The most expensive dogs

Almost every person who decides to take a puppy off the street knows that they will have to pay a lot of money for it. However, for connoisseurs of purebred dogs, this does not matter at all.
Factors affecting cost
The price of puppies depends on various factors. It will be very difficult to determine one, the most expensive breed. First of all, the cost of dogs depends on:
- the rarities of the animal breed;
- the purity of the pedigree of the selected individual;
- the number of awards received and titles earned;
- health and appearance of the animal.
According to all these data, they make up the ranking of the most popular dogs both in the world and in individual regions.

Top small dogs
First you need to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular small dogs. After all, these animals are considered one of the most bought. They do not require too much space, they can be taken with you wherever you go. Apart from that, they are quite active.
- Chihuahua... This breed of dog is one of the favorite among wealthy people. And this is not in vain, because dogs differ from other animals in their individuality. They weigh no more than 3 kilograms with an increase of up to 20 centimeters.
Despite their small stature and weight, these dogs are fearless. They will protect their masters from every threat to the last. Chihuahuas are also excellent companions and can brighten up the loneliness of any person.

- Bichon Frize... The second place in the list rightfully belongs to this dog. This is a very gentle and charming animal that has become a favorite of Italian and French women. Translated Bichon Frize means "curly blonde".
Dogs weigh no more than 4.5 kilograms with a height of 25 centimeters.All animals are devoted to their owners, love to play a lot, get along well not only with adults, but also with children.

- Boston Terrier. The third small dog on the list is the Boston Terrier. Its weight can reach 8 kilograms with an increase of 40 centimeters. They differ from other types of dogs in intelligence, so they are easy to train.
Animals get along easily with small children. In addition, they like to carry various expensive things. Therefore, valuables will have to be kept in an inaccessible place.

- Papillon. Among all small breed dogs, Papillons are considered to be the oldest spaniels. They could be found at the courts of kings in France. This name is translated as "butterfly". Dogs' ears resemble wings, besides, their forehead has a certain color, which makes them look like butterflies.
Dogs weigh no more than 4.5 kilograms with a height of 25 centimeters. Their life expectancy is 16 years. These are quite friendly animals that can get along not only with their owners, but also with strangers.

- Pomeranian It was bred in Germany. It differs from other animals not only in courage, but also in devotion, as well as intelligence. Dogs weigh up to 3 kilograms with an increase of up to 20 centimeters.

- Toy poodle. This toy dog breed is quite sensitive and loyal to its owners. It is often used for tracking as well as livestock protection. Such an animal weighs no more than 3.5 kilograms, and its height reaches 22 centimeters.

- Yorkshire Terrier... It is not only the smallest dog, but also the most beautiful of them all. She weighs up to 3 kilograms with an increase of 21 centimeters. Perfect for homes where the dog will be the only animal. Dogs are not only smart, but also completely fearless.

Rating of breeds in Russia
The rating of the most expensive dogs in Russia is as follows.
- Alaskan Kli-Kai. We'll start with these animals. Little huskies have appeared recently. They can be found only in special nurseries, so the cost of puppies in some cases even reaches 40 thousand rubles.

- Saluki. It is a long-legged and fragile animal. It has very slender legs, as well as a fluffy tail and soft fur. The price is quite high (up to 100 thousand rubles) due to the rarity of the breed.
Many individuals became extinct during the Second World War.

- American bully. This breed of dogs appeared quite recently - at the end of the 20th century. In addition, she is recognized only by cynologists of the United States of America and Russia. Despite the fact that dogs have a rather formidable appearance, they are non-aggressive and very sociable.
For a person, such a pet can become not only an excellent friend, but also an excellent protector. The cost reaches 300 thousand rubles.

- Affenpinscher. The popularity of this breed of dogs has increased due to their immense devotion to their owners, as well as their courage and love of play. The price for them in Russia reaches 50 thousand rubles.

- Tibetan mastiff. This breed closes the top five popular and expensive dogs. The cost of a mastiff is from 30 thousand rubles, it is one of the rarest and most exotic animals in many countries of the world.

The most expensive puppies in the world
In addition to the ratings of individual countries, there is also the world top, which needs detailed consideration.
Tibetan mastiff
If in Russia Tibetan Mastiffs take the last place in the rating tables, then in the world tops the Chinese animals are given the first place. Prices for one puppy can vary from $ 2,000 to $ 14,000. It all depends on the color of the dog. Thus, the white mastiff, which is quite rare, was sold for 1 million 200 thousand dollars. Its red cousin was sold for even more - for $ 1.5 million.
Already by one year, the weight of mastiffs reaches 80 kilograms. In some cases, adults can weigh up to 125 kilograms. Despite their enormous weight, the dogs are neat and tidy. They are easy to train, but for this you need to educate them from an early age. Mastiffs are calm and kind, moreover, they have an excellent hunting grip.
During the day they usually sleep, and at night they guard the territory of their master.

Cavalier king charles spaniel
The second position in the list of the most expensive dogs is taken by this animal from the East. Its cost can be from 4 to 12 thousand dollars. The dog became a favorite not only of the majority of secular ladies, but also of the English king Charles II.
Dogs are docile and completely non-aggressive in nature. In addition, it was noticed that under the most severe stresses, animals help a person to cope with them. There are many legends about this dog. One of them says that the dog accompanied Mary, Queen of Scots, to her execution.
The height of the dog is no more than 30 centimeters. Dogs are very peaceful and love the company of not only adults, but also small children.

Samoyed dog
The snow-white beauty ranks third in the ranking. She is friendly and smart, loves to play a lot, so she will be a great companion for many single people. Such a dog is not considered an ornamental animal at all, it is more of a working breed. Therefore, she will need not only simple walks, but also some physical activity.
Samoyeds have lived next to people for a very long time. Most often they are found in the north, as they have a thick coat that protects them in the most severe frosts.
Many doctors prescribe their patients to interact with such four-legged friends to combat depression.

English bulldog
Many owners call these dogs "beautiful freaks." But not every person knows that a very tender heart is hidden behind an unprepossessing appearance. Dogs are non-aggressive and get along well both with people and with other pets. For many, they make excellent companions.
They love to soak up the soft pillow and chew on something tasty. The animal is quite well-fed, has a large head and a large muzzle. The body is wide, but at the same time short. The paws of the animal are short and massive, but the ears are small and erect.
Almost all animals are different great dedication and can feel the change in the mood of their master... Such dogs, among other things, are also stubborn. If they do not want to execute a certain command, then no one can force them to do it. The price of a dog is from 3 to 9 thousand dollars.

Chow Chow
There are two varieties of these dogs. Representatives of one of them have a smooth coat, the second is coarse. Both categories are considered expensive dogs. They look a bit like cubs and are not only watchdogs, but also hunting dogs.
Many people believe that the ancestors of the Chow Chow were real bears, however, this has not been officially confirmed. Experts say that their ancestors were wolves, but Tibetan Great Danes took part in the formation of the breed itself.
The Chow Chow has a rather good-natured appearance and at the same time a difficult character. They are independent, stubborn, love to feel power. Therefore, for people who do not have proper experience in dealing with dogs, Chow Chows are simply not suitable.
But in experienced hands, they will become not only excellent companions, but also good defenders. To do this, they must be trained from an early age. Then they will not be aggressive towards strangers and will be able to get along with other pets that will be in the same territory with them. If we talk about the price for such handsome men, then it ranges from 3 to 8.5 thousand dollars.
It all depends on the thoroughbred and color of the animal.

The sixth position in the ranking is rightfully taken by the Rottweiler. Rottweilers are not only one of the most expensive but also one of the most sought-after animals in many countries. They have many "professions". This is the protection of sheep, and protection from robbers, and work in police stations.
Dogs combine immense intelligence and great physical strength. They are easily trained and fearless. If we talk about the ancestors of the Rottweilers, they were fearless warriors and fighters who accompanied their masters on many military campaigns.
The homeland of dogs is Germany, the city of Rottweil. For many years Rottweilers have been used as working dogs.... They transported heavy carts and also drove livestock for sale. Their formidable appearance was used to scare off robbers. In the Soviet Union, dogs appeared only after the Great Patriotic War.
Today they have become excellent watchdogs. Such animals constantly need serious physical activity or swimming. A dog owner must have a strong character. If we talk about the price of animals, then it ranges from 3.5 to 8.5 thousand dollars.

Lyon Bichon
In seventh place is such an adorable dog breed as the Lyon Bichon. She is familiar to people from the paintings of the well-known artist Francisco de Goya, who portrayed her in his canvases. Many people call this little creature a lion's dog, although the animals belong to dwarf breeds. They are very attached to their owners, as they require a lot of warmth and affection, as well as good care and attention.
The animals have a cheerful disposition as well as a peaceful disposition. They love to play with children and adults. In addition, Lyons enjoy outdoor walks. Their size is small, but they do not interfere with the courage of animals. Dogs, without hesitation, will rush to protect their owners at the slightest need.
In the early 1960s, this dog breed was on the verge of almost complete extinction, so it was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. A few years later, the breed was completely restored. The cost of Lyon puppies ranges from 2 to 7 thousand dollars.

Pharaoh Hound
In eighth place is the dog breed, which was born practically without human participation. Its history began more than 5 thousand years ago. Today these are quite rare animals.
Such graceful and sophisticated dogs are excellent companions. They are distinguished by aristocratic habits and are of average size (their height does not exceed 62 cm). Besides, dogs have qualities that are not at all characteristic of four-legged ones. For example, when they are happy, their nose wrinkles a little and they smile. And when they are ashamed of any tricks, their ears, rims of the eyes, and also the tip of the nose begin to blush.
Pharaoh dogs have a certain feature, and it consists in the fact that females can breed their offspring only once a year. These dogs are very smart, so they often think about the commands that the owner gives them. In some cases, they even refuse to comply with them. Pharaohs often choose to make their own decisions.
To prevent this from happening in the future, a person should be engaged in raising his pet from an early age. This will help him become a leader in the eyes of his ward.
Dogs easily find common language with other pets that are nearby. However, they can consider smaller animals easy prey, since the hunting instinct is highly developed in dogs. Therefore, hamsters or guinea pigs should be kept as far away as possible. Dogs get along well with children. They cost from 2 to 7 thousand dollars.

Bearded collie
Among the expensive pets, it is worth noting such an old breed of Scottish dogs as the Bearded Collie. She was born as a result of crossing the Old English Sheepdog and the Commander. This beautiful and intelligent dog can be both a companion for single people and an animal that is used for work.... Collies are easy to train, so they can be trained quickly.
It is best to keep them in country houses. This can also be done in apartments if the dogs will be walked for a long time. The price is not too high: you can buy a puppy for a thousand dollars, but individuals with awards and pedigrees cost up to 4 thousand.

Akita Inu
The last place in the list of the most expensive dogs is occupied by animals with classic forms. Akita Inu is considered the property of America, in addition, this breed is popular in many European countries. The appearance of such animals is very original. Their head is rather large and has a wrinkled forehead, paws and ears are too massive, like a small bear cub. Akita Inu is beautifully built and belongs to large breeds of dogs.
It is also worth noting that dogs of this breed were not bred by man, but were born independently. Their ancestors were Akitas, as well as Matagi Inu, who lived in the Odate Mountains in the 8th century. Most often, dogs were used to hunt bears, as well as wild boars. Thanks to this, the dog received the name "respected hunter", this is the translation of "Akita Inu" from Japanese.

These dogs began to be bred more actively in the 18th century. At the court of the emperor, they were able to receive a special status. Only those who moved in the highest circles of society could afford to have them. If a person offended such a dog, then he was immediately subjected to a rather severe punishment.
Today, Akita Inu can even be entrusted with taking care of small children. They will not only take care of the little ones, but will also faithfully serve their master, as well as all the rest of the family. In the event of a sudden attack on a person, they will protect him without delay. Such dogs are taken for service in police stations and military units. Puppies can cost anywhere from $ 1,500 to $ 5,000.
Summing up, we can say that no matter what breed of dog is chosen, the most important point is not its price, but the characteristics of health and character. Therefore, when buying, pay attention first of all to the appearance of the puppy, its activity, and also be sure to look through the pedigree with information about the parents.

For the features of the 15 most expensive dog breeds, see the next video.