Dogs with a beard: types and their characteristics, selection and care

Among all the currently existing varieties of dogs, bearded animals stand apart. For some, they cause bewilderment and fear, while others do not like souls in their four-legged pets, which have such a feature.
Why did dogs get beards? What other features do such unusual animals have? What breeds of dogs are classified as bearded? Look for answers to these and some other questions in our material.

Traditionally, bearded dogs are classified as companion pets. Such animals have a facial part overgrown with wool - the so-called beard. Depending on the specific breed, the ancestors of bearded dogs can be both guard and herding or even hunting breeds.
There is no single standard for bearded four-legged pets. Among themselves, they can differ in size, color, physiological characteristics, behavioral patterns, etc. Their only common feature is the presence of an abnormally developed coat (in scientific circles it is called hypergrichosis).

Due to this the hairline of the animal deserves special attention... Their positive characteristics include the fact that bearded dogs do not shed. But on the other hand, they have long hair that grows throughout the body, including the front part, ears, paws, etc.
Hypergrichosis is a natural anomaly that was found in the first domesticated dogs. Over time, this "deviation" was consolidated by the labors of breeders.

Today, there are a huge number of bearded animal breeds in nature. In our material, we will consider the most common and popular varieties.
Belgian griffon
This dog breed is rather small in size. As you might guess from the name of the variety, the homeland of the animal is Belgium... Animals appeared in this country in 1800 thanks to the efforts of breeders.
From an anatomical point of view, the breed has several unique features, namely a curved forehead, a short facial part of the head, and a wide skull. Belgian griffons are quite capricious, they can show stubbornness and do not make contact with small children, they have dislike for them.
The pet's diet requires special attention. The fact is that some individuals belonging to the breed have an increased appetite, so it is very important to control the size of their portions, and also not to keep food in the open. Remember that overeating can negatively affect your pet's health and lead to obesity.

Giant schnauzer
The Giant Schnauzer is another breed of bearded dogs, which is rather large in size, and also has certain physiological characteristics, in particular, great strength and power. It is important to note that this breed is an animal not only with a beard, but also with a mustache.
Like the previous variety of bearded dogs, this breed is not recommended if you have small children in your house. The nature of the Giant Schnauzers is very restless, and the mood is unstable. In relation to the baby, a four-legged pet can show aggression.
This dog is physically active, therefore, it should be taken out for regular and long walks, which, if possible, are recommended to be supplemented with active games or training.
It is also important to observe the rules of hygiene for Giant Schnauzers: animals need regular combing, brushing, clipping and trimming.

Bearded collie
The bearded collie breed is also called birdie or bearded collie. This species of four-legged animals is considered one of the oldest, and its homeland is Scotland. The body of the breed is distinguished by developed muscle mass. In addition, animals have long and thick hair.
Owners of animals of this breed note that dogs are distinguished by highly developed intellectual and mental addition, they are brave but friendly towards the owner and all members of his family, including young children and the elderly.
It is important to pay special attention to the training and education of dogs. Educational workouts should be given at least 1 hour per day.

Lhasa Apso
The second name of the breed is lhasa. This breed belongs to the category of watchdogs. The Tibetan animal is distinguished not only by the presence of a beard, but also by a thick and lush hair, drooping ears and tail.
Lhasa has a friendly character. An animal belonging to this breed can be safely started even if other pets or small children live in your house. It will easily find contact with them.
The Lhasa apso requires some specific care measures. This primarily applies to medical procedures. Periodically, the animal should be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian-dentist. This is necessary in order for the specialist to remove the formed tartar and plaque in the mouth of the animal.

Irish wolfhound
Already by the name of the breed, you can guess that the original purpose of this breed is hunting. The animal was bred during the existence of the ancient Celts. The wolfhound has a well-developed muscular body, a long and elongated head, as well as a curly hairline.
This animal cannot be kept in an urban environment in an apartment. In order for the Irish wolfhound to be able to calmly carry out all the processes of his life, he needs a lot of space.
If you ignore training and education, the animal can grow up angry and uncontrollable. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the learning process.
In this way, you can raise a devoted, benevolent and courageous friend.

How to choose?
If you have finally decided to have a bearded dog, then the first thing to do is to decide on a specific breed. In this sense, it is important to consider several factors.
- Appearance. It's no secret that we all want to have a beautiful and cute animal. However, in addition to subjective external signs, close attention should be paid to the size of the animal. Match the size of the dog to the living space you have at your disposal. You should carefully consider the questions about whether the animal will fit in your apartment, whether it will be comfortable for you and the dog to coexist in the same territory.
- Behavior and character. Before purchasing a puppy of a particular breed, carefully study the information regarding the characteristics of his character. For example, some animals do not get along well with children, the elderly, or other pets living in your home. Other species do not tolerate prolonged loneliness. It is important to analyze such characteristics of the animal in order not to get unpleasant surprises later.
- Physiological needs. In this regard, it is important to understand what specific grooming measures the dog needs. For example, some breeds like to spend most of their time outdoors. There are varieties that need constant medical examination. Make sure you can provide all these activities financially, temporally and energy-intensively.

After you have decided on a specific breed, it is important to find an official cattery that breeds such animals, or contact an individual breeder. One way or another, you should make sure that you are buying a purebred and healthy dog. To do this, read the certificates and licenses, as well as other documents held by the seller.
The puppy's physical condition and behavior are also important factors. The animal must be well-groomed and active.
If possible, examine the parent couple to make sure the puppy was born to healthy parents and did not inherit any genetic diseases.

Basic rules of content
The rules for keeping bearded dogs do not differ from the principles of caring for any other animals. Mandatory care measures include:
- control over the diet (it can be both ready-made mixtures and natural products);
- arrangement of a place for a dog (with a stove bench and bowls for water and food);
- hygiene procedures (bathing, cleaning, cleansing the eyes and ears, trimming the nails);
- medical procedures (regular preventive examinations with a veterinarian and vaccinations).

An important feature of keeping bearded dogs is associated with the physiological characteristics of the animal, in particular, with non-standard hair. It is in relation to hair care that the animal needs additional measures., which are not required in the process of caring for other varieties of dogs.
This applies to daily brushing with special combs and brushes. In no case should it be allowed to form clumps on the wool. In addition, be sure to groom (trim) the coat. To do this, contact the specialists. Such care measures will not only ensure a neat and well-groomed appearance of your pet, but also its health.

Training and education is an important part of keeping a dog. As we mentioned earlier, many of the bearded dog breeds need training. If you do not carry out training and activities with the animal, then your pet can grow up angry, aggressive and disobedient.He will not perceive your authority, and therefore can be dangerous both in relation to you and to your environment.
If possible, entrust the training to professional dog handlers: enroll your bearded pet in special group courses or one-to-one lessons. If you wish, you can study independently. However, it is important to remember that such activities should be regular and systematic.

It is recommended to start training from the very first days after you brought the puppy to your house. To begin with, master the basic traditional commands, for example, "Sit", "Voice", "Aport", etc. Only after the animal has begun to cope with such tasks, you can proceed to the study of complex tricks.
The training process must be rigorous so that the dog understands who is in charge here.
At the same time, in no case should aggression and the use of physical force be allowed.
For interesting facts about the Giant Schnauzer breed, see the next video.