
Welsh corgi cardigan: description of the breed and features of the content

Welsh corgi cardigan: description of the breed and features of the content
  1. History
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. Life span
  5. How to choose a puppy?
  6. Conditions for keeping
  7. What to feed?
  8. How to care?
  9. Education and training

Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a small dog, a wonderful shepherd and a friend who has a good-natured character. In our country, she is bred as a pet. Due to its small stature, it can be kept in an apartment.


There are several hypotheses about how the Welsh Corgi Cardigan breed appeared, but there are no reliable facts to this day. Some believe that the ancestors of the animal should be sought in the British Isles, where they lived in the Bronze Age. Other scientists claim that the Celts were the first to breed the breed.

Even after the genetic analysis, the situation did not become clearer, since the breed has roots and Icelandic dog breeds, and Swedish Walhund... Where the dog began to be brought from, it is believed that it was presented to a man by fairies - fabulous creatures. They used welsh corgi cardigans as a means of transportation and to transport their belongings.

Despite its small size and funny appearance, the breed belongs to shepherd dogs.

Modern dog breeders are closer to the version according to which the breed appeared thanks to enthusiasts from Cardiganshire County, which is located in Wales. After crossing the Welsh Corgi with Texs, the outer exterior of the resulting cross was distinguished by its short legs and a long body shape.

In the 18th century, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi became in demand among dog breeders, which differed from cardigans in a more attractive appearance. By the end of the 19th century, Pembrokeshire natives could be seen at exhibitions, hence the numerous conflicts between dog breeders of two similar breeds.Often during the performances there were fights, the reason for which was the prize-winning places.

Considering present situation in 1934, the founders of the English Kennel Club came up with the idea to separate the two species and distinguish them into independent breeds... An additional distinguishing feature was the docked tails of the Pembrokes.

Even after this, the described breed remained unclaimed for a long time, it was rarely possible to meet its worthy representatives at exhibitions. The dogs hid in the shadow of their relative. They began to be brought to other countries after many decades, and in Russia they have gained popularity since 2000.


There is a standard according to which the breed is described. These small dogs have a long body and short, wide legs. They are very mobile, they love to frolic and play. They prefer to spend time on the street, so they often get bored and depressed in the apartment.

If we compare them with the Pembrokes, then the body of the cardigans is larger, the weight can reach 17 kilograms. Dogs have a lot in common with dachshunds: the legs are slightly curved, the chest is massive, the silhouette line is smooth. These dogs are real hard workers, they do not like exhibitions, because they are not interested in them.

The head is proportional, the muzzle is moderately elongated, the skull is wide, but narrows closer to the location of the eyes. The animal has a strong jaw. The bite is most often scissor bite, but it can also be horizontal.

The nose is medium in size, black, fleshy. The iris is dark in color. The eyes are not round, set far away, the corners are well defined. If an individual has a marbled shade of wool, then its eyes may be blue, which is acceptable to the standard.

The welsh corgi cardigan has erect ears, rather large, rounded at the tips. If the animal is alert, then they lean forward a little, and when the dog is at rest, they diverge in different directions. Their necks are rather wide and long, muscular, blending smoothly into the shoulders.

In welsh corgi cardigans, the lumbar line is clearly visible, the body is long, there are no convex or sagging parts of the body. From the outside, you might think that the dog's paws are like toys, in fact, they have enough power to make a push during a forced jump. The limbs are short, the pads are puffy.

In front, the legs are slightly curved, which is most noticeable if you look at them from the side of the muzzle.

The tail of Welsh Corgi Cardigans should be low set and slightly pulled down. If the animal is in a state of excitement, then it can be slightly raised, but not rolled into a donut.

These are short-haired dogs, moderately hard hairs of which fit tightly to the body, under them there is a dense undercoat. The coat is moderately smooth, should not be too soft or harsh. If the cover is long and soft, then this is a defect.

There are fewer requirements for the color of the coat. By breed, the Welsh Corgi Cardigan can have any shade of wool. Most often you can find the following colors:

  • ginger;
  • black;
  • brindle;
  • tricolor;
  • blue merle;
  • marble.

    Even the presence of a few white markings is allowed, but they should not dominate the base color.

    There is a list of vices that breeders try to exclude from the breed. Among them are not only hanging ears, but also completely blue eyes, earlobes are not black.


    If a person is in search of a kind and obedient helper, then this is the breed that is worth paying attention to. Welsh corgi cardigans demonstrate maximum calmness and patience even when dealing with children.

    From the outside, you might think that they are phlegmatic, lazy, but this is not so, since the animal will always respond to the game.

    One of the advantages of the representatives of the described breed is the ability to get along with other animals.Jealousy is an unfamiliar feeling for this dog.

    But as for strangers, they will not trust them and will certainly bark. If the dog is properly educated, then it will not bully and make noise in the house, and if this happens, there is always a reason for it.

    Dogs of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan breed are restrained, do not show intrusiveness, have an agreeable character, but do not allow themselves to be offended. They love to spend time with the owner, but in his absence they will wait patiently. It is very convenient to keep the dog in a small area, as it does not make unnecessary noise.

    Representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity, but their lack of independence is more associated with centuries of living side by side with a person. But the welsh corgi cardigan do not seek to put themselves above the owner, since they are not familiar with such a feeling as ambition. A person does not have to prove his strength in order to gain authority from a representative of the breed, it is enough to devote more time and give love to the animal.

    If earlier the breed was used as a good shepherd and a guard for sheep and cows, today it is an excellent guard, despite its modest size. The Welsh Corgi Cardigan will immediately defend the child if it senses danger. Under danger, a dog can perceive even a slight violation of invisible boundaries. In this case, he will begin to pull the child by the leg, returning him to a safe area.

    It is not worth encouraging this behavior, because next time the animal may bite the child's leg. You shouldn't scold the Welsh Corgi Cardigan either, you just need to calmly release the baby and shake your finger at the dog.

    Life span

    The described breed can be safely ranked among the long-livers. In 2004, official statistics on the life expectancy of Welsh Corgi Cardigans were collected. On average, these dogs delight their owners with their kind disposition for 12 years.

    Among the main reasons why a dog dies are natural old age and the formation of cancerous tumors. If a person provides the animal with proper care, it can live up to 15 years.

    How to choose a puppy?

    Good genetics have a lot to do with a dog's lifespan and behavior.

    Today, there are not so many kennels where it would be possible to purchase a representative of this breed, hence the high cost of puppies.

    At the time of purchase, it is important to pay attention to how the animal meets the standard of appearance. If there is no experience, then it is advisable to enlist the support of a specialist. Dog handlers advise paying attention to the following points.

    • The male, in contrast to the bitch, is more trusting, but he always clearly fulfills the assigned task, learns commands faster. Girls of the described breed have a flexible character and can always adapt to the mood of a person.
    • The Welsh Corgi Cardigan always inherits the physical characteristics of its parents, therefore, when looking for a real champion, you should ask for their diplomas when buying, which describe sports achievements.
    • Before mating a male and female, breeders perform two tests for dysplasia. The results can be claimed when buying a puppy, so a person can protect himself from acquiring a puppy with poor heredity.
    • A dog should be purchased at the age of 8-12 weeks. You can face a situation when a puppy is put up for sale at 45 days, but kennels respecting themselves and their authority do not do this, because they keep the dog until it undergoes the necessary vaccination and gets stronger.
    • If you choose between several nurseries, then preference should be given to the one where the animal is raised outside the city. There are no cramped cells, therefore, their development occurs in a different way. These puppies are healthy and strong.

      A cattery that cares about its reputation always approaches the issue of selling the Welsh Corgi Cardigan with great responsibility.They do not reserve puppies or discount puppies on them. If the seller is willing to give in, you need to think about the reasons. As a rule, the price is reduced when the animal has a number of serious defects. They can only be seen by a specialist if they do not relate to malformations.

      The cost of a puppy with a good pedigree, vaccinations and a stigma ranges from 80-100 thousand rubles.

      Conditions for keeping

      Although the welsh corgi cardigan is famous for its activity, it is not worth bringing the dog to exhaustion, training it every day. It is enough to walk with the dog in the morning and in the evening or practice freestyle. Simple games in nature are also suitable for maintaining health.

      The presented breed has its own peculiarity - thick, though not long hair with a dense undercoat. With the arrival of summer, walks will need to be rescheduled for the early morning or evening, you can choose a shady park next to the water.

      The dog can overheat in the sun.

      In spring and autumn, because of the short legs, the dog's belly is covered with mud. Even after a short walk in the rain, you will need to wash the animal later. Some dog breeders have found another way out - a raincoat, specially made for Welsh Corgi cardigans. You can easily find one in a pet store.

      When choosing a partner for a walk for a dog, you should stop at a medium-sized dog. The fact is that the cardigan is not afraid of the size of other animals and will demonstrate its courage in the event of a conflict situation. If a Caucasian Shepherd Dog or other large breed becomes a companion for a walk, then the Welsh Corgi Cardigan may suffer.

      The dog's oral cavity requires special attention from the breeder. Teeth are the weak point of the breed representatives, often one has to deal with periodontal disease. Veterinarians recommend regular cleaning using special products available from the pet store.

      Another problem is obesity, which can be easily dealt with if you offer your dog the right nutrition. The rest of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan has excellent health. The animal inherits genetic ailments from its parents, which is why it is so important to choose the right puppy, paying attention to the pedigree. Often, dogs of the described breed suffer from:

      • cataracts;
      • keratitis;
      • food allergies;
      • eczema;
      • cancer;
      • dysplasia of the joints.

      What to feed?

      Nutrition plays an important role in the formation of healthy offspring. The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is not picky about food, hence the risk of obesity. When the owner does not want to deal with the animal or he does not have enough time for this, the entire diet can be reduced to the consumption of dry food.

      In some dogs, allergies occur in response, in rare cases, the color of the coat changes, especially for individuals with a white coat. With the constant use of dry food of poor quality, the dog breeder has to deal with problems with the intestines of the pet.

      It's much easier if you feed the Welsh Corgi Cardigan with healthy, natural food. Lean, well-frozen meat is perfect for the dog. A serving should be 20 grams per kilogram of the dog.

      The list of healthy foods for a dog includes liquid cereals, which are cooked in meat broth, sometimes in milk. The portion will need to be calculated correctly. The Welsh Corgi Cardigan may require supplementation, but it is not needed, this breed just loves to overeat. Be sure to include apples, dairy products, zucchini and carrots in the animal's diet.

      It is useful to season rice and buckwheat porridge with a small amount of vegetable oil or fish oil.

      A couple of times a week, it is allowed to feed the animal with offal. The diet may also contain:

      • boiled chicken;
      • lean sea red fish;
      • eggs;
      • bread crumbs.

        In no case should the dog be given mushrooms, nuts, legumes, grapes, as they cause flatulence.

        Excessive consumption of baked goods, sausages, sweets and pasta leads to obesity. All this the dog breeder should try to exclude from the animal's diet. Chocolate is extremely harmful to the welsh corgi cardigan.

        How to care?

        A dog of any breed would prefer to live not in an apartment, but in a private house, where you can regularly walk in your own yard. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, but the described breed is loyal even to a small space. The dog will not be offended if you leave him alone all day, but he needs an evening or morning walk to maintain health.

        As soon as there is an opportunity to leave the city or go to the park, you should definitely take your pet with you.

        When arranging a separate place for an animal in an apartment, you need to take into account the characteristics of its body. If it is a bed mattress, then it is better if it is orthopedic. When choosing a bowl for water or food, you must give preference to the product that has an adjustable stand. The dog should not bend over too much.

        Caring for the Welsh Corgi Cardigan is easy, as its wool has unique water and dirt repellent properties. Experienced breeders do not advise to abuse it with pet bathing. Only one bath day should be planned for 3 months, it is enough to keep the animal's fur clean. The shampoo is bought in a specialty store, and only for coarse coats.

        Welsh corgi cardigans molt twice a year. A lot of wool remains from them, it is literally everywhere in the house. Inexperienced dog breeders are unhappy with this, but this happens only for the first time, with age, the amount of animal hair in the house becomes less.

        A small arsenal of combs, such as a massage brush or a rake-shaped slicker, are suitable for grooming a dog. At the time of shedding, the wool is combed out several times a day, paying special attention to the undercoat.

        The ears require care and attention. To remove simple dirt, it is enough to have a specialized veterinary lotion and cotton swabs on hand. If signs of infection appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

        Be sure to cut the dog's nails twice a month, otherwise they will exfoliate and cause discomfort to the animal. A specialized tool can be purchased at the pet store. The dog is taught to this procedure from childhood.

        Education and training

        The Welsh Corgi Cardigan demonstrates intelligence and ingenuity during training. Even novice dog breeders have no problem establishing contact. The most important thing is not to overdo it with monotony, but you shouldn't yell at the animal either. The dog understands everything the first time, he will not prove his dominant position.

        The breed has a playful temperament, so it masters everything better during the game. The lesson should take place naturally, easily. If you demand too much from the dog, in a rude manner, then he will soon lose interest and stop taking commands. In the process of training, one cannot but take into account the fact that the Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a herding dog that cannot be a security or service dog.

        The puppy is socialized from childhood, as soon as he appeared in the house. You do not need to wait 6 months for this, then it will be more difficult to accustom the animal to the normal perception of other people and animals. The learning process should be built in the following order:

        • training in the first skills of proper going to the toilet;
        • collar and leash training;
        • establishing the framework of what is permitted;
        • learning commands.

            You can teach a welsh corgi cardigan to go to the toilet on a tray or diaper, but it is better if the dog learns to endure and wait until he is taken out for a walk.

            From 3 months old, the puppy can begin to get acquainted with the space around him. To do this, they often try to take him out into the park, yard, where there are other animals.Already at 5 months, the dog is able to learn the simplest commands. From this period, you need to explain to her that barking for no reason is bad, even if another dog ran nearby.

            You can teach a dog even acrobatic circus numbers, but you need to remember that jumping is categorically contraindicated for them. Short paws will not be able to protect the dog from hitting the ground if he jumps from a great height, as a result, the internal organs of the animal may be injured.

            As with raising a child, at a certain period the dog reaches a transitional age. At six months, he may suddenly stop listening to commands, become erratic, restless. Sometimes shoes suffer from this behavior. The owner will need to be patient - this will pass when the dog is older. Shouting, let alone hitting her, is not worth it.

            All about the Welsh Corgi Cardigan dog breed, see the next video.

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