Whippets: characteristics, temperament and features of care

More and more city dwellers want to have a pet, namely a dog. It is quite difficult to choose a breed of dog that would meet the requirements for living in an apartment of a multi-family house. However, there is a breed that is ideal for living in the city - the Whippet.

The Whippet is the most common English greyhound dog breed among dog breeders. This breed gained its popularity thanks to its devotion to the owner, calmness and obedience. At its core, it is a versatile dog that will suit any breeder with a variety of requirements.
To better understand the Whippet, you need to familiarize yourself with the history of this breed., whose roots go back to England, in the distant 1610. During this time, Greyhounds were very popular in the British Isles. This large, beautiful dog was considered an element of luxury, as it required a lot of attention, food and complex care. Only very wealthy people could keep such a pet.

For dog lovers, who did not allow low incomes to support Greyhounds, it was necessary to develop a new budget breed. Breeders from northern England came to their aid, who began to select the smallest representatives of the noble breed and cross them with others. Thanks to these efforts, now in the outlines of the whippet, you can see the features of a greyhound, a terrier and even a dachshund.
All this was done in order to obtain the optimal breed of dogs for the middle and lower class of the population of England. The result is a small greyhound capable of very high speed. Its speed can be compared to the blow of a whip.
Hence the name of the breed of dogs (from the English word "Whip" - "whip"). From that moment on, all the little greyhounds in England began to be called "whippets".

Already in the 19th century, most of the population of England moved to live in cities, but many of them still had a craving for pets. Little Greyhounds Whippets were perfect for living in cramped urban environments. In addition, dog racing became very popular in England at this time. Possessing high speed, this breed quickly gained great popularity among fans of this hobby.
Like any dog, the Whippet, by nature, has always been a hunter. And not a bad earner. This has become another reason for the popularity of this breed among the population. In fact, this breed became the main source of income thanks to dog racing and the first earner of food thanks to its hunting qualities.

At that time, the Whippet was not much like the modern image of the breed. His appearance was more like a mongrel and was completely devoid of elegance and aristocracy. It was dominated by the external features of terriers, and they did not in the least resemble purebred dogs.
Due to its great popularity among the common people, this breed attracted the interest of representatives of high society in England. During these times, dog shows are very popular. Their goal is to develop and breed new dog breeds.
Thanks to the selection work carried out by English breeders, the Whippet begins to acquire noble features and sophistication. The breed was officially recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1891. It is from this moment that the official chronology of this breed is carried out.

Due to the fact that the goal of the English breeders was to create a breed similar to the Greyhound, only of a smaller size, this breed has an external outline similar to the Greyhound. Despite its overly lean physique, the Whippet is a very muscular dog., which, in combination with long legs, gives her the ability to develop high speed while running. To maintain balance and maneuver easily at high speeds, dogs of this breed have a long, thin tail that tapers at the end.
The height at the withers of an average male is 47-51 cm, bitches - 44-47 cm. Due to the small size and well-developed musculature of the limbs, the whippet has great jumping ability.

In 1903, the breed standard was adopted, according to which the whippet must look a certain way.
- A long skull flattened from top to bottom, with the front part tapering to the tip of the nose. Wide distance between the eye sockets. The upper part of the skull is rounded and merges smoothly into the withers.
- The nose can have a different color depending on the color of the dog. However, the color must be uniform, without partial pigmentation and inclusions.
- Powerful dry jaws with white teeth have a clear outline. Complete dental formula with straight teeth forming a scissor bite. The upper row of incisors must necessarily cover the lower one.
- Small oval eyes, slightly raised at the outer corners. A distinctive feature of the breed is an attentive and expressive look.
- Ears set high with an open auricle, slightly raised on the cartilage. Soft to the touch.
- The curvature of the dog's neck gives the breed an imposing impression. Despite the fact that it is long and dry, the presence of strong and developed muscles contributes to the strengthening of hunting skills. The head is set at almost 90 degrees relative to the neck, which gives the dog a royal appearance.
- At first glance, the body of the dog seems to be thin. Ideally, it should be dry and long, and an elegant arch should be clearly visible in the lumbar region. The body of the dog should be muscular, strong, with a long back, which allows you to develop a large amplitude when running. Despite such data, the appearance of the dog should not resemble the "humpback dog".
- In order for a whippet to have enough air at maximum running speed, it must have large lungs. This requires a well-defined deep rib cage, with a toned belly.
- In order for a dog to meet the breed standard, he must have straight long legs with developed strong muscles. Particular attention is paid to the hind limbs. They must have prominent large muscles that will provide the dog with sufficient strength when running and jumping. Feet are oval in shape with strong pads on the toes.
- The whip-like long tail hangs calmly, with the tip slightly upturned. In the excited state of the dog, it rises no higher than the level of the back.
- An adult can weigh up to 14 kilograms. However, the ideal weight is around 10 kilograms.

The whole appearance of the dog indicates that it is an excellent sprinter and an irreplaceable assistant on the hunt. Its speed characteristics are among the best among the greyhound breeds of dogs. Thanks to her body structure and developed muscles, she can chase game for a long time, while sharply maneuvering. A feature of Whippets is that they orient themselves not like all dogs by smell, but by sight. This is due to the peculiarities of the sense of smell of this breed.

Such a fast dog is characterized by a short, soft coat. It fits snugly to the body and does not cause discomfort when running. There is also a long-haired whippet, but it does not correspond to the breed standard. There are no big requirements for the color of this breed. There can be both monochromatic and mixed colors. There are the following whippet coat colors:
- White;
- black;
- blue;
- yellow brown;
- brindle;
- Red;
- isabella;
- hepatic.
Also, white in combination with any of the above colors forms a spotted suit.

Pros and cons of the breed
Like all dogs, the whippet has its merits and demerits. Every breeder naturally wants to choose a pet according to his taste and character. TAs, animals of this breed have their own advantages over other dogs.
- With such developed muscles, the whippet is a high-spirited and energetic athlete, able to endure any physical activity. His tirelessness and agility distinguish him from other breeds. If you are a lover of a sports lifestyle and outdoor activities, this dog will become your faithful companion and helper.
- Whippets are indispensable for hunting. They are very reckless and dexterous hunters. Due to the peculiarities of their body structure, they easily and without problems chase the game, while developing a maximum speed of up to 60 km / h. Despite such a high speed, they are easy to maneuver and can change direction abruptly.
- Dogs of this breed are distinguished by perseverance and tenacity. They are used to fulfilling the tasks assigned to them to the end. You just have to remember to praise the pet after completing your command.
- The Whippet is considered a domestic, family dog. Possessing boundless kindness and affection, they are devoted to their owners "to the tip of their tail." The dog quickly and absolutely without any problems gets used to its owner and becomes his faithful companion. Thanks to this quality, the whippet learns quickly and lends itself well to training.

Dogs of this breed practically do not have significant drawbacks. There are only minor negative character traits that are easily corrected by training and education.
- Whippet is very shy by nature. Sometimes it even develops into fear and cowardice. Early socialization and training will help eliminate this deficiency.
- Some dogs may not tolerate noise and screaming. When exposed to them, the whippet can become nervous, restless, or withdrawn into itself. When raising such dogs, it is necessary to refrain from an increased tone in communication with a pet, as well as from family scandals in the presence of a dog.
- Sometimes the tenacity of the Whippet develops into stupid stubbornness.To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to praise the dog more often after a correctly executed command.
There is only one thing to remember: all the shortcomings can be corrected by raising and training the dog, as well as developing its best qualities in it.

Character traits
The whippet's personality matches its graceful appearance. The dog has a very refined nature. But despite this, she can behave completely differently in different situations and environments.
So, while on the hunt, the animal is able to frantically and energetically pursue prey, quickly overcome long distances and not experience any difficulties. And while on vacation or a walk, the whippet can behave imposingly and stately. But everything will change dramatically if you decide to just play with it.
The dog turns into a playful and naughty child, able to have hours of fun, frolic for the joy of the owner.

The dog behaves in a completely different way at home. She will do everything possible so that you do not notice her presence in the house, will become calm, kind, affectionate. Her devotion can be the envy of all dogs of other breeds. Whippet is devoted to absolutely all family members, regardless of gender and age.
Dogs of this breed are absolutely harmless. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the dog is not hurt while walking or playing. Whippet will never harm a child, so he can safely be allowed to play in the company of children.
Due to its calmness, the dog easily contacts and gets along with all animals. However, you need to be more careful if there are cats or rabbits in the house.
Whippet, due to his hunting skills, may mistake them for prey. Therefore, for a start, it will be necessary to conduct trainings with the dog and educational work.

Possessing a good mind, the whippet quickly learns the task assigned to him and easily lends itself to education. Sometimes problems may arise with excessive stubbornness and perseverance. It is necessary to show patience and affection for the dog.
In no case should you resort to forceful methods, shouting and violence. This will only make the situation worse. The pet may withdraw into itself or become even more stubborn and persistent. It is necessary to show affection and love for the dog, and she will respond in kind, especially since the whippet's love for the owner is boundless.
Of course, all the watchdog qualities of this dog are practically reduced to zero, but it still remains an animal with its reflexes.
Do not be afraid of the whippet's wary and unfriendly glance at a stranger or at any things. Due to its natural fearfulness and suspicion, this dog will never show aggression unnecessarily.

Conditions for keeping
The Whippet breed was originally created as a variety of dogs, unpretentious in maintenance and does not require complex care. After all, as you know, it was intended for the middle class of city dwellers who do not have large incomes. So, even a novice dog breeder will not be difficult to maintain and care for this breed.
The structure of the body, the presence of a short pile of wool and the absence of an undercoat made it impossible to keep the whippet outside. Dogs freeze quickly and cannot tolerate even small drops in temperature. Therefore, the Whippet is classified as a domestic dog, and it is better to keep them in closed heated rooms, rather than in open enclosures.
If you decide to get yourself such a dog, then you must familiarize yourself and follow the federal law "On Responsible Treatment of Animals" in order to avoid conflicts with neighbors and not cause discomfort to the dog.

First, determine the place in the house for the dog, where he will be. The dog should be comfortable and familiar in this place. It is necessary to immediately accustom the Whippet to its place. It's not hard to do.
Put a small rug on the chosen place. It is advisable to have a removable cloth cover on it.This will give you the opportunity to periodically remove the cover to wash it, as well as clean the rug from dust and animal hair. This must be done for sanitary and hygienic purposes.
You need to choose a place on such a condition that the dog does not interfere with the rest of the inhabitants of the house and that no one bothers it.
Check that there are no heaters, refrigerator, gas stove nearby. Also, the chosen location should have a sufficient amount of natural light. Its deficiency can lead to whippet eye disease.

Avoid placing your pet on or near major highways in your home. For example, at the front door, in the aisles, in the kitchen. This will create discomfort for you and the dog. The ideal place is to separate a small corner in the living room. Whippet quickly adapts due to his character.
Dogs of this breed are clean enough. Therefore, the selected area must be clean and well ventilated. The fact that an animal will live in it does not mean that it must be a barn or a stable.

Of course, the room will have the smell of an animal and hairs of wool, this is all natural. But the Whippet is quite strict about his own hygiene and spends quite a lot of time on it. Therefore, you will have to match your pet and keep the house clean, so as not to cause discomfort to the dog and yourself.
Do not, under any circumstances, keep the Whippet on a leash in the house. This is, firstly, inhumane and unethical in relation to the greyhound breed. Secondly, a dog with such a bright temperament and a desire to run can experience a moral shock, which will lead to a nervous breakdown and disobedience to the owner.
The rest of the conditions for keeping Whippets are no different from those for other domestic dogs. Therefore, they require additional attention and effort.

What to feed?
All dog breeders know that you can feed your pets in three ways:
- dry food or canned food;
- natural products;
- mixed nutrition with natural products and prepared feed.
It is necessary to immediately determine the type of feeding of the dog, since at the age of 3 to 5 months, your pet will develop a taste and habits for certain foods.
After that, switching to a different type of food will be very problematic.

The first type includes dry food and canned food. This method of feeding appeared relatively recently and immediately gained great popularity among dog breeders. The main advantages of this feeding method are the following factors:
- feed and canned food are ideally balanced in terms of their nutrients and useful substances;
- they are convenient and easy to use;
- a large abundance of special diets, depending on the age of the dog and its breed;
- the possibility of low-quality products entering the dog's diet is practically excluded.
The main disadvantages of this type of food include some uniformity in the dog's diet.
Many breeders solve this problem with canned food or by-products. Currently, for the Whippet, there is a whole line of such delicacies, which are based on beef intestines, lips, scar, ears, trachea.

Although the appearance of these products is not very attractive, they are essential for the health of the dog. They promote oral hygiene by preventing the formation of tartar and distracting attention from the owner's furniture, shoes and home furnishings. Before choosing a dry food, consult the seller, or rather trust the taste of your pet.
Organic food is the most common way to eat a Whippet. After all, every dog breeder wants to please his pet:
- varied diet;
- high taste of food;
- easily digestible feed;
- favorite natural products.

The most popular natural food is meat. It can be given to the dog either raw or cooked.The required daily allowance for an adult dog is 25-35 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. Raw meat is digested by 90%, and boiled - by 60%.
The meat of fish and poultry must be boiled and all bones removed, only after that it is suitable for feeding the whippet. Poultry meat is less nutritious than fish meat, so it needs more in the pet's diet. Eggs are a universal product for feeding any dog. The presence of boiled eggs in the diet makes it 100% digestible.

Of all the cereals, the whippet prefers rice or buckwheat. Options with boiled vegetables are possible. Do not pour the broth from the vegetables; use it in your dog's diet. This broth is rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Boiled vegetables promote good bowel function and cleanse it of toxins.
Be sure to include fermented milk products and vegetable oil in your pet's menu. Such products have a good effect on the condition of the animal's coat. You can experiment with natural products as you like, but you must remember that the Whippet diet should consist of 75% protein and 25% cereals with boiled vegetables.
A mixed type of food is the best option for feeding a whippet. With this type of nutrition, the best moments of the two types of dog feeding remain. With a proportion, when 2/3 of the menu is dry food and 1/3 is natural products, the pet receives all the necessary ingredients for growth, development and life.

What kind of diet to choose for a dog, the pet itself and its well-being will tell you. You can react to the whippet's condition by changing the composition of natural products in the dog's menu. Increase the protein content or, conversely, plant food. Provide quality nutrition to keep your pet feeling great.
At different stages of development, feeding a whippet differs in the number of servings and the frequency of feeding. Up to 2 months, puppies are fed 6 times a day every 3 hours. From 2 to 2 months, they switch to 5 meals a day. 5-month-old puppies eat already 4 times a day, and by 7 months they switch to 3 meals a day.
By the age of one year, the dog switches to 2 meals a day and stays on it.

How to care?
It does not take much time and effort to care for a whippet. The dog has short hair, there is practically no undercoat, so it is enough to gently comb the pet once a week. When carrying out this procedure, you do not need to be very zealous so as not to damage the skin of the dog. The process should be enjoyable for the pet.
Whippets molt in spring and autumn. It was at this time that the amount of wool increases, but remains the same minimum, compared to other breeds. The absence of the characteristic smell of the dog makes it possible to rarely bathe the pet.
The required number of water procedures for this breed is once every 2 months. The rest of the time, it will be enough to simply wipe the paws with a damp cloth after walking.

Beyond that, there are some easy ways to keep your dog hygienic. Puppies, as usual, must go through all stages of vaccination. It is also important to regularly clean the auricles and inspect them for the presence of mites and other parasites.
It is necessary to trim and file the claws on the dog's paws once every 2 weeks to prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria under the claws. Regularly examine and brush your dog's teeth, and check the mouth for abrasions and damage. The most vulnerable spots are the elbows on the whippets' paws. They often dry out, so you need to regularly lubricate them with nourishing creams.

Dogs of this breed are not at all adapted to the winter cold. They do not tolerate low temperatures very well. Therefore, it is worthwhile in advance, before the onset of cold weather, to take care of clothes for your beloved pet. Such clothes are sold in specialized stores.For a whippet who is committed to a sporty lifestyle and hunting, grooming is a little more difficult due to the availability of training and training methods.

Education and training
When training a whippet, it should be remembered that all commands should be given in a friendly manner, calm tone. Dogs of this breed are very touchy and vulnerable and will simply refuse to follow your commands if you talk to them in an unfriendly tone.
Workouts last quite a long time and are replete with great physical exertion. These can include both simple jogging and circus jumping tricks.
Due to the nature of the dog, training is best done in a playful way, and if you have patience and show tact and respect for the pet, then the result will not be long in coming.

Owner reviews
Among the large number of reviews about dogs of this breed, you will not find any negative. All dog breeders agree that the breed is almost ideal for keeping in an urban environment, and raising dogs is compared to raising children.
All breeders of this breed are captivated by the devotion, love and affection of the Whippet. Many even believe that these dogs contribute to the improvement of the character of their owners by exerting a good influence on them.
Due to the unpretentious care of this breed, breeders often have several whippets. And no one complained that it was difficult, although in some cases the number of dogs reaches 10 individuals.

All about the Whippet dog breed, see below.