Pros and cons of the Shih Tzu breed

For many years Shih Tzu dogs lived exclusively with the Chinese emperor, and it was strictly forbidden to take them outside the country. Over time, the prohibitions eased, and pets have won the hearts of people around the world. Some reports claim that a dog of this breed was a favorite of the Buddha. Nowadays, getting a Shih Tzu is pretty simple. The main thing is to weigh all the pros and cons of the breed.

Description and characteristics
Aristocratic and graceful dogs are distinguished by a harmonious and proportional physique.
The animal does not need high physical activity to keep fit.
The international standards for the Shih Tzu breed are as follows.
- Weighing 4-6 kg, the dog grows 20-25 cm at the withers. Boys are always bigger than girls.
- Short and strong legs. Pets have strong bones and well developed muscles.
- The round head looks rather large in relation to the body. The short and flat muzzle is covered with long hair, like the rest of the body.
- The eyes are set wide and covered with hair that falls from the forehead and eyebrows. Usually it is collected in a ponytail so that vision does not deteriorate. The iris is dark in color.
- Large ears hang, however, due to their long hair, they are almost invisible.
- The tail is often compared to a chrysanthemum. It is completely covered with thick hair and curls towards the back.
- The coat of the breed is very long and thick, going down to the very bottom.

Shih Tzu color can be absolutely any. The most common are white dogs with golden strands. Only the nose is colored black. Rare and unusual colors include silver-white. In this case, the nose can be not only black, but also dark gray.

Dignity of dogs
Breeders of the breed talk a lot about the positive qualities of small dogs. Pets have a sharp mind, loyalty. Due to its small size, the dog can be kept even in a small apartment. Pets easily get used to the litter tray, so you don't need to walk with them regularly and for a long time. The Shih Tzu can be a suitable companion for retirees.

The main advantages of the breed are as follows.
- Dog hair does not cause allergic reactions in humans.
- Natural cleanliness and love for water treatments. Dogs do not have a specific smell.
- You can feed both dry food and natural food. Dogs are unpretentious and have a good appetite.
- Dogs make almost no sounds, do not have the habit of barking loudly.
- Easy to train thanks to innate intelligence and ingenuity.

Compliant character
Representatives of the breed quickly become attached to their family. Devotion is expressed not only in relation to the owner, but also to all people who live with the dog. They take part in human activities with pleasure, they love to play and frolic. Dogs have a light sleep, they are always ready to wake up to spend time with the owner.

Dogs get along well both with lonely or elderly people, and with families with small children.
In the latter case, the dog is able to become the best friend for the baby. Surprisingly, Shih Tzu are more interested in people than other animals. You can keep such dogs together with pets of any size, they will not cause any special emotions in the Shih Tzu.

The breed, like any other, has negative sides. Breeders and owners highlight the main disadvantages of Shih Tzu.
- There are no protective qualities. Dogs treat all people well, do not divide them into "friends" and "strangers". It makes no sense to leave such a dog as a guard. Moreover, it is worth making sure that strangers do not take the pet itself.
- A pet needs a lot of care and attention from people. In the absence of the owners, he begins to yearn.
- It is necessary to carry out water procedures quite often. The dog needs both regular brushing and grooming. For the latter, it is recommended to invite professionals.
- The dog needs protective clothing when walking. This is especially true in spring and autumn, when there is mud and water outside. Be sure to get jumpsuits and raincoats. Some owners even train pets to use shoes.
- Allergic reactions are possible for wool care products and some food products. The health of this breed is a weak point.
- Dogs don't understand the difference between adults and young childrenso playing with babies can be quite dangerous.
- You can't walk with a Shih Tzu in the summer heat. High temperatures are very harmful to dogs.

Poor health
Dogs usually live about 15-17 years. There are quite serious diseases, so the pet needs constant monitoring and prevention. Some diseases are quite difficult to treat, and they can not only worsen the quality of life of the dog, but also lead to death.
Wool requires special care from the owner to maintain health.
The weak points are as follows.
- Short legs combined with an elongated body put a lot of stress on the dog's spine. Restless and playful behavior can lead to injury. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not fall from a height and does not hit.
- Otitis media is quite common in Shih Tzu. The ear canals should be cleaned regularly. The hair on the ears must be cut during grooming.
- Dogs' teeth are at risk due to the flattened structure of the muzzle. There are quite serious diseases of the oral cavity and tooth loss. If your dogs develop tartar or plaque, you should see your veterinarian right away for treatment.

Host Reviews
Most owners assure that representatives of the Shih Tzu breed are quite affectionate, loyal and loving. You should definitely wash your dog after eating if you feed him natural products. Representatives of the breed have a habit of smearing their entire muzzle in food.A specific dog smell comes only from the muzzle, the dog itself does not smell.

The wool must be combed out daily. If you skip a couple of procedures, tangles are formed. Dogs shed heavily, so this manipulation is also needed in order to protect furniture and things from wool. Many owners cut their pets bald in the summer to make grooming easier.

Breeders assure that dogs are really unpretentious when choosing food. Dogs often "cheat" and pretend to be hungry even after feeding.
Therefore, it is important to control the diet to avoid overeating.
The owners note that some representatives of the breed eat their own excrement. In most cases, a dog can be easily weaned from such an unpleasant habit.

In this video you will learn all about the features of the Shih Tzu breed.