Russian hound dog: description and rules of content

Many dog breeders value the hunting breeds, which today are represented by different animals. Among the available variety, the Russian hound dog deserves special attention, whose innate instincts have determined its fame and popularity among dog breeders.

Origin story
Despite the fact that the progenitors of the Russian hound were used by humans for hunting from time immemorial, mentions of animals with such an exterior date back only to the 19th century. The breed owes its origin to such ancestors as the English foxogons and the local hound. In those days, Foxhounds were in a special place among hunters and were often used, so the dogs stood out for their stamina, excellent constitution, and also anger towards the fur-bearing animal.
The modern Russian piebald hound inherited such features from their ancestors to the full. At that time, four-legged assistants were kept in packs in almost every noble estate.
They showed great interest in dogs after the October Revolution, soon after it began active breeding and work on fixing purebred genes in animals. The first standard for the breed was adopted in 1925, later some adjustments were made to it. The document was finally revised and approved 26 years later, since then the external characteristics of the animals have remained unchanged.

The external features of the dog are inherited from foxogons. The sizes of the Russian hound are positioned as average, but with a strong constitution, and animals are also characterized by a developed intellect and a balanced psyche.The exterior of the animals is typical of all hound species. Male Russian piebald dogs will always be larger than bitches, their body will be shorter, but with a wide bones. The mass of a hunting dog usually varies between 25-30 kilograms, with an increase at the withers of about 58-68 centimeters. Bitches will have less body weight with a height between 55 and 65 centimeters.

The skull is clearly outlined, tightly covered with skin, the lines of the muzzle are straight, the occipital hump stands out, the frontal part will be narrow and flat. The muzzle should be wedge-shaped with a rounded lower jaw. The lips are thin, not pendulous. The teeth of a healthy Russian hound are white and rather large, the bite is scissor-shaped, without gaps, the nose is painted black, rather large.
The eyes of the hounds are large, the cut is oval, a slight slant is not considered a deviation from the standards, they are set wide apart. The color can range from light to dark shades of brown. The ears should follow the shape of a triangle, the ends of the auricles will be rounded.
The size of the ears allows them to descend along the cheeks.

The body of a dog is like a rectangle. The animal has a well-developed muscular corset, the neck is long, there is a bend on it, smoothly turning into a massive withers. In males, it is much more expressive. The rib cage in dogs is deep, extending to the elbow joints on the limbs, the ribs are springy. The loin is rounded, the belly is tucked up.

Piebald limbs are well developed, have a length above average, the bones and muscles are pronounced, the shoulders are developed, the shoulder blades are slightly inclined. The legs are set wide apart, the hind legs will extend slightly to the limits of the body.

It has a saber shape, thickened at the base, a characteristic narrowing is observed at the end. The tail clearly demonstrates the mood of the animal.
In a calm state, it will be lowered, when the dog is hunting, then the tail is raised in an upright position.

Wool and its color
In Russian hounds, the coat is short, evenly distributed over the body. On the thighs of the hind legs, hair can be observed slightly longer than in other parts; on the muzzle of animals it will be the shortest. Quadrupeds also have an undercoat, it does not stand out for its density, however, it is similar in structure to felt. The following color options for dogs of this breed are allowed:
- tricolor - in which there is a combination of black and piebald wool;
- black-backed color in shade variations;
- scarlet;
- sneaky.

There may be spots on the coat, they are gray, red and crimson tones, the shape of the blotches, as a rule, will be irregular. Dark arrows are allowed on the muzzle. Since animals of this breed are prominent representatives of hounds, they can be susceptible to the following ailments:
- allergies resulting from dietary errors;
- dysplasia of the joints.
In general, animals stand out with good immunity, but given the specifics of their life, when they are quite often in the forest and in contact with wild animals, pets will need timely vaccination, as well as regular deworming, treatment from external blood-sucking parasites.

The specific character of a dog's disposition is largely determined by its main purpose and innate hunting instincts. Pets of this breed are characterized as balanced dogs with a stable psyche and a supportive attitude towards humans.
The Russian hound will become a loyal and reliable companion for its owner, since it is strongly attached to people. Dogs will develop a good relationship with children, however, the pet will always try to take a leading position. Therefore, breeders should, from the moment of acquiring a puppy, immediately secure their authority by standing out as the "leader of the pack". In the future, this will eliminate the risk of problems with training and learning.Animals are distinguished by high intellectual abilities, therefore they willingly follow commands.
Among the character traits inherent in a dog, it is worth highlighting irrepressible curiosity, cunning and stubbornness, in light of which, when kept indoors, the owners of Russian hounds can have serious problems. Pets are also very fond of expressing their emotions with a "voice", but in the process of upbringing this feature can be eradicated. Animals are very attentive by nature., however, they will not fit for the role of a watchman, since they do not have anger towards people. However, they can signal the approach of a stranger.
Russian piebald dogs get along well with dogs of other breeds, but other pets, such as cats, small rodents or birds, are regarded by the four-legged hunter as potential prey.

Life span
Dogs of this breed do not belong to centenarians. However, with good care and properly organized nutrition, they can live up to 10-12 years.
How to choose a puppy?
Potential piebald breeders should be aware that hunting puppies after birth are divided into 3 main classes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dogs.
- Pet class. Such animals are not allowed to participate in exhibitions, since there are some deviations from the accepted standards in the exterior of the animals.
- Breed class. Purebred dogs that have no flaws in appearance, but are not capable of winning competitions due to their average data.
- Show class... Animals that meet all the requirements. They are able to win competitions as well as exhibitions. Such hounds stand out for their high cost in comparison with the above species.

It is best to purchase hound puppies in specialized kennels, having analyzed all the strengths and weaknesses of keeping such dogs before buying.
It is recommended to buy an animal that is at least 1 month old. When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to the following features:
- the dog's nose should not be pink;
- the darkest shade of brown is considered the ideal eye color;
- malocclusion, bulldog jaw will become clear signs of malformations that do not meet the standard.

Conditions for keeping
The unifying recommendation for all beagle dogs is keeping in an aviary. Animals live well and get along with several pets only on condition of a spacious fence in which they can move freely. If the Russian hound lives in an apartment, then the owner will need to pay maximum effort training, otherwise the animal will cause a lot of inconvenience in the light of its activity, curiosity and barking.
Walking with the dog should be done only on a leash, and the dog should be led by an adult, since dogs of this breed are prone to sudden impulseswhen the pet suddenly breaks into a run. It is best to walk the Russian hound away from strangers. After walking, the limbs of the animal are subject to careful examination.

Unlike many hunting breeds, the Russian Hound should be fed more than 1 time per day. The optimal number of food openings will be two or three meals a day. At the same time, the breeder will be faced with the task of selecting the nutritional value of each meal, based on the individual needs of his dog.
When choosing between a natural diet and industrial feed, the first option should be preferred. The Russian Hound's menu should consist of fresh meat, cereals and vegetables. As a treat, animals are offered beef guests, small bones are prohibited for treating pets of this breed. In addition to food, the dog will need to give vitamin complexes to replenish the reserves of important vitamins and minerals.
Among the products that should not be given to the dog, it is necessary to note fatty meats, especially pork, as well as bakery products, various flavor enhancers.

Care rules
The dog has a thick, but short coat, so daily brushing can be avoided. As a rule, one procedure per month will be sufficient. A soft brush is used for grooming the coat; a furminator is recommended during seasonal moulting. Since the dog is a hunting breed, regular vaccinations will be extremely important for it.
Animals are vaccinated according to the schedule.however, in some cases, individual vaccination is allowed. The first vaccination of a dog must be done at the age of one month, and puppies should also be vaccinated against distemper and rabies.
They bathe the Russian hound as needed, often it is not recommended to carry out water procedures, so as not to wash off the protective layer from the skin. The rest of the care measures relate to keeping teeth, eyes and ears clean. For the care of the oral cavity, you can use specialized veterinary products; a cotton swab dipped in water will be enough to clean the ears from wax. This also applies to the care of the dog's eyes.

Popular nicknames
Cynologists recommend choosing names for hounds, taking into account their vocal qualities. So, for males with well-placed barking, you can stop at the following:
- Thunder;
- Bass;
- Alto;
- Singer.
The dog is sometimes named, taking into account the peculiarities of its character. It may be a nickname:
- Brave;
- Kind;
- Happy.

If the dog will be involved in the hunt, then nicknames can be given based on the behavioral qualities during the chase, for example, Sly or Signal. It is important that the chosen nickname is short and sonorous. As an option for bitches and males, consider:
- Ira;
- Alma;
- Guy.
In the next video you will find additional information about the Russian Hound dog breed.