Shiba Inu: description of the breed, nature and content

Hunting dogs have been popular and in demand at all times. There are many varieties of such animals, which are relatively small in size. These types include charming Shiba Inu. Dogs of this breed are characterized by unsurpassed working qualities. These are real hard workers with very beautiful external data. Today we will take a closer look at these cute creatures and learn how to properly care for them.

Breed characteristics
Handsome Shiba Inu are representatives of the original Japanese breed. These animals are recognized as the real property of the Land of the Rising Sun. However, by the 20th century, these adorable miniature hunters almost disappeared.

Fortunately, the Japanese managed to cope with this problem - they restored the population and increased it.
The ancestors of the Shiba Inu were highly effective hunters who helped humans to hunt game. Most often it was venison, but it could also be bear meat. The standards for this popular breed were fixed in 1934.

Today, many people are literally in love with these cute and eye-catching pets. Before acquiring such a four-legged companion, it is worth considering in detail its description.
- It is important to consider the weight these animals. Usually males weigh between 10 and 13 kg. Females, on the other hand, are lighter and neater. As a rule, their weight is 7-9 kg.
- At the withers growth a healthy adult male should be 39.5 cm. Female dwarf dogs usually grow up to 36.5 cm.In both the first and second cases, small deviations from the norm are permissible - by 1.5 cm up or down.
- Coat color these adorable animals are red, wolf (or zone), white, tan, black and tan.
- Many breeders are interested in what lifespan little hunters. Shiba Inu are among the record holders for this indicator - on average, they live from 12 to 15 years. Of course, the living conditions in which the animal is kept must also be taken into account. Depending on this, the dog can live more or less.
- Character the Shiba Inu is quite brave and strong-willed. These cute-looking animals are distinguished by great endurance - they are able to endure many trials. This is due to their hunting background. Shiba Inu are active. They love freedom. A person who has such an animal must be as authoritative as his pet. Otherwise, the relationship between the owner and the dog will not develop in the best way.

Let's get acquainted with the basic standards of appearance of this funny Japanese dog.
- Body the Shiba Inu is quite strong. The muscles are well developed. The body structure is proportional.
- Back slightly broad and straight.
- Rib cage also has well-developed muscles. In addition, the Shiba Inu's chest is deep enough.
- Stomach in these dogs it does not hang and does not stand out strongly - by nature it is lean and dryish.
- Front legs this breed has strong, characteristic dense elbows. The latter are pressed against the body of the animal. The hind legs are characterized by muscular thighs and great length. The pads are also well developed - they are quite dense, with matched claws. In the process of normal walking and jogging, all movements of the paws are light, smooth and free.
- Neck The Shiba Inu has a simple, normal constitution with no noticeable features. This part of the body is well developed and not subtle.
- Head with an impressive width, but does not have a flat structure. The shape is correct - round.
- Nose in these dogs it is moderately long. There is an expressive transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The bridge of the nose smoothly and neatly "flows" into a well-developed and large lobe of dark color.
- Eyes the Shiba Inu are set quite wide. They have a characteristic triangular shape. The look of these Japanese beauties is expressive and eye-catching. The outer edge of the eyes is slightly raised.
- Lips at fleshy and close to the teeth.
- Ears among the representatives of the Japanese breed they are set high. They stand and are distinguished by a triangular structure.
- Tail set rather high in dogs. It is characterized by a dense structure. Has the shape of a "ring". When unfolding, the tip of the tail should reach the base of the hock.
- Concerning wool cover Shiba Inu, it consists of an undercoat and awn. It should be borne in mind that the latter does not differ in great softness and tenderness, but it is not wiry either. In the area where the tail is located, the fur is longer, and on the muzzle and paws it is short.
- Standard color Shiba Inu wool is presented in three basic colors. Red, sesame and tan colors are allowed. The most common color is recognized as red. 80% of all representatives of the breed are carriers of this particular shade of wool. Sesame color is usually made up of unevenly colored hairs that cover a specific area. Shiba Inu's zonal colors traditionally have a black or reddish base. The most light hairs, which are almost white in color, are usually located on the animal's face and on the inner side of the paws.
This color of the coat is considered a real visiting card of the Japanese breed and is called "Urazhiro". If such a lightened mask is not visible or it is too snow-white, then the dog is simply discarded.

Character and behavior
The appearance of the Shiba Inu is simply amazing. Small dogs have a cute face and expressive eyes, looking into which, it is difficult not to fall in love with these adorable animals. However, if this pet has won your heart, you should not rush to buy it. First you need to familiarize yourself with all the features of the character and behavior of the Shiba Inu.

Only after that, you can make a balanced and deliberate decision about the establishment of such an animal.
The Shiba Inu is considered one of the cleanest hunting breeds. Representatives of this famous Japanese breed behave intelligently and do not jump into nearby puddles or muddy slimes, as many other dogs do. If there is a dirty area on the road, then the Shiba Inu will simply bypass it, since swarming in it will not give this animal pleasure. I must say that these qualities do not affect the hunting abilities of the described pets.

At the moment of chasing game, the dog is not distracted by various external stimuli - it is clearly focused on its main goal.
Many people choose this famous Japanese breed because of their disciplined nature. Shiba Inu are attentive listeners of their master. Everything that they are told, the animals are ready to carry out without question. These qualities can be called one of the main advantages of this breed.

Shiba Inu simply adore their masters. However, this does not prevent them from demonstrating their independence and self-confidence from time to time. Such character traits become especially noticeable when you walk with your pet along the forest paths.

Shiba Inu, like a purebred husky, can suddenly break loose and rush about his business. Usually these dogs run after birds, insects, mice and other similar objects. The four-legged hunter will return when he himself considers it necessary.

These nuances of the Shiba Inu character do not suit many people who contain them.
Other pets living with them in the same territory are perceived by the Shiba Inu very well. However, it must be borne in mind that these dogs do not tolerate the neighborhood with rodents and small birds. The Shiba Inu will treat these individuals as if they were hunting prey. It is very important to take into account this character trait of this breed in order not to subsequently face serious problems of keeping animals in the house.

As for contact with other people's animals, here Shiba Inu show anger and aggression in most cases. Outsiders push these pets away. Even if they encounter dogs that are many times their size, the Shiba Inu will still get angry and snap at them without fear or embarrassment.

If you decide to have such a dexterous and intelligent pet, then you should bear in mind the fact that they need to be socialized from an early age. If you neglect this rule, then later it will be quite difficult to accustom the Shiba Inu to a person and normal conditions of detention. As a result, you will not get a kind and useful friend, but a real "headache", which will be difficult to cope with. It is unlikely that it will work to build a good relationship with an ill-mannered pet.

Shiba Inu is not the biggest fan of collars. If you are going to put this thing on your pet, then it is necessary to accustom him to it from puppyhood.
Outsiders do not arouse unnecessary aggression in the representatives of this widespread Japanese breed. However, such a dog will not allow a stranger to pet himself either. By the way, the Shiba Inu do not like extra affection on the part of any people - both theirs and strangers. Extra contacts (stroking and scratching) of these animals are not encouraging.

This breed differs in that its representatives are more fond of loneliness. Shiba Inu are contemplative and brooding animals. They will rather watch from the outside how other dogs "fiddle" than participate in this fuss.But at the same time, these pets are quite curious.
Not the best character trait of a Shiba Inu is the tendency to run away from home. If you are going to keep such a dog in the yard, then you will need to fence off the territory and do it conscientiously, otherwise the pet may one day run away. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Shiba Inu are great masters of digging tunnels. If you are laying a net as a fence, then you need to deepen it as much as possible, otherwise the dog will not be stopped by such an obstacle.

Shiba Inu are good at guarding the property of their owners. These dogs have excellent stamina characteristics.
Dogs of this breed are endowed with artistry, as they have interesting and lively facial expressions. If the pet disagrees with something or is dissatisfied with something, then he will definitely demonstrate this with his whole appearance. Many people are interested in how the Shiba Inu behave with children. It should be noted that these adorable hunters treat the younger members of the family with great patience. In addition, they really enjoy taking part in active games and fun.

Amazing flair and excellent memory are also interesting distinguishing features of these thoroughbred pets.
You don't have to pay too much attention to the Shiba Inu. These four-legged animals are maximally restrained in their emotions and independent. Shiba Inu is recommended for active and energetic people. For such owners, such a dog will certainly become an ideal friend, because it will be possible to go hiking or hunting with it.

How to choose a puppy?
If you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided to acquire such an interesting four-legged companion, then you should know that you will have to choose him very carefully. For this, experts recommend contacting exclusively professional breeders. Before buying a purebred puppy, it is best to go directly to where the animals live and grow. It is advisable to look at the parents of the puppies. The mother and father of thoroughbred pets must have the following qualities:
- compliance with all standard sizes established by standards (based on the sex of the animal, of course);
- the ears of the parents of the puppies must be pointed, triangular and firmly standing;
- it is very important to pay attention to the color of the wool cover of the producers - there should not be rejection, it is desirable that there be a lot;
- the tail should be twisted into a ring, there should be no creases.

The ideal genetic characteristics of the puppy's parents will determine the conformation and health of their offspring. If the bitch has already had puppies before, then you should ask to see their photos. Thus, you will be able to estimate how the pet will look when it becomes fully adult. Participation of both parents in exhibitions will be a nice pleasant addition.

Perhaps manufacturers have certain awards for the exterior - this will also be a good bonus.
It is very important to keep in mind that a family of purebred individuals should be kept by a breeder only at home. The process of socialization of puppies from the moment they are born will determine their disposition, character traits, getting along with a person, the ability to get along and play with children. If an animal is raised in an ordinary open-air cage, then, most likely, it will not be so easy to train and educate it in the future.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the puppies themselves. Regardless of the purpose for which you buy such a purebred dog, you should pay attention to certain characteristics and behavioral features. A healthy puppy should have the following qualities:
- be playful and mobile enough (the baby should not lie sadly in one corner, demonstrating weakness and powerlessness);
- the puppy must have absolutely clean eyes and teeth, as well as a tail and ears - be sure to pay attention to these zones;
- a purebred puppy must meet all established breed standards;
- a little Shiba Inu should not be afraid of other people and dogs (too shy of a baby is not the norm, it will be doubly difficult to socialize such an animal);
- the baby should not behave too aggressively and viciously.

If you want to get such a nice and smart friend, then you should definitely take into account all the listed criteria for choosing a good and healthy puppy. Keep in mind that excessive cowardice and anger are atypical qualities for a Shiba Inu. If a puppy has such character traits, then in the future its upbringing can create many unnecessary problems, and it will take a lot of time.

Conditions of detention
Shiba Inu are versatile pets that can be kept in a wide variety of conditions. They can be kept in an ordinary city apartment, and in an aviary, and in the yard.

It should be remembered that Shiba Inu are very active and energetic dogs. So that they do not arrange a pogrom in the apartment, they will need to be regularly walked. Provide your pet with sufficient physical activity.

Training can even be exhausting, but the pet will not have the strength to pogrom in the house.
If the dog does not get tired and throw out energy, then it can behave on a par with hyperactive and uncontrollable huskies. All objects in the apartment that will attract the attention of these pets, they will try to taste. And the point here is not at all in the nasty character of the animal - it’s just that he will want to play all the time. If the Shiba Inu is kept in an apartment, it is better to hide all the details, such as wires or small items. The dog should have its own bed, as well as a separate corner where it will eat.

If you are going to keep the Shiba Inu in the yard, then you need to take into account that all kinds of harnesses and collars for these animals are real torment. But without these details, the dog can break loose and run away, and the reason for this will be his hunting instincts.

In the yard, the pet must have a place to sleep and rest. For example, it can be a well-made booth, with a couch lined inside. It is not recommended to chain the Shiba Inu.

This decision can lead to the fact that the pet will behave aggressively.
Keeping in an aviary, as in the yard, is permissible only if one important condition is met: the dog will need to get enough companionship and exercise. The aviary must be strong and reliable enough that the animal cannot get out of it. It is very important to keep this area clean. We must take a responsible attitude to the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which a thoroughbred pet is kept.

How to care?
Purebred "Japanese" need competent care when kept at home. Let's consider in detail how to properly care for these animals so that they are healthy, beautiful and happy.
- It is important to provide proper care for the coat. The main distinguishing feature of the representatives of the Shiba Inu breed is a long molt. They lose not only the undercoat, but also the entire guard coat. For this reason, you will need to comb out the animal 3-4 times a day. Once the moulting period is over, a single grooming session for a week will suffice.

- Do not forget to watch the claws of the "mini-samurai". In an active dog that goes for a walk a couple of times a day, after contact with asphalt or hard ground, the claws can grow to impressive indicators in about a couple of weeks. If the pet does not walk so often and spends more time at home, then he will not have another opportunity to grind its claws. They will need to be trimmed more often.

- Shiba Inu shaving is strictly prohibited.... This is due to the fact that such things are not provided for by the accepted standards.

- Once every couple of days, the Shiba Inu's teeth need to be brushed. To do this, you need to buy a special dental kit for dogs: a brush and paste with aromas that attract a pet.

- It is important to keep your dog's ears and eyes clean.... Everything is as usual here: you need to gently wipe these areas weekly with cotton pads or tampons, as well as special compounds that are sold in many veterinary pharmacies. There is usually very little discharge from the eyes or ears. If you think that there are more of them than usual, then you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Often such phenomena are associated with emerging health problems of the dog.

- Shiba Inu do not need to bathe too often... Once every 6 months is sufficient. If you resort to bathing procedures more often, then the pet's coat may lose its waterproofing properties. If the pet is very dirty, the fur must be cleaned. Dust and dirt on the coat will irritate the dog and may even lead to psychological problems.

Power features
A high-quality and balanced menu is the key to the health and proper development of your pet. Good food will only have a positive effect on the health of the Shiba Inu. Bowls should be washed thoroughly after each meal. If the dog has not eaten something to the end, then in no case should you offer it leftovers afterwards. It is necessary to adhere to several basic rules for feeding these animals.
- The dog should always have free access to water. In places where the dog takes food, you must put a separate bowl with absolutely clean and fresh water. Moreover, it should not be mineral water, but ordinary tap liquid. Every day you need to change the water to fresher.
- The diet must be balanced. If you have made the decision to feed the animal with ready-made dry food, then you should buy only premium or super-premium products. Budget food of the economy class will do more harm than good to your pet's health. It is advisable to first remove the granules from the packaging and soak for a short time in water (always warm). If you want to give the animal only natural food, then you should remember: proteins in the dog's menu should occupy at least 30%, and fats - no more than 20%. Fried, salted, smoked, pickled and sweet are prohibited.
- Take care of the right amount of meals. Until the puppy is 8 months old, he should eat 3 times a day. As soon as the pet grows up, it can be transferred to two meals a day.
- In no case should you give your thoroughbred pet food from the human table. The dog should know that he is not even allowed to approach the master's table. If you treat a Shiba Inu with your food, then you will develop the quality of a beggar in your pet. Such habits will have to be fought in the future.
- Be careful with foods such as chicken, turkey and other poultry. The fact is that Shiba Inu are often allergic to such food. Allergic reactions are quite violent.

Education and training
As mentioned earlier, Shiba Inu need proper training and education. Representatives of this breed are not very easy to train, so it is better to do such things for more experienced and knowledgeable breeders.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account some of the features of the upbringing of these adorable animals.
- Treat your dog with respect. Shiba Inu endlessly love their owners and their families. But this feeling will only take place when the owner respects his four-legged friend. Remember, Shiba Inu is not a servant, but a real companion who very subtly senses a person's mood.
- Do not give up training such a dog. The basic techniques of training the "Japanese" are exactly the same as in the case of other breeds. True, in order to see the successful fruits of training, the breeder will need to try hard. Only a dog breeder who is truly prepared for difficulties, who has enough strength, nerves and patience, can win.
- Unreasonable aggression should be stopped immediately. Young "Japanese" can be angry. Any of their attempts to grin or snarl should be immediately stopped - this will become a guarantee of the animal's peaceful behavior.
- Don't raise your voice in Shiba Inu. This behavior on the part of the owner can have very bad consequences. The dog will stop perceiving the person as his friend and leader. Your authority in the eyes of the Shiba Inu will immediately fall. To prevent this from happening, you must maintain maximum calmness in your actions, no matter what happens. Show your dissatisfaction not with yelling or physical stimulation, but with your tone of voice. His animals understand perfectly.

Suitable nicknames
Each owner chooses a name for his four-legged companion himself. If you just can't decide which nickname is most suitable for the purchased Shiba Inu puppy, then you should familiarize yourself with a small list of popular options.
The following Japanese names are suitable for a boy:
- Jiro;
- June;
- Iori;
- Yoshi;
- Kyo;
- Aki;
- Aiko;
- Kumo;
- Mitsu;
- Kumi;
- Kumiko;
- Momo;
- Mori;
- Ricky;
- Rei;
- Suzu;
- Mimi;
- Tenshi.

If you are looking for a suitable nickname for a female dog, then such interesting nicknames may suit her:
- Akiro;
- Keene;
- Sengo;
- Kay;
- Kam;
- Mizuki;
- Minori;
- Fuji;
- Mineko;
- Izumi;
- May;
- Toshi;
- Suzu;
- Hoteru.

Owner reviews
Shiba Inu, or Shiba Inu, are eerily popular "characters." Representatives of this famous Japanese breed have long been of interest to breeders. People are attracted to them not only by their cheerful disposition and unusual character, but also by their stunning appearance. It is impossible not to fall in love with these immigrants from the Land of the Rising Sun. There is some kind of unique charm in them, hidden either in their beautiful and expressive eyes, or in a miniature, but well-coordinated body structure with velvet fur.
There are many different reviews about the Shiba Inu on the Internet. Breeders have found both positive and negative qualities in this original breed. Let's take a look at what are the main good traits in these pets that their happy owners find:
- many people like the size of these dogs - they are compact and very neat, they do not need too much free space in an apartment or house;
- kind character is another trait that many breeders liked;
- the owners note calm and good-natured behavior;
- beautiful appearance cannot but be noted by many owners of these pets;
- the owners like the unpretentiousness of the Shiba Inu;
- a good attitude towards children is one of the main positive traits seen for Shiba Inu by family people;
- animals are active and funny - this trait was to the liking of all owners, who are just as energetic and active;
- the good watchdog qualities of the Shiba Inu are also noted.

Many breeders did not find any serious disadvantages in Shiba Inu. Some people claim that this dog is able to "teach a person to love." For a number of breeders, the Shiba Inu turned out to be an ideal four-legged friend.
As for negative reviews, most of them are related to the following points:
- capricious character;
- not the easiest training process - most often novice breeders who do not have rich experience face such problems;
- a large amount of lost wool during shedding periods;
- the need for great activity - not all people like these qualities of the Shiba Inu, since the strength and time of the owners are not always found for active pastime;
- some people note that when the Shiba Inu is punished or scolded, this dog starts screaming very loudly.

Of course, we must not forget that many of the problems faced by breeders arise from the improper upbringing of a purebred dog. For example, some people have noticed that their pet screams heart-rendingly not only when you punish him, but also when cutting his nails.This suggests that the Shiba Inu has not been taught this procedure since childhood, and he is afraid of it.
As for the rest of the parameters, for example, the high activity of the animal - here it is necessary to understand before buying a puppy that representatives of this breed are more suitable for the same active and "mobile" people who have free time for a little hunter.

It is very important to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics and features of the "Japanese" Shiba Inu and only after that decide whether to have such a pet. Weigh all the pros and cons of this breed, so as not to be disappointed in it later.

All about the Shiba Inu dog breed, see below.