Saluki: characteristics of the breed of dogs, features of care

Saluki are one of the most ancient breeds. Many believe that they were the first dogs to settle near humans. Saluki have gained immense popularity due to their hunting qualities and friendliness.

Origin story
The Saluki is considered one of the first breeds to be domesticated by man. Its historical homeland is the Middle East and North Africa (primarily Ancient Egypt). This opinion was first expressed by the scientist L.P. Sabaneev in the 19th century. In his work, he put forward the hypothesis that the ancestor of all greyhounds were thesems - the greyhounds of the pharaohs. They were saluk-like in build, but had erect ears and a curled tail.
The researcher believed that four similar breeds originated from them: Saluki (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran), Slugi (Tunisia and Morocco), Azawakhs (Southern Sahara) and Bell-moors (African greyhounds of the plain and mountain type).
The appearance of these breeds on such a large territory was associated with the colonization of the area by the Phoenicians and the resettlement of the Arabian tribes (c. 3000 BC). This opinion prevailed until the middle of the 20th century.

In 1959, researcher S. N. Bogolyubsky published a work in which he suggested the origin of saluk and theses from a common ancestor. He debunked the myth that the Saluki descended from thesemes, and identified two forms of greyhounds - North African and Eurasian. They acquired differences due to living in different conditions and gave rise to several breeds of greyhounds and two different centers of their distribution, and later met on the same territory.
At the moment, scientists agree that Bogolyubsky's theory more accurately describes the development of the Saluki breed. The appearance of these dogs is attributed to the XI-X century BC. NS.and consider them a separate breed, which until 4000 BC. NS. was under the influence of thesemes. After the II millennium BC. NS. Thesemes ceased to play a decisive role in the spread of greyhounds, and the Saluki came to the fore.
However, the division of greyhounds from the Arabian Peninsula and dogs descended from thesemes is rather arbitrary.
On the images found in Egypt, there are drawings of lop-eared greyhounds (this is typical for the saluk), and on the Mediterranean islands there are greyhounds with erect ears (for example, the dogs of Ibiza), which supposedly could have been brought there by the Arabs during the conquest campaigns in IX-XI centuries.

Scientists have no consensus about when exactly these dogs began to live with humans. However, we can trace the origin and development of these animals through mummies found in Egyptian tombs, cave paintings and poetry.
The first mentions of these dogs were found in Egypt and refer to the period when the pharaohs did not exist yet - 9000 - 10,000 BC. NS. The most ancient mummy of Saluki dogs belongs to this period. There are known poems by the Arab poet Abu Nuwas, dated from the 9th - 8th centuries. BC e., which he devotes to his saluke. Abu Nuwas calls it "salucation":
“How can I glorify the Salukian who belongs to me?
His hunting luck will never run away from him!
All the goodies I have, my hunting trophies
His merit and prey, my guest is fed up with his labors. "

In 7-6 t. BC. NS. the breed finally took shape and spread throughout the Middle East. The head of a Saluki carved from ivory, found on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula, belongs to this period. This breed is also mentioned in poems by Persian poets that date back to 3000 BC. NS. The next most ancient find was made in Egypt: in one of the pyramids a barillef was found, on which scenes of hunting with dogs of red and red-piebald color were depicted.
Interestingly, this breed was so highly prized in Egypt that they made special collars inlaid with precious stones, and the Arabs and Bedouins settled them in their tents.
Muslims considered them "pure animals" and never called greyhounds "al kalb" (dog), as this was considered the greatest offense. Instead, the word "al khur" (noble) was used. They were never bought or sold. Saluk could be presented to close relatives and friends. As gratitude for such a gift, a person could ask for anything.
The position of the Saluki was so exceptional that after a Muslim stroked a dog, he could go to the mosque and perform only those prayers that he wanted. At the same time, he did not lose "purity", as it did when in contact with any other animal (except for a horse).

Saluk was never laid on the ground or left unattended in the street. In cities for their rest, special flooring was built under the roofs of houses. In Bedouin tents, they lived on the women's territory behind a curtain on a special mat. At night and on cold days, they were covered with a warm blanket, and on hot days, women sewed light raincoats that protected the dogs from burns.
During the hunt, the men covered their feet with a mixture of henna and clay, which protected the vulnerable parts from burns (the sand in the desert is very hot during the day), cuts and other damage.
All animals obtained with the help of saluki were allowed for consumption by devout Muslims. Except for those animals that the dog began to eat by itself. This postulate was recorded in one of the hadiz (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), dedicated to keeping dogs and using them for hunting and guarding herds.
It is interesting that the following instruction is given in the hadiz: all dogs should be released from the leash with the words "In the name of Allah!" And from every person who kept a dog not for hunting and guarding, it was supposed to take a tax for every day that this dog belongs to the owner.

Another exceptional feature of these dogs was that they ate the same food as humans. The greyhounds' diet was always well watched: it was balanced and consisted of meat, camel milk and mashed dates.
The distribution of representatives of this breed in Europe took place in two stages. The first stage of distribution lasted until 1840. It is characterized by the fact that as a result of the emergence and fall of a number of empires, in the Middle East, northern Africa and southern Europe (for example, the Roman Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great), the Saluki spread all over the Mediterranean coast. However, they did not retain their purebreds and quickly mixed with other breeds.
These dogs took part in the Crusades in the XI-XV centuries.
However, their main occupation was still hunting. Both in Europe and in the Arab countries, they were kept by wealthy feudal lords, so hunting became an entertainment and was a big event, in which cavalcades, up to fifty greyhounds and hunting falcons took part.

The second stage of the spread of saluk in Europe began in the 19th century, when they began to be brought from Syria. In 1840, explorer Hamilton Smith brought several specimens from Persia. They were shown at an amateur exhibition in Regent Park. And already in 1874 the breed was mentioned in the Kennel Club studbook as "Persian Greyhound".
The next time representatives of this breed were presented at an exhibition in 1900. In 1923, the breed was recognized in England, and a few years later in the United States.
In Russia, Saluki appeared in 1897 at a dog show. Then the male Grumiz took the gold medal. However, breeding of the breed began only in the 1990s, after the import of European breeding dogs.
The fate of the Saluk in the Middle East has developed ambiguously. In the Arabian Peninsula, hunting is considered an indicator of human well-being, and trained purebred Salukis can cost a fortune.
And in Iran, hunting is prohibited, and the police shot many dogs of this breed, whose owners used them for illegal hunting. The most purebred individuals survived in the Bedouin tribes living in the deserts.

Standard number: FCI No269
Group: greyhounds for hunting and racing.
Section: greyhounds with long hair or feathers.

The general appearance of the Saluki is the embodiment of proportionality, grace and grace. There are many varieties, but there are common standards for all members of the breed.
- Head. The skull has a highly elongated shape and is proportional in width to the body. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is weak. The space between the ears is even, without protuberances. The ears are mobile and set high, in a calm state they fit snugly to the head. Long soft hair is present on the ears. The dog must have an even bite. The nose can be black or brown in color. The eyes are large, but not protruding.
- Neck long, graceful, well muscled.
- Back wide enough. Deep, large chest, tucked up abdomen. The front of the torso is much larger than the back.
- Tail Should not be higher than the hock. It is set low and quite long. On the lower part there is a characteristic dewlap of soft wool.
- Front limbs well laid back and well muscled. Shoulders and shoulder blades are approximately equal in length. Long, straight forearms merge into broad, powerful pasterns. The hocks are well pronounced on the hind legs and the articulations of the knee joints are almost not pronounced.
- The coat is smooth and soft... Feathers are present on the legs, tail and throat. Coarse or felted wool is considered a serious blemish.

The main characteristics of an adult dog:
- the weight - 14 - 27 kg;
- height - 60 - 70 cm;
- lifespan - 10-14 years old.
Any color is allowed, but brindle is considered undesirable.But at the same time, brindle color is not a defect and cannot be the reason for the disqualification of a pet in competitions, for example.
Interestingly, the accepted standards for the Saluki breed were approved for the European variety of the breed, and purebred individuals living in the Bedouin tribes often do not meet these standards for any parameter.

Saluki are very intelligent, delicate, calm and sensitive. They can't stand it when they raise their voices. And it doesn't matter if they are shouted at or in general. If the dog understands that a conflict is starting, he tries to go to a place where no one will touch him.
They have a sense of their own dignity, sometimes turning into arrogance. This is expressed in the recognition of only one person as the owner. Of course, the dog will be friendly with all family members, but it will carry out commands and serve only one person.
Saluki do not like contact with children. This is due to the fact that children often annoy animals and do not see personal boundaries. The dog will not start the conflict first, but if the child begins to bully the animal, then it will be able to stand up for itself.
There is one more point that needs to be taken into account: if a dog is regularly nervous and is not given the opportunity to be alone, then it turns into a twitchy, nervous animal that will not even make contact with the owner.

Saluki are rather restrained in showing emotions. For example, a dog will be completely indifferent to strangers and affectionate to those he knows (even if this person is not a member of the family). They never require special attention of a person, they do not rush with a demand for hugs. Sometimes there is a feeling that the owner of the saluke is needed only to feed, walk and scratch behind the ear. It is interesting that with such aloof behavior, the animal sincerely loves the owner and can suffer from loneliness.
Saluki are sociable and fit well in packs. But at the same time, they do not experience discomfort if there are no other four-legged in the vicinity. Persian hounds are very independent in this regard.
The situation is quite different with other pets.
Due to the developed hunting instinct, the Saluki perceive other pets as their prey. This behavior can be reversed with the help of long-term training, but in many cases the instinct takes its toll and, for example, the cat becomes a potential prey.

Conditions for keeping
Since the breed was formed in the hot climate of the Middle East, it is difficult for them to survive cold weather. That is why Saluki are not suitable for breeding and living in open-air cages and booths - they are moved there only for the summer.
Persian greyhounds are quite large and mobile dogs, so it is not recommended to have them in apartments. The most comfortable option for animals would be a house with a large plot. However, if the dog lacks movement, then it can go for a walk without permission.
Greyhounds have two characteristics:
- they need a lot of movement;
- they "drain the battery" in a very short time.

The average saluki will take 40 minutes to walk. But the walk itself is best done at a pace so that the dog has the opportunity to move around to its fullest. It is advisable to do this in the fields. The bike for walking the Saluki is too slow, a scooter or motorcycle is more suitable for speed. And remember that it is very difficult to curb the hunting instinct, so any moving object causes the hunting excitement in the greyhound.
Persian greyhounds are distinguished by excellent health, the basis of which lies in proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. Despite this, there are a number of diseases that can manifest in a pet:
- dilated cardiomyopathy (heart disorders);
- hypothyroidism (violation of the thyroid gland);
- hemangiosarcoma.
Cynologists recommend showing your pet to a veterinarian at least once every six months.

What to feed?
An interesting situation with the nutrition of the Saluki.Among the representatives of this breed, gluttons are extremely rare, so that a healthy animal decides for itself how much it needs to eat. The diet and the amount of servings depends on the degree of activity of the animal and its age.
The first 1.5 weeks after the mother-dog stops feeding the puppy, his diet consists of milk, cereals and nutritional mixtures. From about two months (when physical activity increases), the following are gradually added to the diet:
- meat;
- eggs (raw or pounded and added to porridge);
- porridge in meat broth;
- meat;
- vegetables.

An excellent option for feeding your puppy in the first few days after it is picked up from the kennel is ready-made food from the breeder.
It's better to feed your puppy at the same time and in one place. The pet will quickly get used to its place and will not scatter food.
Cottage cheese and kefir are introduced into the diet of an adult saluki. In addition, the portion of meat increases. The rest of the diet remains the same.

It is worth considering the following nuances:
- an adult dog can ignore unfamiliar foods;
- the puppy is fed 2-3 times a day, an adult - 1-2 times a day.
Should be excluded from the diet:
- fatty foods;
- fried or smoked foods;
- sweets.
The body of Saluki is very sensitive, and malnutrition leads to obesity, digestive problems, gastritis, allergies and other troubles.

How to care?
Saluki rarely and a little shed. Their coat, even when wet, does not emit an unpleasant odor. In addition, animals are naturally clean and will not sin by bathing in ditches. This becomes especially important when you consider that frequent water procedures are contraindicated for them. This is due to the fact that they have a very thin body fat.
Experts do not recommend washing the saluk more than 2-3 times a month. In this case, you need to use gentle shampoos and balms (for easier combing), and after the procedure, dry the wool with a towel.
Particular attention should be paid to the ears (they need to be cleaned once a month and be sure to wipe them dry after the procedures) and the claws (if the dog is active, the claws will grind off themselves, and if physical activity is limited, then the claws should be filed and sanded).

For hair care, it is recommended to stock up on combs of different frequencies. They are needed in order to comb out tangles and burdocks that the animal brings from a walk. In the summer, it is worth limiting the dog's stay in the open sun. This is due to the fact that Saluki have no undercoat.
During walks, it is recommended to bandage the pet's legs and put on a special cover in order to protect the tail. However, these are ineffective measures, since during the run the dog discards everything unnecessary.

Training and education
The main purpose of training is to teach the dog to the basic set of commands "sit", "no", "stand", "to me" and the like. Do not expect your pet to execute any complex commands. Saluki are not circus dogs after all.
Training begins at 3-4 months. Before that, you need to accustom your pet to its place in the house, to establish relationships with it and mutual trust.
Since for thousands of years the hunting instinct was the main quality that developed in the saluk, they are reluctant to obey training (and commands in general). And when chasing, the dog generally ceases to react to anything.
Interestingly, until about two years old, puppies show donkey stubbornness to their owners. Cynologists associate this with the fact that this is how an animal tests a person for strength.

In order to facilitate control of the dog, apply special clickers... These devices emit clicks, which are associated with certain actions during training. Dog handlers also recommend using the "positive reinforcement" method, which consists in giving the animal a treat for obedience. This method works especially well when saluki are addicted to their games and do not react to clickers.
These dogs don't like being told the same thing. They can react to a person 2-4 times, but if you repeat one command 10 times, then the pet will simply ignore you.
Saluki are very fond of talking to them, explaining the meaning of things and actions. This can be used if the animal is afraid of any procedure. The attention of the dog in the process of communication is easy to control.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.