The dog whines: what are the reasons and what to do?

A dog is a living being that is capable of constantly experiencing emotions. However, she can convey them in different ways, one of which is whining. If your pet often whines, you need to try to figure out the reasons for this behavior, because it can talk about some unfavorable factors. We will analyze this topic in more detail in our article.
When does whine appear?
When exactly the dog starts to whine can tell a lot. For example, if these sounds are emitted when the owner leaves the house and the pet is left alone, it shows his longing for a dear person. If whining appears at night after eating while the animal lies in a certain position, or all day, this may indicate health problems. Let's try to figure out the main points.

Whining at night often indicates that the dog is not getting enough exercise. This is true for young, healthy and active pets that need to move a lot. It can also be the result of insufficient attention during the day. If a dog whines during sleep, dreams are most often the reason for this. She can also touch her paws, as if she is running somewhere. Scientists have proven that these four-legged animals can see vivid and long-lasting dreams, so this behavior should not be paid attention to, it becomes a splash of emotions experienced during the day.
It is normal for a puppy who has recently been separated from its parents to whine. Naturally, at the age of 1–2 months, torn from their usual life, they get bored and call their mother-dog. Every owner should be ready for such a turn of events.The animal is frightened by the new environment and the lack of brothers, it needs time to adapt. Once he gets used to and gets used to his new owners, everything should return to normal.
In this case, the baby needs help. They surround him with care, show maximum attention, stroke him, take him in his arms. Newly introduced puppies should not be left alone for long periods of time. It is important that one of the family members is in the apartment and helps the little pet quickly get used to the new conditions. When the puppy is already accustomed to the new home, but continues to whine, you need to show severity and perseverance. The kid should calmly remain alone in another room.
If you constantly run to him at the first call, calm and regret, the dog will begin to use the position and whining will become a habit that helps to achieve what he wants.

If your dog whines, there are many possible reasons. The task of a loving owner is to find out which one is bothering his pet. We must not forget that in this way the dog shows its emotions and mood. The reasons can be the manifestation of impatience or joy, as well as, on the contrary, fear, fear of something. Dogs show their pain this way.
Besides, whining can be a response to stimuli, an expression of energy, a way to attract attention... Dogs can also apologize in this way if they feel guilty. However, there are many factors to consider. If the dog constantly whines, rushes about, behaves restlessly, revolves around the owner, this can become a serious symptom.
Most often, the cause is a certain physical need or emotional state.

Physical need
Physiology is quite often the reason why the dog begins to whine. Despite the upbringing, most of the dogs are very active and impatient. They can voice their voices if they ask for food or want to go outside, which is especially common in the morning. Animals can just want to go to the toilet, they have indigestion. Whining is just an excuse to inform the owner of your physical needs.
As for young dogs, they often whine when they feel pain. This is not a cause for panic. First of all, the owner must independently try to find out the reason for this behavior. You can't ignore your pet at the moment when he is trying to attract attention, except for those cases when whining has become the norm and appears quite often. However, if the pet begins to behave in this way unexpectedly, it is better to try to listen to him.
First you need to observe the behavior of the dog. If she begins to limp, makes uncharacteristic sounds when she tries to get up or lie down, most likely, we are talking about trauma. Problems can also appear in the oral cavity.

Dogs are very inquisitive, a foreign object could have got into their teeth, which causes certain inconveniences or even pain. It is necessary to carefully examine the mouth and teeth, if necessary, remove the interfering thing.
It happens that dogs have problems with the urinary system. They cause serious discomfort. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time, you can start the disease, which threatens the most unpleasant consequences. If your dog whines or howls, it may be disturbed by parasites. And also in animals, constipation and intestinal upset occur, because of which she, too, can give a voice, trying to attract the attention of the owner in order to get his help. You should never think that an animal is doing it just like that.
In most cases, the owner can find out the reasons that bother the pet on his own. However, in some cases it is necessary to consult a specialist. If, when stroking or probing, the pet cries, it means that something happened to him, and he urgently needs to be shown to the veterinarian.In some situations, procrastination can be critical, and the health of a four-legged friend should be paramount.

Emotional condition
Whining is often one of the dog's ways to show his emotional state. Such sounds can be made by young dogs when they are afraid of something or they feel danger. Especially spoiled individuals whine when they are left at home alone or the owner pays them insufficient attention, does not fulfill their whims. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out educational work. However, the reasons may not only be negative. The dog whines and does not find a place for himself, for example, while on a walk, when he expects a game with relatives or a fun pastime.
Among other reasons, it can be noted that the dog whines when deprived of puppies. In this way, she expresses her melancholy and depression, shows her experiences. In addition, whining is considered normal during estrus. Male dogs can vote when they have lost the fight for leadership. This serves as a kind of sign of reconciliation.
Dogs cry even when they are punished. This is a kind of admission of one's own guilt. However, in this case, one has only to pet the animal, and it immediately becomes active and cheerful. As for dogs that are at a tender age, they can whine, trying to attract attention and inviting the owner to play.

This speaks of longing and loneliness. It is enough to pet the pet and talk to him affectionately. In addition, a delicacy will not be superfluous. This will show the kids that they are loved and not angry with them.
It's no secret that most dogs are strongly attached to their owners and have a hard time being separated from them, especially if it is delayed for a long period. This is because the dog considers the people he lives with to be his pack. In this case, whining is completely understandable and justified. This is how the animal shows its longing and sadness. In addition, it can whine with boredom, for example, when it is alone at home, and other family members go somewhere.
Behavior when the pet not only whines, but also hides, speaks of his fear. This feeling can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from loud noises, a flash of lightning, and ending with the fact that the dog saw people who hurt him. The animal may be worried and worried, for example, when an event is expected in the family. When the usual course of life changes, it gets nervous, gives voice, behaves restlessly.
In such cases, the dog should be gently talked to, petted and reassured.

Howl for no reason
It also happens that the dog may howl for no apparent reason. This should not be ignored, since there is always a reason. Most often, if the owner cannot find an explanation, this behavior speaks of health problems. Unfortunately, not all symptoms are striking, and whining indicates that the animal is experiencing painful sensations that are not noticeable from the outside. In this case, you need to carefully observe the pets and try to note the oddities in his behavior. If it's about the paws, the animal will limp. When ears hurt, it constantly tilts its head towards the source of discomfort. In case of problems with the stomach or teeth, it refuses food.
Important! If the cause could not be identified on its own, and this behavior is unusual for the dog, you should contact your veterinarian, otherwise there is a risk of missing a serious illness.

How to stop a dog from whining?
What to do if your pet whines? Once the reason for this behavior is identified, you can look for ways to solve the problem. To begin with, let's talk about the smallest pets, which often cause discomfort and prevent newly acquired owners from sleeping. To keep the puppy calm, you need to prepare a bed or your own house for him. At first, he should not be left alone in the house for a long time. You cannot close the baby in a cage or in an adjacent room, he will feel abandoned and unhappy. The doggie should not get additional stress, you need to protect it from any negative emotions as much as possible.
New owners need to remember that the adaptation period should be as calm as possible. It is impossible to wean babies less than 1 month old from their mother. However, if this happened, the bed should always be near the owner, so that at any time when the puppy starts to worry, he could stroke and caress him. Over time, the couch moves further and further, and less attention should be paid to the whine than in the first days. Things that have the smell of the past habitat will also help.
When the baby is older, he should stop crying at night. If this did not happen even after a period of adaptation, it makes sense to turn on a night light or lamp in the dark. You need to talk to the dog in a gentle, soothing voice. So that she does not get bored, her favorite toys should be nearby.
Perhaps the pet just wants to play, when he satisfies this need, he will calmly fall asleep.

Now let's talk about adult dogs. It is also possible to wean them from whining, but in different cases the measures of influence should be different. For example, if an animal requires attention, you should try to devote more time to it. You can arrange joint games and walks in the fresh air. However, in this case, the main thing is to observe the measure, otherwise the pet may understand that his actions cause a response and begin to manipulate his owner. If whining is to draw attention to the fact that it is time for the dog to relieve himself, you need to take him outside and in the future try to do it in a timely manner. It will not be superfluous to show that the owner does not like this behavior of the dog. To do this, you need to strictly talk to him. However, this only applies when there are no serious reasons for whining.
If the owner is busy and often leaves the pet alone, you need to carry out additional work with the dog so that it does not feel unnecessary. At first, you should only leave the room, making it clear that you are on the territory of the house. Then you can start hiding, doing this for an increasingly long time. The main thing is not to react to the emotions that the pet shows. Walking and spending time together will only benefit. During them, the dog will throw out energy, communicate with relatives.
If the animal has experienced a stressful situation, it is necessary to create a calm and comfortable environment in the house. In case of illness, you should immediately see a specialist. When a dog whines, begging for a treat or some thing, you can't follow his lead. Ideally, the request is only honored when he is completely calm. It will be very useful to accustom the dog to a certain regimen, then walks, eating and other entertainment will be carried out only at a specially designated time for this. The animal will get used to it and will not demand what it wants when it wants it.

To learn how to stop a puppy from whining when he is alone at home, see the next video.