Taigan: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, temperament, care

Among the Central Asian breeds of dogs, you can find many amazing species with unique exterior and behavioral characteristics. But even among them, the taigan stands out for its purity of blood, carefully preserved by modern breeders, and for its small number. These hunting greyhounds are from birth adapted to the harsh conditions of the highlands, easily tolerate thin air and demonstrate superbly developed hunting instincts.

Taigan is a subspecies of aboriginal dogs from Kyrgyzstan, lives mainly in the mountainous regions of the Tien Shan. The breed is considered unrecognized by the FCI. Accordingly, it does not have a single internationally approved standard. However, it operates at the national level and is adopted by the Federation of Hunting Dogs of the Russian Federation.
International recognition is hampered by paucity of breed - in total, there are from 300 to 1000 individuals suitable for breeding, which are in the hands of private breeders and enthusiastic hunters.
Taigans are characterized by an appearance close to the phenotype of other Asian greyhounds. There are also some features - a fairly massive, strong skeleton. The growth of the animal is medium or high, the muscles are well developed, clearly traced. The head with a flattened foot has an elongated shape, rather large, dry, roughly molded. The ears hang on the sides of the head, well pubescent.

Taigans have a straight back without dips and bends, the tail is long, reaches the hock joint, the tip is bent in a ring, does not straighten due to a genetic abnormality - the fusion of the vertebrae. The limbs are strong and well set.The dog has a shiny coat that is close to the body. Feathers are formed on the legs, sides, thigh and shoulder parts. There are no clear color restrictions, different coat colors are allowed:
- chubaraya;
- black with white markings;
- white;
- fawn;
- gray;
- red.

In all colors, tan is acceptable. The undercoat grows actively in winter, with the onset of cold weather. Feathers have a pronounced waviness, curl.
Taigans are characterized by a height at the withers of 65-70 cm, the dogs are folded in proportion, demonstrate ease of movement. The body is elongated, has an elongated shape. The front and hind legs are well developed.
The breed is used in the hunting of burrowing animals - marmots, badgers, foxes. In group hunting, taigans are effective in hunting argali, mountain sheep, and hunting wolves. Dogs are distinguished by their fearless, balanced character, good health, and unpretentious maintenance.
Their distinctive feature is also considered to be the ability to maintain full physical activity at an altitude of 2 to 4 kilometers above sea level.

Taigans are typical representatives of the hunting breed. Animals are distinguished by high intelligence, they are good at distinguishing between permissions and prohibitions, they are able to become good watchmen. For pets, birds, they are not dangerous. But against wolves and jackals, the taigans show themselves excellently and can be used to protect flocks and herds during the grazing period.
They are distinguished from the Tazy (plain greyhound) by a more elongated body format and abundant coat. In addition, Taigans look rather squat despite their overall height at the withers. This is due to the low center of gravity, which helps the dog to develop speeds comparable to those of a car - up to 55 km / h in a straight line. Another twin breed of the Taigan is the Bakkhmul or the aboriginal Afghan hound. It is difficult even for a specialist to tell the difference between them.

Advantages and disadvantages
Since the number of taigans is relatively small, it is rather difficult to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. We can say with confidence that this breed is distinguished by its independence of character. It is almost impossible to train her in the conventional sense. Thanks to its high intelligence, the dog successfully interacts with the owner, but the decisions are always made by itself. This independence can create serious difficulties as the animal grows up.
Among the advantages of the breed are:
- fearlessness of character;
- tirelessness;
- excellent speed characteristics;
- combination of qualities of greyhounds and hounds (the ability to follow the scent trail);
- a move without a voice - without the risk of frightening the beast;
- ease of changing directions of movement even at speed;
- minimum food requirements;
- adaptation to different conditions of detention.

According to hunters, the taigan is perfect for working on the animal, surpasses Russian greyhounds in speed and quality of running. Today in Russia their livestock is gradually being formed, and the breed has good prospects for distribution outside of Kyrgyzstan.
Character traits
Taigans are very energetic dogs that show a high need for physical activity. Leadership qualities are highly developed in animals of this breed, they are well oriented in any situation, make decisions quickly. Developed territorial instincts make the taigans good watchmen, they cope with the tasks of protecting the territory.
The psyche of this breed of high-mountain greyhounds is quite stable, balanced, they calmly endure loneliness. Light phlegm is replaced by activity only on the hunt, at the moment of maximum concentration of the animal.
Taigans are not aggressive towards children, find a common language with them, perceiving them as members of the pack. They get along with other dogs only under the condition of keeping individuals of opposite sex.

Conditions for keeping
Keeping taigans requires creating comfortable conditions for them. Life within the four walls of a city apartment is not for these freedom-loving dogs. The correct physical development of a puppy can only be given by regular free range. The best solution would be the courtyard of a private house, equipped with an aviary for games and recreation. Here you can place various shelters, obstacles, equip a small training ground.
If the taigan still has to live in an apartment, it is worth paying great attention to providing him with sufficient amounts of physical activity. You will have to walk with the dog for 2-3 hours a day, in the mornings and evenings. When moving, it is worth changing the dog's gait more often, using rough terrain to move.
The more varied the loads, the better for the development, maintaining a good condition of the pet's musculoskeletal system.

What to feed?
The food of the Taigan breed in the natural conditions of their residence - in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan - takes place practically without the participation of the owner. The animal itself receives and obtains food, it can do without water for a long time. But with proper maintenance, one should not forget about eating a greyhound. Dogs need food 2-3 times a day, free access to a drinking bowl 24 hours a day.
The puppies need to be fed more often. Up to six months, they receive food up to 6 times a day, then there is a gradual reduction in the frequency of meals. The calorie content of the diet is calculated based on the level of physical activity. Working dogs, whether hunting or participating in competitions, should eat well, with a predominance of the protein component in the diet.

It is worth discussing dietary choices with your veterinarian. Taigans often have indigestion from natural food.
Among the options for such nutrition, it is worth considering specialized dry granules, aimed at active and large dogs. Ready-made feeds are more suitable for them, taking into account all the significant points in the work of the dog's gastrointestinal tract.

When compiling a natural diet, it is necessary to pay attention to the inclusion of protein, fiber, carbohydrates in the pet's diet, minimizing the fat component. Among the useful products are:
- lean meat, lamb, beef, chicken;
- fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
- boiled eggs;
- ocean fish (no more than 1 time per week);
- cereals - pearl barley, buckwheat.
It is necessary to exclude from the dog's diet any foods high in sugar, smoked meats and fatty meats, legumes. As a delicacy, the use of special biscuits is permissible. The main indicator that the dog is getting enough vitamins and minerals is the condition of the coat - it should be shiny, silky.

How to care?
The Taigan is a long-haired breed and its guard hair looks very presentable when properly cared for. To preserve the beauty of the coat, you should pay maximum attention to your pet. The breeder in the kennel will tell you how to take care of the dog properly. Of course, the Kyrgyz themselves do not care too much about combing or washing the dog's fur. But with home, apartment maintenance, dog hygiene issues are always especially acute.

Among the mandatory recommendations for the care of taigans, the following points should be noted.
- Wool grooming is a must for the representatives of this breed. Long and thin, tangle-free, requires special formulations to prevent tangles. Brushing should be a daily ritual, and the puppy should be taught to it so that the adult animal can more easily tolerate the procedure. Taigans need bathing no more than 3-4 times a year or as the coat gets dirty.
- Hanging ears requires careful maintenance of their interior. Sinks need to be inspected, cleaned from dirt and plaque, fat deposits.A cotton pad is used for care, it is moistened in a disinfectant solution.
- Eyes dogs should be examined daily. Contamination accumulating in them requires regular removal, especially if the pet spends a lot of time in the air, comes into contact with sand, dust, and other irritants. When cleaning the corners of the eye, all the same cotton pads moistened with chamomile infusion or tea leaves are used. If you change the abundance or nature of the discharge, you should consult a doctor.
- Taigan teeth cleaning - mandatory procedure. It should be carried out at least once a month, in the interval you can offer various delicacies, cartilage. If tartar is detected or bleeding gums appear, you will need to consult a veterinarian.
- Nail care the dog is carried out as needed. Undercutting may be required for a fractured area of keratinous tissue. In addition, you will have to use a nail clipper if contact with natural abrasives does not give sufficient results.
- Antiparasitic treatment - an important complex of care for a dog in contact with wild animals, visiting the forest. At least once every six months, dogs should be given anthelmintic drugs, and preventive vaccinations should be updated.
Collars or drops on the withers are used to protect against skin parasites. It is also necessary to carry out local processing of wool with aerosol sprays immediately before leaving for nature.

Taigan care should take into account the peculiarities of their physical condition. Usually these dogs show strong immunity, and do not cause trouble, living up to old age (17-18 years). But they can develop bone diseases - the main load during running falls on the skeleton, and eye problems. Like other greyhound breeds, the Taigan often has problems with the digestive tract and may require an individual selection of the diet.

Education and training
In the upbringing of taigans, it is very important to follow certain rules. The breed requires a lot of attention to itself - it is suitable for avid hunters who devote a lot of time to the development of the working qualities of the dog. Cynologists recommend training animals for the beast at special baiting stations, where conditions are created for the full satisfaction of the needs for movement. Here the hunting instinct awakens most quickly. It is not worth delaying - the first trips should take place during the puppy's growth period.
Age from 3 to 4 months is considered optimal for starting training, it is during this period that the active formation of musculoskeletal tissue occurs. With early development of performance, both the stamina and breathing skills of the greyhound will be adequate. In addition, when working at the baiting station, the psyche is formed in dogs, which is necessary for fearless work both by eye contact and by a trace left on the ground.

In the process of raising the Taigan, the owner should take into account the breed characteristics and not try to break the dog's proud disposition with threats or force. Mutual trust and understanding turns out to be really important here.
Possessing a developed hunter's instinct and inexhaustible energy, the taigan requires long walks, intense physical exertion, needs attention and human society. When studying commands, the dog learns them quite easily, thanks to the developed intellectual abilities, but he is in no hurry to execute unnecessarily.
Due to the fact that the taigans are rather wary of strangers, when keeping in a family, it is worth avoiding their accustoming to one owner. Will be better, if every person is actively engaged in dogs. During feeding, walking this will allow you to find contact with the animal, relieve problems with its daily obedience.

When kept outdoors (only in warm climates or in summer), taigans should not be tied, they are recommended freedom of movement.
For Taigan dogs, see the next video.