Northern dogs: an overview of breeds and recommendations for keeping

The most important characteristics of northern dogs are such qualities as physical strength and power, endurance and stability, as well as the ability to adapt and function fully even in the most adverse environmental conditions.

Northern dog breeds are those animals that were bred thanks to the efforts of the northern peoples. According to their physiological characteristics, such dogs are strong and hardy, they do not need careful care and can tolerate adverse environmental influences.
In general, all dogs living in the North are divided into 3 large categories:
- riding;
- hunting;
- watchdogs.
However, despite this division, many of the northern breeds today are not used for their intended purpose, but play the role of ordinary pets.

Popular breeds
Consider the most popular categories and specific breeds of northern dogs.
Sled dogs
These dog breeds are used as draft power. Riders provide assistance in transporting both goods and people. For these purposes, special teams are often used. If we talk about the time of occurrence of such animals, then it should be noted that historical sources accurately report that sled dogs existed on our planet 7,000 years ago. Today, this category of animals includes several breeds.

Alaskan Malamute
According to research data, Alaskan Malamute - it is one of the oldest species of northern dogs. The breed arose thanks to the selection work of scientists. The progenitor of the dog is the polar wolf. The very name of the breed has a rather interesting history of its origin.So, the variety got its name in honor of the Eskimo tribe, which was engaged in breeding the breed.
The original name of this tribe – they are maligned. The main purpose of animals is to transport passengers and goods. However, in addition to this, individual members of the breed were used as guards, watchmen and protectors.
A unique trait of Alaskan Malamutes is inability to bark. The animal's appearance is aesthetically pleasing. Dogs have a thick coat with a dense undercoat. Most often, the color of the animal's hairline resembles that of a wolf. The dog is quite massive in size. For example, the weight of an adult can vary between 32-37 kilograms.
If you are planning to have such an animal at home, then you should take into account the fact that Alaskan Malamutes are dogs that need regular physical activity.

Samoyed dog
In abbreviated form, this breed of northern four-legged animals is also called Samoyeds. By its appearance, this breed of animals attracts many. The dog has a long and thick coat, and the most common color is white. Thus, The Samoyed dog resembles a fluffy polar bear. But despite such a pretty appearance, animals have outstanding physical abilities, they are strong and hardy. As for the size of the dog, the weight can vary within 15-32 kilograms, and the height is traditionally in the range from 47 to 62 centimeters (it should be borne in mind that males are much larger than females).
The character of the animal is distinguished by good nature, energy and even some kind of fervor. Dogs exhibit highly developed mental abilities, but are considered quite stubborn and independent animals. In the process of grooming, special attention should be paid to the dog's hair, which needs regular brushing. Dogs get along well in a wide variety of conditions.
So, they can be kept in an urban environment in an apartment or in a private house endowed with its own plot.

The Siberian Husky breed resembles the Alaskan Malamute in appearance, but this type of animal is inferior to the Malamute in terms of size. Initially, it was assumed that the main task of animals that belong to this breed is to transport cargo of small weight, but over fairly long distances. The thing is that Huskies are dogs that, from a physiological point of view, differ from their counterparts in the ability to constantly move.
By their nature, the animals are quite friendly. In ancient times, the Eskimos used them to heat small children in especially severe frosts. In the process of care and maintenance of such an animal it is important to pay enough attention to him, as the dog does not tolerate loneliness. Representatives with blue eyes are often found.

Hunting animals
In addition to mounts, the category of northern dogs includes dogs that were used to hunt big and small game.
Russian-European Laika
The use of an animal for hunting is primarily due to its physiological characteristics. So, scientists and veterinarians report that the Russian-European Laika is a breed of dog that differs developed vision, hearing and intuition. The animal is a born hunter, it participates with interest and passion in such activities. The mass of an adult can reach 25 kilograms, and the growth of the animal varies from 50 to 60 centimeters.
Russian-European huskies are dogs that are distinguished by good health, they rarely get sick. Representatives of this breed need constant physical activity, like long and active walks. The animal quickly and easily makes contact with both people and other animals.
The psyche of the Russian-European husky is characterized by stability.

East Siberian Laika
These animals grow up to 63 cm, and their weight can reach 24 kilograms. The breed is considered the largest hunting husky in the eastern part of Siberia. The animal has a unique ability to easily navigate the terrain and can adapt to the most unfavorable climatic conditions. It is worth considering that representatives of this breed will not be able to exist with other animals on the same territory - they will perceive their neighbors as prey.
The East Siberian Laika easily and quickly makes contact with a person, the representatives of the breed interact well even with small children. Due to the fact that the animal is rather picky, it can be kept both in the apartment and in the house. And in either case, physical activity is mandatory.

Among the people, representatives of this breed are often called Swedish huskies. Among the hunting dogs of the north, they are considered the toughest. Emthundas are practically not common outside Sweden, but they are very popular in their homeland and are highly valued. These animals have a strong immune system, so they practically do not get sick.
Despite the fact that the dog is rather large in size, and strong in physiological characteristics, in character and behavior they show kindness, affection and tenderness.

Guard dogs
Another large category of northern dogs are guard animals.
Norwegian Bukhund
This breed of northern animals is one of the kindest and most loyal in relation to the owner and the family in which they live. However, despite such a positive attitude towards familiar people, good-natured buhundy turn into aggressive and furious defenders if they feel the approach of threat or danger.
Bukhundas are rather large animals, because they can weigh up to 27 kilograms, and their growth rates vary from 44 to 48 centimeters.

This variety is one of the oldest northern breeds. Suomenlapinkoira or Finnish lapphund is different active temperament, prefers to spend a lot of time outdoors, in the fresh air.
Despite this, representatives of the breed can live even in urban conditions in an apartment.
The animal is capable of performing several work functions. So, despite the fact that its original purpose was to guard, representatives of the breed are also used as shepherds and rescuers.

Visigothic spitz
In another way, this breed is called the Swedish Walhund. Even in adulthood, representatives of this breed retain a puppy's enthusiasm and cheerful character. Thanks to this, glory was fixed for the Spitz peculiar humorists. The original homeland of this breed is Sweden, but today the variety has spread far beyond the borders of one country.
The dog needs constant attention from the owner, and in his absence begins to demand care, spoiling furniture, household utensils and other household items. That's why before you start such an animal, you should evaluate your ability to spend a lot of time with it. In terms of its size, the Visigothic Spitz is rather miniature. His weight does not exceed 15 kilograms, and his height is 41 centimeters.

How to choose?
In the process of choosing a northern dog, it is important to pay attention to 3 main factors:
- appointment (as we found out, there are sled dogs, hunting and guard dogs) - depending on the category to which the animal belongs, it will have certain behavioral features and characteristic features of temperament;
- appearance - a pet should attract and delight you with its appearance, it is also important to pay attention to the dimensions and dimensions, evaluate the size of its living space and whether this or that dog will fit on them;
- care rules - some animals require specific care measures, while others are absolutely unpretentious in this regard.

For a story about sled dogs, see the next video.