The stupidest dog breeds

Dogs have a higher intelligence than other types of animals, in addition, they have a well-developed psyche. This is largely the merit of the person next to whom they live. The unique ability of canines is their coordination of actions with the owner, and this makes it possible to gain valuable experience. Therefore, in most cases, those unfortunate dogs that were not given due attention in infancy are called stupid.

Features of canine intelligence
People are used to thinking of dogs as smart who are obedient and aware of what is required of them at a certain moment. This is convenient for a person, and he included in the concept of canine intelligence and other criteria that form and at the same time limit this definition.
- Animal instinctallowing the animal to show its genetically determined skills. Such useful qualities that make a good watchman, hunter, bloodhound or guard out of the beast. Instincts play an important role not only for performance - they affect obedience and the success of the socialization process.

- Adaptability to new conditions, the ability to adequately behave in any, including unfavorable conditions. This means adaptation in the owner's family, the ability to ignore unwanted events, a calm attitude towards other living beings. Experts call this skill adaptive intelligence, and it is not present in all canines.

- Obedience - this, perhaps, is what a person most appreciates in a pet, and therefore also contributed to a number of aspects that determine his mind. It is easy to understand what this means - quick and easy learning, quick wits, understanding of commands and their execution.Each owner would like his dog to understand him perfectly. And what is the real situation? Many animals are stubborn, show their own will, cunning and love of freedom, how can they be considered stupid for this?
By the way, some dogs were bred not for close contact with humans, but for other purposes. You can think of greyhounds and hounds, which are created in order to chase prey, in which case the owner himself must adapt to their actions. It is all the more inappropriate to consider these animals dull, since their special thinking differs from the intellect of other breeds.

Stupid breeds rating
Dogs are considered the most highly developed and intelligent animals, but this does not mean that all members of this family are easy to train, obey commands and obey their masters unquestioningly. However, they can be called stupid only conditionally - do not forget that each breed has its own temperament, character and psyche. Therefore, it is not at all a matter of low intelligence.

Today in the world there are several breeds that are considered by psychologists to be the most stupid, but it would be more correct to call them original.
Top naughty dogs
Despite his formidable appearance, he has a calm character, a stable psyche and a kind heart. This is a clean, obedient and loyal dog with high intelligence. True positive image loses due to laziness, passivity and stubbornness.

Dogs of this breed are difficult to train, they hate loneliness, so you cannot leave them alone for a long time. But the animal is completely devoid of aggression, is playful and energetic. Many people think that it all depends on the upbringing, and it takes a lot of effort to train the puppy, but it is possible.

A small shaggy dog has such qualities as stubbornness and cunning. The animal can be recklessly courageous and rush at its relatives, several times larger than it. It belongs to the hard-to-learn animals, but the roots of the problem are complex.

Afghan Hound
This animal, beautiful in its appearance, understands no worse than other canids, but in its own way. Despite the kind heart and friendliness, the dog often shows disobedience and refuses to obey commands, since the hunting instinct prevails in its nature, and it is ready to jump off the spot for potential prey at any time.

Chow Chow
A dog that looks like a bear cub has a quick reaction, good hearing and excellent watchdog qualities. However, the animal does not have a strong memory and is difficult to learn, so classes with the puppy should be started as early as possible.

The Afghan dog breed is considered unpredictable in its actions. This is an inquisitive and intelligent animal, distinguished by independence, stubbornness and caution. It will take a lot of time and patience to earn the trust of such a friend, only after that you can hope for mutual understanding and obedience.

This dog was considered stupid, apparently because, instead of pleasing its owner, it is constantly busy sniffing, but its supersensitive nose is to blame, not its head. An animal's rebelliousness is also associated with stubbornness and self-esteem.

Perhaps these are one of the most disobedient animals with irrepressible energy, curious and restless. It is not clear why they, in general, are called stupid when it is all about their frantic temperament.

The breed is distinguished by benevolence, devotion and nobility, then also slowness and stubbornness, which is in the animal's blood. The dog is easily distracted, so it will take a lot of training to become obedient.

Basset hound
The dog is a born comedian, it is a sociable and positive animal, at the same time laziness prevails in its character.The breed was intended for tracking game, so the best basset hunter can track prey, and learning something else is simply not interesting to him.

Russian greyhound
Affectionate, brave and loyal animal, however, too independent and passionate only about its values. The dog may not follow the commands, if only because its main purpose is hunting.

It is difficult to say which animal can be placed at the beginning or end of the list, it is better to judge the owners of these dogs.
How to test the intellectual ability of a pet?
The mental abilities of some canines are considered rather low, but this cannot be said for sure. Indeed, sometimes disobedience, which is caused by the manifestation of independence, disagreement, is taken for the lack of intelligence, which indicates the presence of one's own character.
To dispel doubts about your dog's mental capabilities, you can conduct a number of simple tests., the result of which will confirm or refute the opinion about its limitations. The result of each study is evaluated by the number of points that will need to be added at the end. For research, you need a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch.

Show your pet a sugar bone or other favorite food, then put it on the floor, and place a towel on top. After that, you can time it:
- the dog found a treat in 0.5 minutes - 3 points;
- found in 0.5-1 minutes - 2 points;
- did not have time to take it out in 1 min - 1 point;
- did not even try to get it - 0 points.

It is possible to test the dog's wits by placing the treat in a place where the animal cannot get by simply sticking its muzzle. It can be a low couch or bed, or it can be a homemade fixture. Allow your pet to take a treat:
- if with the help of the paws the dog got food in 2 minutes - 4 points;
- in 3 minutes - 3 points;
- I tried to help myself with paws for about 3 minutes, but it didn’t work out - 2 points;
- made an attempt to get it with her teeth - 1 point;
- did not get it - 0 points.

It is necessary to take a blanket or a large towel, let the animal sniff it, and then put it on its head so that its entire body is under the cloth. It should be assessed in what period of time the dog will get out from under the material:
- for 0.5 minutes - 3 points;
- for 0.5-2 minutes - 2 points;
- there was an attempt to free himself, but unsuccessful - 1 point;
- no attempts were made - 0 points

You can also check the memory status. To do this, you will need to teach the dog to find a hidden treat, you can put food under the dishes turned upside down. Show that it is there, you need at least 7-8 times for the animal to learn it. Then, in the presence of a pet, you need to put three inverted cups on the floor, under one of which you need to hide a treat. After that, take the dog out of the room for 30 seconds, return and give the command "Search":
- if he immediately finds a treat under the necessary dishes - 2 points;
- will find, after 2 minutes - 1 point;
- does not find - 0 points.

Now it's time to calculate the points:
- 10-12 points - the pet has extraordinary thinking abilities;
- 8-10 points - the animal has high intelligence;
- 4-7 points - the dog can be given a solid four;
- 1-3 points - the pet is either extremely stubborn, or did not work with it at all;
- 0 points - perhaps, little attention is paid to the animal, and in puppyhood no one bothered to develop its intelligence and memory, but this does not mean that everything is lost.
Fortunately, the situation can be corrected, but for this you need to spend more time with your pet, conduct various tests more often, but always in a playful way. It is likely that past results have been disastrous due to the fact that the dog was simply not interested in the event taking place.

During any experiments, it is worth encouraging the animal, encouraging it with stroking. If the owner is in high spirits, it will be passed on to the pet, and he will more actively show his abilities.
You can captivate the dog by hiding treats, first nearby, and then in more inaccessible places. Usually, at the same time, dogs wake up with excitement, and they go headlong in search.
If the puppy is still small, then you should not strictly judge its results - it still has to develop and hone new skills.
And one more important nuance - the success of the training tests largely depends on how much time the owner devotes to his dog, as well as on the duration of the dog's stay in the house. It is unlikely that the dog's talents will be fully revealed if she lived next to a person for 1-2 months, at least, experienced dog breeders think so.

For the characteristics of the stupidest dog breeds, see below.