All about dog shedding

Molting in dogs is a natural physiological process that usually continues in the fall and spring. In winter and summer, the wool practically does not fall out. At the same time, owners have a negative perception of the annual shedding periods in dogs, when wool covers furniture, floor and clothing. To speed up the hair loss process, you can increase the frequency of bathing your dog and brush your pet daily. But if molting occurs in winter or summer, it is worth checking the animal for diseases.

When does molt occur?
The first molt in puppies begins at the age of 6-7 months. At the same time, in females, shedding of hair can be observed at 3 months. This is a natural process during which the puppy gets rid of the soft fluff and becomes covered with adult hair. Its color may differ from the original color of the young dog. The structure of the coat becomes stiffer and denser, and an undercoat appears.
In the future, the dog will shed 2 times a year in autumn and spring. In the first case, the pet's body begins to prepare for the coming winter. In place of the old wool, a thick undercoat grows, which will retain body heat during frosts. With the onset of spring, the animal sheds excess hair.
Least of all wool falls out in winter. At this time, the physical activity of the pet decreases. Animals instinctively conserve nutrient reserves, so their body does not waste extra energy on the formation of new wool.

If moulting causes inconvenience to a person, then he should purchase a short-haired, medium-haired or hairless dog. Animals from these breeds practically do not shed their hair.Such pets are suitable for people prone to developing allergic reactions. Breeds with a short or no molting period include:
- shih tzu;
- different types of poodles;
- hairless dogs: Xoloitzcuintle, Chinese Crested, American Hairless Terrier, Peruvian Hairless Dog;
- basenji;
- Maltese;
- water spaniel.
Due to the lack of hair, dogs are not only not subject to shedding, but also do not have a specific smell.

How long does it take?
As part of the physiological norm, dogs molt 2 times a year for 2-3 weeks. If the pet lives at home, then dropping the old fur can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owners of the animal. If the apartment has good heating and regular meals, daily hair loss in small quantities is possible. This is due to the favorable living conditions: the dog gets used to life in warmth and constant supply of nutrients. Therefore, she does not need to shed a lot of wool in spring and autumn.
On rare occasions, a dog may shed all year round. She sheds a lot of hair every few days. The following factors can serve as the reason for this phenomenon:
- disruption of the endocrine system, as a result of which hormonal imbalance appears in the animal's body;
- the presence of parasites: pinworms, roundworms, helminths;
- dermatitis;
- disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the dog does not receive enough nutrients;
- stress;
- low level of humidity in the room where the animal lives;
- high ambient temperature.
To prevent hair loss, it is necessary to fight diseases with drugs and diet therapy. Before buying medicines, you should show your pet to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose and help with the choice of medicines.

Why does the dog molt in winter?
Normally, in dogs, the coat should not fall out with the onset of cold weather. Premature molt during the winter season can be a symptom of a medical condition. If in February the pet owner noticed that the dog began to molt, he should analyze the behavior of the dog in the previous month and observe the pet throughout the day. Often a symptom of a pathological process can be decreased physical activity and lack of appetite.
In the absence of signs of illness, it is recommended to let the dog swim outdoors in clean snow. This will help get rid of the excess hair.

There are the following reasons for the appearance of early winter molt.
- Dermatitis. To detect the disease, it is necessary to examine the skin of the animal. With dermatitis, red spots appear on the skin. To get rid of the pathological process, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate medications.
- Allergic reaction. Hair loss is observed with individual intolerance to feed, shampoos, household chemicals. A negative reaction of the immune system can be caused by dust or pollen. Often, an allergy in dogs is provoked by salt, which is sprinkled on frozen asphalt. In addition to alopecia, the dog's paws will show bleeding wounds and foul-smelling ulceration. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the route of walking, avoiding areas with salt, and begin treatment of the injured paws to prevent infection.
- Hypovitaminosis, nutritional deficiency. Alopecia can be caused by a lack of beta-carotene, tocopherol, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Deficiency of these substances worsens the condition of the coat and hair follicles. Winter molt, which occurs against the background of hypovitaminosis, can be caused by the constant feeding of the dog with dry food.
- Parasitic invasion. Fleas and lice can appear even in winter. To exclude the presence of parasites in a dog, it is necessary to carefully examine its coat.Insect colonies usually form behind the ears, on the belly, in the armpits and inner thighs. In addition to adults, larvae and redness of the skin after a bite can be found on the pet's body.

Many people ask what to do to prevent winter shedding. First you need to find out the cause of hair loss yourself or with the help of a veterinarian.
You can get rid of winter shedding in dogs in the following ways.
- Determining the cause... You will need to examine the skin of the dog for the presence of allergic dermatitis, parasites and their larvae. If fleas or lice are found, the dog should undergo anthelmintic therapy. Often, blood-sucking insects are carriers of worm eggs. If there is no damage to the skin and coat, it is necessary to take a blood test to exclude infections and hypovitaminosis.
- Compliance with a diet, taking vitamins. It is necessary to purchase premium dry food for the dog. Vitamins can be dissolved in a bowl of water or mixed with animal food. It is recommended to switch the dog from dry food to organic food.
- Normalization of the room temperature. Winter molting can begin due to excessive heating of the apartment. If the coat falls out for this reason, it is not recommended to take the dog outside. Walking in the cold can cause colds in dogs. It is better to leave your pet in the apartment until spring.
- Providing peace. During the molting period, you cannot shout at the dog, introduce the animal to new pets and people.
If the reason for molting is not excessive heating of the house, you can take the animal for a walk 2-3 times a day for half an hour. Prolonged exposure to the outdoors increases the physical activity of dogs, which has a positive effect on the metabolic rate.

How to speed up and reduce hair loss?
It is impossible to stop hair loss during the natural shedding period. At the same time, the physiological process can be accelerated, due to which the pet's hair will recover much faster. To get rid of shedding in a short time, you can resort to the following measures to combat alopecia.
- Avoid overheating. To do this, it is worth adjusting the temperature in the room, excluding walking in direct sunlight.
- Brush out excess hair 2-3 times a day. Timely disposal of the fallen fur will prevent its spread throughout the apartment. The comb should be purchased from pet stores. When choosing a product, you need to consider the type of pet's coat. Short-haired dogs should be additionally wiped off with a hard towel to remove excess hair remaining after brushing.
- Balanced feeding of the pet. The dog spends all internal reserves of energy for the formation of new hair, the hair follicles are intensively supplied with blood. Therefore, vitamin therapy and a proper diet will help the animal to quickly get rid of the old hairline and build up a renewed coat.
- It is recommended to feed your dog foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: fish oil or vegetable oil. For 5 kg of body weight, there should be 1 tsp. funds. It is worth feeding your pet weekly seafood or sea fish fillets.
- Bathing... To combat alopecia more effectively, you can give your pet a warm bath. The animal should be washed with a special product - protein shampoo. The proteins in the product will cause the renewal of the hair and skin. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel for 2 hours, and then comb it out thoroughly.
- Express molt. You can go through the procedure in a special salon or do it yourself at home. To speed up the shedding, you will need to buy a special mask. After bathing, the animal's fur is covered with this agent, covered with a film on top, creating a greenhouse effect, wrapped in a blanket or towel for an hour. The pores of the skin expand, so 90% of the old hair starts to fall out.After the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the mask in warm water and dry the dog with a hairdryer.

At the same time, such measures to accelerate shedding do not work with prolonged and unnatural hair loss. If the dog begins to shed hair intensively, this indicates the development of a pathological process or age-related changes in the dog's body. If the owner notices that molting continues longer than usual and the dog is becoming lethargic, he should contact the veterinarian for analysis. In most cases, abnormal hair loss occurs in the following cases:
- violation of water and electrolyte balance, dehydration;
- unbalanced diet;
- hormonal imbalance;
- parasitic invasion;
- disorders of the immune system;
- hepatitis;
- damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
- renal and hepatic impairment;
- severe stress, emotional upheaval;
- allergy.

With the development of molt against the background of any disease, it is necessary to provide it with nutrients. You can buy ready-made food, vitamin and mineral complexes or preparations in zoo pharmacies, or prepare food for your pet yourself. Eating natural foods can help your dog cope with long-term hair loss more effectively. At the same time, this method hits the owner's wallet and requires strict control over the content of vitamins in food, which are responsible for the condition of the coat.
Before adjusting the diet, you should familiarize yourself with the nutrients that your dog needs during molting.
- Vitamin A. Retinol is responsible for the production of elastin, collagen and keratin fibers. With its deficiency, the fragility of the hairline increases, the coat begins to fade.
- Vitamin group B. They are responsible for the condition of the sebaceous and sweat glands. If the production of sebum is impaired, the condition of the skin improves, peeling and itching develop. Progressive pathology can develop into dermatitis.
- Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is not only responsible for immunity. The nutritious compound improves the blood supply to soft tissues, including the hair follicles in the subcutaneous fat. Thanks to the increased microcirculation, the hair follicles receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and energy, which helps to speed up the shedding process.
- Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They shorten the renewal of the hairline, improve the structure of the coat. With regular intake of fatty acids, the animal's fur becomes soft and begins to shine.
- Mineral components... Manganese and copper are responsible for the formation of new wool. Sulfur prevents the development of hyperkeratosis, the appearance of dandruff, and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Phosphorus and calcium restore shine and silkiness to the coat.
Among the ready-made vitamin complexes, the most effective brands are Yumega Boost, Safari Skin and Coat and Vits Can. Before giving the drug to the animal, you should consult your veterinarian.

To prevent prolonged shedding in dogs, the following preventive measures should be followed.
- Routine veterinary examination. A visit to a specialist will help in time to prevent the development of pathology that could cause premature molting.
- Regular brushing of the coat after bathing.
- Self-examination of the animal 1-2 times a month. It is worth checking the wool for parasites, examining the skin for allergies. The onset of the disease can be indicated by the deterioration of the condition of the gums and teeth.
- Eliminate stress... Emotional stress negatively affects the health of the animal.
- Providing essential vitamins. Regular balanced nutrition activates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system and improves the condition of the hairline.

At the same time, the most effective protective measures for your pet are constant care and attention. It is worth walking the dog daily, avoiding overheating or hypothermia.Walking with the owner in the fresh air restores the psychoemotional state of the animal, increases its physical activity.
You will learn about which breeds of dogs do not shed from the video below.
Our seasonal molt dragged on for almost a year, and bald patches began to appear on the dog. After the tests, the veterinarian prescribed only vitamins to drink. After the course, I noticed that the bald patches were covered with a dense hedgehog, and the hair began to fall out much less.
A Dalmatian is like a Christmas tree, all year round the wool is crumbling: a little bit, black and white, fine and tough like needles. This is a peculiarity of the breed, even dark clothes will not help. And in the car, in which he has never been, everything is covered with wool.