Accessories for dogs

Dog Tape Leash: How to Choose and Use?

Dog Tape Leash: How to Choose and Use?
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. What happens?
  4. How to choose?
  5. How to use?
  6. How to fix it?

Today many dog ​​owners prefer to walk their pets on a roulette leash. A simple device, aesthetic design, the ability not to pull the leash, but to fix it by pressing a button - it has a lot of advantages. However, even this option for walking has certain nuances that an inexperienced dog owner may not know about.

What it is?

The leash-tape for dogs is a plastic case equipped with a handle and a latch-lock. Initially, all tape measures were equipped with a button that made it easy to unwind and rewind the cable.

Modern models are equipped with a number of useful functions. For example, the installed button allows you to fix the cable at the same length and will not allow the pet to run out onto the road, chase cats or run up to passers-by.

There is a function of long-term locking of the cable, which is fixed at a certain length for a long time. This is very convenient when you need to release the dog, but not give it complete freedom.

A number of devices are equipped with a braking mechanism: if the animal climbs where it should not, the owner just needs to stretch his hand towards the dog and pull the mechanism.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of roulette are obvious. Unlike a regular leash, it does not get tangled or dragged along the ground, so it does not need to be washed. The device is equipped with a comfortable handle that is easy to hold with one hand.

Such a leash allows you to let your pet go as far as possible and at the same time control its behavior. For a dog, a tape measure is very convenient in terms of minimal pressure and tension, which creates the illusion of freedom.The animal quickly gets used to the device and stops noticing the cable.

The roulette leash has certain disadvantages. First of all, the use of a tape measure affects the behavior of the dog. The pet learns to pull the leash, independently determines the distance from the owner. It will be difficult to return it to itself, because the dog will think that it can walk on its own without the participation of the owner.

Such a leash is unsuitable for training a puppy: the owner cannot reinforce the command "Near" with a good jerk towards himself, and the click of the latch will simply not be perceived by the dog. You will have to hold the dog with only one hand, which is not easy at all.

From the sudden movement of large breed dogs, the plastic case can easily fly apart. If the owner drops the tape measure, the animal will get scared and rush to run, and the plastic case will rumble behind him and frighten even more.

A significant disadvantage of the dog tape measure is the risk of injury. Attempting to hold the dog by grabbing the strap or cable can result in a serious cut or burn. If a dog plays with other dogs on such a leash, his playmates can also get injured.

Constantly being on a taut leash is detrimental to the health of the dog itself. The cervical vertebrae and the muscles of the neck are especially affected, possibly a pinched throat. To avoid such troubles, it is worth attaching the leash to the harness.

What happens?

There are two types of roulette leashes. Rope (or corded) is a device consisting of a thin nylon cord of a circular cross-section. There is a carabiner at one end, and a plastic handle at the other.

A tape is attached to the tape leash (wide strong tape or belt). This option is less practical, since the tape can curl or get tangled while walking and you will have to spend time unraveling.

If the pet climbs into the bushes, you first need to unravel the tape from the branches, and then go with it to another place.

There are combined options, which consist of a thin cable, on one end of which there is a plastic handle, and on the other end of a wide band with a carabiner attached. The tape is not drawn into the tape measure.

All other differences between these devices relate to the countries of manufacture and the length of the leash. For example, leashes of the Italian company Ferplast with a length of 8 to 10 meters are designed for dogs weighing up to 60 kg. This is the best option for walking through the city park.

German manufacturer Vitakraft offers leashes for dogs of different breeds, but the length of the cable does not exceed 3 meters. It is ideal for residents of densely populated areas or for owners of decorative dog breeds.

Another German company, Trixie, produces leads that are 15 meters long. Roulette data are acquired when prospecting is required. These products are often chosen by hunters who do not want to lose sight of the dog. The length of the leash allows you to work out commands at a long distance.

The tape measures from these manufacturers are made of durable plastic. The handle and body are completely rubberized for increased durability and better grip. A spring device is mounted inside the body, the opening of the rotating reel is filled with a tape or cord from a nylon.

The product is equipped with a reel brake button, the rotation of which can be stopped by lightly pressing the thumb. The locking button will allow you to fix the leash for a long time. A loop on the wrist prevents the leash from falling. Products from manufacturers are supplied with a warranty card and instructions for use.

How to choose?

When choosing a tape leash, one should proceed from the size of the dog itself. It is no coincidence that manufacturers label their products according to the appropriate standard sizes. So, "Giant" is designed for the largest dogs weighing more than 60 kg.

Larg and Medium intended for dogs of large and medium breeds - 25-50 kg and 10-25 kg, respectively. Finally, "Small" and "Mini" designed for small and dwarf pets weighing less than 10 kg. If you have to choose a leash for two dogs, you should pay attention to the double tape measure.

These designs are designed for small dogs and dogs of medium breeds, the weight of which does not exceed 22 kg.

The leashes are only 3 meters long, and the spinning rod and retractable design provide free movement of the dog without the risk of entanglement in ropes or belts.

The plastic body is equipped with two colored buttons, similar to the color of the leash. If you need to pull up a particular pet, just click on the corresponding button. If you need to brake both dogs, you must press both brake buttons.

Another important point: a leash for a dog must be with a certain margin of safety. For example, if a pet weighs about 22 kg, you should take a closer look at models designed for 30-kg dogs. Then the tape measure will definitely withstand heavy loads and will last much longer than the model, which exactly corresponds to the weight of a restless four-legged. Directly Before buying, you should make sure that all elements of the mechanism are in good condition.

Smooth pressing of the buttons should provide unwinding and unwinding of the cable, perform the function of a short and long-term stop, and also fix the given leash length. Extraneous sounds such as rattling or creaking indicate poor assembly of the product.

The entire length of the leash should be viewed to ensure that the cable or tape is of good quality. Then you need to pay attention to the carabiner, which will be attached to the dog collar. It must be a robust, reliable, temperature-resistant device.

It is important that it is equipped with a swivel that prevents twisting of the tape or cable and does not interfere with the movement of the animal. For decorative breeds, a plastic carabiner is quite suitable, and for larger dogs it is better to choose a metal analogue.

How to use?

Before you take your pet out into the street on a new leash, you should try out the new thing at home. Depending on the manufacturer, the instructions for using the roulette leashes may differ, but in general, the recommendations are similar.

Before use, the device should be assembled exactly according to the instructions.

  • Insert one part of the quick-release connector into the other and close the safety clip. The latter should fit snugly against the connection body.
  • Then you should adjust the handle using a special wheel.
  • After that, the carabiner is fastened. This action is performed when the blocking button is pressed. First, you need to put a safety loop on the dog's neck, and then thread the carabiner through it and through the collar.

Then you should take the dog for a walk around the apartment and make sure that it really moves freely, and the cable or tape is automatically unwound and unwound.

It is worth practicing stopping the animal by pressing the brake button. When the dog runs up to the legs, the blockage should be released so that the leash remains in a taut position.

To bring the dog back, you need to stretch your hand forward, press the brake button with your thumb and pull your hand back. Then the retainer should be released and the hand with the leash should be extended forward again. The leash will reel in automatically, and these steps should be repeated until the dog is at the required distance.

It is worth working out in advance the situation when the dog should be near the leg. To do this, pull the dog to you, press the brake button, and then start the long-term stop mechanism. After such a training, confidence will become much more and you can go for a street walk.

It is important to pay attention to the requirements for the safety of use:

  • check the device for damage before each walk;
  • stop using the leash at the slightest malfunction;
  • do not let the animal play with him;
  • always use a safety loop that will protect you from injury;
  • do not grasp the rope or tape with your hands and do not allow people or four-legged people to get entangled in it;
  • make sure that the leash is in a taut position;
  • always firmly hold the tape measure by the handle in order to react in time to the unacceptable behavior of the dog;
  • this device is designed only for walking; jogging with a dog on a bicycle is carried out only on a classic leash;
  • do not tie animals to benches, posts and other objects.

    The people who are responsible for it can walk the dog on the roulette wheel. Therefore, you should not trust inattentive household members or small children to walk animals on such leashes.

    How to fix it?

    Despite all precautions, the tape measure may need to be repaired. It is not uncommon for cute pets to break off the leash on walks, which causes the leash to suffer and stops reeling in, or gnaw at the cord in a calm home environment.

    If the tape is broken, you can repair it yourself without the help of qualified technicians. Its mechanism is very simple, and the set of tools is minimal: a small screwdriver with a diameter similar to the head of a dog's tape measure bolts, tongs or pliers, a new cord and a lighter.

    Regardless of the nature of the damage, the structure will have to be disassembled.

    To do this, unscrew and remove the screws, and then squeeze the case and divide it into two halves. But further instructions differ.

    If you intend to replace the cord or attach a new carabiner, it is enough to fix the torn end with a plastic plug (or completely replace the cord), and then attach the carabiner.

    If the problem is with the mechanism of action, you will have to open the middle of the coil. The convex part is pry off with a screwdriver, then the cover is very carefully removed. All subsequent repair work should be carried out while carefully holding the spring.

    Then you should find and remove the piece of the spring bend. After that, the edge of the spring is pry off with tweezers or pliers and is heated over low heat. You can ensure the high temperature with a lighter or gas stove.

    The edge of the softened spring is bent so that it does not fly out of the center of the coil. It is not recommended to bend cold metal. Firstly, it is very difficult, and secondly, the spring may not withstand mechanical stress.

    After the performed manipulations, the coil is closed with a lid, the buttons are installed in place, the cord is wound on a reel and the case is tightly closed. The joints are fixed to a characteristic click, and then the bolts are tightened.

    The renovation work has been completed. You can test the roulette wheel at home to make sure it is reliable, and then take your moving pet out onto the street again.

    Even such a simple device as a tape measure for dogs should be correctly selected, adjusted, followed by the rules of its operation and periodically repaired.

    For information on how to choose a tape measure for dogs, see the next video.

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