Job interview questionnaire: examples of filling out

Today, the labor exchange provides many vacancies, but the selection of candidates for different positions is becoming more and more stringent. How to compete in the labor market? The knowledge and ability to correctly draw up an interview questionnaire will help to get a personal conversation with the employer and in the future to find a job without any problems.
What it is?
A questionnaire is a form with a specific set of questions that you are supposed to answer. A job interview questionnaire is a questionnaire developed by the employing company, thanks to which a list of applicants is drawn up for further interviews. Based on the completed questionnaire, the company may refuse the candidate even before the interview.

The law does not register an official form according to which the form must be drawn up, so each employer can draw up it in the most informative form. It is also not an obligatory element of hiring, but a decision of the employing organization itself. The company is committed to enforcing the law on non-disclosure of personal data.
The questionnaire allows the manager to find out before the interview:
- general information about the candidate, often not indicated in the resume - his interests and views on life, hobbies, status in society;
- the most important issues related to competence, organization and commitment to work;
- why this candidate is interested in this particular position, how strong the interest is.
Short questions and short answers given to them allow the recruiter to imagine in general terms the professional and personal portrait of the interviewee, to determine in advance the tactics of conducting an interview, or to “weed out” inappropriate candidates for this position. The questionnaire stage makes it possible to optimize the search for the right employee and reduce his time by 30-50%.

What is the difference from a resume?
Many applicants are interested in the expediency of filling out a questionnaire, because before that the employer had the opportunity to get acquainted with the resume. But experienced recruiters claim that these are different and completely non-mutually exclusive documents. Each of them has different ultimate goals:
- resume provides an opportunity to assess professionalism, experience gained in a particular field of activity, professional suitability;
- interview questionnaire allows the employer to consider the socio-psychological qualities of a potential employee.
Sometimes job seekers tend to hide some information about their life from the employer, which makes them not mention it in their resume. It is the questionnaire in this case, with the help of correctly formulated questions, that allows you to get answers to questions that were not sanctified in the resume. Attempts to evade the answer will not elude the experienced eye of the recruiter, and the lack of an answer will make you think about further consideration of the candidate.
Most often, the survey is carried out among applicants for particularly responsible positions or requiring certain personal characteristics of the employee.

How to compose a questionnaire?
Experienced recruiters "ate the dog" while preparing questionnaires for candidates, because it is very convenient and does not require large expenditures on the part of the company. But if you, as an employer, first encountered the need to draw up a questionnaire for a job interview, then you can rely on the general principles of drawing up this document.
So, the main sections of the questionnaire include:
- Full name, age, citizenship, contacts, home address (sometimes with indexes);
- marital status;
- military rank;
- education: basic profile and additional courses, seminars, trainings;
- possession of the skills necessary for work (foreign languages, computer skills, category of driver's license and driving experience);
- work experience in reverse chronological order in the last 5 places, indicating the dates of the beginning and end of work, the name of the company, position, functional responsibilities and the reason for dismissal;
- desired salary level;
- hobbies and additional information about yourself, information about bad habits;
- readiness for business trips and relocation.
The design can be in any order, it can contain underlined lines for an extensive answer, or cells for the corresponding designations (with instructions on what certain characters mean). The questionnaire should be composed competently, without using intricate figures of speech, concisely and without ambiguity. You should not add items that may violate the applicant's personal boundaries or offend.
Questions about religion, nationality, origin and financial situation are unacceptable.

How to fill out?
In the form of the questionnaire, you must answer briefly and exhaustively. You should not lie in the questionnaire, as then it can become the reason for the failure of the interview or dismissal.
Sample answers to the questionnaire when applying for a job.
Interview questionnaire
Full name: Petrov Petr Petrovich
Date of birth: 09.09.1986 (33 years old). Russian citizenship
Place of residence: St. Petersburg, st. Tsvetnaya, 10
Contact phone number: + XXXXXXXXXXX
Email address: petrovpetr @ mail. ru
Marital status: married, 2 children
Acquired education:
Educational institution | receipt date | expiration date | Faculty | Specialty, qualification |
Saint Petersburg National University of Economics and Finance | XX. XX. XXXX g. | XX. XX.XXXX g. | Software engineering | Software engineer |
Further Education: Online Course in Software Engineering (2017)
Knowledge of foreign languages: English B2

Work experience:
date | Name of the organization | Position | Functional responsibilities | Reasons for dismissal |
XX. XX. XXXX - XX. XX. XXXX | Microsoft Corporation, Russia | Software engineer | Software development | Impossibility of career growth |
Desired salary level: XXX thousand rubles.
Hobbies: golf, chess
Additional information about myself: I have a driving license of group B
I do not mind checking the information I have provided.
Date of execution: XX. XX. XXXX Signature: ____________