Lop-eared dogs: an overview of popular breeds and the nuances of keeping

Lop-eared dogs are one of the most popular and beloved pets by many. The article will talk about what features such animals have, what types of breeds belong to this group, as well as how to choose and keep a puppy correctly.

Hanging-eared dogs are animals that were originally bred for a very specific purpose. Their work functions are primarily associated with hunting. However, today not all dog owners are professional hunters or engage in similar activities at their leisure. Lop-eared dogs have turned from hunters into pets.
A distinctive feature of animals (as the name implies) is the presence of elongated auricles. It is thanks to this non-standard anatomical structure that dogs were popular among hunters. The thing is that in those moments when the dog runs or moves quickly, long earlobes sweep away microparticles from the ground, thereby increasing the smell of prey.

It is important to note that Lop-eared tetrapods need a lot of activity. They can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house, but it is imperative to provide the animal with a sufficient level of physical activity (long walks, training, games and other mobile activities).
In addition, if you decide to have such a dog, then it is worth considering that animals are prone to a variety of ear infections and diseases. In this regard, special attention should be paid to nursing and medical procedures.

Variety of breeds
Lop-eared dogs are quite diverse. Let's talk about the most popular varieties.
Basset hound
This breed of dog is a classic representative of lop-eared animals. First of all, the character of the dog is distinguished by good nature and benevolence towards humans. In addition, the owners of basset hounds distinguish in the behavior of the animal such a trait as pronounced instinct to follow prey. In this regard, representatives of this breed often become not only best friends, but also working companions of the hunters.

Besides being a basset hound great for contact with people, he treats other animals just as well. Therefore, if pets already live in your house, but you also want to have a fold-eared dog, then without any fear you can give preference to this type of animal.
In terms of care and maintenance, the dog is quite unpretentious. In addition, the basset hound's hairline is quite short and does not require special care or attention.

Another popular fold-eared dog that belongs to the beagle category. It is important to note that animals belonging to this breed, quite sociable, and therefore need early socialization. Besides, in the character of a beagle, such negative character traits as independence and stubbornness can appear... In this regard, special attention should be paid to the processes of education, training and training of the animal.
Dogs of the described breed interact well with people, including small children. There are no conflicts and aggressive quarrels between beagles and other animals.

Cocker Spaniel and Springer Spaniel
These two varieties of lop-eared dogs are often combined into one large group, since these 2 species of animals were previously the same breed. This fact can be noticed even today, because in appearance the animals are very similar. However, despite this, the breeds were divided by dog handlers.
You can distinguish a cocker from a springer in appearance: the second will be much larger. As for the physiological characteristics, character traits and rules of care, there are many similarities. For example, both breeds experience genuine love and devotion towards their owner. In addition, both the Springer and the Cocker have a rather thick and long hairline, and therefore both breeds need careful and attentive grooming, regular brushing with special combs and brushes.
The traditional color of animals is white-brown. However, today there are many additional variations.

Dachshund is one of the most popular, widespread and beloved by many breed of lop-eared dogs. Germany is considered the homeland of this animal. Moreover, in this country, dachshunds are called badgers. In general, the Dachshund breed includes several species of animals.
Among them are standard, miniature and rabbit look. In addition to the one presented above, in relation to dachshunds, there is another classification, which mainly concerns the length of the hairline of the animal. Based on this feature, the breed is subdivided into smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired varieties.
As for the color of the coat, it can be very diverse. You can find black, brown, tan, marble and even fawn specimens.

Bloodhounds have not only ears hanging, but also cheeks. In addition, this breed is widely known, and is often called the "sad-eyed dog" among the people. Compared to all the breeds that have been described above, this variety has an impressive size. Her character is calm and balanced.
It is important to take into account the fact that representatives of this breed need careful care. The thing is that dogs emit an intense unpleasant scent.To avoid it, you should regularly carry out a large range of hygiene procedures, which includes not only bathing, but also wet cleaning.

The poodle is an animal that is very popular all over the world. An important characteristic of this breed is that even those people who are allergic to dog hair can keep its representatives in their home. The thing is that the animal does not shed.
The breed has several subgroups that differ in their size. So, large, small and dwarf dogs are distinguished.
In addition, this species of animals is distinguished by developed intellectual abilities and devotion to the owner.

Irish Setter
This is a breed of fold-eared dogs that loves to spend a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, if you decide to have such an animal, then you should prepare for regular, long and active walks with your pet.
The animal quickly and easily makes contact with people, and it shows friendliness not only in relation to one owner, but also to all family members with whom it lives.

Of course, this list is not closed, and in nature there are many more breeds that can be classified as lop-eared.
How to choose?
Choosing a fold-eared dog is an important and responsible task, because you are choosing for yourself not just a pet, but a friend and companion for life. The famous phrase says that we are responsible for those we have tamed.
There are several factors to consider when choosing a healthy pedigree puppy.
So, first of all you should make sure of the decency of the seller... Ask him to show you all the documents he has: animal passports, certificates, licenses and other documents. If the seller refuses such a request or informs you that he does not have any papers, then it is better not to deal with him. It is possible that they are trying to deceive you.

And also before purchasing a puppy, it is important to "get to know" his parents... Make sure the parenting couple is healthy and free of diseases. After that, carefully examine the appearance of the purchased animal - the puppy must be neat and well-groomed. Watch it for a bit - the behavior should be active. Any defects in appearance, as well as lethargic behavior, are signs that a sick or non-purebred animal is being sold to you.
In the process of choosing a pet, check with the seller for all the small details that relate to the breed. So, first of all size is important. Estimate the area of your apartment and the dimensions of the dog, make sure that both you and her will be comfortable. In addition, it is important to become familiar with the behavioral characteristics of the animal. For example, some breeds do not tolerate prolonged loneliness.
If your work involves frequent trips and business trips, then you should refuse to buy such a puppy. Another important factor is the rules of keeping and principles of caring for the animal.
Make sure that you can follow all the recommendations of the experts and follow the instructions given to you.

Basic rules of content
In general, the rules for keeping and caring for lop-eared dogs do not differ from the generally accepted ones. However, there are some differences.
So, as for lop-eared dog breeds, in the process of keeping them, special attention should be paid to the health of the animal. In addition to traditional preventive medical measures (for example, vaccination, treatment against fleas, worms, and others), it is important to carry out regular examinations of the auricle... Lop-eared animals are prone to various diseases of the ears, therefore, in this sense, the owners should be especially careful.
The same applies to hygiene procedures - remember to inspect and clean your ears if necessary. This can be done with regular cotton swabs. If particularly intense contamination is found, a cotton swab can be moistened with water or vegetable oil. If you suddenly notice that your pet is not feeling well, then immediately go to the veterinarian. Any delay and indecision can lead to the hearing loss of the dog, and the most difficult cases can also be fatal.
In no case should you self-medicate, as this can lead to negative consequences.

As mentioned above, fold dogs are very active. That's why they should spend a lot of time outdoors. Dogs have high intelligence, so they can be safely enrolled in different training group courses or individual lessons. If desired training can be done independently.
If you take this issue seriously, then your four-legged pet will be able to participate in a variety of sports competitions and even win them.

Besides cleaning your ears, do not forget to take care of other hygiene procedures... This includes bathing, which should be done when necessary. Moreover, in the process of carrying out water procedures, it is important that the water itself is quite warm, and for washing the animal it is allowed to use only specially designed detergents for dogs. It is also important to examine the condition of the oral cavity and periodically brush your teeth. Clipping the nails and examining the eyes are also necessary care measures.
Regardless of whether the dog lives in an apartment or in a private house, you need to equip its own place for it. The dog should have a bed (this can be made from an old blanket or pillows), bowls for food and water. The food of the animal can be both natural and consist of ready-made feed. Anyway it must be complete and balanced.

For the breed of fold-eared beagle dogs, see the next video.