History of the Welsh Corgi breed

The Welsh Corgi is one of the most ancient breeds, it appeared more than 3000 years ago. Its representatives have long and firmly taken a place in the Royal Palace of Great Britain and in the heart of Queen Elizabeth. Corgis are gaining more and more popularity among dog lovers, and this is not surprising. Cute, intelligent animals conquer at first sight.
The breed originates from the mysterious Wales. The history of the corgi is shrouded in many legends and secrets.
According to one of them, children grazing cattle found puppies in the forest and, mistaking them for foxes, brought them home. The parents said that babies are a gift from fairies. Dogs grew up and became helpers of people, thereby determining the future of the breed.

According to another legend, the little shepherds who got lost in the forest were given a puppy by the fairy. He helped them find their way and stayed with them.
Legends say that the little corgi were used by fairies as sleds, they were harnessed to harnesses, transporting various items.
As if in confirmation of these beautiful tales, the corgi has a saddle mark on the back, which is expressed by a darker shade of fur.
Origin of the variety
The name "corgi" has several meanings:
- guard dog;
- dwarf dog.
It is rather problematic to say exactly about the origin of the Welsh Corgi, but, as the name implies, the breed appeared in Wales and was initially positioned as a shepherd. These miniature shepherd dogs coped with their work with amazing agility.
I must say that in 1934 the breed was officially divided into two subspecies, differing in some features:
- pembroke;
- cardigan.

The Pembrokes are home to Pembrokeshire, and the Cardigans are from neighboring Cardiganshire.
The appearance of the corgi has several assumptions.Some scholars attribute these services to Flemish artisans who were invited by King Henry to develop trade.
The Spitz dogs brought in were interbred with local breeds, and the result was the corgi.
According to other sources, their origin is associated with the appearance of the Celts in the British Isles.
The dogs they brought looked like Welsh Corgi and were also considered shepherds. The ancestors of the breed along this line are:
- schipperke;
- Valhund;
- keeshond;
- Lundehund.
The first mentions of the existence of small shepherd dogs are found in legislative documents of the 10th century.

Until 1850, corgi were the only domesticated dogs in Wales. They were used to graze cows and mountain ponies, and to feed livestock into stalls. Dogs nibbled on the limbs of animals, thereby directing them in the right direction. Their extraordinary agility and agility helped them to avoid blows from hooves and horns with ease.
The Corgis independently thought out the tactics of action and applied them in accordance with the situation.
Endurance, hard work and discipline made them indispensable helpers for shepherds.
Despite their attractiveness and characteristics, the dogs were not very well known in a wide circle.

They first appeared at an exhibition in 1892, but as one breed. The corgi charmed everyone present.
Since then, the breed began its rapid development and quickly spread across different countries. The Corgi Lovers Club was established. But the animals gained their greatest popularity after the Duke of York presented corgi puppies as a gift to his daughters Margaret Rose and Elizabeth, the upcoming Queen of Great Britain.

Since that time, representatives of the breed have become favorites of the royal family and the whole people.
In England, especially in the mountainous regions, the Welsh Corgi are still used as shepherd dogs. But more and more often they become just pets.
Welsh Corgi are wonderful companions, distinguished by their loyalty, restraint and courtesy.
They are confident in themselves, with excellent intelligence and quick-wittedness, but at the same time they love active games and are not at all averse to having fun. Dogs are distinguished by their great love of life, energy and goodwill. They are very loyal, this trait extends to both the owner and the whole family.
Strangers and other animals, including cats, are treated without aggression, they easily get along with them under one roof.

Welsh corgi get along well with children, take care of them, protect them and become faithful companions in games.
He treats all household members equally well, and with those who do not particularly like them, they keep their distance.
Because of their lively character and excessive energy, they adore games and often demand their continuation. The dog feels well the mood of the owner and knows when to cuddle, and when it is better not to approach.
Pembroke and cardigan
The formation of the Pembroke and Cardigan as independent breeds of the Welsh Corgi line took place in 1934, until that time they were considered a single breed.

Despite common ancestors and similar characteristics, the two varieties also have numerous differences.
- The cardigan is more massive and heavier. The back of the body is narrowed. Pembroke is lighter and smaller.
- The limbs of the cardigan are slightly turned outward, in his brother they are straight, parallel.
- The Pembroke's physique is more graceful and proportional, while the cardigan has a more developed and heavy front part, and the back is lighter, with less developed hips than the Pembroke.
- The cardigan's gait is intermittent with strong jerks, the Pembroke runs more smoothly and easily.
- The cardigan has a long and straight fluffy tail, the Pembroke has a bobtail. He puts his tail behind his back, or he curls into a ring.
- The Cardigan has a six slightly shorter than the Pembroke.
The history of the Welsh Corgi breed can be found in the video below.