All about a dog's habituation to a new owner

When a dog appears in the house, the life of its owner changes radically. More often than not, this event is a deliberate choice. But there are different circumstances when the dog has to be taken away from the previous owner already in adulthood, or it is a foundling whom they decided to give shelter to. In any case, the dog will have to get used to the new environment. And its owner will also have to make every effort. Therefore, it will be useful to learn everything about the habituation of the dog to the new owner.

The first days of the puppy
When the whole family decides to buy a puppy, they prepare for this event, acquire all the necessary things, equip the necessary places for sleeping, eating, and the toilet, if necessary. But the baby is taken from the family where he was born and grew up. He is used not only to the mother dog, but also to certain conditions. Therefore, in a new place, the puppy will be sad for some time. But adaptation and getting used to the new owner will be successful if the owner adheres to some rules.
- From the first days, you need to surround a new family member with care and attention. Ideally, it would be a good idea for the owner to take a vacation to train the puppy to the new rules.
- If the puppy is fully vaccinated, you need to go for walks with him more often. Animals always like them. The more you walk, the less puddles there will be at home.
- It is necessary to quickly decide on the nutrition of the dog - it will be dry food or food specially prepared for it. But for the first few days, you should give the food to which the puppy is accustomed, gradually replacing it with the chosen option, if necessary.
- The kid needs to be provided with a sufficient number of toys so that he has something to do, he does not get bored and does not spoil furniture and things.
- Another important point that will allow the puppy to feel more comfortable is the thing from the house where he was before. You can grab a bedding, a toy from there. At first, the puppy will be calm with her, and after a few days she will no longer be needed and you can throw it away or leave it, this is at the discretion of the owner.
A puppy can get used to the owner and the house very quickly if the owner is patient and friendly, will not yell at the dog, and even more so use physical force if it is naughty or guilty. In any case, when a small pet appears, a difficult and long work is ahead, you need to be ready for this and be patient. Everything takes time.
Gradually, the dog will understand what is required of it if the owner is consistent in his actions and is patient.

The appearance of an adult pet
It can be much more difficult to tame an adult dog that has been “inherited” for various reasons. She is used to her former owner and will miss. In addition, the dog has its own character, to which you also need to adapt. Here you need to adhere to the golden mean. And although adult dogs take a long time to get used to new conditions, there is a chance to speed up this process, if you behave correctly, adhering to a few simple recommendations.
- In the early days, you should not require the animal to execute all kinds of commands. You need to give him time to adapt. The owner should feed the dog, walk with it. Do whatever is necessary.
- Show the dog where it is to rest and eat. The conversation should be soft but imperious. The pet should feel that he is well treated, but he should also obey.
- It is necessary to perform all the necessary hygiene procedures: clean ears, treat eyes, comb out wool.
- It's harder to tame an angry dog. But even in this case, it is impossible to show aggression towards the dog, from this it will not become kinder. Step by step, only a good attitude can win the dog's trust. Sometimes you have to find a way to the dog's heart through the stomach, rewarding his good behavior with some tasty treats.
- You need to walk the dog more, play with it. This will help bring the new owner and pet closer together, because almost all dogs love walks and games.
- If the dog came from a specific owner with whom there is a connection, then this will greatly help in the adaptation of the dog. After all, you can find out the name of the dog, what habits he has, how to look after him, what to feed him.
If the dog gets into a house where its habits are familiar, the habituation process will be more successful.

Unexpected changes
But it also happens that the dog was brought into the house by the children or the owner himself could not walk past the dog in trouble. If there is a mongrel in the house, it can be to some extent easier, because, as practice shows, homeless animals that find a roof over their heads and a human friend are very grateful. And since dogs are intelligent animals, they quickly accept the rules that are offered to them, especially if the owner takes care, feeds, cares for and walks.
If there is an unfortunate dog in the house who needs medical help, this is also a big responsibility, because he also needs to be cured, to do the necessary procedures, to spend money on medications. But then it will be a devoted friend for life.
If a stray dog or puppy appears in the house, the first thing to do is to perform the following manipulations:
- examine the pet for fleas and remove them using special means;
- wash it well, dry it and comb out the coat;
- purchase special remedies for worms in a veterinary pharmacy and be sure to give it to your pet;
- after which you need to make all the necessary vaccinations, which ones and in what sequence - the veterinarian, whom you must visit, will tell you.
Further care is no different from keeping a regular pet.Friendship with the new owner will arise much faster if the owner spends more time with the dog, encourages him, praises him if he does everything right. Moreover, for the dog, not only treats are important, but also praise in words. Although at first, of course, you can't do without delicacies.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each of these situations has its own pros and cons. But in any case, if a dog appears at home, the main thing is to make friends with her faster. The pros are that a friend, guard, protector, just a positive creature will appear in the house, it all depends on the breed. But when the dog gets used to the new owner, she will look forward to his home, enjoy communicating with him and will always strive to please him.
The disadvantages include the fact that a dog can go through a period of adaptation for a very long time if, for example, it has a rather complex character, a difficult past, in which it may have been offended. Then it will not be easy to gain the trust of the animal; you will have to move in small steps.
If you keep calm, show patience, over time, the dog will begin to get used to the fact that they do not wish her evil, she is in a benevolent atmosphere.

In the next video, journalist and dog handler Grigory Manev will tell you about the adaptation of the puppy to a new place.