How much dry food should you give your dog a day?

Dry food is the best option for a dog's diet, the owner of which prefers to save time. This type of food is used in kennel clubs and professional nurseries specializing in breeding purebred animals. When planning to transfer or accustom your pet to dry food, you should carefully read the recommendations of experienced breeders. How to calculate the daily feed rate? How many times a day can you give it to an animal? What other nuances need to be considered?

How to calculate the daily rate?
The calculation of the daily rate of dry food is carried out taking into account a number of important parameters. These include such as:
- dog breed;
- the weight of the animal and the state of its health;
- daily level of physical activity and stress;
- age.
Individual characteristics and the general physical condition of the pet are of great importance in the calculation. For example, for pregnant, sick, weakened and lactating dogs, the norms of dry food will differ from those recommended for healthy animals not expecting offspring, or spayed individuals.
Both the conditions in which the dog is kept and the time of year play a role in calculating the amount of dry food required per day. So, animals kept outdoors (in an aviary or in a booth on a chain) need additional energy in winter for self-heating.
Given this factor, an additional 50% is usually added to the RDA.

For bitches expecting or already feeding offspring, an additional quarter is added to the recommended feed rate. The daily dosage of hyperactive dogs and guard dogs, regularly experiencing physical activity, is increased by about a third of the prescribed norm. Also, the amount of food for dogs participating in sports training and competitions is increased by a third.
Slow and sedentary dogs, as well as older animals, the daily portion is usually cut by about a third.
After reducing the food for some time, observe the weight of the pet, making sure that it remains stable.

When calculating, it is also necessary to take into account that:
- food and energy value (caloric content) of the type of feed used depends on its category;
- the limit of the average daily intake of dry food for adult dogs is approximately 1 kg;
- it is impossible to overfeed the animal in excess of the recommended rate;
- mixing dry food with other food is not allowed (this increases the final calorie content of the portion);
- puppies are fed several times a day, young (over a year old) and adults - 2 times a day.
Table: Approximate average daily feed rates (in grams), depending on the physical activity of the animal.
Animal weight (in kg) | High activity | Low activity |
2–5 | 40–90 | 30–60 |
10–20 | 150–250 | 120–150 |
30–40 | 320–420 | 250–300 |

Features of the dosage of feed from different manufacturers
When calculating the average daily volume of dry feed, it is important to take into account its category, on which nutritional and energy values depend. So, all types of "drying" are usually divided into five classes.
- "Economy" - the cheapest feed option with minimal value and made from low-quality raw materials with a minimum content of animal protein.
- "Premium" - a relatively economical option with optimal nutritional value, including both animal and vegetable proteins.
- "Premium Plus" - a variant of good feed with optimal nutritional value, enriched with fiber and animal fats.
- "Premium Super" - an elite version of feed with maximum value, enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes and various additives (probiotics and prebiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, oils).
- The most expensive are feed categories "Holistic"made from natural raw materials of the highest quality. A characteristic feature of these feeds is the complete absence of additives in the form of preservatives, dyes, flavorings, flavor enhancers. As a result, this type of food is hypoallergenic.
Experts recommend this variety for weakened and malnourished animals requiring enhanced and easily digestible nutrition.

Economy class
The average calorie content of economy feed ranges from 270 calories per 100 grams (approximately 15 grams of feed fits in 1 tablespoon). When building a dog's diet on this type of food, you should additionally give the animal vitamin and mineral complexes and other useful additives - in particular, foods high in protein, fatty acids, and animal fats.

These feeds are characterized by a relatively high calorie content, ranging from 320-330 calories per 100 grams. The basic raw materials for them are usually good quality offal and meat waste, cereals, vegetables, fruits, fats and oils.

Super premium and holistic
Feed of this class has the highest nutritional and energy value. Their average calorie content reaches about 400 calories per 100 grams of product. By basing an animal's diet on this type of food, the owner can be sure that his pet will receive all the necessary nutrients, micro and macro elements.

Calorie content of products of various brands
Royal canin
A manufacturer that is one of the leaders in the animal feed market.Under this brand, products of the highest quality are produced, made exclusively from natural raw materials: meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, cereals.
For the convenience of calculating the average daily feed rate of this brand, you can use the following table:
Pet body weight, kg | Daily feed volume |
1–3 | 40–65 |
3–5 | 70–95 |
5–7 | 80–120 |
7–10 | 100–130 |
Small daily norms of dry food produced under this brand are due to its high nutritional and energy value. The optimal calorie content of such products provides the dog with the necessary energy and a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Dry food of relatively good quality is produced under this brand. The raw materials for the manufacture of products of this type are usually cereals, meat, offal, fats of animal and vegetable origin. As an additional beneficial ingredient, the manufacturer uses brewer's yeast, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pet's coat and skin.
To calculate the average daily feed rate of this brand, it is recommended to use the following table:
Pet body weight, kg | Rate per day |
5–10 | 90–180 |
15–20 | 270–360 |
25–30 | 450–540 |

Another well-known manufacturer that produces products that are designed for a wide variety of categories of dogs. The range of products of this brand includes food for pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies, neutered animals, as well as for adult dogs with overweight, sensitive digestion, powerful, athletic and asthenic constitution.
The main raw materials for this type of product are dried meat and fish, cereals, vegetables, egg powder, fish oil. Recommended daily allowances for the product are shown in the table below:
Animal body weight, kg | Product volume per day |
1–5 | 30–100 |
6–10 | 120–180 |
10–20 | 180–350 |

Experienced dog breeders recommend using a tablespoon (for dwarf dogs and puppies) or an electronic scale (for large individuals, pregnant and lactating animals) for the convenience of determining the volume of each portion. Using these methods, you can measure the required amount of the product if there is no measuring cup in the package.
It should be noted that elite expensive feeds, due to their high nutritional value, are consumed very economically... A large package can last for several weeks (depending on the pet's age, breed, health and weight). For this reason, it is important to pay special attention to the issue of the correct content of the product. Store it in a dry, well-ventilated place.
In this case, bags with a plastic fastener are very convenient, which ensures the tightness of the package.

How many times a day to feed?
The frequency of feeding depends primarily on the age of the animal. So, puppies should be fed several times a day. Dogs aged 1 year or more are fed 2 times a day, dividing the daily amount of food into morning and evening meals.
Table: Frequency of feeding puppies
Pet age (months) | Number of meals |
1–2 | 5–6 |
2–4 | 4–5 |
4–8 | 3–4 |
8–11 | 3 |

How do you know if your dog is not hungry?
The appetite and behavior of the dog allows to determine that the metered daily volume of food for the animal exceeds the norm or does not reach it. In most cases, when the pet is full, it moves away from the bowl, leaving it half empty. A hungry and unsaturated dog will lick an empty bowl for a long time.
Leftover food in the bowl after each meal of the pet indicates that the norms for the dry product were determined incorrectly. However, one should not forget that the animal may simply not like the new food. This is often the case when replacing one product with another, less nutritious.

A well-fed animal is characterized by a peaceful and calm behavior. Once full, the dog usually finds a cozy place and goes to digest food. Immediately after eating, animals rarely show hyperactivity, requiring the master's attention or play.
It should be noted that, when transferring a pet to industrial types of feed, its weight should be controlled... If your dog does not completely eat its portion, it may indicate poor quality food - for example, a high content of plant protein. Such products are usually found in budget lines of the economy category.
To avoid the mistake of thinking that the dog is already full, you should also control whether it has access to clean water. When an animal is thirsty, it is capable of refusing food, not eating it, or absorbing it with difficulty and reluctance.

How to choose the best dry food, as close to natural as possible, see the video below.