Portuguese Water Dog: breed features and dog care

The Portuguese Water Dog, or Wasserhund, is a very interesting, but rather rare breed for our country. If you see such a pet on a walk, you can mistake it for a poodle. However, the owners of the “Portuguese” claim that the similarities are minimal, and their favorites are the best in the world!
Dog breeders are proud of the excellent characteristics of these animals, among which one can note quick wits, high intellectual level, extravagant appearance.
Dogs often become participants and winners of all kinds of exhibitions and shows.

The Wasserhund breed originates in Portugal in ancient times. However, scientifically substantiated confirmation of this fact has not survived. One of the theories says that the representatives of the breed were brought by the Persians back in the 6th century BC. But the formation of the appearance and basic characteristics, according to scientists, was completed in the Middle Ages.
After that, the "Portuguese" firmly settled on the coast. Their original function was to help the locals in fishing, with which the dogs did an excellent job. They could feed fish in nets, transmit messages from land to vessels in the catch area, and vice versa. Accordingly, this required endurance and high performance, these qualities have been preserved among the representatives of the breed in our time.

With the onset of the 20th century, industry and agriculture began to actively develop in Portugal. This could not but have an impact on the breed, which has ceased to be in demand and almost found itself on the verge of extinction. However, the problem was taken up by the dog handler Vasco Bensuade.By the middle of the 20th century, Portuguese water dogs were sent to the British Isles, but the plan failed.
The breed was revived already in the 90s, when it was entered into the register of the American Kennel Club. After that, other countries of the world became interested in her, and now puppies are quite in demand and have a decent price.

Description of the breed
According to breed standards, Portuguese Water Dogs are of medium size. The growth of males is 50-57 centimeters, bitches are slightly smaller - from 43 to 52 centimeters. The weight of individuals is from 19 to 25 and from 16 to 22 kilograms, respectively.
As for the physique, it can be different. The influence is exerted by the diet of animals and their way of life. The best option is considered if the pets have conditions for active development and regular swimming. This allows you to develop muscles, build bones and tighten the body.
The head of the "Portuguese" is wide and tapers towards the nose. The eyes are large, round, brown or darker in color, have no light areas.
The body resembles a square, since its length almost corresponds to the growth of the animal.
Girls have a more elongated body. The neck is strong and muscular. The neat tail can be twisted in a half ring.

A feature of the Portuguese Water Dog is her fur. She is very thick and thick, without undercoat. Hair on the chest, forelegs and groin is softer. In appearance, the representatives of the breed are divided into 2 types. In the first case, they have curly hair, in the second, they have a falling wavy coat. Any other option is considered a marriage.
There are also several types of color in these animals. The Wasserhund can be either pure black or white with brown spots. There are also individuals with black or brown fur interspersed with white hairs. It is permissible when the dog is pure white, but at the same time she must not be albino.

Those who decide to have a Portuguese water dog in the house note its excellent characteristics and say that it is difficult to find another such affectionate, hardy and active pet. And this is justified, because initially the breed was focused on helping humans in various activities. This left its mark on the character. Dogs can quickly adapt to any situation, are very obedient and strictly follow the owner's orders.
In addition to endurance, breeders note qualities such as balance of the psyche, observation and boundless patience. Dogs have an excellent instinct; it is not a problem for them to find the right thing, even in a large area. Moreover, quick wits and intelligence help to observe the situation, evaluate it and, if necessary, make a decision about how to intervene.
Dog breeders believe that The Portuguese Water Dog is not inferior in development to such breeds as the German or Scottish Shepherd. However, this does not always play in the favor of the hosts.
It is necessary to engage in a pet and pay maximum attention to it, in the absence of this condition, the animal will begin to get bored, and the lack of upbringing will manifest itself in the fact that it will be stubborn, spoil things and mess with all available means.

Despite the fact that the representatives of this breed are very independent, this does not prevent them from being exclusively loyal to their owners. It depends only on upbringing whether the pet will be obedient. He is very attached to all members of the family in which he lives, he is also kind to the guests of the house, he gladly makes contact with them. Can play around, but not out of malice, but because of an obstinate disposition, and tries not to upset the owner.
However, with all of the above, the Wasserhund is a serious breed. When educating, you should follow some recommendations. The ideal option would be if the pet takes the position of a real family member, among which it most often chooses one owner.Such animals are very sociable, usually keeping them together with other pets does not cause problems. "Portuguese" will be an excellent companion for children, will be reverent about the elderly.
In addition, such dogs are able to cheer up with their mere appearance and irrepressible energy.
Experts advise people who are prone to frequent mood swings and depression to start them. In European countries, dogs of this breed have established themselves as excellent companions; they often work with them in psychological centers. The dog knows how to calm down patients and set them up in a positive way.

What to feed?
It's no secret that a dog's diet directly affects its health and appearance. In the case of Portuguese water dogs, the owner must first decide on the type of food. It can be both natural products and dry food.
In the second case, you should monitor the quality - food should be at least premium. This will provide the pet's body with the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Additional complexes are not needed in this case.

As for natural nutrition, it is not worse at all, however, the preparation of the diet completely falls on the shoulders of the owner. Your dog needs to get enough protein, fat and carbohydrates. In such a situation, vitamin and mineral supplements will not interfere. Their number and composition should be determined by the veterinarian.
It is no secret that the representatives of this breed are very active. Their lifestyle requires a lot of energy. Protein foods will help fill this gap. If the animal is kept outdoors, in winter, he needs to pay special attention, including increasing the size of the portions of food.

How to care?
In general, Portuguese Water Dogs are not very picky about grooming. The best option is considered if the dog will be kept in a private house so that he can walk on his own in a fenced area. At the same time, walks with the owner twice a day should be a prerequisite. When living in a city apartment with a pet, you will need to walk for a longer time. All babies can be trained to cope with their needs on a specially prepared diaper.
Since the wool can be quite long, it will be necessary to care for it, but this does not cause particular difficulties. The store sells special brushes for combing curly pets, which are very convenient to use. If the procedure is carried out regularly, the dog will look well-groomed and clean, and the risk of tangles will disappear.

It should be noted that the Portuguese Water Dog is different lack of a specific smell. Frequent water procedures are not required for representatives of this breed, since wool has the ability to independently repel moisture and dirt. That's why bathing is enough to be carried out approximately once every six months.
In winter, snow can stick to the coat in lumps, which creates additional problems. To avoid this, it is recommended to purchase a special jumpsuit for walking.
The very name of the breed suggests that its representatives love water. This means that they will try to plunge into all available bodies of water.
In hot weather, the dog should be soaked with a towel after bathing. In addition, fresh water is dangerous by the parasites living in it, therefore, preventive and therapeutic procedures will need to be carried out.

Wasserhund owners need to pay close attention to their pets' eyes. The wool around them should be wiped every day. At the same time, the dog's ears should be cleaned with a special preparation, which can be replaced with a moistened cotton pad. It is necessary to monitor the teeth, and when plaque appears, brush it off with a brush.
The owner must monitor the timely vaccination of his pet. An insecticidal collar will help from the parasites that bother the dog in the summer; it can save you from many troubles and serious diseases carried by blood-sucking insects.

Representatives of this breed are very curious. They are actively interested in the world around them and have a learning ability. Dog breeders recommend starting education and training at a tender age. The opinion that babies cannot understand commands and carry them out is wrong. Already at 2 months they understand what is required of them. Respectively, early socialization will allow you to quickly accustom the puppy to the norms of behavior in society.
Walking in crowded places is essential. You will need to visit noisy places with a large number of people for the pet to get used to non-standard conditions. Communication with dogs of other breeds will not hurt either.
For serious training, it is better to contact a professional dog handler.
However, this is not required. This issue should be taken care of when the puppy reaches 6 months of age. It is necessary to pay attention not only to certain skills, but also to the development of instincts.

For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.