Dog breeds with a flattened muzzle

Flat-faced pets are very popular with dog breeders. As a result of careful selection, the shape of the skull in the representatives of the breeds has been modified. Each dog had to fulfill its role, in which the sense of smell was not of primary importance. This entailed a number of consequences for which future owners should prepare.

Animals with this trait are called brachycephalic. As a result of changes in the structure of the skull, the nostrils became narrow, and the palate, trachea and lacrimal canals became compressed. Physiological changes mainly affected the respiratory tract, so their health also became weaker. Dogs are sensitive to heat, stress, pain, physical exertion. Any violation invariably leads to increased breathing.
The structural features of the larynx and trachea can lead to the development of oxygen deficiency and fainting. If the dog frequently loses consciousness, then you should contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, an innocent symptom can lead to heart failure. However, the main health feature of flat-faced dogs is brachycephalic syndrome. This means that when inhaled, hot air does not have time to cool before it enters the lungs and can lead to heatstroke.

Dogs with flattened muzzles frighten novice dog breeders with reverse sneezing. The pet often sucks in air, sniffs, wheezes and grunts. At the same time, it freezes in a tense pose. The cause of the phenomenon is dust or pollen, which irritates the mucous membrane in the nasal passage. Sometimes sneezing back is caused by an inflammatory process within the body that develops after infection.
The very phenomenon of danger to life and health does not carry. This usually rarely happens, does not last long, and goes away on its own. If you want to help the pet, then it is enough to cover the nostrils with your fingers so that the dog breathes through its mouth.
If the attacks are repeated often or cause significant harm to the animal, then you should consult a specialist. Veterinarians advise filming a reverse sneeze on video.

Cute faces with a flattened nose cause a lot of warm sensations in people. Consider which animals have such an appearance - a complete list of breeds.
- Pug. Once upon a time this dog was supposed to warm people. This explains the large number of fat folds. The nose did not play a special role in this case, so the selectors decided to deepen it. It is believed that pugs were loved by women as decorative dogs and had to contrast with the appearance of the hostess. Smooth-haired representatives of the breed often develop brachycephalic syndrome, they snore quite loudly in their sleep and grunt with increased physical activity.

- Bulldog French and English. It's hard to imagine, but the breed was bred to participate in bull-beating - bullfights. Over time, the fun changed, and the Bulldogs began to participate in dog fights. The nose was always in danger during such activity, so the selectors carefully hid it. Moreover, the representatives of the breed themselves often ended the battles with a bite of the enemy on the nose, as for the weakest point.

- Pekingese. In China, such a dog was an indicator of the status of the owner. There, animals of this breed were bred in flocks, and they had to protect people. The nose was hidden to protect the pet. With this activity, the selectors have paid more attention to the development of a powerful jaw and sharp teeth. Today, the small fluffy breed is used as a decorative one.

- Shar Pei. People from the southern province of China performed different tasks. Representatives of the breed were fighters and hunters, at the same time, they took care of the herd and took care of the children. During selection, the nose was shortened and great emphasis was placed on the development of the jaw. A squashed nose allows the dog to squeeze its prey tightly in the jaws for a long time. This anatomical feature allows the animal to guard the victim for the required amount of time until the owner approaches. Particular attention should be paid to the dog's breathing, it becomes more frequent under stress.

- Boxer. The dogs were bred by enthusiasts who dreamed of creating the perfect watchdog. There is an opinion that the name of the breed is due to the fact that during defense, animals actively use the front limbs. The nose was deepened to increase the safety of the dog itself during fights and external aggression.

- Dogue de Bordeaux. A large animal is distinguished by excellent protective qualities and is able to stand up both for itself and for the owner. The dog protects people, not the territory, so it can live in an apartment.

Keeping puppies
All breeds with flattened muzzles were artificially bred, targeted selection consolidated the desired trait. The result was an altered skull shape, which resulted in both positive and negative results. All breeds suffer from specific health disorders and therefore require special care. The structural features of the airways make it difficult to inhale and exhale. The breed may feel worse as a result of a congenital mutation that is not provided for in the standard.
Dogs can suffer from heart failure due to increased pulmonary artery pressure. It is important that one minor problem can lead to quite life-threatening diseases. The peculiarities of the breeds must be treated carefully. Protect your dog from extreme heat, exertion, stress.
If the heart rate rises, it is worth immediately reassuring the animal. In this condition, the body requires more oxygen.Air is supplied only in a limited amount due to the narrow airways. As a result of prolonged stress, the animal can lose consciousness. If the animal is still small (up to 1.5 years old), then you should completely protect it from any stressful situations.

It is worth monitoring the weight of a dog with a flattened muzzle. With obesity, the animal gets tired faster and feels worse in the heat. All this negatively affects breathing. The puppies should be fed on a schedule and in doses that are recommended for the age of the dog. This rule is especially important for pugs, who have a very good appetite and dislike of active games.
Choose the right collar so that it does not squeeze your throat. It is generally recommended to use a harness for walking. Do not jerk quickly with the leash, which can lead to suffocation, loss of consciousness or even death. In a hot summer, it is worth reducing the number of walks. Take your dog outside only early in the morning and in the evening when the air temperature drops.
Most brachycephalic breeds have folds near the nose. By themselves, they are not harmful, but they require careful care. Clean debris and food debris from your skin regularly and gently. For stubborn dirt, use a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and wipe dry.

The special rules for keeping dogs with a flat muzzle include a number of nuances.
- It is necessary to visit a veterinarian annually for a consultation. The examination should include not only external diagnostics, but also ultrasound of the heart, X-ray, examination of the larynx, listening to the state of the lungs and heart. Such measures will help to detect diseases or pathologies in the early stages.
- It is worth contacting a specialist if the animal makes uncharacteristic sounds or has changed a lot in habits.
- Regularly examine the condition of the ears, eyes, wrinkles near the nose, and the airways themselves.
Brachycephalics cannot fly in an airplane - it is contraindicated for them. Changes in pressure, heat, stress can lead to the death of a pet. Moreover, it is quite hot on board the aircraft, which also leads to heatstroke. If you are planning a trip, make sure that someone looks after the dog at home.
A change in the usual environment and the absence of beloved hosts can also negatively affect the state of health.

For the opinion of veterinarians on flat-faced dogs, see the video below.