How long do dogs sleep a day and what influences this?

The duration of a dog's sleep depends on the individual characteristics of the animal's body: body size, breed, age and the presence of chronic diseases. Puppies and seniors sleep longer than adults and young adults. Let's figure out how many hours a day pets sleep, and what this affects.
Duration of dog rest
An adult dog should sleep 14-16 hours a day for proper rest, in order to get rid of overexertion and stress. At this time, the hormonal background stabilizes, the skeletal muscles relax, the physical and psycho-emotional state is restored. Sleep pet has stronger immunity than pet with insomnia.
The amount of time it takes to rest varies with the age and breed of the dog. Smaller animals take less time to sleep.
The more active your pet spends the day, the more time it will sleep.

What does it depend on?
The main factor determining the duration of an animal's sleep is its age. Rest duration is also influenced by:
- the amount of physical activity;
- the presence of diseases;
- stress;
- body size and weight;
- environment;
- daily regime.
Intense training and various diseases lead to fatigue and shorten rest time. Stress and external stimuli interrupt deep sleep. Because of this, the dog does not get enough sleep, it becomes more irritable.

Puppies need to sleep up to 20 hours a day to regain energy. Their body spends a large number of calories for the growth and development of the body.By the age of three months, animals do not respond to external stimuli, such as loud noise or bright light, so newborns do not sleep interrupted. In this case, the dog should not be hungry. Due to its fast metabolism, a 2 month old puppy may feel hungry. Therefore, at the age of 1-2 months, dogs often wake up and whine, demanding food.
Puppies begin adolescence from 4 months of age. At this time, the development of all body systems is almost completed, therefore pets sleep up to 18 hours a day... At 4-5 months, their nervous system reacts more actively to external stimuli, so the puppy can wake up at night.
When a dog grows old, reaching 7-10 years old, age-related changes in its body trigger the process of cell degeneration. Metabolism slows down, which is why the dog does not receive the required amount of energy. To compensate for energy costs, an elderly dog should sleep at least 20 hours a day. At the same time, in comparison with the puppy, his sleep is easily interrupted by external factors: smells, slight noise, touch, light.
Older dogs prefer to nap after daily walks or after eating.

Dog breeds vary in size and weight, so each type of animal needs a different amount of sleep. Decorative pets with a small body - Yorkshire Terrier, lapdogs, Spitz - do not need long rest. Their body is distinguished by a high metabolic rate, due to which cells regenerate faster and begin to produce energy.
Dogs with a large body require up to 15-18 hours of rest. This is due to the fact that in order to maintain the work of skeletal muscles, they need constant physical activity. Large breeds differ in temperament - due to their size, these dogs practically do not pay attention to external stimuli. As a result, their sleep lasts longer and is not interrupted.

Health status
In the absence of chronic diseases, the dog should sleep from 14 to 16 hours a day, but if at the age of 3 to 7 years the pet does not get enough sleep, this indicates the development of a pathological process in his body. A number of medical conditions usually lead to a reduction in sleep time.
- Obesity. Accumulations of visceral fat compress internal organs, leading to shortness of breath and impairment of tissue microcirculation. Adipose tissue has a negative effect on the circulatory system, which is why the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the sleep hormone, or melatonin, stops being produced in the right volume, the metabolism slows down, which leads to sleep disturbance.
- Pathology of the cardiovascular system... Problems with the heart, blood vessels and pressure worsen the general condition of the body.
- Infectious diseases that cause an increase in body temperature. In the acute period, hyperthermia interrupts sleep. The dog does not get enough sleep.
- Arthritis... Joint problems lead to pain that makes it more difficult for the dog to fall asleep. If in a dream the pet makes a sudden movement or assumes the wrong position, the pain syndrome may intensify, and the dog will most likely wake up.
- Renal failure Damage to the urinary system disrupts the water and electrolyte balance in the body, which leads to metabolic and hormonal disorders. As a result, melatonin production is reduced, which causes insomnia.
Fighting the disease takes a lot of energy, which leads to to the development of stress. An emaciated pet begins to suffer from restless sleep. Lack of rest only increases stress and leads to a violation of the psychoemotional state. The dog becomes aggressive, irritable and disobedient.
The development of the disease is reported by lethargy and loss of appetite. In such a situation, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian, to provide the pet with a comfortable and warm place to sleep.

The quality and duration of sleep is influenced by the general atmosphere in the house. If you don't pay attention to your dog, it will start to get bored. The pet will kill time with the help of sleep - usually the animal is constantly sleeping throughout the day. As a result, the dog will not sleep at night. This behavior is only normal for week old puppies whose eyes and ears do not open until 14 days old. Newborns do not know the time of day and require regular care.
In other cases, it is necessary to accustom the dog to sleep at night, as well as pay attention to its physical activity. A tired pet will fall asleep faster and will not pester its owner with night activity.
During sleep, especially at 1 month of age, the dog should not wake up from external stimuli. The pet owner must learn to respect the rest of his dog, so you should not turn on loud music or deliberately wake the pet. Restless sleep can disrupt the psyche of a dog and destroy a friendship with a person.

After a period of adaptation, the dog develops a daily schedule, thanks to which the animal regulates its sleep and wakefulness. For good rest, starting from the age of 5 months, it is necessary to regularly expose the animal to physical activity. Without games and proper activity, skeletal muscle atrophy occurs. Against the background of physical inactivity, the dog begins to eat and sleep a lot, which can lead to obesity. Through intense training, you can regulate the amount of sleep and keep your pet healthy.
In most cases, dogs are guided by the owner. If a person likes to sleep in the afternoon, his pet will also take a nap. Owner habits are often adopted by companion dogs:
- spitz;
- pug;
- bichon frize;
- bolognese.
This behavior is not typical of hunting breeds such as the beagle or retriever. They develop an individual regimen of the day and do not tolerate disturbed rest.

Sleep in dogs is divided into a number of periods, each of which performs a specific task.
- Nap... The animal relaxes the skeletal muscles, giving rest to the nervous system and sensory organs. In this case, the dog remains conscious, controlling the state of the environment. Drowsiness is characterized as temporary and intermittent rest, which can lead to restful sleep.
- Light sleep. This period is the borderline transition from drowsiness to deep sleep. The dog continues to hear and see, retains a natural reaction to loud noise and light, but at the same time the activity of his nervous system decreases. Metabolism begins to slow down, muscle tone decreases.
- Deep dream. Complete rest for the musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine and digestive systems of the animal. At this point, the dog can dream and make some movements with its paws, muzzle or mouth. It is not uncommon for a dog to make sounds by whining or growling. This does not mean the appearance of a negative reaction directed at the owner. The pet does not respond to external stimuli.
- REM sleep. Only the eyeballs move, which indicates the continuation of dreams. The muscles remain relaxed and motionless. Thanks to this phase of sleep, the dog regains psycho-emotional control and relieves stress. After REM sleep before waking up, the animal re-enters the state of shallow sleep.
The duration of each phase differs depending on the age and breed of the pet.

What do sleeping dog poses say?
The most comfortable position is the position in the form of an embryo - the dog curls up into a ball. In this state, the grouped back and abdominal muscles protect the head and internal organs of the animal, which makes the dog feel safe. Some animals prefer to lie on their side with their legs fully extended and relaxed.
With the development of any disease, the dog remains constrained and goes to sleep on its stomach. In this case, the pet can clasp its head with its front paws.This situation indicates that the animal does not feel protected.
For what the position in which the dog sleeps, see the next video.