Russian salon dog: breed description and care features

Decorative companion dogs have always been in demand among breeders around the world. This demand led to the emergence of new and rather young breeds, which should include the Russian salon dog, which stands out for its exterior.

Origin story
This variety of decorative dogs was bred not so long ago, however, in the light of its attractive exterior, the animals have already managed to get a second name - mermaids. This comparison of four-legged pets is due to the presence of long and soft flowing hair, reminiscent of hair. Mermaids are perfect for breeders looking for a non-aggressive and handsome companion to experiment with their looks with a variety of haircuts, hairstyles and styles.
The formation of the breed took place at the beginning of the 2000s in the capital of Russia. The breeder and judge of many exhibitions, Julia Lakatosh, was engaged in breeding animals with an interesting exterior. At the beginning of the work, planned crossings of dogs of various breeds were carried out with the subsequent consolidation of the obtained characteristics of the new species. After that, the tasks of stabilizing the genome and increasing the number of Russian salon dogs were solved. At the moment, the animal has passed the classification, due to which in Russia they are recognized as a separate breed group. That is why they are not classified as designer breeds.
It is not known for certain which breeds were involved in the breeding of the Mermaids, however, judging by the exterior, a Yorkie was present in the family of animals.

Decorative animals do not stand out for their large size, according to the approved standards, the dog should grow at the withers from 18 to 28 centimeters. In this case, the weight of the pet will vary between 1.8-3.5 kilograms.
The physique of the Moscow mermaid is a little stretched, but at the same time dry and compact. The dog is folded in proportion. The skull will have a round shape, with a low frontal part, the front part is not expressive, with a straight back of the nose. Snub-nosedness is not observed, for dogs, a slight narrowing of the muzzle towards the nose is characteristic, it will be painted black.
The eyes are of standard size, without protruding pupils, and their color is predominantly dark. The ears will be wedge-shaped with pointed ends.

The back of a Russian salon dog is without bend with the withers, the chest is developed correctly, has an oval section. Slight slope is observed in the lower back. The tail is set high on the body, sickle-shaped in structure. In the raised position, it reaches the back, in the normal state it will be slightly tilted down. It can be docked, but not more than 1/3 of the total size.
The neck is located high in relation to the body, has an average parameters of length and width, the legs are set parallel, ideally should be straight, but not long, which makes the dog a little squat when viewed. The fingers are collected in a tight oval-shaped lump. The limbs may be dark colored, staining is allowed.

The coat is long, it can be straight or wavy, it is evenly distributed over the body, while a natural parting will form along the body along the lower back. It is very soft to the touch, the undercoat is poorly expressed. There is a natural volume, the structure is a bit like Pekingese or Shih Tzu wool.
As for the color, the dogs can be presented in different shades of red, red, cream or fawn. A rich color is rare; a dark mask may be present on the muzzle.

The result of breeding a new breed was a dog that stands out not only for its external attractiveness, but also for the mass of positive character traits. Thus, a Russian salon dog, when kept at home, manifests itself as a non-conflict pet, both in relation to a person and to other pets, if any. The innate cleanliness is inherent in the animal, and the dog will bark quite rarely.
The character is dominated by playful and friendly notes, the pet is very attached to the breeder and remains loyal to him. He loves outdoor games, willingly lets himself be fondled. The mermaid stands out for her supportive attitude towards children, actively takes part in their entertainment. You can easily travel with a dog and take it with you on hikes and trips. Pets are not shy, they have a balanced psyche, they try to adapt to the mood of their breeder.
Representatives of the breed can get along in the same area not only with dogs, but also with cats and small rodents, birds. On walks, they behave idly, not aggressive.

The pet is loyal to strangers, without excessive suspicion or aggressiveness, but they do not demonstrate increased optimism and interest when meeting. The intelligence of animals is characterized by average values, but the pet will be able to memorize from 5 to 10 simple commands provided early and competent training.
Dogs do not like hustle and bustle, and the pet also reacts negatively to violence or punishment from the breeder. Animals are very sensitive to the intonation of their owner's voice, so they can recognize a person's mood instantly.
It is extremely difficult for dogs to endure loneliness, they can get bored and depressed, so the owner will need to regularly contact the pet, devote time to it.

Life span
The breed is positioned as strong and resistant to many ailments.Animals stand out with good immunity, so they rarely get sick. However, these characteristics of animals directly depend on the diet of the dog, as well as on timely vaccination. Since the breed is still quite young and poorly studied, there is still no information about congenital diseases.
Dogs are not long-livers; on average, their life expectancy is 12-15 years.

How to choose a puppy?
Since the breed is still young, it has not received sufficient distribution around the world. Today, Moscow mermaid puppies can be bought only in specialized private nurseries. Breeders do not recommend buying dogs for dubious ads, especially via the Internet, in light of the fact that they can sell an ordinary mestizo under the guise of a purebred dog.
When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to the documentation about the dog, today all litters of a Russian salon dog are subject to mandatory registration. You can make sure that the animal is purebred when submitting a request for verification on the kennel's website.
You cannot buy a dog without documents - as long as the animals are considered exclusive, they stand out for their high cost. The cheapness of a small dog should alert a potential buyer. When choosing a pet, it is recommended to pay attention to its exterior, check the characteristics in accordance with the established standards for the breed.
It will also be useful to assess the situation in the nursery, the general condition of the animal, which may indicate possible mistakes in care or the presence of diseases.

How to contain?
Despite the decorativeness of the breed, companion dogs are not whimsical in terms of care. Since the dog does not stand out for its large size, and is also clean by its nature, breeders of Russian salon dogs note the ease in keeping such pets.
The animal is considered contact and collective, therefore, he tries to spend most of his time at home or on walks with the owner. Dogs are moderately active on the street, so they prefer leisurely walks on a leash not far from home.

The main point regarding grooming is brushing the animal's fur. The owner needs to take care of the pet's coat daily, otherwise it will get tangled, after which the appearance of tangles that will have to be cut will inevitably appear. Since a dog is acquired as a puppy, the breeder should be aware of some of the characteristics of the breed.
So, at the age of 9-12 months in dogs there is a natural change from children's wool to adult. This process will be associated with the active formation of lumps, which are the norm, which is temporary. With the arrival of molting, the owner will need to pay maximum attention to the appearance of his dog.
After changing the coat it will be much easier to keep a Russian salon dog. There is no specific amount of brushing per day for one animal. For some animals, one treatment per week will be sufficient, while others will need a brush every day.
If the mermaid's coat is clean, it will be less tangled, so the dog should be bathed at least once or twice a month. But before the water procedures, the pet needs to be combed, otherwise the condition of the coat will worsen.

In addition to bathing and brushing, your pet will need to be trimmed regularly. Today, for this breed, there are several varieties of this procedure:
- grooming while maintaining the natural exterior of the dog;
- sports haircut;
- "Square".
The haircut options do not affect the evaluation at the exhibitions.

In the process of keeping dogs, you will also need to pay attention to the muzzle. It must be washed after every meal. Every day you need to wipe your pet's eyes so that mucus does not accumulate in the corners, and there were no more serious consequences related to the inflammatory processes of the organs of vision. Ears should be cleaned weekly.If too much sulfur accumulates inside, then cleaning is allowed twice a week.
For the care of the eyes and ears, it is necessary to use cotton pads dipped in water or a decoction of chamomile flowers. The growing hair will also have to be trimmed in the ears.
For the prevention of gum disease and tooth decay to animals you need to regularly clean the oral cavity. It will require special attention during the period when milk teeth are replaced by molars. Typically, this process occurs in 4-8 months. If your shift is delayed, veterinarian assistance may be required.

Since the dog will spend most of the time in the house, it will need to trim the claws. Special care should be taken in this procedure to avoid damaging the blood vessels in the plate. Pillows after walking will need a daily checkup. In winter, it is recommended to additionally lubricate them with baby cream or specialized anti-cracking compounds, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. During cold weather, dogs of this breed are usually walked in special clothing.
Leaving the breeder will require the genital area in the light of the long coat in the dog. It will need to be washed after a bowel movement. Once every 3 months, the animal will need to carry out preventive deworming. Vaccinations are performed according to the schedule. In the summer, additional treatment for ticks and other blood-sucking parasites will be required.
This breed can relieve itself on the street or at home in a special tray or on a diaper.

The animal will need to equip its own space in an apartment or house with a couch. It should be a quiet, draft-free place. The pet will also need to buy several toys.
A balanced diet will be the key to strong immunity of the dog. To compose the menu, it is recommended to maintain a balance in the pet's intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The Russian salon dog can be fed with natural food or industrial dry food. In the first case, the additional introduction of vitamins into the diet is mandatory. Dry food must be at least premium.
The frequency of meals will vary depending on the age of the animal. Puppies can be fed more than 3-4 times a day. For an adult dog, two meals a day will be enough - in the morning and in the evening.

Among the prohibited products, it is worth highlighting:
- fatty meat products;
- legumes;
- chicken and tubular bones.
For more information on the breed, see the next video.