Pumi: breed features and content

Seeing a pumi once, it is impossible to forget her. These are cute and mischievous dogs that are considered very funny. They have an unusual appearance and are a bit like poodles. However, in reality pumi are great companions, loyal friends, wonderful guards... We will talk about what this breed is in our article.

Origin story
The pumi is considered a species of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog. This is a rather rare breed; it has not yet received wide distribution in our country. Someone thinks that she looks like a poodle, while someone refuses to see this similarity. The dog appeared in Hungary. Her primary task was to help people graze their domestic animals. It must be said that pumis not only grazed herds. They were used for a wide variety of tasks. Dogs have the temperament of real terriers, which allowed them to catch rodents without any problems.
It is believed that this breed appeared at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. It was during this period that terrier-like dogs were imported to Hungary, for the most part they were delivered from Germany and France. These dogs interbred with local shepherd breeds, resulting in a terrier / shepherd hybrid.

Over time, the pumis have evolved as a breed. Their appearance was not paid much attention, as the main interest was caused by the performance characteristics.
The breed standard was approved in 1970, which allowed its representatives to receive pedigrees. The very same breed was recognized by the International Federation of Cynologists back in 1966. The world learned about these dogs closer to the end of the 70s of the twentieth century.The very first representatives of the breed received their recognition in countries such as Scandinavia and Finland. For a long time, the appearance did not play a special role. The main thing for which the pumis were valued are excellent security qualities.

Description of the breed
First of all, it should be noted that the representatives of the breed are of average size. People often pay attention to their extravagant appearance. Their coat is rather long, dense and curly, with a delicate undercoat. However, if it begins to curl into cords, the dog handlers are unhappy. As for the standards, the growth of pumi reaches from 35 to 45 centimeters in boys and from 32 to 42 centimeters in girls. Males weigh from 8 to 14 kg and females from 7 to 11 kilograms. The head has a slightly elongated shape, the muzzle is rather narrow. The color of the eyes is deep brown. The nose is black or dark gray. The ears of the pumi are bent at the edges, always erect. There is a neat scruff on the neck. The shape of the body resembles a square, so it looks like the dogs have long legs. The tail is either shortened or docked when the puppy is 1.5 to 2 months old.
The hair on the body is longer than on the muzzle and legs. Its length can be up to 7 centimeters. Fur should be of various shades of gray by standard. However, even gray puppies are born black and brighten only closer to two months. There are individuals of reddish, golden, brown, black colors. The main thing is monotony. If the dog has stains, it is considered a marriage of the breed.

Character and behavior
In appearance, the pumi is a mischievous prankster, which is partly true. However, the owners position their pets as serious dogs, capable of being strongly attached to the owner and clearly performing the work assigned to them. This is an excellent watchman who will fearlessly protect his home and family. Pumis are excellent hearing and have a wonderful instinct. In case of danger, they begin to bark loudly. Despite their independence and love of freedom, pumis simply adore their master. They are not frivolous, on the contrary, they are quick-witted and intelligent. They can be excellent bloodhounds, serve in the police, graze the herd - all the positive aspects are difficult to list. Dog breeders call the breed universal. Dogs are able to hunt foxes and small rodents. They are a bit like terriers in the qualities that are manifested during the hunt.
These dogs are very well developed intellectually. They are able to think, analyze and obey the owner unquestioningly, following the commands given. Dog handlers consider the breed to be the most loyal. However, one cannot fail to note the tendency to vagrancy. Pumi should be walked exclusively on a leash. They can chase a small animal, show aggression towards unfamiliar brothers, bark loudly when a stranger is nearby.

Conditions of detention and care
It should be noted that pumis are very interesting and specific. Keeping them in a city apartment is not the best idea. Activity, mobility and a loud voice require a wider field of activity. The energy of dogs is simply off scale, they are ready to move constantly.and they can often bark for no reason. Neighbors in an apartment building are unlikely to be delighted with such a tenant. It is best to start a pumi if the owners live outside the city or in the countryside. In such conditions, the doggies will be able to run over and bite from the heart. Breeders say that the best place where pets will feel most comfortable is a farm, forest or pasture. In addition, in such conditions, they are unlikely to disturb others.
There is a simple explanation for this. Since ancient times, the breed was considered a shepherd. Pumis could graze pets on their own and were free-range. In no case should such dogs be put on a chain, on a leash they will simply start to go crazy.And it is far from the fact that they will sit there for a long time, as they will try to use all their intelligence and ingenuity to break free.

Pumis are excellent watchmen. They attack quite rarely, but they will actively attack strangers who tried to encroach on the territory entrusted to them, and announce the surroundings with a sonorous bark.
When it comes to grooming, there are several generally accepted rules.
- First of all, you will need to pay attention to the wool. It is quite long and often clumps into lumps. It needs to be combed out constantly, and not only because the dog looks good. It is wool that is partially responsible for thermoregulation, which means that its condition directly affects health.
- Dogs must not be let out of sight. Since they are very active and mobile, they can run away quite far, inspecting the area, and it is easy to get lost. After walking, the dog living in the house needs to wash its paws.
- Attention should be paid to the ears. They are one of the weak points, sometimes pets suffer from otitis media. Domesticated cougars will have to trim their nails regularly. And also you will need timely vaccination, you need to consult a specialist about its timing and frequency.

Representatives of this breed require a balanced diet, rich in nutrients. The diet should include natural products. Pumi needs meat, cereals and vegetables. You can also give ready-made dry food, but in this case it is necessary to ensure that they are of high quality. Premium food for medium sized dogs is fine. In no case should you buy cheap feed, which can provoke poisoning and many other unpleasant moments.
The owner must choose whether to transfer his pet to dry or natural food., primarily relying on the financial component. Oddly enough, a diet that includes ready-made food will cost more. It will not be superfluous to consult with a veterinarian, he will give his recommendations, based on the individual characteristics and needs of the animal. When a pumi puppy appears in the house, you cannot immediately change its food.
Initially, it is necessary to give the same food that he received from the breeder. In the future, everything will happen at the discretion of the owner.

However, it is necessary to follow such nuances as:
- Pumi puppies should be fed 6 times a day until they reach two months of age;
- from this moment and up to 5 months, food intake is reduced to 4 times a day;
- from 5 to 10 months, babies should eat 3 times a day, and this requires a certain, clearly limited time;
- A puppy over 10 months old is considered old enough to eat like an adult dog, so you need to feed him 2 times a day.
If the food is inadequate and the animal is missing something, he will let you know about it with his behavior. It is enough just to pay attention in time. The fact that the pet becomes partial to bricks and plaster, begins to actively gnaw them, indicates a lack of calcium. If the coat dries and fades, it means that the body lacks vitamin A. A more serious indicator is bone curvature. This is the first symptom of rickets and requires immediate attention to the veterinarian.
Most often, rickets manifests itself in animals that are deficient in vitamin D.

Education and training
If such a dog appears in the house, experts recommend giving it to a professional dog handler for a general training course. If this is not done, problems may arise with upbringing, the pet is able to deliver a lot of inconvenience to the owner. As mentioned above, pumis will not feel very comfortable in a city apartment. Their protective qualities require application, so it is best for the dog to be in a private house or in the country. He will be happy with the maximum freedom.
Pumis have excellent health. They require constant physical activity, space for activity and the ability to move. Despite this, the dogs adore their owners, are very devoted to them, take care of the younger members of the family. All these qualities are manifested in the case when enough attention is paid to the animal, its socialization is carried out, the owner finds time for classes and training.

Natural instincts are such that the pumi, following them, during the game gathers everyone into one big company, and then begins to "graze". This can happen not only at home, but also on a walk, where the animal finds time for such communication. It will not be possible to fight this, the dog has such behavior in the blood, and it absolutely does not threaten anything. The owner needs to observe the process and make sure that the pet does not play too much.
It is necessary to raise puppies from a tender age. The sooner you start to deal with them, the more service the animals will be. Pumi should be trained by presenting it as a game. They will be happy to take part in the process, memorizing the commands that must be mandatory for execution along the way. The owner of a representative of this breed must be patient, as training will require endurance and perseverance. Dogs are very playful, therefore, they may be distracted and not take commands seriously.
Trainings should be carried out in a calm and far from the hustle and bustle of the place. Best of all, if it is as quiet as possible around, then nothing will distract your pet from activities.

One of the important points in training is praise. Pumi treat this very kindly and try to please the owner. However, it is important to find a fine line and not overdo it. The character of the dog is laid from a tender age, so the owner should try to devote the maximum amount of time to his pet. This will help you find a reliable and loyal friend, with a friendly disposition and exemplary behavior.
Pumi is distinguished by the fact that they are very sensitive to the boundaries of their own territory. They have excellent security qualities and will protect the area entrusted to them from outsiders. At the same time, the dogs do not rush at strangers, but they give a very loud voice. This quality can become a problem, since unreasonable barking is unlikely to please others. Therefore, at such moments, you need to control the pet and calm him down. The dog is very cheerful and constantly needs movement. The owner should try to get as close to her as possible and devote enough time. Too busy and inactive people are not recommended to have pets of this breed.

In the next video, you will find interesting facts about the pumi dog breed.