The calmest dog breeds and rules for keeping them

Calm dogs are great companions and family dogs. Balanced, peaceful nature elevates them to the top of the most popular pets.
Character traits
Choosing a pet for himself, everyone is guided by their own wishes and circumstances. It is important to take into account all the nuances in order to be able to create comfortable conditions both for the dog and for everyone around him. Therefore, more and more people prefer to choose animals with a calm character, which do not create problems, but at the same time are wonderful companions and loyal protectors. Such dogs, as a rule, have a good-natured disposition. They are balanced and peaceful, but this does not prevent them from being energetic and cheerful.
At the same time the animals are very obedient, trying in every possible way to please the owner. Well-developed mental abilities and quick wits make them excellent students during training, although even among them there are stubborn and somewhat capricious individuals.

In most cases, representatives of calm breeds get along well with other pets, protect and take care of them.

Such dogs possess balanced and calm psyche, so they get along great with children. If there are small children in the house, it is worth considering the characteristics of a particular breed. Among them there are both ideal nannies and those who are equal with children and can defend their rights.
In addition, calm animals are distinguished by the absence of unnecessary noise, because they bark in exceptional cases, which is important for high-rise buildings. Such properties will help maintain good relations with neighbors. However, it should be noted that among small breeds there are more lovers of barking, but medium and large dogs are quieter. Regardless of size, such animals are distinguished by extraordinary devotion and love for the owner and his family.

They are very communicative, love communication and spending time with people. Despite the calm disposition and extreme good nature, the dogs will rush without hesitation to protect their beloved owner, even if the enemy prevails in strength and size. Most of the representatives of calm breeds do not have an aggressive attitude towards strangers or animals, they can treat them wary or with disdain, but for no apparent reason they will never be the first to attack.
These dogs are ideal for beginners, because they do not pose any problems.
Popular breeds
Large breeds are more suitable for keeping in a country or private house, because they need space. Despite the frightening and stern look, they are soft-hearted and gentle in their souls.

St. Bernard
This cute giant is very peaceful and kind, so it is ideal for the role of a family dog. A characteristic feature of St. Bernard is his melancholic, brooding look and equanimity. But looks are deceiving this glorious goof is not averse to having fun, especially with children. These dogs make ideal nannies who keep an eye on the child. With age, animals become more phlegmatic and sedate.

Due to its large size, a private house is suitable for keeping a dog. St Bernard is contraindicated in physical activity, they can be harmful to health. During the moulting period, the dog needs to be combed out every day, and more attention must be paid to the eyes. For the rest, caring for a dog is about hygiene and proper nutrition.
The breed belongs to the most socialized, it is completely devoted to serving people. Another Newf passion is water. These dogs are excellent swimmers and are used as rescuers for drowning people, and also serve in the army, police, and play the role of guide. The dog loves communication, is extremely patient and understanding with children. Does not feel aggression towards strangers, therefore it is not suitable as a watchman, but it is quite capable of immediately defending the owner.
The animal is very delicate, does not tolerate shouts or loud remarks in its direction, easily offended. Very quick-witted and with a high level of intelligence, the dog is able to make decisions on its own.

Newfs prefer an inactive lifestyle, so they definitely need to be given physical activity.
Long, thick coat needs a lot of grooming. You also need to ensure that the diet is balanced.
German dog
This giant in the world of dogs has an aristocratic appearance and an unspeakably devoted heart. The representative of this breed is recognized as the tallest dog in the world. Formidable appearance and physical strength hide a soft character and gentle soul. The dog shows aggression in the most extreme cases - if there is a threat to the life of the owner or his own. Puppies are active, but as they get older the dog becomes more sedate.
The breed has a strong protective instinct. If this dog is next to the child, he is completely safe. Needs communication and is ready to constantly spend time with his family, does not tolerate loneliness. It is better to keep it in a private house, where there is enough space. He does not cause trouble for neighbors, because he does not bark in vain. The breed does not require special care.

A rather calm and balanced dog hides behind a large and powerful view. She makes wonderful companions and guards. They get along well with children, but because of their size, it is better to limit communication with small children.
They love to spend time with the owner, but they just need to be with him... Active pastime is not for them, as is empty barking.They are undemanding in grooming, but due to shedding they need frequent combing. These dogs need exercise.

Bernese mountain dog
Charming giant - very affectionate and peaceful, and also has a charming smile... In the past, shepherds, and now impeccable companions are distinguished by natural tact and extreme kindness, which is why they are ideal for the role of a family dog. They have great patience and endurance, which is well manifested in games with children.
Representatives of the breed stand out for their wisdom and obedience, they never require attention. Other animals include with friendliness and condescension. They can be kept both in houses and in apartments. Long hair requires frequent brushing, and the rest of the grooming is no different from other breeds.

It is difficult to find a greater kind-hearted person, even with strangers he is ready to strike up friendly relations on the spot. He gets along well with children and other animals, he understands the owner perfectly. The dog is very obedient and obedient, never stubborn and willful - ideal as a family pet. She rarely barks, but she will immediately report a suspicious noise. The animal needs attention and communication, the animal is not particularly whimsical in maintenance and care.
Medium breeds are great for keeping in an apartment as they don't need a lot of space.

English bulldog
A stocky animal with well-developed muscles and a somewhat unusual appearance, it has an extraordinary endurance and innate intelligence. The breed is characterized by such a feature as laziness, so it is worth pulling for walks by force. He considers the family of the owner his own, taking care of everyone and empathizing with everything. He treats children very well, taking custody of them, although he himself sometimes does not mind having fun. Dogs are distinguished by deep devotion, quick wits and fear of loneliness.
Another characteristic feature of the breed is stubbornness. In grooming, proper attention should be paid to fur folds and nutritional quality, as dogs are prone to obesity.

White swiss shepherd
The dog has a beautiful white color and excellent character. Very gentle and understanding, she becomes the most devoted and loyal friend. The animal is very easy to lift and loves active pastime, so it is ideal for the same families.
Shows to children reverent care, protecting and taking care of them, although she herself is not averse to fooling around with them... She feels boundless love and loyalty to the owner. It is important for her to know that she is needed, then the dog will "move mountains."

In care and nutrition, the white shepherd is absolutely picky.
Golden retriever
The animal loves long walks and is active. The dog does not bark over trifles, very patient. It is because of this trait that she is very popular in families with children. The retriever will never allow himself to behave in the direction of the child. They are also very quick-witted and easy to learn.
Although the breed is friendly, it needs an authoritative owner. Animals are distinguished by their passion for water and quite often take baths in puddles. The dog has a unique memory for faces, which once again proves its high mental abilities. The retriever is completely non-conflicting, never gets into fights with other dogs, and strangers arouse his curiosity and interest, but not suspicion. In grooming, you need to pay attention to the delicate coat of the dog and find time for long walks.
Some small breeds are also characterized by calmness and poise. Several breeds stand out among them.

The breed is completely devoid of aggression, even the pug treats strangers kindly and with interest. They are very easy to touch and do not like being alone. Puppies are quite active, and adult dogs prefer to lie on the couch or near the owner.They will not intrusively demand attention, but will simply lie down next to the owner. Animals bark little, but differ in such physiological features as snoring and flatulence.
They treat children well and do not arrange conflicts with other pets. The dog is ideal for a quiet, family life.
In care, special attention should be paid to the folds on the face and a balanced diet.

Bichon Frize
These snow-white curly creatures are extremely friendly and affectionate. They are very fond of being paid attention to, they subtly feel the mood of the owner. They treat children well, without showing aggression. Despite his balanced character, he is not at all averse to playing and fooling around. They are very easy to learn and love to demonstrate their success to everyone. Thick, beautiful coat needs careful maintenance.

Shih tzu
The breed is distinguished by its beautiful, long hair and extreme loyalty. They make ideal companions who are ready to follow their owner everywhere. In the family, he does not single out a pet, but gives his love to everyone. Thanks to a strong psyche and patience, they get along well with children, but they can respond to violence with a bite... Dogs are very gullible and easily contact even strangers.
Other animals are treated peacefully. Between active walks and quiet rest, the dog will choose the second, and on the owner's lap. The Shih Tzu is in dire need of communication with people. When keeping this dog, it is important to observe the correct temperature regime in the house, since both heat and cold are bad for the pet's health... And of course, beautiful the dog's coat requires special care.

How to choose a puppy?
First of all, the choice of a dog is influenced by its size, because it is difficult to keep large animals in city apartments. But the owners of private houses are ideally suited for large breeds, which, in addition to the function of a companion, also perform well the role of a watchman.
If there are small children in the family, it is worth refraining from acquiring large dogs, since they are not always aware of their parameters. With slightly older children, such breeds get along well and are wonderful nannies. From 7 years old, a child can buy a medium or small dog, he will be able to take care of it himself and will acquire a faithful friend.
Small dogs are good for lonely, elderly people. The best companions for them will be not too active pug or Shih Tzu.

See the next video for the top 5 kindest dogs in the world.