Nicknames for dogs

Review of Russian nicknames for dogs

Review of Russian nicknames for dogs
  1. Features of choice
  2. Review of names for boys
  3. What to call the girls?

In Russia, in the old days, it was customary to give nicknames or nicknames for animals by color or other distinctive features. The dog could be called Chernysh, Clever, Lyubim, Molchan, Buyan. The nicknames Vyun, Volchok, Buran were chosen for the mobile "zhivchiks".

Known from the Russian folk tale about the turnip, the Beetle is named so because of its black color, White dogs were called Squirrels, and Brown dogs were called Kashtanks. Snowball and Gypsy are also named for their characteristic coloration.

There are nicknames that are considered to be primordially Russian, but in fact they have a foreign language origin, for example, Tresor comes from the French trésor - "treasure", Sharik - from the Polish szary "shary", that is, gray; Bobick comes from the English Bobby - the diminutive form of the name Robert.

Features of choice

Russian nicknames for dogs are now very popular among owners, and representatives of some Russian breeds (black terrier, Russian hound) are traditionally called so. For a pet with a pedigree, you often need to choose a name that begins with a specific letter. The name will accompany the four-legged friend for the rest of his life, distinguish it among the representatives of the same breed, and it is even believed that it influences the fate of the pet.

When choosing a name for dogs, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Consider the breed of your dog. For a little Spitz, the nickname Rex will look comical.
  • The name must correspond to the character and appearance of the pet. From a small fluffy lump, he will eventually turn into an adult and formidable dog, to which the nickname Kid does not go.
  • It should be easy to pronounce, sonorous and short. For purebred breeds, long names are not uncommon, such as Giendia von Pushana, it is easy to shorten it to Guy or, for example, Push.This nickname is easy to pronounce, and the puppy will quickly remember it.
  • It is important that the nickname does not sound like one of the basic commands: "fu", "sit", "voice", etc. During training, the dog may not understand what is required of it.
  • It is not recommended to call animals by simple names of people: Sonya, Dima, Vanka. Such sets of sounds (and for a dog, a name is a set of sounds to which it responds) are quite common. On a walk, the dog will think that the children playing nearby are calling it. Some of the bearers of the name may be very offended when they learn the name of the dog.
  • The nickname should be original enough so that your pet is called differently from the neighbor's dog, and several Tuziks or Balls do not respond to the nickname at once.

Old Russian nicknames were given, emphasizing individual differences in appearance, character: Beetle - black, like a beetle; Grip - grasping, etc. Or those features that the owner would like to see in his four-legged friend were designated, for example, Umka is smart, and Peregrine Falcon is swift and fast like a falcon.

A beautiful and simple nickname for a pet can reflect not only the characteristics of a particular breed, but also its personal qualities. For example, if he is perky and playful, you can call him that: Perky, Playful or Game. You can come up with light nicknames yourself, just carefully observe the puppy.

For puppies of different colors, you can choose a nickname that characterizes the color. White dog can be called - White, and if figuratively, then Snowball; black - Blackie; for red-haired puppies, the nicknames Ryzhik, Kashtan and Fox may be suitable. Ruby, Amber, Garnet - nicknames for a noble and huge dog, the color of the precious stone will overlap with the red color of the coat.

It is not always possible to pick up a puppy's nickname during the meeting. You can quickly come up with a name for one, but only after a long search for another.

Review of names for boys

A puppy in the house is a joy and care. The first thing every owner does is choose a name for a new friend. TOInologues call the dog's name the first command it must learn. The name for the boy is chosen, taking into account the characteristics of the breed, personality, color. A large dog is given a nickname that will emphasize strength and growth; for a boy of a decorative breed, a more neutral name is more suitable. A small dog is taken as a companion, perhaps that is why the name should be given a friendly, conducive to contact.

For a purebred dog, a beautiful and sonorous name is chosen to indicate in the pedigree, and then shortened to a short nickname. Of course, each owner chooses the most convenient and euphonious word. The mongrel boy will not participate in exhibitions and it is not worth calling him too pompous, it is better to choose a sounding and bright name for a good friend, for example, Druzhok, Tim, Bim.

The watchdog and the hunting dog may, of course, be called the same. Owners try to emphasize in the pet those qualities that will be important throughout the dog's life. A name that emphasizes the speed of the run is more suitable for the hound: Tornado, Typhoon, Shot; to the watchman - Baikal, Amur, Verny, such nicknames speak of the stability and resilience of the four-legged friend.

Beautiful names for service dogs:

  • Diamond;
  • Amur;
  • Ataman;
  • Buran;
  • Baikal;
  • White;
  • Loyal;
  • Volcano;
  • Jack;
  • Thunder;
  • Proud;
  • Danube;
  • Gift;
  • Friend;
  • Don;
  • Huntsman;
  • Euphrates;
  • Zenith;
  • Irbis;
  • Kazbek;
  • Fang;
  • Kuchum;
  • Fierce;
  • Max;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Mars;
  • Nair;
  • Ratibor;
  • Topaz;
  • Sultan;
  • Caesar.

For hunting breeds in the old days, names were selected from imperative verbs, such as Notice, Catch, Crush, Grab. By calling this pet, they expressed their hopes for future hunting skills. Modern names for greyhounds and hounds betray their courage and agility - qualities that an owner wants to see in a pet.

  • Ataman;
  • Leopard;
  • The battle;
  • Golden eagle;
  • Rush;
  • Vortex;
  • Wind;
  • Wolf;
  • Shot;
  • Catch up;
  • Call;
  • Moor;
  • Meteor;
  • Flight;
  • Falcon;
  • Sir;
  • Tornado;
  • Ace;
  • Khan;
  • Grip;
  • Tail.

For decorative medium-sized breeds, the name is chosen differently than for sentry and hunting. A large dog with a cute name Krosh will look strange, the nickname Vulkan sounds even more ridiculous for a greyhound or toy terrier. It is better to name the puppy according to its size in the future. For small dogs, the following works well:

  • Bagel;
  • Friend;
  • Bug;
  • Zhuzhik;
  • Kuzya;
  • Mimi;
  • Donut;
  • Fluff;
  • Timka;
  • Umka;
  • Filya.

Nicknames for a pet can be selected according to various criteria, the main thing is that it should be suitable, easy to pronounce, please the owner, be beautiful and aesthetic. Choosing a beautiful old name for a dog boy, they put their attitude towards a new friend into it.

What to call the girls?

For a pet, the owner chooses a suitable name, spectacular, beautiful, characterizing the appearance or character. Dogs perceive well the voiced sounds "r", "d", "b", "g", "h", if such a sound is included in the nickname, the pet will more easily recognize it.

Old Russian nicknames are given for Russian canine sighthounds and Russian hounds, this tradition was formed during the formation of both breeds. Hounds and greyhound hunting dogs should be fast, courageous and bark loudly, names suit them:

  • Brave;
  • Wave;
  • Free;
  • Fast;
  • Spark;
  • Light;
  • Bullet;
  • Arrow;
  • Luck;
  • Courage;
  • Deleting.

For dogs of northern breeds, such as huskies, huskies, Samoyeds, sled dogs, nicknames associated with winter, cold and snow are more suitable:

  • Arctic;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Winter;
  • Winter;
  • Zimushka;
  • Storm;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Karelia;
  • Blizzard;
  • Moon;
  • Avalanche;
  • Nasta;
  • Blizzard;
  • Taiga.

For watch beauties (St. Bernards, shepherd dogs, large terriers), severe and respectable nicknames are more suitable. How dangerous dogs with names seem:

  • Storm;
  • Gyurza;
  • Horror;
  • Cobra;
  • Fierce;
  • Shrew;
  • Tigress;
  • A threat;
  • Plague;
  • Tsunami;
  • Rage.

For small terriers, chihuahuas, dachshunds, simple nicknames are well suited:

  • Bead;
  • Cherry;
  • Lyalya;
  • Front sight;
  • Yula;
  • Yanka.

    It so happens that the puppy has been living in the house for several days, but it still fails to pick up a nickname: one does not suit a little friend, the other does not like the owner. How to deal with such a situation?

    You can try to remember your favorite films and books, where the main characters were dogs - what if one of the characters looks like a pet?

    For example, the hero of the story of the same name by Gabriel Troepolsky was named White Bim Black Ear because of his color. And the famous writer Jack London portrayed a courageous dog named White Fang. A spaniel named Mu-Mu from the story of Ivan Turgenev is known to everyone from school. Or the border dog Scarlet from the story of the same name by Yuri Koval. The poodle Artemon is a companion of the Malvina doll from Alexei Tolstoy's Golden Key.

    Perhaps turning to books or films based on your favorite works will help you find a good option. The name chosen should please the owner and attract the attention of the puppy.

    For tips on choosing a nickname for your dog, see below.

    1 comment

    Why call a dog Threat, Plague, or Terror? Imagine: a man runs down the street and shouts: "threat, threat, plague, horror!" They will be fined for panic in a public place and they will be right.Calling the dog Mu-mu, of course, you will bring a lot of joy to your friends: every now and then they will ask you since when did you become dumb, and when you will drown your Mu-mu!) By the way, dogs cannot have any girls , no boys, no names. They have females, males and nicknames; and this does not make the dogs worse. Dogs don’t give birth, but puppies, they don’t have a color, but a shirt.


    the beauty
