Nicknames for dogs

Choosing nicknames for dogs

Choosing nicknames for dogs
  1. Rules for choosing dog nicknames
  2. What name can be given to a puppy depending on the breed?
  3. We take into account the gender
  4. Alphabetical nickname selection
  5. What else can you call?
  6. Celebrity dog ​​names
  7. How to train to respond?

Having got a puppy in the house, each owner thinks about how to name him. A correctly chosen nickname plays a huge role in the upbringing of a four-legged baby, moreover, there is an opinion that the character of the dog will correspond to the character of the name with which it was named.

Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right nicknames and how to accustom a dog to a name, as well as get acquainted with popular, funny and unusual names for pets.

Rules for choosing dog nicknames

When choosing a name for a dog, you need to be guided, first of all, by common sense, because the dog may not even react to too long and strange nicknames. Therefore, many recommend adhering to some rules.

  • You can easily come up with a name for your pet yourself, but you should take care that it is not offensive, rude or negative.
  • The name should be easy to pronounce, since long and complex nicknames will be difficult for the owner to pronounce, especially in a situation where you need to quickly react and call the pet.
  • It is best for the nickname to reflect some individual characteristics of the dog, be it character traits that are noticeable from puppyhood, or external features.
  • It is also good if the name is sonorous and sonorous. So it will be easier for the pet to remember it, respectively, and it will react much better to it.
  • It is recommended to consider the size and breed of the dog, as some names may sound downright ridiculous, for example, for a large animal or for a pet that is too small and cute.
  • You should not name an animal after relatives or former pets who are no longer alive. This can leave a negative imprint and affect your relationship with the animal. In addition, the fact that the puppy is also an individual and deserves its own name, chosen only for him, should not be overlooked.
  • It is also not recommended to call your pet any human names, as this can cause resentment in some people, and some may even show aggression.
  • It is worth noting that the name should not contain syllables that are consonant with forbidding commands, as this can also cause a negative reaction in the dog.
  • And, of course, when choosing a name, you should take care of the comfort of the animal itself. Before dwelling on any one option, you should check how the dog reacts to a particular name, since it is not uncommon for certain nicknames to cause aggression in animals. Most often this is typical for grown-up puppies and dogs, animals from the street and from the shelter, which have negative past experiences associated with certain names.

What name can be given to a puppy depending on the breed?

When a puppy of a certain breed appears in the house, as a rule, the nickname develops by itself. For example, quite often white fluffy babies of the Spitz or Samoyed breed are called quite simple nicknames - Snowball, Fluff, Snow, guided by the fact that the representatives of these breeds have white voluminous wool.

For puppies of different types of shepherd dogs, more noble beautiful names are chosen. For example, the girl can be called Olivia, Vesta, Linda or Burma, and for boys, nicknames such as Rex, Gray, Lord, Troyan, Archie or Anchar are perfect... The main thing is that the name is in harmony with the size of the pet.

For dachshund puppies, it is sometimes quite difficult to find suitable names, since the dachshund, although small in size, still looks quite impressive and sometimes even strict.

The most common names among dachshunds are Stan, Tyson, Fuji, Arnie, Loki. But some owners name their pets in a more original way, guided by their mischievous nature - Bun, Veselchak, Happy, Sunny.

For puppies of English, French bulldogs and pugs, the choice of a nickname can also be a problem, since their features are quite specific, and their character is sometimes very restrained. Such options as Motya, Jucy, Donald, Roni, Daisy, Alf will sound interesting.

The popular nowadays dogs of the husky and malamute breeds also deserve original names. For example, such as Alpha, Maya, Basta, Ketsy, Stefan, Odin, Lassie, sound pretty noble and beautiful. Also very original are short names such as Butch, Rich, Bo, Boss, Ron, Sam and Dick.

Pedigree puppies, regardless of breed, are usually given fashionable and unusual nicknames.

Most often, even in the nursery, the animal is given a name corresponding to the documentation. As a rule, the first letters of the puppies' nicknames correspond to the letter of the alphabet and the order of the litter, and a prefix is ​​added - the name of the kennel. The owners can leave the nickname in the same form as it will be listed in the passport, shorten it or completely change it for home content.

We take into account the gender

Among other factors, when choosing a nickname, it is very important to take into account the sex of the dog. A dog named by a female name does not itself understand the difference, but others will react violently to this, and some may even joke and laugh, which may well cause discomfort in the dog.

Let's take a look at a variety of fun and common names for dogs of different genders.

For boy

An excellent name for a small dog can be Russian names such as Sharik, Bobik, Barbos, Zhorik, Lelik, as well as foreign names - Ricci, Robbie, Sammy.These nicknames sound pretty touching, so it is very likely that dogs with similar names will be good-natured and playful.

For large and fit dogs, you need to choose a suitable nickname, with which the appearance and character of the animal will be in harmony. Ideal nicknames are: Jacques, Jack, Lick, Fox, Arnold, Bob, Rob, Joe, Beam.

Some take an example from different TV shows and films and call dogs in a similar way, which in some cases is completely undesirable. For example, Dog is not a very suitable name for a dog, but some still give such a name to their pet, taking as an example the Russian TV series of the same name.

Names such as Marki, Hachiko or simply Hati, Charlie and Mukhtar are also common. All these nicknames are taken from American and Russian films and cartoons, the main characters of which are dogs.

For medium to large males, names such as Mark, Ralph, Tuzik, Tishka, Tosha, Caesar, Kurt, Kord, Corey, Toby are well suited.

You should not call the dog by female nicknames or names with an indeterminate gender, this can cause an ambiguous reaction from others, which may well be followed by the corresponding reaction of the dog.

For girl

The choice of a name for a girl must be given special attention, since female dogs are always different in character, more quivering and calm, and also much more sensitive to the reactions of others.

For example, if a dog's name is overreacted and aggressively reacted, and also treated with derision, your dog may be ambiguous about such a reaction, responding with resentment or even worse - aggression.

For small dogs, these options are Minnie, Mili, Masya, Mouse, Flea, Jusi, Chapa, Tyapa, Lucy, Sonya, Paw, Pug. As a rule, such nicknames sound very affectionate, friendly and fully correspond to the size of the animal, gently emphasizing it.

Medium-sized dogs also need to find a suitable nickname. Nicknames such as Lassie, Lorry, Mushka, Dana, Martha, Bonya, Ari, Sally, Molly, Tami will do. Names that sound harsher and harsher may not be very harmonious with the appearance of the animal.

There are many more options for nicknames for large animals. This is due to the fact that the appearance of a large dog can be both formidable and stern, and touching, therefore, different options will be appropriate.

Depending on the situations, the following nicknames may come up: Lana, Oliva, Bella, Aria, Laura, Lara, Amelia, Christie, Julie, Allie, Elma.

Alphabetical nickname selection

Few people know, but it is believed that the nickname of the animal, which begins with a certain letter of the alphabet, carries a special meaning. Consider the features of choosing names for a particular letter:

  • A. It is believed that if the animal's nickname begins with this letter, then the dog will be very prudent, well-mannered and successful in training. The most original options are Iris, Amir, Scarlet, Amur, Alisha, Anita, Astra, Aurora.
  • B. If this letter is the first in your pet's name, you should know that he will grow up to be a big fan of long walks in the fresh air. Nicknames such as Besta, Berta, Bart, Bobby, Barney, Brutus, Baya, Beli, Betty, Burma will sound very beautiful and unusual.
  • V. This letter at the beginning of the animal's nickname will characterize it as the owner of a very outstanding intellect. Popular options are Varley, Watson, Vegas, Raven, Villa, Veya, Vesna, Varda, Viola.
  • G. Nicknames starting with this letter speak of the animal's disgust and excessive picky in the choice of its surroundings. The original options are Le Havre, Hans, Huck, Hector, Gosh, Green, Grace, Goldie, Gitta, Gypsi or Gilla.
  • D. The pet will be cunning and quick-witted, and will also hide all kinds of things in various places. Examples - Dyke, Dick, Julie, Dakar, Jamal, Dorothy, Jeric, Dinah, Dusya, Derek, Ginny, Donnie.
  • E and Y. A dog with a nickname starting with these letters will consider itself a full-fledged master in the house, recognizing the authority of only a select few. Interesting options are Erosha, Yelai, Yenisei, Hedgehog, Yerdzhin, Erida, Engo, Emai, Yevsey, Emelya.
  • J. Give your puppy a name that starts with this letter and you will grow up to be a real neat. Original nicknames - Zhorik, Rogue, Jean, Zhuchka, Zheys, Zhastin, Jerome, Jardan, Jean-Paul, Pearl or Zhemchuzhinka, Zhanik, Zhulya.
  • Z. Your furry pet will be a real lover of master's attention and affection. Fun options - Zeus, Marshmallow, Zeke, Zico, Zlata, Nibbler, Zolt, Zendai, Zorro, Serpent, Zimbo, Zerri.
  • AND. The animal will have a calm, peaceful character and a very balanced temperament. Popular options are Raisin, Irma, Iris or Iriska, Ibris, Eli, X, Impulse, Iron, Evie, Yvon.
  • Very rare, but still there are pet names with the letter "Y"... They are characterized by a meek disposition and sometimes even cowardice. The most obvious example of a name starting with this letter is Yosya.
  • TO. The stubborn nature of a fluffy pet will always encourage the owner to take certain actions, especially when it comes to walking or playing on the street. The most popular nicknames starting with this letter are Kuzya, Chris, Keks, Kokos, Kai, Kusya, Kiko, Klim, Krusty, Kasti, Kas, King, Krik, Klaus, Kodi.
  • L. A dog whose name begins with this letter will always gravitate towards comfortable and cozy living conditions. Therefore, it is not uncommon for pets to fall asleep in the master's beds. Non-standard examples - Leo, Lucas, Lucky, Light, Lorry, Lime, Ray, Eraser, Louis, Fierce, Buttercup, Paw, Lexi.
  • M. Pets will be very curious and not always curious enough. Interesting options are Martin, Morty, Mosya, Masya, Mukha or Mukhtar, Meggie, Monty, Markus, Millie, Molly, Masik, Mikhei.
  • N. The loyalty of your pet will make you not only amazed, but also you, because sometimes he will even give his life for the owner. Most original nicknames: Nick, Northan, Nate, Nikki, Nancy, Neo, Nemo, Noisy, Neil, Nesquik, Nigil.
  • O. The tenderness and trepidation of this animal can move anyone. The pet will always be affectionate towards the owners and kind to other people and animals. You can choose for your pet, for example, names such as Oscar, Oliver, Omar, Olaf, Olympia, Onyx, Owen, Ozzy.
  • NS. A little fidget will pick up all the inhabitants of the house, involving them in their mischievous, outdoor games. For a little activist, you can pick up quite original nicknames, for example, Percy, Patrick, Pak, Pitty, Perchik, Pegasus, Pinky, Pluto, Pitty, Pumbaa, Polly.
  • R. An animal's nickname starting with this letter will characterize it exclusively in a positive way. An excellent protector and guard, a loyal friend and reliable companion will give all his love to the owner and his family. A devoted baby can be called such nicknames as Roni, Remmy, Raph, Rocky, Rufus, Riley, Ralph, Rambo, Ricky, Ryde.
  • WITH. The very extraordinary character of the animal will make many wonder and admire him. Unusual examples - Scooby, Sally, Sophie, Snoopy, Spooky, Skye, Sirius, Sammy, Smokey, Sydney, Santana.
  • T. An active and playful dog will always be on the move and constantly busy with something. A suitable name can be chosen, guided by the following examples: Tilly, Tippy, Taptoshka, Timosha, Tikhon, Twix, Titan, Talisman, Totoshka.
  • W. An impressionable and emotional dog will always be surprised at various things and events, as if it happened for the first time. Such a kid needs an appropriate nickname, for example, Umka, Ugolyok, Walter, Uma, Una, Urmas, Uzhik, White, Uranus.
  • F. The animal is characterized by such traits as independence and independence. Sometimes the pet's behavior confuses the owner and even offends him. Suitable nicknames are Foxy, Frosya, Filya, Fox, Freya, Fry, Fibby, Frankie, Frost, Fores, Phobos, France, Floyd.
  • NS. The pet will be characterized by a high level of sensitivity and empathy. He will always be with his master, no matter what problems he is going through. A pet with such traits can be called, for example, Hachiko, Heidi, Heather, Chloe, Harvey, Hugh, Humphrey, Haley, Hunt, Harley, Hope.
  • Ts. The vengeful nature of a little bully can give the owners a lot of trouble, especially if they offend or upset him in some way. The original variants of suitable nicknames are Tsar, Tsedrik, Tsaya, Sukat, Cicero, Cerbi, Ceylon.
  • Ch. The understanding look of a pet can alert and even frighten others, because sometimes it seems that he knows everything and can give away all your secrets. Original and unusual examples - Chappie, Chucky, Choice, Miracle, Chara, Chivas, Chief, Chaffee.
  • Sh and Sh. Characteristic traits for a pet will be composure and the ability to maintain common sense. Sometimes this is more an advantage than a disadvantage. Beautiful and extraordinary examples are Sherkhan, Shayga, Sharik, Sherbet, Shpunya, Shrek, Schwepps, Shustrik, Shtirlets, Shunya.
  • NS. A well-fed pet is very fond of delicious food and cannot always stop on time. Names such as Edmond, Erica, Elsa, Emmy, Eragon, Aaron, Edward, Eddie, Abby, Alvin, Erman, Eclair will do.
  • NS. The animal is incredibly loyal, so it will love its owner regardless of his actions, even if they harm the dog itself. Interesting examples are Yunika, Eugene, Jupiter, Yurik, Jozef, Yuka, Yuppi, Yustaf, Yula.
  • I AM. Self-esteem is the main character trait of a dog, whose name begins with the letter "I". In addition, the animal will be confident in himself and his strength, as well as overly proud. You can choose a suitable nickname from the following options - Yasha, Yarvik, Yasya, Yashma, Yantar, Yasik, Yamal, Yanur, Yar.

What else can you call?

In addition to all of the above names, there are many others that not only have any meaning, but are also just funny, funny and unusual.

Depending on external features

It is quite simple to choose a nickname based on the external characteristics of the dog, the main thing is to get a good look at your pet. For example, if there are many multi-colored spots on its body or there is one large speck of an unusual shape, you can call the dog Spot or Spot (with emphasis on the last and the middle syllables, respectively), depending on the sex of the animal.

There are standard variants of dog nicknames for animals of one color or another. For redheads - Ginger, for blacks - Black, for browns or with chestnut-colored wool - Kashtanka and Chestnut. There are also known cases when the owners of white dogs gave them very funny nicknames - Belyash, Umka, Plombir.

By the length of the coat and its structure, you can also come up with rather original and outstanding names.

For example, a fluffy handsome man with soft hair can be called a Fluff or a Fluffy, and a wire-haired pet with slightly protruding hair can be called a Hedgehog, Hedgehog or Hedgehog, in case it is a girl.

Mischievous babies with disheveled fur are often called Pirates due to their robber appearance. They also use pirate names from various films and other suitable options - Merry, Fanny, Rogue, Jumper or Bully.

A puppy with an unusual tail, whether it is an original color or an unconventional shape with a break or an uncharacteristic bend, can be given an appropriate name - Ponytail. Also, a similar nickname is suitable for an animal that is used to following its owner, like a tail.

Also, puppies with an unusual appearance, pronounced eyes and an impudent character are often given a rather suitable nickname - Gypsy, and toddlers with disheveled, slightly unkempt, but incredibly charming appearance - Chunya.


Many people try to choose for their pet not just an interesting, but also a cool nickname, stopping at the most non-standard options. For example, dogs get their nicknames after a certain dish, product or baked goods - Adjika, Bun, Truffle, Potato, Mazik (from Mayonnaise), Soda, Buckwheat, Cheburek or even Sausage.

All this, of course, is funny, but only for the owner, since the animal is unlikely to appreciate such a joke.

Quite often, there are dog names that sound like the names of other animals, birds and insects. Thus, you can meet a dog named Cat, Bear, Beetle, Bull. Also popular are nicknames such as Butterfly, Web, Goat, Dove, Ostrich, Gopher, Sparrow or Raven. Such examples are very unusual, it should be said that the owners of such animals are great jokers and originals.

The names of animals in honor of famous comedians sound rather unusual. For example, Petrosyan, Stanhope, Zhvanetsky, Karlin, Murphy. Also, quite often the names of the dogs sound simple - Joke, Humor, Funny, Laughter, Fun. Such names of pets will not let the owners get bored.

Do not forget about the more traditional, but no less funny and perky versions of dog nicknames. - Surgeon, Hobbit, Bumblebee, Chapay, Hipster, Chanson, Sniper, Uzbek, Schweppes, Cent, Shaman.


Quite often, animals are called unusual, original names, for example, in the Chinese or Korean manner. In these countries, it is customary to call dogs by short nicknames or names consisting of two short words. The most original examples are: Bong Hwa, Kun Koli, Cho Hee, Chin Gu, Min Ku, Hyun Ki.

It is noteworthy that each Korean or Japanese name carries a certain meaning, characterizing the dog as beautiful, wise, nimble, obedient, courageous or friendly. This is the most original way to choose a name for your pet.

It is worth noting that these are the most common nicknames for male dogs. Girls in Korea and China are called, for example, Xing Loi, Choi Gu, Miso, Yang Gwa, Mi Oka, Agi, Byol, Bom Bi. Female names for dogs also have a semantic meaning and are interpreted as trust, love, beauty, smile, and also characterize the small size of the animal - a highlight, baby.

French nicknames for dogs sound quite original and unusual. For example, Avignon, Versailles, Basil, Villemont, Gaspard, Marseille, Orlando, Pascal, Prosecco, Sylvester, Provence, Germont. Almost all French nicknames for dogs are rather long and difficult to remember, but how much charm, grace and mystery lies in them.

Other foreign nicknames also sound original. For example, among the Spanish the most popular are Amigo, Benito, Compadre, Calypso, Chile, Fajita, Consuela, Mariachi and Salsa. Obviously, Spanish nicknames for dogs are quite colorful and have a distinctive sound.

A certain character, which allows you to easily distinguish the origin of the nickname, has the following options:

  • German - Blitz, Hans, Hertha, Otto, Hannah, Fried;
  • Russians - Bandit, Dobrynya, Matryoshka, Mila, Lightning, Berry, Jackal;
  • American - Las Vegas, Malibu, Mickey, Pepsi, Richmond, Sandy, Holly, Chick (from Chicago);
  • typical for northern peoples - Tempest, Viking, Oslo, Scandinavian, Nordica, Nanuk, Caribou.


With the existence of a huge number of nicknames with different meanings, sounds and other characteristics, many owners still try to choose cute, affectionate and harmless nicknames for their pets. Consider a few funny options, the meaning of which can cause tenderness in any person.

  • Dogs, like people, adore sweets, although they are contraindicated for them. But no one forbids calling a pet Cupcake, Twix, Bounty or simply Chocolate.
  • The large eyes of a fluffy baby can help with choosing a nickname for her. Button, Busya or Businka will sound pretty cute. And for a boy with a pretty appearance, the nickname Bantik is quite suitable.
  • Puppies with unusual hair, whether it is a straight fluffy coat or mischievous curls, can also be called original and at the same time cute - Mr. Poohnyashka, Curly or Volosatik.
  • And a fan of digging the ground or digging in muddy puddles can get the affectionate nickname Gryaznul, Chernomazik, Rytkin or Kopusha.
  • Some puppies, playing with their owners, occasionally like to hide somewhere, and then jump out, happily wagging their tail. For such pets, the most appropriate nicknames would be Mystery, Secret or Surprise.
  • And, of course, how to forget about the four-legged lovers of delicious food. Puzik, Puzyash, Kruglyash, Vkusnyash and Pirozhok are ideal names for these fluffy babies.


In addition to original and kind nicknames with a positive meaning and meaning, dogs are also called rather formidable names. And if in cases of the harsh appearance of an animal this is quite understandable, then the formidable names of cute fluffies raise a lot of questions. Besides, many are of the opinion conditioned by one proverb: "As you name a boat, so it will float", therefore, they believe that the formidable nickname will leave a mark on the character of the dog.

For example, a dog named Thunder can bark very loudly and loudly for no reason, but a moot point is whether the dog does so because of the appropriate nickname or received such a name because of its barking. For female animals, the name Thunderstorm is often used.

The name Tiger is suitable for a formidable and stern dog, and Typhoon or Hurricane for the restless lover of running and games. Such nicknames will not only fully characterize the temperament of the animal, but also sound very cool and unusual from the mouth of the owner.

Some owners who want to impress others with the appearance of their animals, especially fighting breeds, call their pets as follows: Cerberus, Bes, Lucifer, Demon. But you should be careful, because such names are alarming to other people, and they can react negatively to the animal, even without knowing its character.

The menacing names also include such names as Fang, Wolf, Evil (Evil and Evil are also found), Dark, Darkness, as well as other options formed from the names, surnames and nicknames of various personalities known for their negative actions.

With meaning

Many owners try to give their pets names with meaning, with a meaning that symbolizes something. So, for example, with a dog named Victoria, victory will settle in your house. And a nickname like Handa will symbolize fun and laughter.

Khabib is called a beloved, affectionate pet, while Hapgir means that an animal can bite on the sly. Khomush and Khapak - symbolizes calmness, silence and silence, and such nicknames as Haila, Hailar, Kholyk symbolize cunning and mischievous character.

Few people know, but the name Rex is interpreted as pliability, success in training, but calling the dog Buran, one should not be surprised at its hot temperament. A dog named Toshi will become a real reflection of the character of its owner, and baby Amethyst will be capricious and unyielding.

Nicknames such as Morgan, Fuku, Aiko and Simon exclusively symbolize happiness and love. both to adults and to children, and the nickname of the dog Keane suggests that this is a real protector and guardian of the family.

If you want the animal to be docile and have a calm disposition, name it Yoshiko, Jack or Quint and you will never have problems with your pet. But if you want to see a self-confident, noble dog next to you, Hard and Rao will be the most suitable names for him.

A cheerful, mischievous doggie will suit the nickname Midori, meaning that the animal will always be young at heart. But a puppy born in spring can be symbolically called Haru or Sumi, which will mean his birth on a clear spring day.

It is worth noting that such a semantic load is carried only by oriental nicknames, which can be perceived quite difficult by the ear of a Russian person, therefore, most often such names are given to dogs of Chinese and Japanese breeds in the respective countries.

Also, a certain meaning is embedded in the names of animals given to them in honor of great thinkers and scientists and writers. For example, Kant, Nietzsche, Socrates, Aristotle (shortly Aris), Kafka, Newton or even Freud.

In honor of famous personalities

Sometimes dogs are given very unusual names in honor of famous personalities. To some, this idea seems incredibly original, while others consider it overkill and completely inappropriate. But one way or another, as a rule, such nicknames are quite consistent with their four-legged owners.

For example, A senator is a smart, calm, respectable dog. By all their actions, they demonstrate nobility and importance. Often, dogs of such characters do not participate in all sorts of fights and squabbles. A similar nickname is given, rather, not in honor of a specific famous person, but in honor of the corresponding position. Likewise, some call dogs simply President.

Speaking of presidents, it is worth mentioning the names given to the dogs in honor of these dignitaries. For example, Roosevelt, Kenedy, Bush, Lincoln (Link for short) and even Obama. Some also call their pets after other dignitaries, for example, Churchill or Winston. It should be noted that animals are rarely named after Russian politicians.

It often happens that the owners name their dogs after football clubs. For example, Chelsea, Barcelona or simply Barca, Manchester, Spartak, as well as in honor of football players - Messi, Beckham, or briefly Becky, Rooney, Zidane, Biel (in honor of the football player Diniyar Bilyaletdinov), Dzeko, Torres, Oliver or Pele.

Dogs are also named after singers, usually foreign. The most popular are Frank, Snoop, Fox, Michael, Freddie and even Elton. Among the nicknames for girls, the most common are Britney, Madonna, Christie, Paris, Linda, Gaga, Miley and Janet.

In addition to all of the above, dogs are also named after actors and even in honor of movie characters., in which the favorite actors of the owners starred. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find dogs named Dean, Cas, Crowley or even Winchester. Animal names are often found - Carey, Mat, Sophie, Oli, Bailey, Lexi or Lassie, as well as Brandy, Randy, Sidney and Courtney.

It also happens that the owners name their dogs after superheroes, fairy-tale characters and transformers.

Thus, in parks and courtyards around the world, you can easily find the four-legged Robin, Batman, Sherlock, Flash, Thor, Hulk, Logan, Rumpel (from the tale of Rumplestiltskin), Belle, Ariel or Snowball (derived from Snow White).

Celebrity dog ​​names

A dog can be safely called a friend of man - smart, funny, quick-witted, loyal and loving animals win the hearts of absolutely all people. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that celebrities have four-legged friends with different funny names.

For example, famous actor Ian Samerhalder is famous not only for his roles in films and TV series, but also for his boundless love for animals... He has several dogs: the American Pit Bull Terrier, despite the female gender, bears the nickname Nietzsche, and another adorable peach-colored girl is called Sakhalia. Ian treats his pets very carefully and always talks about them with great love.

A favorite of women, handsome actor Ryan Reynolds also has a pet, a golden retriever, which he picked up on the street. The dog's name is Baxter, he is very loyal and inquisitive, and under the caring wing of the famous owner, he really blossomed and now he is happy to keep him company not only on walks, but also on the set.

Famous TV presenter, Russian actress Tatyana Lazareva also has a pet, whom she took in one of the orphanages in Moscow. A small black dog with a playful, mischievous character is called Iriska.

It is impossible not to mention the Russian singer, the former lead singer of the golden line-up of the Via Gra group - Anna Sedokova, who has two four-legged favorites. First, Anna got a funny Yorkshire terrier named Bulka, and after a while he was accompanied by a charming Shiba Inu named Maru. Anna affectionately calls her Marusya.

Sandra Bullock, like many other celebrities, adopted her dog from the shelter. The kid's name is Poppy, he does not have one paw, but this does not prevent him from enjoying life.

But the good deeds of Sandra did not end there, since Poppy was accompanied by the Chihuahua Ruby, who has no front legs due to developmental disabilities.

Sergey Lazarev also has a pet who previously lived in the shelter. This is a black, rather large dog, which he named Daisy. The singer adores her infinitely and misses his four-legged favorite on distant touring tours.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention Alexei Vorobyov, whose pet has not left his Instagram feed for many years. The funny baby corgi breed was named Elvis and the singer was truly devoted to his furry friend. Unfortunately, Elvis is no more, the dog was sick for a long time, and various methods of treatment could not cope with his illness.

Orlando Bloom spotted his pet while filming in Morocco. The puppy was sold by an aged man, and the actor just once could not pass by. Orlando named his pet Saydee, which means "lord".

How to train to respond?

After choosing a suitable nickname, the owner may have a question - how to accustom the dog to her name? The process can get long and time-consuming, but it can be simplified by following some guidelines.

  • First of all, for a while, it is worth forgetting all diminutive nicknames, since during the period of accustoming a dog to a nickname, it is necessary to use only it, referring to the animal. Also, you should not distort the name, trying to affectionately name the dog, this can lead to the fact that the animal simply will not respond and react later.
  • The nickname is most often used to attract the attention of an animal, so it is necessary to consolidate a positive reaction. As soon as the dog begins to respond to its name, it will be necessary to praise and treat it with a treat.
  • So that the puppy does not think that his nickname is something offensive or formidable, it is not recommended to pronounce the name in a stern voice at the stages of training. It is also forbidden to distort the voice in the other direction, lisping, beckoning the animal. It is necessary that his name sounds in your usual, familiar voice for the puppy.
  • When you are treating your toddler with treats or praising for another command, it is recommended that you stroke his coat and call him by name, noting the praise. Thus, the animal will develop a positive attitude towards the nickname and he will quickly get used to it.
  • Do not expect an instant reaction from the animal to the nickname, while the puppy has not yet got used to it. And even more so, do not punish a pet for not immediately responding to your call. Punishment may only be appropriate if the dog clearly knows his nickname, but does not intentionally react to it.
  • It is necessary to carry out special exercises for accustoming to nicknames. To do this, you need to close with the puppy in the room, removing all toys and objects that can distract him, then armed with treats you need to call the name of the animal and treat him whenever he reacts.
  • As soon as you notice that the puppy is already reacting to his name every time you say it, you need to start reducing the number of rewards, and then completely nullify them.The animal must understand that responding to the nickname is the norm, and not a service to the owner.
  • Once the indoor lessons have been mastered, it is necessary to accustom your toddler to the name in a street space where there are many distractions everywhere. This can be a daunting task, so it is recommended that you keep your puppy on the leash during the process and, when he is not responding to your call, pull or yank the leash to get his attention.
  • If you have to retrain an adult animal, then your actions should be extremely simple - as if nothing had happened, you need to start calling the dog a new name and ask the rest of the family to do the same. It is also recommended to periodically treat the animal with a treat.

It is also worth noting that the best encouragement for a dog is the love and affection of the owner, therefore, for your attention and disposition, the pet will follow any commands and will gladly accept any name that you choose for him.

How to choose a name for a dog, see the next video.

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