All About Dog Breeding

Dog breeding often becomes an expensive hobby or even full-time business. Having decided to take up this business, it is important to understand that you will have to make a lot of efforts and financial resources, having previously studied a vast amount of information.
Where to begin?
Having decided to breed dogs at home, the first step is to choose a breed with which to work further. As a rule, preference is given to Pekingese, Labradors, Cocker Spaniels and German Shepherds, but you can choose any breed that meets the basic criteria. Next, it is important to decide where exactly the whole process will take place. It is necessary to think over the place for the aviary, the presence and placement of individual compartments, the mode of feeding, walking, feeding, training and cleaning the room. Of course, at this stage, financial calculations are also carried out.
The next stage is the purchase of dogs, which will become the basis for the kennel. It is better to buy them in proven nurseries, although sometimes attractive offers are found in private advertisements. When choosing copies, it is important to make sure that the animal will eat in moderation, multiply rapidly and succumb to training.
It is important to clarify information about the dog's ancestors and the presence of mental and physical illnesses.

The breeder will also need access to carry out his main business. Permission is only given if there is a guarantee that the dog can reproduce. Having acquired a healthy animal in every sense, you will need to contact the RKF, where you can exchange the puppy's metric for a pedigree.
You should be in time before the puppy is 15 months old. Next, the puppy will have to be taken to an exhibition held by the official clubs of the country, taking a copy of the owner, veterinary passport and pedigree of the puppy. After the examination, the expert will write out a conclusion. Taking him to the cynological association, you can get access to breeding purebred animals.

Is it profitable to study?
One of the main questions for a novice breeder is the question of profit. In principle, one should not expect a lot of money, especially in the first years of the operation of the enterprise. The cost per puppy, made up of money spent on feeding and veterinarian services, is slightly below the market average. To maximize the benefits, it is recommended to choose small breeds that eat much less.
Besides, it is important to make sure that the breed chosen has an innate immunity to many common diseasesto significantly save on doctor's services. The purchased female must have a good pedigree - this will automatically increase the cost of the puppies several times.

How to choose a dog breed?
The breed of dog is chosen depending on many factors. The animal should give in to training without problems, have a friendly and obedient character, easily adapt to a changing environment and not be too picky about care... It is great if the animal does not require large portions, and also has an innate immunity to most diseases. Most pedigree dogs meet these criteria, the positive qualities of which are already laid down practically at the genetic level.
Dog breeding is successful if the breed is kept pure, so the mating process will also have to be approached with extreme seriousness.

Often voluntarily selected for breeding labradors, characterized by a benevolent character, dedication and activity. In addition, this breed is easy to train, which will be another plus for future buyers.
Another great option is considered German Shepherd - very smart and understanding. In addition, the breed is ideal for performing official tasks, therefore it is often purchased when a home protector is required. The breeding process takes place without any difficulties.

Small cocker spaniels also have an agreeable character. They are often chosen by families with children, as they perfectly interact with the latter and do not pose any danger to them. Both English and American cocker varieties are being bred. Finally, the Pekingese are also popular, who, in addition to their unusual appearance, have a good character.

Breeding methods and techniques
Breeding is possible only with purebred crossbreeding, which uses several methods.
- Outbreeding implies the use of purebred animals that do not have common ancestors. The selection of pairs in this case is quite close to the natural course of events. The difficulty, if not the disadvantage of this method, can be the inability to predict the results. Heredity can manifest itself in the most unusual way, significantly violating the clarity of the breed's characteristics. Outbreeding selects dogs from two different strains with similar traits. Over time, puppies will become less and less reminiscent of their ancestors, and their proportions will differ from the standard. Therefore, outbreeding, despite its advantages, is not allowed to be used on a permanent basis.
- Inbreeding consists in the involvement of close relatives, for example, a sister and brother or a father and daughter. This method is used to consolidate certain characteristics of the breed. The use of inbreeding is recommended only for professionals with a careful study of selected producers. Inbreeding can be beneficial, but sometimes it leads to the inheritance of negative qualities.
- Linebreeding or line crossing implies the crossing of dogs that have a common progenitor, but are distantly related. This ancestor possesses a wide range of positive qualities, as well as a stable ability to pass them on to his heirs.
- Outcrossing is the selection of couples who do not have common ancestors in the fourth and fifth generations. However, both members of this pair must be obtained through linear crossing, and must also be selected taking into account inherited disadvantages. With the help of outcrossing, a dog is introduced into the fund, which has the qualities necessary for the breed.

As for the methods of direct knitting, there are two options.
- Free suitable for dogs that show favor to each other, as well as when the dog has long been untied. The owners in this situation must still control the whole process.
- Manual way selected when animals may need help. If this is the first mating for one of the dogs, a veterinarian or dog handler is also present at the procedure.

We draw up documents
As mentioned above, dog breeding is allowed only with some important documents. The breeder himself must confirm his education, as well as the rental of a factory attachment and the registration of the kennel in the register of the Russian Cynological Federation. The dogs that will become the founders of this institution will require an RKF admission, as well as a pedigree, while the ancestors and existing animal titles will be indicated in it.
If the owners decide to take part in the kerung held for the selection of the best representatives of the breed, then a number of papers will be required, including an assessment for participation in three different exhibitions, identification of the dog, confirmation of the absence of hemophilia, and others.

Maintenance and care rules
The maintenance and care of dogs is largely determined by the breed chosen for breeding, but when it comes to producers, there are still some uniform conditions. For example, a male should receive regular mineral feeding, since a lack of calcium leads to the development of paresis. The nutrition of the dog is based on protein and vitamin in the required amounts. Besides, it is important for him to organize physical activity and walk more often.
On weekends, it is even recommended to take animals out into nature, where they can run around to their fullest without any restrictions in the form of a collar or enclosure walls.

Enough attention should be paid to the hygiene of the dogs, including the care of the genitals. If unclear symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately douch or even consult a veterinarian. Feeding and caring for females is carried out in the same way, but in addition, it is necessary to carry out anthelmintic procedures before mating.

For information on how to breed dogs, see the next video.