Recommendations for choosing toothpaste for dogs

The quality of life of the dog directly depends on the health of the teeth. The stronger and stronger her jaw is, the longer the dog will live, and this life will be healthy and happy. That is why you should not neglect oral hygiene procedures for pets. And the right dog toothpaste will help with this.

Why do you need it?
The dog, in fact, is deprived of the opportunity to brush its teeth on its own. But over time, plaque accumulates on them, and pathogenic bacteria do their job, destroying tooth enamel. Dogs, like people, suffer from tartar, they have halitosis (bad breath), as well as periodontal disease, in which the gums are destroyed, the teeth become shaky. This can lead to their early loss, and the dog will not be able to eat the usual food, digestion and metabolism are disturbed.
The habit of brushing your teeth is good not only for children and adults, but also for four-legged pets, and you need to teach a shaggy friend to it from a very young age, when you take him to your family as a puppy. An excellent prevention of dental problems in a dog is the regular use of a special toothpaste.

About the composition
Veterinarians advise against brushing a dog's teeth with human toothpaste. Regular pasta, which we are all familiar with, is not suitable for dogs. It contains xylitol and lauryl sulfate in fairly large quantities, which are harmless to humans in small quantities, but can pose a serious danger to an animal.
If you apply ordinary human paste to a dog, the dog quickly begins to feel bad., because he basically does not understand that it is impossible to swallow the paste.If a person starts brushing his teeth and swallowing the cleaning compound, he too will soon feel bad. As we understand, there is absolutely no way to teach a dog to spit pasta into the sink - a dog simply does not have such a reflex and mimic skill as spitting. Therefore, the usual composition of toothpastes, even the best and most expensive ones, is poisonous for pets.
For dogs, special formulations are being developed that will not harm either a small puppy, or a bitch waiting for offspring, or an elderly dog with fragile health due to age.
Despite all the best practices of veterinarians in this area, it is very difficult to accurately compose a hypoallergenic paste for animals, because any chemical component is theoretically alien to the animal's body and can cause allergies. But this risk is small, because the compositions of dog pastes are different from those of humans.

Zoological paste contains purified water that dissolves solid ingredients, titanium dioxide, which removes whitish bacterial plaque. Sorbitol helps to slightly sweeten the mass so that the dog is not so disgusted with the owner of the hygiene of the mouth. Sodium triphosphate helps to deal with plaque, including tough deposits. Veterinary pastes also contain preservatives, without which the product will not be stored, it will deteriorate. However, relatively neutral sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were chosen as preservatives. Enzymes are also added to the composition that dissolve food debris between the teeth of the animal, and sodium bicarbonate whitens the teeth of the pet.
Almost all dog pastes contain flavorings that are pleasant for dogs. If people mainly prefer mint, cedar and coniferous pastes, then for dogs it is easy to find a paste with the taste of meat, vanilla, nuts, tomato or milk: if you wish, you can choose the right taste for the most fastidious animals.
When choosing a paste for a puppy or adult dog, pay attention to the presence of natural additives. It is best to buy pastes that contain lavender, parsley seeds, tea tree oil, and other natural ingredients.

Dogs very often injure the oral cavity by chewing on another toy or bone. They are unable to simply complain about small wounds in the oral cavity, and therefore, for the most part, even caring and attentive owners may not even guess that a shaggy friend generally has such a problem. Natural ingredients in the composition will help faster healing of such small wounds, which will significantly improve the condition of the dog and its mood.
Another compositional tip concerns clay. If purified clay is introduced into the paste, then this is a guarantee of a softer, more delicate and non-traumatic cleaning of the enamel from plaque without the risk of crippling the integrity of the enamel itself.

How to choose?
First of all, familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. This is a very important characteristic of veterinary toothpaste. If you see a product of an unknown company in a store, but the stock is cheap, do not rush to sweep it off the shelf for future use - there are a lot of counterfeit products on the pet products market. A fake paste, if its "authors" are not aware of the requirements for the composition, can be fatal to your animal. It is better to use the products of time-tested and millions of dogs firms that have earned confidence in the quality of their goods.
The expiration date must be checked without fail. It is indicated on the package. If the paste is expired, then there is no guarantee of its safety. The packaging must be intact, and the tube must be securely and tightly closed.
Even if you have chosen, in your opinion, the ideal product, do not rush to immediately test its effect on your pet. Open the tube, inspect the contents. The paste should be homogeneous, without lumps. If it has an uneven color or is too liquid, this indicates that the goods were stored improperly, and the paste cannot be used.
Important! Dog toothpaste should not foam.This is one of the main characteristics of its quality and compliance with veterinary standards.

Best options
For dogs, pasta began to be produced not so long ago - only at the beginning of the new millennium. It is difficult to say what motivated the manufacturers at the initial stage. There are suggestions that the thirst to make more money on the love of the owners for their four-legged friends and companions, since the compositions then were far from ideal and looked more like human ones.
Paste in the understanding of a person is something thick and viscous, in a tube. With regard to dog paste, there may be other options: it comes in the form of a regular paste, in the form of a spray for irrigating the mouth and gums, in the form of a gel that can be easily applied to the teeth and gums without rinsing, as well as in the form of hard tablets that the dog is encouraged to chew with all diligence.
There are also cleaning compounds with which wipes are impregnated, and they are also quite convenient to use for animals. Below we have compiled a list of manufacturers who have received the maximum number of positive reviews not only from dog owners, but also from veterinary specialists.

Harzt Brush N Clean Dental
German-made pasta. The composition is considered one of the most hypoallergenic and safe today. In the package you can find not only a tube of paste, but also a special brush, the design of which is convenient for applying the substance to the teeth of an animal. This remedy is recommended for dogs that are prone to the formation of mineral hard deposits on the tooth enamel. It also freshens the breath of the animal well.

"8 in 1" D. D. S. Canine Dental Kit
This is also a set and includes a versatile double-sided brush that cleans gums, teeth and tongue. One side of the brush is adapted to the anatomical features of the mouth of small dogs and puppies of all breeds. The second half of the brush is intended for adult dogs of medium and large breeds. Also in the package you can find two special thimble brushes that are put on the owner's finger. This is a great option for restless and fidgety animals that cannot stand still for even a few minutes. The pasta itself has a balanced composition with natural ingredients. Everything is made in the USA.

Dental Fresh
A gel-like option, completely useless in the presence of even incipient plaque, but perfectly prevents the formation of stones and mineral deposits at the bases of the teeth. Has a moderate antibacterial effect. It is not necessary to force the dog to brush their teeth if the dog resists desperately. You can simply add some gel-like substance to your pet's food. He will not even notice how he will receive something useful along with the tasty.

Beaphar Fresh Breath Spray
This spray is easy to spray into the mouth of the animal. Developed by a Dutch veterinary laboratory, it is completely safe to swallow. The cost is quite high, but the reviews are extremely positive.

"8 in 1" D. D. S. Dental Breath Tabs
The product is available in solid tablet form. Perfectly relieves the dog from bad breath. The tablets have an alluring meaty smell, like dogs, and therefore it won't take long to persuade an animal to chew on such a cleaning agent. It can be used independently or in combination with the paste of the same manufacturer.

Le Artis
These are wet wipes that can be used to clean the dog's mouth. They have a slight whitening effect, copes well with halitosis. It is undesirable to use separately, the best effect can be achieved if applied simultaneously with any of the above means.
If you choose by price, then the most affordable products are the "8 in 1" series - from 270 rubles. The most expensive is Dental Fresh - its cost exceeds 700 rubles.

Can you make the pasta yourself?
This is quite real. A homemade composition made from natural clay and water can be safe and effective.If you are preparing such a paste for future use, add a natural preservative, such as sage oil or honey, if the dog is not allergic to bee products. For 50 grams of clay and water, you only need a teaspoon of honey or a couple of drops of sage oil.
If you want to whiten your dog teeth, add about half a teaspoon of sea salt to the composition. Please note that the salt must be edible, not for baths. Homemade homemade mixes should not be stored for more than 2.5 weeks. Then you need to prepare a new composition.

Useful Tips
Do not expect your puppy or adult dog to be very enthusiastic about hygienic dental procedures, so the animal must also be taught to brush its teeth. Give it a try first, and as soon as the taste becomes familiar, move on to cleaning.
Do not forget to pet your pet, to calm him down during the procedure. Hold the lower lip with one hand and clean with the other. Dogs have their teeth brushed about 3 times a week.

Review of Trixie Toothpaste for Dogs in the video below.