as well as many other similar animals.

In addition to the described dogs, in the old days there were also rat-catcher dogs, as well as trochanter dogs.
- Twirling animals appeared in the Middle Ages, they were used to cook meat on a spit. After all, in order to cook it delicious, it was necessary to twirl the product for up to 10 hours. At first, servants were called for this, and a little later they began to train dogs. They were put in a special wheel where they had to run tirelessly. At first, ordinary mongrels were used, and then a special breed was bred, which was called a trochanter dog.
- Rat catchers most often used in rural areas or huge granaries.So, there was a case when a specially trained terrier crushed more than two thousand rats in a barn. In the old days, they even made spectacles out of it.

Summing up, we can say that the popularity of dogs depends on the preferences of the person as well as the country in which they live.
However, there are also dogs that occupy first places even in world rankings, being equally loved everywhere.
In the next video, you will find a selection of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Soon I will have a marbled beauceron, a brown straight-haired retriever, a white doberman, and a fawn wolfhound.
I also want to take a Lancashire healer, dead end husky, briar and basenji.