Types of haircuts for Bichon Frize

Grooming is a long and time-consuming procedure that is necessary for dogs that do not have the natural process of hair loss - shedding. However, you should not think that such an event is limited only to a haircut - it includes several stages of caring for an animal and is carried out by a qualified groomer. The service is of particular relevance for owners of Bichon Frize dogs.

Features of the French breed
A distinctive feature of the charming French lapdog is her smile, which is found only in this breed. But also a feature is the wool, soft, curly, curling in spirals. Not only the body and head, but their tail of a fluffy angel with smart black beads of eyes is covered with long hair. Yes, yes, the color of this cute animal is only white.
A decorative dog has a thick, but delicate, silky coat and, as they say, any haircut will suit her.

By the way, such a coat protects the animal from both cold and heat, as well as during a sharp change in temperature, but if an adult dog is not trimmed, it greatly loses its attractiveness. But looking amazing is the main task of the breed. The Bichon Frize's haircut is an indispensable condition for winning the exhibition shows, in which such pets periodically participate.

Regular grooming is relevant for Bichons also because they have a thick undercoat, and because the lapdog does not shed, tangles form on it and on the coat. Therefore, the hair has to be combed out in order to avoid removing whole woolen lumps, because this will ruin the appearance of the exhibition beauty. In addition, it is necessary for the health of the pet. If you do not brush or trim your dog, it can be prone to skin problems.

Also, a number of important maintenance procedures include:
- daily brushing after walking, but since the hair is curly, a spray or foam is usually used for light combing - this helps to get rid of street dirt;
- it is necessary to bathe the animal twice a month, but if there is heavy pollution, it is permissible to do it more often;
- washing after the pet has walked does not imply the use of shampoo, in addition, you need to dry the lapdog well - in order to avoid hypothermia and colds;
- wool often gets into the eyes of the animal, so you need to wipe them daily with veterinary lotion.

Owners should be aware that it is possible to purchase hygiene and cosmetic products for Bichon only in pet stores, and to choose conditioners and lotions for dogs with white hair. With regard to shampoo, let's say that it may be dry, but this does not exclude full-fledged water procedures.

Types of haircuts
It used to be customary to cut the hair only from the paws and muzzle of the animal, but now the standards require cutting all over the body. In total, there are 3 options for a dog's hairstyle.
- If the dog is a show dog, then it is desirable that she has a long, elegantly rounded haircut - in this case, the pet's coat acquires an amazing volume. The main focus is on the dog's head, which gradually turns into a flawless round cotton cloud. But for this, the wool needs to be painstakingly grown, not to allow it to be dry and brittle.
At the same time, the muzzle should also look appropriate - ideal, which is why care for the nose, mouth and eyes is important.

- Short puppy haircut - another type of hairstyle that is relevant for owners who cannot afford to devote a lot of time to the pet's coat. The shortened hair in no way diminishes the dignity and beauty of the "puppy" model. Perhaps, it is considered even more fashionable and in demand, since it saves the owner from unnecessary trouble. Moreover, you can always return to long hair. In fact, the image represents the natural state of the lapdog, but slightly corrected by the groomer, and outwardly resembles an elite modern poodle.

- Special layered hairstyle for bichon frize - sky style, especially popular in Italy, where it remains at the highest positions for several seasons in a row. Such a work of art can be created by a true artist and master of his craft. Dizzying results can be expected after a series of haircuts, when the volume appears as the hair regrowth. Dog breeders in Russia have also appreciated the impeccable luxury of this elite image.

The approach to grooming Bichon is always individual, however, there is a general scheme according to which dog haircuts are made:
- first, the outlines of the future hairstyle are indicated;
- in the process of wool regrowth, the planned formation of the intended volume occurs;
- As a result, with the professional skills of the master and the observance of certain rules, a unique, chic, "adult" image of the Bichon Frize gradually emerges.

Today, the owner of the adorable, only smiling dog, once bred for performances in the circus, can choose from three different haircuts at once to make the already cute animal even more attractive.
Self haircut
When caring for an animal at home, grooming is carried out every 1-1.5 months. Bichon Frize can be cut independently at home. This will require free time and a small set of special tools:
- two slickers - small and large;
- two types of scissors - short and long, preferably with rounded ends;
- brush with stiff bristles or metal (massage);
- air conditioning from matted wool;
- crest with sparse teeth;
- steel comb with frequent teeth;
- accessories - hairdryer and a comfortable table for placing the animal.

- first, you need to tidy up the pet's fur, and for this you need to wash it;
- before bathing, you should start removing mats - you can carefully disassemble them with your hands, dividing them into small strands;
- after that, you need to put the dog in the bath, apply an anti-koltunny care agent, then shampoo, thoroughly rinse the skin and, in a wet state, gently comb out the matted lumps;
- then comb it with a slicker, after which you can dry it with a hairdryer, putting it in warm air (this is allowed);
- if the dog is wet, qualified groomers recommend first using a high-speed hairdryer (only to remove excess water), and then using the device to comb with a stiff brush;
- the wool begins to dry from the tail area, combing strand by strand with a brush or slicker;
- then the legs, the body are combed out and dried, in the last place - the hair of the head and ears;
- then you should comb your hair up from the skin surface, you will have to comb the Bichon during the whole process;
- starting a haircut from the paws, removing excess hair from them;
- then you need to cut the hair around the anus without touching the tail;
- when cutting the hind limbs, the scissors are kept parallel to the body;
- further they cut the body from the sides;
- the front legs after a haircut should look: from the side in the form of cylinders, and from the front - straight;
- on the neck, the hair should be cut shorter than on the upper back, try to give the body a rounded appearance;
- Hair on the inside of the ears can be removed with blunt tweezers;
- the bichon's eyes should be clearly visible, so the hair above them is cut off, having previously combed them up;
- on the nose, on the contrary, the hairs are combed down and then trimmed;
- The “cap” on the head is carefully leveled until it becomes perfectly round, cutting off the hairs falling over the eyes;
- it is important to observe the smooth outlines and transitions from the beard to the hair of the ears, and from the neck to the back.

The result of the procedure depends on how scrupulously all the hair on the lapdog's body is combed - it should turn into straight, soft fluffs. If necessary, to give smooth transitions, the secondary shearing of wool in the area of the hind limbs and trunk is allowed.
Often, when working with the head, the hair on it merges with the hair of the ears. To make it easier to cut, you can thin the hair under the lapdog's ears. Yes, you have to work hard to make your pet look truly luxurious and presentable.
Therefore, even with the slightest doubts about his competence, the owner is better off turning to professional groomers.

For a master class on the Bichon Frize haircut, see the following video.