Golden Rottweiler: description and care

The Rottweiler is one of those dog breeds that ideally embodies the functions of guarding and protecting both premises and humans.

It is no secret that this dog is accustomed to in black, but occasionally you can see advertisements for the sale of golden puppies. It is worth figuring out whether such a color really exists, and what are the reasons for its appearance.
A breed like the Rottweiler has a long history. Since the Middle Ages, dogs have been used in various fields: grazing, guarding houses, helping soldiers in war. Only in the 20th century did the breed find a standard, and dogs began to be attracted to serve in the police, as well as assistants in rescue operations. This popularity has survived to this day.
If we talk about the color of Rottweilers, then here we can note only one, standard. It is black and tan. All other colors, including golden, are the result of mixing breeds and are not recognized by the standard. Purebred golden Rottweilers are extremely difficult to find, almost always mestizo.However, such a dog is no worse than the rest, its character traits are the same as those of black Rottweilers. The animal may well be used for protection or simply be a friend to its owner. But participation in the exhibition for mestizos is prohibited, as well as breeding.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of keeping gold Rottweilers:
- they are smart and hardy dogs;
- an unusual color will surely attract attention and arouse the admiration of other people;
- animals are loyal to their owners, they will protect them to the last;
- do not require special care;
- love children very much.
There are also disadvantages:
- the owner of the dog must be an active person, strong in body and spirit;
- animals are wayward, they are difficult to train;
- these are large dogs, it is problematic to keep in an apartment;
- require frequent and mobile walks.

Specific traits
The golden Rottweiler is a strong and large animal. Boys weigh up to 52 kg, girls usually weigh no more than 42 kg. The growth of a male dog ranges from 60-70 cm, of a female - up to 63. The head of the dog is powerful, large, but does not look too massive. The nose is wide, black, the lips are tightly closed, also necessarily black. The eyes are medium in size and brown in color. The teeth and jaws are strong, strong, a scissor bite is observed. Ears are triangular, drooping.
The body of the dog is muscular, the chest is very well developed. The neck is thick and of medium length. The back is straight, the stomach does not sag. Paws are well developed, muscular. The front legs are straight, the hind legs are slightly turned out. The tail can be docked or not, in which case it will have an average length. The coat is tough to the touch, but the undercoat will be softer.
In addition, it should be remembered that this standard may fluctuate, since the golden Rottweiler (if it is a mestizo) is quite capable of inheriting some external features from the parent of another breed.

In general, representatives of the Rottweiler breed live quite a long life - at least 10 years. But for this, the animals must be provided with good conditions of stay.
It is advisable to keep Rottweilers in a private house. In warm seasons, the dog will feel great in the yard, where there is a comfortable booth or aviary. In winter, the animal must be taken to the house. The resting place is being set up even before the purchase of the puppy. It should not be located in a ventilated place or near batteries, as well as where people are constantly walking. In addition, you will need to purchase bowls, toys, a leash, and a muzzle.
Walking golden rottweilers at least 2 times a day, the walks themselves should last at least half an hour, the long duration of the dog will perceive with a bang. Walking should be combined with active jogging and games.
By the way, not all dogs will like this - mostly Rottweilers like to wander around calmly. In this case, the dogs should be attracted to the treats.

Taking care of the animal is completely easy. Golden Rottweilers comb twice a week, bathing is needed only twice a year. However, the paws should be washed after every walk. Claws are trimmed only when needed. But in general, the dogs themselves bite them or rub them on solid ground. Ears and eyes are checked weekly they are cleaned with special preparations, which can be bought at the veterinary pharmacy. Simultaneously brush their teeth, for this, a tampon sprinkled with soda is used.
Golden Rottweilers are fed twice a day, for this you can use both store and natural food. It is also worth noting that dogs are incredibly prone to gaining weight, they love to overeat, so the amount of food must be regulated. If the animal begins to recover, the daily rate is cut by a third. Once a week, a fasting day on fermented milk products is recommended for dogs. Water should always be in unlimited quantities.
If preference is given to "natural", Rottweilers are given only lean meat, boiled fillets of sea fish, porridge.
Chicken eggs are introduced into the diet a couple of times a week, and sour milk, vegetables and sunflower oil are required. As for the prohibited products, here it is worth noting fatty meat, river fish, sweets, citrus fruits, tubular bones. All dog food is served warm and at the correct time. After 15 minutes, the bowl is removed, even if the animal ignored its contents.

In order for a golden Rottweiler puppy to grow up loyal and obedient, the parenting process should be started from the very first day. It is worth noting that for this breed it is advisable to find a professional trainer who knows his job well. This is true if a puppy of this breed is your first dog, and before that you had no business with security and fighting dogs. remember, that a situation left on its own, constant indulgence of the puppy, the laziness of the owner himself can lead to the fact that a naughty, aggressive creature will grow from a small lump, which will be very difficult to re-educate.
If you are already an experienced dog breeder, and you feel the strength to raise the animal on your own, then you should start with simple commands, and the duration of the training should be defined as 10-15 minutes. By two months, the baby should know his nickname, and also understand when he is ordered to go to his place or is called to eat. By three - the dog should be taught to walk on a leash, as well as the commands "fu" and "no".
In addition, the dog should already be able to paw. At 5 months old, the golden Rottweiler is taught that it is impossible to take foreign objects from the ground, the ability to walk next to the owner.

The six-month-old puppy already knows the commands "voice", "bring" and others. From this age, dogs are taught to search for objects by smell. In a year, the animal is taught how to detain criminals, the dog must master the command "fas", be able to protect the owner from any misfortune. By the way, it is at 6 months that animals show the greatest resistance to lessons... Puppies "probe" the owner for weak points, trying to establish their authority, they can growl. For such actions, it is imperative to punish: lift by the scruff of the neck, knock on the nose easily, take away a treat.
The socialization of the golden Rottweiler should take place in parallel with its upbringing. You need to walk with the puppy, introduce him to other dogs and people. Thus, the dog will memorize new smells and sounds, which will contribute to the formation of a healthy psyche.
During walks, the owner must remember that his task is calm behavior. If you start to swear with other people, raise your voice, then the animal will regard this as a threat, and will attack the offender of its owner. And this is fraught with huge fines.

How to choose a puppy?
Those who decide to buy a golden Rottweiler should not forget that mestizos are often sold under the guise of such an unusual puppy. Such dogs can also be bought and raised; with good care, they will show themselves perfectly. But it should be borne in mind that no one is responsible for the nature of the mestizo. Therefore, experts do not recommend buying Rottweilers from hands, it is better to contact a nursery.
In the nursery for golden Rottweilers there are certain documents, which clearly indicate that this is a color marriage. It is extremely difficult to find real golden individuals, but it is still possible if you are looking for just such a dog.
The appearance of the baby should not be different from that of other puppies in the litter. There should be no signs of poor health, weakness, lethargy. An animal cannot growl, rush at a customer, or huddle in a corner.

Ideally, the purchased puppy should be about 2-3 months old, and his mother should be up to 8 years old.... The breeder should also request puppy vaccination reports and x-rays of the parents' joints. This is necessary to exclude genetic diseases of the future pet. Also, do not forget to test the courage of the little ones.To do this, clap your hands loudly or drop a ringing object next to the puppies. Crumbs promising to become brave watchmen will quickly run to the source of the sound, while fearful puppies will whine and run in different directions.
For the characteristics of the breed, see below.
His name is Ralph. It is brown and tan. Rottweiler, but not aggressive. But the French Shepherd with uncropped ears can be aggressive, but only if it is pissed off.