Medium-sized dog breeds: general features, types with a description, selection, care

Medium-sized dogs are popular because they can be kept not only in the yard, but also in the apartment. Most of these breeds have a friendly disposition, but they require careful care, especially with regard to nutrition.

Depending on the breed, the weight of an average-sized dog is 9-22 kilograms. They reach 50 centimeters at the withers and 80 centimeters long.
Such animals are the most popular in many countries because they have a number of advantages:
- are in good health;
- emotionally stable;
- take up little space;
- require less feed;
- active and friendly.
The disadvantage of large dogs is that some people are simply not strong enough to restrain the animal for a walk, as a result, the dogs must be brought up to a professional trainer. This problem is practically absent with medium-sized animals.

In terms of disease, medium-sized dogs have little or no joint problems, including arthritis and hip or elbow dysplasia. Less commonly, the owner has to deal with digestive upset, stomach enlargement and volvulus, which are common in large dogs.
Among these breeds there are both good hunters and excellent shepherds and athletes. If you give your pet enough time, then it is easy to train, and at home it becomes not only a friend, but also a guard and protector.

There are many friendly breeds that can be classified as medium sized dogs. Among the most beautiful:
- spaniel;
- beagle;
- basset hound;
- collie;
- bulldog;
- Shar Pei;
- dalmatian;
- lapphund;
- Finnish Spitz;
- pinscher;
- terrier;
- retriever;
- shepherd dog;
- husky;
- schnauzer.

Let's consider the most popular breeds for home keeping.
The Airedale is one of the most versatile dog breeds in the world. He is famous as an excellent hunter and has a good-natured disposition.
Among the existing types of terriers, this is the largest. Males reach 58 centimeters at the withers, females are slightly smaller. The dog is covered with a dense brown coat with black markings. Long, muscular legs give the animals a regal bearing, while a long head with a beard and mustache, dark eyes and neatly folded ears make it especially attractive.
Animals are obedient and patient with children, but do not give up when protecting the home.

English coonhound
At the withers, these dogs reach 66 centimeters. They are excellent athletes who can develop great speed. They have a broad head with a domed skull, low-hanging ears and dark brown eyes.
American English raccoon dogs possess gentle characterwhen not on duty, but they are very tenacious and stubborn in pursuit of their prey... They are overwhelmed with energy, but at the same time they have the necessary patience, therefore, they are easily trained. In some countries they are used to hunt raccoons.
Loud, ringing barking is often the determining factor in why people are reluctant to keep this breed of dog in an apartment.

American foxhound
Smooth-haired hunters known for their speed, endurance. The American Foxhound can be distinguished from its British cousin by the length of the legs. In the American, they are longer and thinner. Also a distinctive feature is the slightly curved lower back of the American.
This dog needs constant load, training, walksotherwise she may become depressed or bully.
It is necessary to control her hunting instinct, especially when the animal is kept where there is a courtyard. In addition, their loud barking can be unpleasant for neighbors.

Staffordshire terrier
Stocky, muscular animals with a wide head, a well-defined jaw, pronounced cheekbones, dark round eyes that are widely spaced on the muzzle.
The animal moves gracefully has a springy gait that demonstrates innate confidence.
These dogs are excellently trained, but are often ranked among the fighting dogs, since their bodies are ideally adapted for battle.

Spaniels are medium-sized, muscular dogs with neither outstanding looks nor performance, but recognizable by their wavy coat and long ears.
Were bred for hunting, therefore they are ideally adapted even to bad weather conditions... They have a thick, waterproof coat. In some species, the limbs are short, thick, webbed toes, and the body is small enough for the dog to jump into the water after the duck without rocking the boat.
Fans of the breed say that these dogs have a cheerful disposition, but it is difficult for them to overcome their hunting spirit if the animal is kept in the house. If you don't work and train the dog, it begins to catch the bird in pens and chicken coops and bring it home.

An excellent shepherd breed. They are cheerful, confident, reliable and fearless helpers. They are excellent watchdogs that cannot be bribed with a treat.
The high intelligence of the breed makes its representatives very capable students.
Due to the high activity and constant need for exercise, such a dog is not suitable for living in an apartment.

Australian dog
The Australian dog is often used as a herding dog as it can keep an eye on cattle. She has a strong muscular body, great strength and agility. Puppies are born with a light color, then it changes to gray or brown. There are spots in both colors.
Their boundless energy and flexible gait make dogs excellent running partners. These animals are devoted friends, intelligent and vigilant watchmen.
If the owner does not keep their physical shape, the dogs begin to get bored and quickly become depressed.

As a herding dog, Australian Kelpies are very loyal and always up to the task. They have a natural instinct and ability to work with sheep in open fields and pens. The breed originated from the collie, which was brought from Scotland, but was modified by crossing so that the animals could withstand the heat and lack of moisture in Australia.

He is a good medium sized watchman. Representatives of the breed always have a very piercing look. Their color can be different depending on the species.
Dogs show an irresistible desire to take care of someone, so they can be trusted to protect the child or animals. They are surprisingly smart, quite capable of deceiving the unsuspecting owner.

A distinctive feature of the small dog is thick curly coatthat covers it from the crown of the head to the tip of the curved tail. It can be black, gray, brown or fawn, sometimes with white markings.
It is a strong, sturdily built dog that has been bred for several centuries. The result is a confident hunter and tireless swimmer.
The barbets are very smart and quickly learn new things. They have a calm nature, but their need for active games will need to be satisfied.

Pit bull terrier
Around this dog, there is an opinion that it has a special bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness. In fact, this is not the case, although isolated cases of attacks on people were, however, like in other breeds. If you correctly take up the education of an animal, then it will be obedient, affectionate and peaceful.
The dog needs constant intensive training, with improper feeding, animals can suffer from obesity.
The owner should protect the dog from drafts, as its immune system is weak.

Calm dogs, which are distinguished by a truly royal disposition. They are lazy, stubborn, but calm. It is quite difficult to withdraw a representative of this breed from yourself.
Animal does not tolerate high humidity, extreme cold or heat. They do not like to walk for a long time, sleep most of the time... They do not need special care, it is enough to bathe the dog from time to time. Even if the owner is absent for a long time, the animal will sleep, and not suffer from waiting.
Nevertheless, for those who consider themselves to be squeamish people, it is better not to start this breed, as it is rather slobbering. Moreover, dogs snore and often suffer from flatulence.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog
This breed was brought to our country from Switzerland, where it has been used for many centuries as a shepherd for livestock. You cannot find a dog more loyal, but it is important to educate it correctly, otherwise it will become lazy and demanding.
Best of all, a representative of this breed feels in the fresh air, but can be kept in an apartment. Molting is repeated twice a year, but the animal requires a minimum of attention.

Basset Artesian Norman
He is also a good hunter who can withstand difficult conditions. He is perfectly oriented even in unfamiliar terrain, has a keen sense of smell. If we talk about health, then these dogs are resistant to disease.
Animals of the represented breed fearless, have a special devotion to the owner, they can get along well with other animals. Their coat is short.
To keep the dog clean, it is enough to bathe it several times a year.

Basset hound
These athletic animals have short legs. The breed is classified as a hound. Of the unpleasant qualities of their character, stubbornness can be distinguished. Dogs are difficult to train, so it is better to give them up to a professional.
Other disadvantages include flatulence, severe salivation. If the dog is left alone in the house, starts to howl loudly in the apartment, many neighbors do not like this. When walking, the animal must not be released from the leash, as it can sense the trail and run away.
She needs walks every dayotherwise the dog will get fat uncontrollably.
Particular attention should be paid to the ears, they have to be looked after especially carefully.

Border Terrier
Representatives of this breed are able to adapt to any weather conditions, this is their advantage. Plus, they are easy to learn and happy to learn new commands. It is interesting to run with such a partner, since the dog is ready to frolic and play for hours.
This dog loves children very much and can be friends with other animals, but not with strangers... Squirrels, other people's cats and birds must flee. The animal will not live on a chain, it prefers to spend more time next to a person.
You cannot leave him alone in the yard, he can easily jump over the fence and run away.

Bearded collie
One of the most good-natured breeds, which also has a funny appearance. The body of the dog is rather muscular, the coat is thick, soft, there is a dense undercoat. There is a small beard on the face.
Dogs are very attached to humans, love to play and have a good-natured disposition. They interact with the child carefully, and if they suddenly harm him, it is not on purpose.
This animal cannot remain alone and retains a playful character until old age.

Bull terrier
This dog should be kept by the person who is confident in his abilities and can raise it correctly, because the dogs are very stubborn and willful. If the animal is kept by someone with a weak character, then it grows up as an aggressive dominant in the family.
Keeping such a dog in a house where there is a child is not worth it, since the dog will not control its physical strength.
Due to the lack of long hair, the animal freezes in the cold, therefore it is necessary to walk it in winter in special clothes. Often you can see a small rash on the dog's skin - this is an allergy that appears from insect bites.
Once a season, the animal must definitely carry out antiparasitic treatment.

Hamilton Hound
Brave and hardy hunters reach at the withers from 45 to 60 centimeters, while their maximum weight is 27 kilograms. Their coat is short and smooth.
By nature, they are not aggressors, they easily learn new commands and always listen to the owner. It will not be possible to make a watchman out of a dog, since it shows friendliness even to strangers. When there is only a threat to the life of the owner and his family, the animal turns into a furious defender.
The hound has a good appetite, it has almost everything and is unpretentious to food. She does not need any special care.

West Siberian Laika
With this dog, you need to remember that she loves freedom and cannot stay in a closed small space for a long time. As soon as she remains alone for a long time, she begins to bark loudly. Loneliness in a husky causes a state of stress, so she often misbehaves.
In a relationship with the owner, the dog will always feel the mood of the person. She is smart enough to learn the rules of behavior in a short amount of time. It will not work to subdue her completely due to her wayward character, but at the same time she remains good-natured and not aggressive.
The animal rarely dies due to disease, since it has excellent health.
Of the procedures for caring for her, one should note the regular combing of the wool and the provision of high-quality nutrition.

Irish Soft Coated Terrier
Very energetic dogs that are distinguished by courage, intelligence and devotion. They can play with the child for a long time, which gives them great pleasure. If the owner is resting, then the animal will simply lie nearby.
If the dog is bored, it becomes harmful, it may even show aggression. It is best to keep the dog in a private house where he can walk. High-quality care involves combing the wool, high-quality nutrition.
If you do not pay attention to the wool, then it will roll.

Karelian bear dog
This is not just an animal, but a real treasure of the northern people, since it helps a person in everyday life and on a hunt. In relation to a wild animal, it is ruthless, fearless, aggressive, but with the owner it remains affectionate, good-natured. He treats strangers with great suspicion; when walking, he will sniff everyone.
This is a wonderful hunter and protector of a private house., but the person will be required to carefully care for the animal.
It is necessary to comb the dog every day, otherwise its coat will begin to fall off. A lot of it remains on the floor during the molting process.

Kerry blue terrier
The animal was brought from Ireland, where it played the role of a rat catcher and a good shepherd. Of the positive qualities of the dog, one can single out intelligence, quick mastering of commands, good nature. These animals get along very well with children, they do not show aggression, but they cannot interact with other dogs and are often provocateurs themselves.
Getting such a dog is better for people who can demonstrate their authority. A dog requires a lot of grooming, including regular grooming.

How to choose?
When choosing the right breed for your home, you need to rely on several factors. How responsibly a person approaches this issue depends on the emotional state of the animal and the safety of the residents of the house.

The size
Some people find tiny dogs cute, but they are very fragile and difficult to train. If the breeder does not have the time and patience to raise and care for a tiny dog, it is best to start a medium-sized dog.
Large animals grow slowly, require a lot of food, and are nearly impossible to manage. Unfortunately, when large breed puppies grow up, their bodies age quickly and they develop serious health problems by the age of 6-10 years.
You need to be prepared for the frequent payment of the veterinarian and the relatively short life span of a four-legged friend.

Care needs
Some breeds require minimal maintenance and do not shed much, and sometimes do not shed their hair at all. This usually applies to short-haired dogs. Other animals have long, luxurious coats that need regular brushing and grooming.
This factor must be taken into account when it comes to buying a dog. If you take care of a medium-sized long-haired dog incorrectly, then rolled lumps will begin to appear on the surface of its body, ulcers will form under them over time, as a result, the animal is sick and may even die.
Some dogs, such as poodles, have coats that require special maintenance several times a year. To maintain her attractive appearance, they need a haircut at a hairdresser, and this, again, is an extra cost.

The dog must walk, train, otherwise its body will quickly become unusable, the muscles atrophy, obesity can be observed. Human inability to meet the physical demands of an animal is still one of the most common causes of behavioral problems in dogs.
Some breeds, such as German Shepherds and Pit Bulls, cannot thrive psychologically without a lot of exercise. Hence the instability of the nervous system, aggressiveness towards the owner and others.
If a person is used to leading an active lifestyle, then he also needs an active animal. Otherwise, it is better to pick up a lazy dog, for example, a bulldog.

Purebred dogs are generally quite predictable - for example, poodles are very emotionally sensitive. Almost all dogs love to howl or bark, frolic. Likes love to seek adventure and often run away, get lost, Weimarians are nervous and shy.
Each dog breed has its own specific traits that must be taken into account when buying a pet.
The temperament of the dog is very important, since it will depend on how he interacts with a person.

There are several questions to ask when choosing the right breed.
- Is there time to socialize a breed that has antisocial tendencies?
- If there are children, does this breed tolerate their play well?
- When there are other dogs, is this breed compatible with other animals?
- How stubborn is the breed and does the breeder have the necessary experience in dog training?
- How strong is the breed, can it be physically controlled?
- How often will an animal be left alone and will it tolerate it?
Before buying, everyone should be honest with themselves about what responsibilities they are willing to take on.

The dog is usually started as a guard, friend, assistant. This must be taken into account, since each of the breeds is the best in only one quality.
Sheepdogs are excellent defenders, they get along with children and make sure that no strangers approach them. In addition, they instantly react to the mood of the owner and rush to his protection without fear.
Labradors and Retrievers are good friends... They are not aggressive, they get along with children.

Low-income people will find it difficult to maintain a dog that requires a lot of grooming. Such an animal needs to be bought expensive food, make timely vaccinations, take them to a haircut, buy clothes and toys.

All dogs shed, but fluffy ones leave hair on furniture, rugs and floors. Animals like golden retrievers, Newfoundlands, Dalmatians make you spend a lot of time cleaning.
If a person does not have the opportunity to carefully monitor the house, then it is worth considering buying a breed that sheds wool once a year.

How to contain?
Caring for a dog is much the same as caring for a child. This takes time, patience, love and understanding. The first thing to do is to make sure that all the basic needs of the animal are met in the future. Regardless of the breed, you will need to put two containers on it: one for fresh water and one for food.
At first, when the puppy's teeth will be cut, you need to provide him with chewing toys, tendons, otherwise slippers and upholstered furniture will suffer.
Toilet training is a separate issue. First you can use tray and special napkins. For walks, a leash and collar are purchased in size.

A domestic thoroughbred dog requires special care. A high protein diet comes first in this regard, as medium-sized animals are very active and expend a lot of energy.
A healthy, medium-sized adult dog needs 922 calories per day. Those who have been sterilized or are in old age are slightly smaller.
Medium breed puppies are undemanding to food, it just needs to be well balanced. Poor quality ready-to-eat foods should be avoided as they negatively affect the health of the animal. It is important to regulate the portion and not to give too much food at a time, since then there will be food that will disappear after a while.

For medium-sized dog breeds, there is a list of common health problems that can arise during the life of an animal. Most often, breeders have to deal with elbow dysplasia. Eye problems such as progressive retinal atrophy and autoimmune thyroiditis are common. In short-haired animals, allergic reactions are observed, itching from insect bites.
Before purchasing any dog, it is recommended that you study the breed in more detail and speak with several breeders in order to know for the future about possible health problems of the pet.

Dogs that are prone to bloating should be offered foods with natural ingredients. This will improve the animal's immune system. The food should be free of soy and wheat, which irritate the intestinal walls. Often, dog breeders have to deal with pet food allergies, which most often occurs to gluten.
Medium sized dogs can be prone to skeletal problems. The breeder is required to monitor the nutrition of the animal and prevent pet obesity. Too much weight of the dog puts additional stress on its bones and joints, and this, in turn, leads to arthritis.

Protein and fat are the main nutrients in the dog's diet. Ideally, you should choose a food that contains two or three types of meat protein. In this case, meat dishes are best suited for feeding. If possible, then in the dog's diet be sure to include beef, lamb and fish.
Dogs also need in a good source of fat. You can use fish oil, which is full of nutrients. Puppies need docosahexaenoic acid, which is a specific form of omega-3 fatty acid. This component has a positive effect on the development of the brain and eyes.
Older dogs need triglycerides and fatty acids, which are found in coconut and other oils.

It is equally important to know which foods are toxic to dogs. Potatoes, tomatoes and chocolate top this list. Unfortunately, all breeds love sweets and convenience foods as much as humans do and willingly chew pizza, spaghetti and french fries, but they are of no benefit, just obesity in the future.
Sugar-free gum contains an artificial sweetener that can be fatal to dogs, even in small amounts. Unlike chocolate, it is indeed highly toxic. Dogs are generally not attracted to gum, but it's best to keep it out of the way just in case.

From time to time, representatives of some breeds of medium height begin to bully in the absence of the owner. This is because they do not like to be alone. Shouting at the dog or, even worse, hitting it will not save such incidents. Planting an animal you always need to be prepared to calmly deal with some inconveniences. Better not to spare the money and buy at the pet store special bone made from tendons. Such a toy will take the animal for a long time. Dogs usually choose her over shoes or a pillow if they have a choice.
Experts advise you to be very careful about indoor plants. Some of them are very toxic to animals, although they love to chew on their leaves. Usually dogs love to eat lemon balm and sometimes geranium, but they are always sick of them. That's why it will be better if the animal cannot reach the flower.

For the characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier breed, see below.