How many years do Dalmatians live and what does it depend on?

Each of us remembers the film "101 Dalmatians", because it is thanks to him that this breed has become so popular. The Dalmatian is a medium-sized dog with a peculiar spotted coloration. Representatives of the breed can be kept both in an apartment and in a country house, they quickly become favorites of the whole family. But before you start such an animal, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and, of course, life expectancy.

general description
Dalmatians are elegant dogs with a muscular, graceful body. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are medium and close to the cheeks, the tail is down. The neck is quite long. Intelligent and expressive eyes are brown. The color is spotted, memorable.
The character of a Dalmatian may not be too simple. The dog is distinguished by its irrepressible energy, which is simply in full swing. She is unable to sit still for a long time, and is very mobile. With all this, Dalmatians are loyal and devoted friends, they are very attached to the owners and cannot stand loneliness. However, these pets are very vindictive, so you shouldn't offend them for no reason.
Experts recommend getting dogs of this breed to people who already have experience with such animals, and are familiar with the basics of training. Dalmatians require attention, in the absence of it it will badly affect the pet. The doggie can become irritable and withdrawn.

How long do they live at home?
Dogs of this breed can rightfully be counted among the long-livers. On average, Dalmatians live between 11 and 13 years. The maximum they can reach is 15-17 years. This indicator is influenced by certain factors to consider in order to extend the life of your pet.
First of all, we are talking about nutrition.The dog's health depends on adherence to the diet. The food should contain meat, vegetables, vitamin complexes. It is recommended to feed the dog at a strictly defined time, and in limited doses.
Experts recommend not to consume dry food, as it has an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Heredity can also have a huge impact on health. Genetic pathologies can be quite dangerous. First of all, the heart and the genitourinary system are at risk.

As we already said, the Dalmatian is a very mobile animal, and it needs an active lifestyle. To ensure physical activity, you will need to devote at least 1 hour to walking every day. Also, one should not forget about timely vaccination and observation by a veterinarian.
Attachment to owners in this breed is very strong. This means that they will need to pay a lot of attention and care. You should try to avoid stressful situations for your pet, they can cause heart disease.

Experts conducted research, during which they found out that the sex of the pet depends on how many years it will live. In addition, there are several things you can do that can benefit your dog.
Dalmatian boys are recommended by dog breeders to be castrated. This procedure eliminates the release of hormones, respectively, has a positive effect on the psyche and the brain. Therefore, the life expectancy of neutered dogs is longer. As for girls, they should be sterilized. It will increase the duration of activity, in addition, the absence of pregnancy, respectively, allows you to exclude possible problems during childbirth and relieve the dog of unnecessary stress. It also has a beneficial effect on life expectancy.

Causes of death
The weakness of the Dalmatians is their kidneys. They have a predisposition to urolithiasis. It manifests itself as follows: the dog is uncomfortable to touch, especially in the lumbar region, it becomes less active, does not jump and does not stand on its hind legs. If you do not start treatment in time, blood impurities will begin to be observed in the urine.
Most often, this ailment affects adult males, however, even dogs at a very tender age are not immune from it. Treatment involves medication and strict adherence to diet. Its absence threatens toxemia when poisons and toxins enter the body, which is fatal.
Dalmatians are prone to cancer and heart problems. They can suffer from joint dysplasia, eye diseases, polyneuropathy. In addition, dogs can develop allergies, the manifestations and causes of which are varied. If the dog has an allergic reaction, he will need complex treatment.

Summing up, it can be noted that Dalmatians will be with their owners for a long time. With an average life expectancy of 11-13 years, they often reach 15-17 years of age. This can be influenced by a loving and caring owner, providing the pet with good living conditions, good nutrition and competent care. Gender and proper procedures must also be taken into account. Subject to the recommendations of experts, Dalmatian breeders will get a good and faithful friend.
Next, watch a video about a Dalmatian dog.