How many mongrels live on the street and at home?

Many believe that the mongrels are the most devoted friends and loyal guards. But for most dog lovers, factors such as pedigree, compliance with standards and appearance still remain important. But if there is no money to buy a thoroughbred puppy, then a purebred dog will be no worse for security purposes. These dogs also have well-developed guarding instincts and affection for the owner, and they live relatively longer.
Communication with a dog is not only joy and entertainment, it is, first of all, the responsibility and obligation of its owner. Pedigree dog or not, first of all it is a living creature, friend, family member. However, do not forget that animals live much less than humans. For a mongrel, comfortable living conditions, high-quality food and the love of the owner are vital. Then she will be able to live even up to the age of 20.

Life expectancy on the street
The constant presence on the street affects the life of the dog, including its duration. A mongrel has a better chance than a purebred dog that she will spend her life on a chain. And although such dogs are excellent guards, living on a leash is not conducive to longevity. In such conditions, the life span of a dog is 8-12 years.
For proper development the animal needs physical activity... It can be difficult to keep your muscles toned in tight spaces. The content in the aviary is better than on the chain, but depends on its size. The owners, feeling their guilt before the dog, try to feed it more densely. As a result - obesity and premature death of the pet.

Outside mongrels adapt to their habitat. In winter, the undercoat thickens, and they are not afraid of the cold. In the summer heat, it also protects the dog from overheating. For a comfortable stay of the dog on a leash, you should provide it:
- a booth corresponding to the size of the dog;
- rational nutrition;
- constant access to water;
- annual vaccination;
- moderate physical activity.
Dogs, whose habitat is the street, for the most part have strong immunity. But the owner, in turn, should not let the animal's life take its course and create comfortable conditions for it.

How many years do they live at home?
Some mongrels are lucky and live in an apartment or private house as full-fledged family members. They are walked on time, bought an expensive balanced feed and taken to the veterinarian for a routine check-up. With this kind of care, the dog can, on average, live about 15 years, or even longer.
The yard dog eventually becomes a universal family favorite. Animals are easy to learn and have an intuitive sense of the owner. Indoors, they quickly remember their place, the main thing is that it is away from heaters and noisy household appliances.
Outbred dogs are affectionate and sociable, get along well with children. Small pets can live up to a very respectable canine age - 18-20 years. Individuals of large sizes live 5 years less.

What factors affect the life span?
The lifespan of a mongrel depends on many reasons. A pet will live the maximum period if such factors are taken care of from puppyhood.
- The quality of the food. With purchased food, everything is clear - it is selected according to the age and weight of the animal. And to prepare full-fledged homemade food for a dog, you need to use meat and dairy products, vegetables, cereals. Lack of certain nutrients can have a significant impact on life expectancy.
- Conditions of detention. If a mongrel lives on the street, but does not freeze in winter and feels comfortable in summer, it will delight the owners for a long time.
- The size of the animal. Large dogs tend to live shorter lives and are more likely to develop cancer. The difficulty lies in the fact that at an early age in mongrels it is difficult to determine what the size of an adult will be if you have not seen the puppy's parents.
- Psychological background. Stress has a huge and negative impact on an animal's lifespan. A dog, whether purebred or not, needs companionship, love and contact with its owner. Physical punishment is absolutely unacceptable.

How to prolong the life of an animal?
Regular visits to the veterinary clinic, timely vaccination and prevention of diseases will help to increase the life of a pet. Even if it was not possible to prevent the disease, modern methods of treatment can reduce the consequences to a minimum. Maintaining the physical shape of the animal is also not in the last place. A dog living on a leash should be walked at least once every 2 days. Movement is a vital necessity for her.
Spaying a dog helps not only to prevent unwanted offspring, but also helps to avoid many diseases of the genitourinary system. The owner has the right to decide when exactly to carry out the operation. This can be done before puberty - upon reaching 6 months of age or already an adult.
The main factor that prolongs life, of course, remains sincere love, care and kindness. Mongrels subconsciously feel the attitude of their owners towards themselves and always reciprocate.

For the pros and cons of mongrels, see the next video.